How to install plastic doors on the balcony. Ways to install balcony doors. Finishing window and door slopes

Balcony doors, as well as windows, are among the structures that protect the home from the outside world. And the requirements for them are to provide protection from noise, drafts, cold air and other environmental challenges. Plastic doors with fittings that are used for windows made of similar material make these designs very similar. One of the advantages of this choice is that the installation of a PVC balcony door is an uncomplicated process.

A plastic door to the balcony is preferred because:

  • The tightness of the design gives it soundproofing properties.
  • Dust from the street does not enter the room with the doors closed.
  • Allows you to save energy costs, thanks to high heat-insulating performance.
  • Convenient ventilation system.
  • Has an aesthetic look.
  • Relatively low cost compared to similar wood structures.
  • Wide choose color solutions, which allows you to pick up the block without disturbing the existing style of the room.
  • The ability to choose a design with the desired degree of sound insulation and UV protection.
  • Long service life.
  • Moisture resistant design, does not swell or rot.

The disadvantages of plastic balcony doors still include their lack of environmental friendliness. The PVC from which they are made is a toxic material. But this indicator is manifested only with an increase in air temperature. Therefore, in rooms where an extremely high air temperature is constantly maintained, the use of such structures is undesirable.

Types of plastic balcony doors

Depending on what kind of opening exists under the door to the balcony or loggia, choose the type of construction:

Possible options:

  • a plastic balcony door is located between two windows,
  • windows in the structure to the right of the door,
  • windows are located to the left of the door.

Preparatory work

If there is a decision to install a new balcony door, then this event begins with drawing up a plan - how the wall with a balcony door should look after the change, what needs to be done for this. You can update the design within the existing opening or change the opening for a fresh idea. Acquire a door block to the balcony of the appropriate type.

If you plan to install metal-plastic windows, then we recommend you our article about. It shows all stages of work.

How beautifully we decorate the door to the loggia with curtains. Design tips and examples with photos.

Usually, after repair, windows and window sills need to be washed and cleaned. And since the pollution is specific, you need to know what you need to use for this. is here.

They are dismantling the old structure. The door is taken off its hinges. The box is removed with a crowbar. The slopes are moistened so that there is less dust. Knock down traces of mortar, mounting foam or other influxes. If the PVC structure is dismantled, then the fastening elements are first removed: self-tapping screws, screws, plates.

What is needed for installation

If you order the installation of a plastic door to a balcony in a company that sells these structures, the craftsmen take about ten percent of the cost of the product. Installing a balcony door with your own hands will save exactly this amount of money.


  • building level,
  • segment knife,
  • drill or hammer drill
  • hammer.

A balcony door can be an independent element or as part of a complex structure together with a window unit.

The kit includes:

  • box,
  • door leaf,
  • fittings,
  • threshold.

You will need:

  • assembly foam,
  • fastening elements: self-tapping screws, dowels, anchor plates.

Important: When purchasing anchor plates, pay attention that they are suitable for installing exactly the type of metal-plastic construction you have chosen.

They are different for single-chamber and double-glazed windows. Their number is determined, taking into account the approximate distance between them of seventy centimeters and fifteen from the edge of the box.

Step by step installation instructions

The installation of a PVC plastic balcony door begins after the preparatory work and the purchase of a metal-plastic construction in a store.

Tip: When buying a balcony door, choose a design that opens inward, especially if the balcony or loggia is narrow.

Threshold device

Its structural parts may be included in the kit or the threshold should be made independently.
The design of the threshold is made of a profile, the same as the door itself. Its structure allows the door frame to fit snugly against it, which ensures the required tightness of the mounted structure. The height of the finished is about six centimeters. Usually in apartments, the exit to the balcony is above floor level. If the result is an uncomfortable threshold height, more than we would like to have, the door threshold to the loggia can be slightly deepened.

Door frame installation

How to install a plastic balcony door and do it right? For this separating the frame from the door leaf and make its installation in the opening. Task: mount the box, strictly orienting it vertically and horizontally, and at the same time observe the technological gaps between the structure and the opening.

If on one side the opening consists of a wooden beam, a box attached to the opening with dowels using a screwdriver. To prevent the side of the box from bending at the attachment point, a temporary support block is inserted from the side of the opening. If the wall of the opening is made of fragile material, for example, foam concrete, then the box is fixed to the wall with mounting plates. At the same time, each plate is fixed with several self-tapping screws, thus distributing the load.

Joint sealing

The joints are sealed with mounting foam in three steps. For better adhesion to the surface, it is moistened.

  1. First, the canister tube is immersed in the gap to the middle of the depth and pass along the entire perimeter, filling part of the void. Movement in the lateral parts is done from the bottom up.
  2. Then fill the gap from the inside and outside.

After the mounting foam has hardened, the excess is cut off with a segment knife. On the cut of the foam, you will see how well the sealing is done. If the removal of excess is done after the foam has completely polymerized, then there will be no voids and shells on the cut. Poor sealing can negate the positive effect of the use of metal-plastic structures. Mounting foam with voids can freeze through and thereby worsen the heat-shielding properties of the structure.

Door leaf installation

Hinges are screwed onto the box and door leaf. With their help, the canvas is attached to the box. The final touch is the installation of accessories.

About that, you will learn from our material.

The matter is not limited to one installation of the door and you will also need to properly configure it. - this article will help you do everything as efficiently as possible and without extra effort.

mosquito net

When installing a plastic door on a balcony, those designs that provide an additional detail are very beneficial in the summer - mosquito net. It is attached to the box on the outside of the balcony on hinges. Design: fine mesh in profile binding, duplicates the balcony door in size. Closes tightly with magnets. It opens towards the balcony, has a small convenient handle on the outside.

How to install the door to the balcony is shown in detail in the video. Recommended for viewing.

Almost all high-rise buildings have balconies or loggias. The owners of such extensions can use these premises not only for storing necessary and unnecessary things, but also for recreation. In any case, a door should separate the balcony from the living room, which is always installed during the construction of apartments.

Very often, people who have moved to a new apartment or have lived in housing for many years have a desire to change the balcony door to a more modern and reliable one. We offer to consider a few recommendations on how to install a balcony door.

You can invite a specialist who, for a fee, will install a new design for you. If you do not have additional funds and are interested in the process self installation, then you can quite carry out the installation of the door with your own hands. To do this, you need to study in detail all the recommendations and perform actions in accordance with them.

Step-by-step plan for installing plastic balcony doors

We offer you an instruction that describes the installation of plastic balcony doors . PVC material is currently the most popular, so it is advisable to describe the installation of just such types. Read more : .

In order to understand the scope of work that you have to do, you need to understand that balcony doors practically do not exist as such. In most cases, this is a complex, which includes both the door frame itself and the window frame located nearby. Accordingly, when replacing some part, you will have to take into account the adjacent window structure.

Pros and cons of a plastic balcony door

In the modern world, the installation of a plastic balcony door attracts many. This popularity is due to a number of advantages:

  1. The plastic door for the balcony, when properly installed, is absolutely hermetic, thanks to which it protects the living space from the penetration of noise and cold.
  2. Very convenient to use. Their operation is almost never accompanied by any special difficulties.
  3. The shelf life of any plastic products is very long. Subject to all operating conditions, the product can serve you all your life.

The main disadvantage is that polyvinyl chloride, the material from which it is made, does not have a high degree of environmental friendliness. Moreover, plastic is even a toxic material. This negative effect increases with a significant increase in ambient temperature. Therefore, it is not recommended to use in places that are subject to frequent heating of the air to extreme values.

Installation of the structure: video and basics

There are many companies that are ready to offer you their services for the installation of balcony doors. But it is quite possible that an understanding of the stages of work will come in handy for you. For installation you will need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • hammer;
  • special knife with a retractable blade;
  • drill or hammer drill.

Before starting the installation of a new structure, it is necessary to get rid of the old one. To do this, it should first be carefully dismantled, removing all screws, self-tapping screws, and so on. During this work, try not to damage the opening itself.

The design can be supplied as a kit, which includes a threshold for a balcony door. In this case, you do not need to worry about anything and you can proceed to the installation of the block itself. If the kit does not have a threshold, but you want to install it, then you will have to work hard. Finishing the threshold is no less important process compared to other installation work.

After that, the direct installation of a plastic balcony door begins. To begin with, we drive two or three nails into the side faces of the door frame, the tip of which should protrude beyond the box for a short distance. This is necessary to create a support. Then we install the box, the vertical and horizontal position of which we measure by means of building level.

We fix the frame in an absolutely flat position with the help of long self-tapping screws. To do this, insert the door frame into the opening and adjust the position using the building level. If the distance between the block and the opening is not the same in different places, then we insert wooden wedges into separate sections, which will allow the position to be leveled.

To ensure the maximum degree of sound insulation and to exclude the penetration of cold air through the opening, it is necessary to close up all the gaps between the walls and the frame. This can be done with mounting foam or mineral wool.

After that, we begin fastening the door with screws, which are carefully screwed in, and dowels, which are driven in with a hammer. Further, the door itself is mounted in the installed box with the help of special hinges, which are screwed to the box and to it with screws.

Accessories are usually included. Therefore, your most important task is to install it correctly, following the instructions.

The installation of plastic window and door blocks is preceded by great thought, because you need to decide to install it yourself or order work from specialists. In addition to aesthetics, plastic doors are expected to retain heat and sound insulation.

Structural differences in pvc framing are of great importance for saving heat. Almost a balcony door is a direct exit to the street. Therefore, everyone carefully considers what the installation of a plastic balcony door will lead to. For clarity, the Internet has a large number of door installations filmed on video, which shows the whole process in detail.

In the construction market, both branded enterprises and handicraft industries offer their products, which are far from the quality of such firms as Rehau, Veka, KBE. In addition to the fact that in small industries, frames can be made from a German profile, and a glass package can be installed from a cheap manufacturer. For balcony plastic door blocks, high-quality installation, durability of installed mechanical devices and accessories are of great importance.

Types of door structures

The designs of doorways are divided into two options:

  • For small rooms, it is considered convenient to install tilt-and-turn doors. Such a design does not take away excess free space in front of it;
  • Sliding door installed in spacious apartments, especially if it is double-winged. sliding door panel affordable way space saving. Balcony sliding plastic doors also let in more light, retain heat better, they are airtight, significantly absorb street noise and are less deformable than other door structures.

Double-glazed windows are also different. They are chosen according to their own taste. Designers offer options with a double-glazed window in the entire doorway or a double-glazed window reinforced with a crossbar, but the most common option is a double-glazed window in combination with a “sandwich” panel.

Installation of a pvc plastic door on a balcony, shown in the video, occurs in the following sequence:

  • Dismantling of the old doors. At the same time, all fasteners are removed, so as not to violate the integrity of the doorway;
  • To create support and rigidity of the structure, nails are hammered along the sides of the former door frame, in the amount of two or three pieces;
  • Installation of metal-plastic in the doorway occurs with the obligatory use of the building level in order to avoid distortions. The design of the block is fixed with self-tapping screws of the required length;
  • Sometimes the door frame and the opening do not quite match even after fitting in this case, wooden wedges are driven in. At the same time, the installer does all the work with his own hands;
  • Gaps, which unfortunately almost always occur during installation, can be eliminated with mounting foam, diligently filling all the cracks with it. A frame from the video shows the cracks being filled with foam;
  • Building foam will protect the room from drafts and provide additional sound insulation;
  • The next stage of installation is to fix the door frame of the installed plastic block with dowels and screws;
  • This is followed by the installation of the door panel. Hinges are fixed on the door frame and door frame with screws. This montage is perfectly shown in the video;
  • Installation of fittings is carried out by following the instructions that accompanies the complete set of the door block.

Do-it-yourself pvc balcony door adjustment

If the installation is carried out with accuracy, then the mechanisms may not work satisfactorily. To eliminate the shortcomings, the door hinges are adjusted using the L-shaped and hex keys. First of all, decorative glazing beads are removed from the hinges.

The screws are tightened, the adjustment takes place in a vertical position.

Correct installation the design of plastic balcony doors is a guarantee that the violation of their movement will not occur soon. However, if there are signs of a malfunction, you should urgently adjust the PVC doors with your own hands, or invite a specialist.

Detection of defects in balcony doors

You can determine whether the design needs regulation using a paper sheet from a notebook. The sheet is placed between the door and the door frame and closed until it clicks. The sheet is advanced along the perimeter, marking the places where it moves. If there are such places, then the door structure should be adjusted, since in the marked places it is weakly pressed against the box

Remember that do-it-yourself repair work can only be carried out after the end of the warranty period.

Revealing the skew, the door plastic panel in the closed position is surrounded by a line (such that it can be erased from PVC without consequences). Then the doors are opened and the resulting line is checked against the edge of the frame. The line of the edge and the line of the outline of the doors should be parallel to each other. The elimination of defects must be done quickly, the distortion affects the operation of the entire structure and the duration of operation.

Having studied the technology of installing balcony doors in one block with a window, you can finally come to the conclusion whether it is worth ordering the installation by specialists or installing everything yourself.

If necessary, you can insert a new balcony block on one's own. Installation plastic window and a balcony door can be done by one person, but it is more convenient to do it together.

Tools and materials

Tools for installing plastic balcony doors with windows:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver (replaced by a screwdriver);
  • level;
  • normal hammer;
  • rubber hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • metal scissors.

Additional materials to be purchased:

  • plastic wedges for leveling (wooden wedges are driven in worse, and eventually dry out);
  • anchor plates, anchors, dowels (choose one of the options);
  • dowels and self-tapping screws with press washers, entering the wall by at least 60 mm;
  • tape PSUL;
  • window sill boards, decorative side plates for them;
  • low tide, threshold, mosquito net;
  • mounting foam;
  • silicone sealant.

Important! Window sill, ebb and threshold can be ordered together as a unit. The threshold can also be made independently from floor covering or suitable material. If you fix the installed unit only on anchor plates, then you can not remove the double-glazed windows from the frames.

Read also:- purpose and rules of equipment


How to install a balcony plastic door with a window? First you need to prepare the room, tools and product as follows:

  1. Remove furniture and furnishings from the room that may interfere with work. What cannot be carried away must be covered with film or newspapers.
  2. Dismantle the old balcony block. To do this, first remove the door and window sashes from the hinges, and then remove the box and frame with a crowbar. If necessary, the box is filed with a hacksaw. The work must be done very carefully so as not to damage the opening. If the old block is made of plastic, then after removing the wings and doors, all fasteners are unscrewed, the linings are removed, and then the box and frame are removed.
  3. Completely clean the slopes from the old finish to the bare wall. Carefully remove all construction debris.
Prepared opening

The installation of a balcony door and a PVC window involves not only mounting the frame, hanging the sashes, but also finishing the window sills, slopes and threshold. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the completeness of the new balcony block. It consists of the following elements:

  • door frame;
  • door leaf;
  • connecting strip;
  • window frame;
  • sashes;
  • double-glazed windows;
  • glazing bead;
  • hinges and handles.

balcony block

Important! Before starting to install the unit, you must carefully check the product for defects. Marriage is understood as cracks, scratches, chips, loose fit of the rubber seal, opaque areas of glass, the presence of debris or dirt inside the double-glazed window.

Installation of a balcony block

Installation of a plastic window and a balcony door is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the door leaf and window sashes from the hinges. Place the frame and box on a flat surface upside down ". With a connecting bar, combine them into one whole, making sure that the top lines of the parts strictly match.
  2. In the door frame at a distance of 30 cm from each other, make holes for connecting with self-tapping screws to the window frame. Insert screws into these holes. Screw them in.
  3. Screw mounting anchor plates to the top of the resulting block and to its sides with self-tapping screws at a distance of 15 cm from each corner. Between them, additionally attach plates in increments of 50 to 70 cm. The screws are screwed in the center of the profile in the recess.
  4. Glue the PSUL sealing tape on the outside of the frame. It is necessary to protect the layer of mounting foam from moisture and solar radiation.
  5. If a mosquito net is to be installed, attach it to the frame. Mark the locations for the brackets. After removing the mesh, screw the fasteners for it.
  6. Fabricate and install a threshold. If the walls of the building are made of brick, then often after the dismantling of the old block, too much recess remains in the floor. It is filled with an additional profile. Then the threshold will be at the desired height.
  7. Place the frame in the opening. Insert wedges into the gaps on the sides and top in pairs for alignment. Knock them out with a hammer through a screwdriver (they are not removed after installation is completed).

Wedge leveling
  1. Check with a level that the position is correct. If required, correct with wedges. They can be knocked out with a hammer in the right direction.
  2. Unbend the anchor plates, pull them up to the opening. This must be done with extreme care so as not to displace the horizontally and vertically aligned block. Make holes 8 cm deep in the walls with a puncher. Insert dowels. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, screw self-tapping screws into these holes.
  3. Drill holes in the door frame for additional fastening. Their location: two on top at a distance of 20 cm from the corner, two on the side at an equal distance from the floor and top. Make holes through them in the walls. Insert dowels into them. Screw in screws. Again, check the correct position of the structure with a level.

Fixing the block to the walls

Completing the installation

The door leaf and window sashes are hung in the following order:

  1. Screw on the handles.
  2. If the design is conventional, then the sashes can simply be hung on the hinges. When installing a window with a ventilation mode, first install the lower canopy. After closing the sash, connect the parts of the upper hinge and insert the rod into it.
  3. Check the operation of fittings (hinges, locking mechanisms). Close the door and window sashes.
  4. Insert double glazing. Fasten them with staples. To do this, use a rubber mallet. It is impossible to replace it with a regular one, with a glued piece of rubber. With such a tool, it is easy to break glass during operation or damage the surface of the glazing bead.
  5. Trim the window board. The window sill should close the heating radiators by no more than a third, otherwise it will interfere with heat transfer. Put on the side trims.
  6. Insert the window sill board into the groove of the pedestal profile and make sure that it is firmly fixed. Align the installed window sill by placing foam from below. Substitute supports from the bars of the desired size under the board, and put a load on top of the window sill to fix it.

window sill installation
  1. If the balcony is open, then installation of the ebb is necessary. With scissors for metal, a part of the desired size is cut off from the workpiece and screwed to the profile with screws. You can install decorative corners. The joints with the wall are filled with sealant.
  2. Moisten all cracks with water and fill them with mounting foam. It must be remembered that the volume of foam will increase by a third. After drying, remove excess foam with a construction knife. Remove protective film. After a day, remove the oppression.

Slope installation

If it is decided to decorate the internal slopes with plastic panels, then you will additionally need:

  • starting profile;
  • plastic panels (slopes);
  • F-profile (platbands);
  • masking tape.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the starting profile into segments equal in length to the upper frame and the side parts of the balcony block.
  2. Screw the profile with screws at the junction of the frame and slopes.
  3. Cut panels to desired size. Place them in the screwed start profile. You need to start inserting slopes from above.
  4. Fill the gap between the resulting plastic slopes and walls with mounting foam. Temporarily attach the panels to the walls with masking tape. After the foam has dried (after about 24 hours), cut off its excess with a construction knife. Remove tape.
  5. Cut the F-profile into pieces of the desired length. Put them on the edges of the panels. The vertical parts of the profile must meet with the horizontal at an angle of 45 degrees. Seal joints with silicone sealant.

Slope installation


Is it possible to separately install a plastic balcony door? The answer depends on the situation:

  1. If the balcony door does not connect to the window, or only a doorway leads to the balcony, then simply install the door. If desired, you can put an interior on door hinges instead of a balcony.
  2. If a defect is found on the new door, then it is not difficult to replace the damaged canvas with a new one without replacing the window.
  3. If the old window is in good condition, and the door needs to be replaced, then it is better not to save money, but still replace the balcony block completely, since it will be difficult to choose exactly the right window profile, besides, the old plastic will differ from the new one in shade. And if you later need to replace the window, you will again have to face the mismatch problem.

If you have the necessary tools and materials, it is quite possible to independently install a balcony door with a window.

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Metal-plastic structures have proven themselves well in terms of quality and strength. The use of PVC structures in the glazing of window openings and balcony blocks is currently well mastered and worked out by manufacturers and installers. Such structures are installed both in new buildings and in window openings of Soviet buildings.

PVC windows are also successfully installed in the openings of wooden log cabins of country and country houses. Convenience, comfort, reliability, high rates of heat and noise insulation could be appreciated by all the numerous owners of windows and balcony blocks made of metal-plastic structures. A fairly quick and simple installation, available in some cases for self-fulfillment, makes PVC structures especially attractive and popular among consumers.

Necessary tools and materials

To install a window or balcony block, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • plastic wedges (for leveling the structure);
  • anchor plates;
  • dowels and screws;
  • window sill canvas;
  • decorative door sills and window sills;
  • tape PSUL;
  • low tide, threshold, mosquito net;
  • mounting foam;
  • sealant.

Some of the materials listed above will need to be additionally purchased at specialized hardware stores. Finishing details (ebb, threshold, window sill) can be ordered from the manufacturer along with a balcony door or balcony block. In this case, they will be made according to the exact dimensions previously taken in your apartment by a master measurer.

Preparatory stage

Includes the following steps:

  • It is necessary to remove from the room where the installation will be carried out all interfering objects and furniture. Items that are too heavy to be carried should be covered with foil or a thick cloth such as a tarpaulin to protect against dust and possible damage.
  • Next, you need to dismantle the old balcony door or balcony block. First, the window sashes and the door itself are carefully removed from the hinges. Then the door frame and frame are dismantled. This is done with a crowbar and a hacksaw. It is very important not to damage the opening during the dismantling of the old structure.

If the old block was made of PVC, then it is necessary to unscrew all the fasteners from the opening, and then remove the frame itself.

  • Thoroughly clean the slopes from old finishing materials. You need to clean up to the very brickwork.
  • Remove the dismantled structure and debris.

Installation of a plastic door with a window

Before starting to install a balcony door and window, it is important to check the new design for defects, to make sure that the balcony block is complete. The design of the balcony block consists of elements:

  • door frame (balcony block);
  • door leaf;
  • connecting strip;
  • window frame;
  • window sashes;
  • double-glazed windows for doors and windows;
  • glazing bead;
  • hinges, fittings, handles.

After checking the presence of all components, you can proceed with the installation:

  • Carefully remove the double-glazed door and window sashes from the hinges. Connect the frame and the box with a connecting strip. It is more convenient to do this by placing them against the wall in an inverted position ("upside down").
  • Using a drill, make holes in the door frame every 30 centimeters to screw the frame to the opening. Screw screws into holes.
  • Screw the anchor plates on the sides and to the top of the block at a distance of 15 centimeters from the corners. Then, between the anchors, screw additional plates in increments of 60-70 centimeters.
  • Glue the outer side of the frame with sealing tape. The tape will protect the mounting foam in the opening from moisture and sunlight.

  • If a mosquito net is included in the PVC construction, you need to attach it to the frame, outline the places for attaching the brackets. After removing the mesh, screw the fasteners.
  • Set threshold. If, after removing the previous block, there is too much recess left in the floor, it must be filled with an additional profile.
  • Place the assembled frame in the opening. Insert leveling wedges on the sides and top, deepen them with a hammer.
  • Using a level, check the position of the structure, correct if necessary.
  • Check the security of the connection between the door and the windows.

  • Carefully unfold the anchor plates and attach them to the opening. Make holes in the walls about 8 centimeters each, insert dowels into the holes. Using a screwdriver, screw in the screws.
  • Drill additional holes in the door frame. They will be needed to strengthen the fastening of the structure. You need to place them on top and on the sides. On each side there are 2 holes at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the corners.
  • Through the holes in the frame, drill holes in the wall at the same distance from the corners. Insert the prepared dowels, tighten the screws.
  • Window sashes and door leaf are hung on the installed structure, having previously screwed the handles to them. After installation, check the operation of window and door fittings. Insert double-glazed windows into the window and door frame. Reinforce them with a bead.

It is better not to use an ordinary hammer, it can damage the glazing bead. Stick a piece of thick rubber on the working surface of the hammer.

  • Install and trim the window sill plate. Put decorative overlays on it.
  • If the balcony is open, then it is necessary to install an external ebb. Using scissors for metal, a part of the desired size is cut out and screwed to the profile with screws.
  • Fill existing gaps with mounting foam. Make sure that small debris, construction dust does not get into the foam block. Remember that when the foam dries, it expands and increases its volume by about a third of the original.
  • After the foam has dried, cut off its excess with a construction knife.

How to install the magnet and retainer?

High-quality and correctly installed fittings are a guarantee of good operation of the balcony door. In order for the door to protect the room well from cold and external sounds, it must be tightly closed. Hardware must be properly adjusted.

The latch for the door is installed on the frame, and the latch is placed in the seat on the balcony door. On the frame of the balcony door with a pencil or colored chalk, put a mark strictly opposite the latch. This mark will be the center of the latch.

Set the door latch to the center of the marked mark.

How to make and put a threshold on the balcony with your own hands?

Often it is necessary to replace a broken threshold or install a threshold with a new design after dismantling the old wooden one. Threshold trim can be made of different materials:

  • Various types of floor tiles.
  • Tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Laminate or linoleum.
  • Cork tree.

Pour the mold with cement mortar prepared in advance. Gently and thoroughly level the solution on the surface. Remove excess mixture that extends beyond the formwork. The solution will solidify for about a day.

After the cement mortar has hardened and the formwork has been removed, it is possible to finish the threshold with the material of your choice. Instead of cement mixture, for the base, you can use brickwork.

You can insulate the threshold by putting between finishing material and base, insulating insulation material.

Easier to install is the threshold from the windowsill:

  • To install it, you need to cut the canvas of the required size.
  • Compensate for the missing height by applying mounting foam. Remember that the foam expands as it dries, do not put too much foam block.
  • The cut-out window sill sheet is applied to a layer of mounting foam and pressed from above with a load for better fixation.
  • After the foam has dried, remove the load, seal the cracks with sealant.
  • Close the ends of the threshold with plugs.