Whole grain wallpaper flour. Rye flour: coarse flour, wallpaper, whole grain. And what's the difference? Calorie content of whole grain flour

Rye flour is a unique food product, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. It is obtained by grinding rye grains. The grain consists of a mealy kernel, a plant germ and outer shells. In the production of flour, grain is used in whole or in part. Flour is qualified depending on the quality of grinding.

To obtain finely ground varieties, only the endosperm, the mealy kernel of the grain, is used. A coarser product is obtained by grinding the whole grain.

Several main varieties are produced from rye, including peeled and wallpaper flour. The less the raw material is subjected to pre-processing, the coarser the grind, the more beneficial qualities are retained in the final product.

This is a popular variety of medium-ground rye flour, white in color with a cream or grayish tint. Before grinding, the so-called “husks” - the outer shells - are peeled off the rye grains, hence the name “peeled”. This is a powder of heterogeneous consistency, in which large scaly particles are visually visible.

The reduced content of bran parts does not reduce the value of the product, but significantly improves its baking properties. This variety is one of the most useful and sought after. It is the peeled flour that contains the optimal amount of nutrients, microelements, and vitamins.

Since this product consists almost 90% from mealy grain cells, it retains one third more iron, one and a half times more magnesium and potassium than finer ground varieties. A very important factor is the high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on human digestion and removes toxins and harmful compounds from the body. Accordingly, during production only 10% of waste remains in the form of husks.

This is a common variety that is coarse powder. The grain is ground, sometimes without even sifting, so there are quite large particles up to 700 µm. The flour is a dark gray powder with prominent brown inclusions.

In the production of this variety, the grain is used entirely, without pre-processing. That's why this flour is called whole grain flour. It contains a large number of “chopped off” particles of the grain shell, husk - the so-called “bran”.

It also contains wheat germ, which contains a significant amount of nutrients and fats. The presence of a high content of bran has a beneficial effect on the immune, reproductive, and musculoskeletal systems of humans.

General properties of peeled and wallpaper flour

Both varieties are made from rye grain, so the composition and properties of both products are similar. They have the same energy value about 296 calories. Both varieties belong to valuable food products that have a rich set of replaceable and essential sets of amino acids, vitamins, and fiber. They are widely used in the food industry for the preparation of bakery products.

The production technology of the “peeled” and “wallpaper” varieties involves minimal pre-processing of the grain, so they retain the maximum amount of organic matter and dietary fiber.

Rye protein is more complete compared to the protein of other grain crops. It does not form gluten and has a unique ability to swell greatly. In the presence of a large amount of liquid, the swollen protein turns into a thick sticky solution. For a long time, such flour was used to prepare paste - glue for paper products.

The difference between peeled flour and wallpaper

Peeled flour is a finer grinding variety that contains more carbohydrates and starch, but less sugar. Wallpaper, thanks to gentle production technology, has the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients.

It is characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, fats and dietary fiber. This flour is more saturated with macro and microelements. It contains 25% more phosphorus, 30% more sodium.

Higher content of potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, fluorine, 25% more copper, twice as much manganese. The content of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin E and B vitamins is also higher. Therefore, the healthiest bread is produced from wallpaper flour.

Unfortunately, the content of vegetable oils does not allow this variety to be stored for a long time. Literally after one and a half to two months, a specific smell and bitter taste appear, which negatively affects the quality of the finished bakery products. In addition, the high content of bran parts makes wallpaper flour heavy and unsuitable for baking in its pure form. It must be combined with other, lighter varieties.

Peeled variety:

  • Produced from mealy endosperm cells.
  • The grain is processed before grinding.
  • Finer grind.
  • Virtually no vegetable oils.
  • Can be stored for a long time.
  • Differs in a small amount of bran.
  • Actively used in baking.

Wallpaper variety:

  • Made from whole grains.
  • The coarsest grind.
  • Contains the maximum amount of bran.
  • Enriched with oils and vegetable fats.
  • It has a high fiber content.
  • It spoils quickly.
  • Does not have good baking properties.
  • Higher fructose content.
  • Contains hemicellulose.

The use of all parts of the grain in production increases the biological value of this variety, but reduces the baking properties.

Rye flour of both varieties is a complete low-calorie product, has rich taste and medicinal properties. The only negative factor is the high acidity of products made from it. This point must be taken into account when planning dietary nutrition for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system.

Friends, we bake bread and all other baked goods only on whole grain flour: wheat, rye, oatmeal, chickpeas, millet, buckwheat, etc.

What does it mean? This means that the flour was made entirely from the entire grain, preserving all its beneficial components.

The grain is covered with a brownish shell. Simply put, this is what it is - BRAN.
They contain protein substances, but most of all they contain fiber, vitamins B and E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. Bran first of all “cleanses” the intestinal walls, collects all the “dirt” and helps remove it from the body.

The aleurone layer contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins B1 and B2 and especially vitamin PP.

The endosperm does not form gluten. This is primarily the fat layer. This is why flour ground from whole grains can become bitter after some time.

Whole grain flour, unlike white flour (premium grade), can be stored for only a few months, not years.

Previously, it was not flour that was stored, but grain in the bottom of the barrel!

The mealy kernel occupies the entire interior of the grain. It consists of large volumetric cells filled with starch, protein particles, and gluten particles, which give the dough viscosity. It is from this part of the cream-colored grain that the flour sold everywhere is now produced.

EMBRYO– this is the most important part of the grain, the basis of life. Everything else is just shells that nourish and preserve it. The germ is primarily removed during the production of white flour. The embryo is a storehouse of vitamins, proteins and microelements.

What kind of flour is used everywhere now?

White flour - the so-called “Highest grade”.
As you now understand, the name here, unfortunately, does not correspond to the content of the flour, because... such torment is devoid of all living things.

It is also called “refined flour”. It is made from the very core of the grain - the endosperm, which contains only starch, and to improve its keeping quality on the counter, baking powder can be added to it, and to give it a snow-white color, it can be bleached with chlorine.

The nutritional value of such flour (number of kcal) is indeed very high. But from the point of view of the biological value of the product, this is a carbohydrate “dummy”. There is nothing useful or necessary for the body left in such flour. Our body cannot create new cells from the carbohydrates of this flour; for this it requires the entire variety of macro- and microelements, which nature provides only in WHOLE grains.

In addition to premium flour, wheat flour is produced:
- 1st grade,
- 2nd grade,
- and wallpaper flour (this is finely ground whole grain flour).
and two types of rye flour:
- wallpaper (whole grain)
- peeled (partially removed bran).

All these varieties differ from each other in grinding coarseness and the ratio of the constituent parts of the grain. The more grain components contained in flour and the larger the particles, the lower the grade.

What are the consequences of eating refined flour?

- first of all, to a deficiency of fiber, the most powerful antioxidant;
— “vitamin of youth” — vitamin E;
— B vitamins;
— and vital minerals, especially iron.

Iron and zinc deficiency leads to many severe irreversible diseases: anemia, infertility, deterioration of vision and memory, malignant tumors, etc.

We need fiber to cleanse the body of toxins and toxic decay products. Without the presence of coarse dietary fiber in the diet, all harmful foods accumulate in the body, which is the cause of many severe chronic diseases.

Whole grain - this is food for our little helpers - intestinal bacteria (intestinal microflora), on which 90% of our health and our immunity depend.

They warm us and protect us from disease. As soon as they get the food they need, they immediately get to work. Their direct responsibility is to maintain the vital functions of all our organs.

All these biologically active components, which is also important, are found in whole grain flour in a natural form that is understandable and easily digestible for our body.

WHOLE GRAIN FLOUR. Wallpaper flour. Wholemeal flour.

Wallpaper flour (whole grain) is obtained by grinding the entire grain. Accordingly, absolutely all components of the grain remain in the flour. This is the flower shell of the grain, the aleurone layer, and the grain germ. This preserves all the biological value of whole grains and all its healing qualities for the human body.

Whole grain flour comes in fine and coarse grinds.

Coarse wallpaper flour is the coarsest grind of flour. Accordingly, sifting wallpaper flour is done through a large sieve.

Fine whole grain flour means that the grain is ground into smaller particles. This process, for example, takes longer in production than with coarse grinding, but baked goods with such flour turn out fluffier and lighter.

It is equally important which mill the grain is ground in.

Most natural option mills – MILL with STONE GRILLS.
You can purchase such a mill on our website http://zdravyi.ru/komo.php

Mills with stone millstones used to be in almost every village where grain crops were cultivated in one way or another.

In this case, the grain is ground between two stone shafts, practically without heating.

At flour milling enterprises there are mainly screw mills, which do not grind, but chop grain.
In this case, there is contact with metal, oxidation of flour and heating.

Flour ground in a screw mill and a stone mill will differ greatly from each other, and its baking properties will also differ.

Whole grain flour has now become more commercially available.

But we prefer our own flour. The difference between store-bought flour and your own, freshly ground in a stone mill, is colossal. Baking and bread made with your own flour - they are different! Much tastier, it’s even difficult to compare! Easy to digest, leaving you feeling full for a long time! In general, it’s very difficult to express in words, try it! Pancakes, buns, pies, cookies, bread - wonderful!

Be sure to eat, including adding to bread, the following whole grains and seeds:
Amaranth, Rye, Spelled, Barley, Oats, Wheat, Green buckwheat, Chia seeds, Flax, Hemp, Milk thistle, Yellow mustard, Millet, Quinoa, Black, brown, red and wild rice, Sorghum, etc.

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Whole wheat (or whole milled) flour– This is whole grain flour, it is produced by single grinding. They simply took and ground the grain as is, without removing or sifting anything. This flour consists of relatively large particles of different sizes. All nutrients are retained in full.

Coarse flour, or “wallpaper” flour, also made from whole grain , but some of the shells and embryos are removed, and particles of approximately the same size are obtained. Not so long ago, about 50 years ago, such flour was used to produce the bulk of Russian bread.

Next, the flour continues to be crushed and sifted, gradually removing its valuable components - the shell and the germ. The grain consists of a germ, endosperm (nutrient medium) and a multilayer shell (bran). The most useful and valuable is the grain germ, it contains microelements, vitamins, fiber, fatty acids, it contains all the vital resources for the future sprout. Bran, or the shell of grains, consists of dietary fiber (fiber), they contain vitamins, macro- and microelements. The endosperm - the tissue surrounding the embryo - consists mainly of starch and proteins. Only during the process of grain germination is starch converted into nutrients that the plant needs to grow. The higher the grade of flour, the less nutrients it contains and the higher the content of easily digestible carbohydrates (starch), but the highest grade flour produces the most appetizing baked goods.

Wheat flour We are offered the following grades: wallpaper, second grade, first grade, premium grade, and grit.

Rye flour It can be wallpapered, peeled and seeded. Wallpaper flour, as mentioned above, has the greatest nutritional value. Peeled is a medium grade flour containing a significant amount of grain shells. Seeded - the highest grade of rye flour.

Thus, whole grain flour is of greatest value for human nutrition. It is not particularly popular in cooking, because... Baking from it is not as beautiful as from premium flour, the dough rises worse, it is denser, and it is more difficult to work with it. But bread made from such flour is an excellent source of energy, strength and brings invaluable benefits to the body.

In addition to bread, whole grain flour makes excellent flatbreads, pancakes, pancakes, and gingerbread cookies. It can be used to make pies, pies, and cookies, they will just turn out a little coarser than products made from premium flour. In addition to wheat and rye, oat flour and buckwheat are also popular. Other types of flour are also widely used in cooking. For example, vegetarian pates and sausages can be made from peas, soup and pancakes from lentils, and noodles from rice. Whole grain flour is used for breading and added to cutlets, soups and sauces. Whole grain flour is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It is used to make nourishing masks and is used for ointments, poultices, and decoctions.

A limitation for the use of whole-ground flour may be the presence of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since large particles of grains can irritate the mucous membrane.

An important factor for choosing whole-ground flour is the place of growth of the grains from which it is made, since the grain shell can absorb harmful substances from the environment.

In our assortment you will find whole grain flour produced by the Lifestyle company. The grain is grown in ecologically clean areas of the Altai Territory. Gentle technologies are used that eliminate heating and mechanical damage to the grains. Only our own seed material is used for sowing. The products preserve not only all natural enzymes and vitamins, but also something more - the energy of life. What people lack in big cities. Something that regular supermarket products cannot provide.

According to GOST, several grades of flour are distinguished: premium, first, second, as well as peeled and wallpaper. The last two varieties seem to be of the least quality and in demand, however, this is not the case. We want to tell you what wallpaper flour is and what its value is.

Whole wheat flour

Characteristics and Features

This product is called differently: wallpaper and whole grain flour, whole ground, coarse flour, simple grind, etc. From these names we can conclude that we are talking primarily about various processing wheat or rye grains. The way it is.

A cereal grain is a rather complex biological system that consists of various parts arranged in layers.

There are several main layers:

  • Grain germ and endosperm. Contains the largest amount of pure, easily digestible starch, used for the production of pasta, bread and baked goods. Located in the middle of the grain;
  • Bran. The aleurone layer is separated from the endosperm and contains many vitamins and microelements;
  • Aleurone layer. Contains proteins and micronutrient-rich cells. Located around the endosperm closer to the surface;
  • Flower shell. It is essentially a husk that is rich in fiber and dietary fiber, which is good for the digestive system. This layer is located on the surface of the grain in the form of a shell.

Important! The product of the highest, first and second grades is made from endosperm. What is the difference between peeled and peeled rye flour? Peeled is rye flour that has been peeled, and wallpaper is flour made from unrefined grains.

Bread made from wallpaper flour is considered coarser and has a unique taste; its energy value is lower. However, many experts recognize the nutritional value as higher, since in addition to starch, whole grain bread contains many microelements, vitamins and fiber.

With the growing popularity of healthy eating, this product is becoming more and more in demand; many baked goods, pastries and other flour dishes are baked from it. However, we are interested in it for another reason.

Whole grain wholemeal flour is called wallpaper for a reason: for many years paste was made from it - paper glue, which was used to glue wallpaper to the wall. This method is still relevant today, since the price of homemade glue is several times lower than store-bought glue, and the quality can be called satisfactory and even high.

Important! In addition to its undoubted nutritional value and richness in vitamins, fiber and microelements, whole grain coarse flour also has technical value - it is used to prepare high-quality wallpaper glue.

And the most interesting thing is that the paste can be easily prepared at home completely independently. Next we will talk about the features of this product.

Application in construction

“The stores are full of wallpaper paste, why cook it yourself?” you ask, and you will be absolutely right. However good glue It’s not cheap, but the flour version is in no way inferior, and in some respects even superior to factory-made synthetics. Therefore, for those who want to not only save money, but also use completely natural and safe material, further reading will be useful.

First, we list the advantages and features of flour building materials:

  • Low cost. To prepare, all you need is flour and water;
  • Ease of production. The product is boiled in ordinary water, after cooling it can be used immediately;
  • Excellent adhesion to paper and many building materials . It is believed that such glue is capable of adhering even to old oil paint applied to the wall and at the same time keeping the wallpaper on it for a long time and firmly;
  • Solubility in water. Allows you to easily remove old wallpaper by wetting it with water. This method does not lead to damage to the walls and rough finish; the wallpaper can be easily removed and does not leave marks on the wall;
  • Completely natural and safe for humans. As you yourself understand, wheat and rye do not contain toxins or harmful substances, as well as their precursors. During operation, the material is absolutely safe;
  • The product does not burn and does not enter into unwanted or dangerous reactions with other building materials.

Of course, there are some disadvantages to homemade paste. Firstly, it is afraid of moisture and is not suitable for installation in damp rooms and kitchens. Secondly, without the use of antiseptics and, especially, fungicides, the material can become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and mold fungi.

You should also be careful when working with, as the product can leave marks on their surface if applied carelessly. It is believed that starch paste does not stain as much as flour paste.

The most significant disadvantage for mass production is the short shelf life. Wheat glue can sour and deteriorate already on the second day after production. In general, all of the listed advantages apply in full only to a freshly brewed product.

But just remember that you can’t use hot glue, as it can ruin the wallpaper and paint. Wait until it is lukewarm.

Also remember that this is a paper adhesive, so it can only be used on paper or paper-backed materials. Actually, most wallpapers have just such a backing.

Important! Boil the glue the day you use it, as over time it loses its properties and deteriorates.

Preparation of paste

If you are interested and decided to do it yourself, then our instructions will be useful to you:

  1. Take a metal enamel bucket and pour from a third to a half into it cold water. Pour 5 kg of flour sifted through a fine sieve into the water, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Stir the mixture until it has a homogeneous creamy consistency;

  1. Then add cool boiling water to the top in a thin stream into the same bucket. At the same time, we also carefully stir the solution so that it does not form lumps and is homogeneous;

  1. We put the boiled water on the fire and wait until it starts to boil. We put a rag or a layer of paper on the bottom, then put a bucket with the resulting solution there and bring it to a boil. When the substance has boiled, immediately remove it from the bath and strain through a colander made of fine metal mesh;

  1. After cooling, the product should be used immediately; it should not be stored for more than two days. Prepare as much as you can produce in a day.

Important! The paste can be used as a paste, but in this case it is better to apply it hot, after diluting it twice with boiling water.


Coarse flour using whole grain wheat is a very useful and popular product not only in the food industry, but also in the construction industry. Wallpaper glue is natural and durable, and anyone can prepare it using the video in this article.

Flour is an important food product. To obtain it, cereal grains are processed different types. Everyone knows about wheat and rye flour. Read the article about what wallpaper flour is and how to make bread and other products from it.

Wallpaper flour

Depending on the methods of processing grains, the product has different names: wallpaper flour, whole grain flour, coarse and simple grinding. Wallpaper flour - what is it? These are ground cereal grains, which are a complex biological system.

It includes various parts, representing the following layers:

  • Grain germ and endosperm. It contains large quantities of easily digestible starch, thanks to which bread, pastries, and pasta are produced. The location is the middle part of the grain.
  • Bran. They are located between the aleurone layer and the endosperm, are a kind of partition, and are rich in microelements and vitamins.
  • The shell is floral. It is a husk that contains a lot of fiber and dietary fiber, which is beneficial for digestion.

Wallpaper flour is a coarsely ground product. The grain size is 30-600 microns. This flour is obtained when the whole grain is ground. For comparison: premium flour is obtained from endosperm particles, their size is 30-40 microns.

Types of wheat flour

Flour made from grains of this cereal is the most popular. It is divided into varieties depending on the grinding of the grain as follows:

  • Krupchatka. This type of flour is the most expensive. Durum wheat varieties are used for production. It swells well when kneading dough.
  • Top grade. The flour has the most delicate consistency. Cleaning from large particles occurs using several sieves.
  • First grade. The product contains crushed grain shells in small quantities.
  • Second grade. Flour contains more crushed shells.
  • Wallpaper. It contains bran. Wallpaper flour - what is it? This is a product obtained by grinding whole grains, but has not undergone sieve processing. According to GOST standards, the yield of raw materials is 95%.

Wheat wallpaper flour

This ready-to-eat product contains the same plant fibers as the grain from which the flour is made. But whole grain wallpaper flour contains less shells or germs of cereals of this crop. However, it is not homogeneous due to different particle sizes.

To obtain this flour, the grains are ground once. The resulting grains are large in size. If you increase them a little, you get cereal. Wallpaper flour is not sifted, even if this is done, a coarse sieve is used. The particles that make up the grain are not separated depending on size and quality.

Properties of wallpaper wheat flour

This product has the following properties:

  • Flour has a heterogeneous structure with grains of different sizes.
  • The product has a high concentration of substances such as dietary fiber and fatty acids.
  • The composition of flour is characterized by a high content of minerals.
  • There are a large number of beneficial microorganisms and fiber present.

Chemical composition of wheat wallpaper flour

Whole grain wheat flour is made from this type of whole grain. It contains natural mineral compounds and a huge amount of vitamins. This sets it apart from other types of product. Flour is rich in vitamins A, E, B, H. It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, manganese, sulfur and other elements.

Rye flour

Rye flour in our country is produced in three types:

  • Seeded. During the production of such flour, small sieves are used through which it is passed.
  • Ripped off. Flour is produced using large sieves.
  • Wallpaper. It is not sifted at all.

You should not generalize between peeled flour and wallpaper flour. There is a difference between them. The endosperm (inner part of the grain) and the shell in each variety are contained in different quantities, this is expressed as a percentage. The product yield of wallpaper flour is 95%, and that of peeled flour is 87.

Rye wallpaper flour

It is gray in color and sometimes has a brownish tint. It contains particles of grain shells. Wallpaper flour, what is it? This is the product that contains the largest amount of bran. Its baking properties are lower than those of high-quality wheat flour, but much higher the nutritional value. Table varieties of bread are baked from wallpaper rye flour. This is its most common type.

Rye wallpaper flour is made from whole grains using the coarse grinding method. It contains large particles. It contains bran and cell membranes. Bread made from such flour is the healthiest, as it is rich in three main components: germ, endosperm and bran. This bread contains several times more useful substances than products made from white flour.

Peeled flour

This product has a grayish color with a white, cream, greenish or brownish tint. It contains particles of grain shells. This flour is a very valuable and healthy product. Low in calories, it contains many vitamins and minerals. Products made from peeled rye flour - for those who care about their health. When baking products from such flour, their shape, elasticity and porosity of the crumb are preserved.

Whole wheat and regular flour: differences

The production of regular flour involves removing the shell and germ of the grain, leaving only the endosperm. Whole grain flour contains everything: endosperm, grain germ, shell (bran). This flour contains more oils and nutrients, but it does not last long, only a few months. After this it becomes inedible. Regular flour can be stored for up to two years.

Peeled and whole grain flour: differences

Peeled flour (wallpaper) is a concept that refers to the rye cereal crop. The product is not homogeneous in composition; it contains a small part of bran, which remains after peeling the grains. Products made from such flour are valuable for their high content of nutrients. The production of whole grain flour is carried out in such a way that the grains are ground into powder along with the endosperm, germs and shells. This product retains everything useful.


Wallpaper flour has found wide use in baking. It is used to make bread, buns, pancakes, pies, and pancakes. It is used extremely rarely for culinary masterpieces. Bakery products made from this flour are saturated with compounds essential for the human body, the origin of which is natural.

In this regard, nutritionists recommend regular consumption of products made from wallpaper flour obtained from cereal grains. However, you should know that dough with this flour does not rise well due to the large particles in its composition. Bread made from wallpaper flour will be low and dense, as if it was not baked.

The benefits and harms of wallpaper flour

Beneficial properties include:

  • Preservation of biological value and healing properties.
  • Contains a large amount of dietary fiber, fiber, which removes toxins and waste from the body.
  • The composition is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Due to the listed beneficial properties, it is recommended for people with diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity.
  • Regularly consuming products made from this flour will extend your lifespan.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of such flour are great, but there are also disadvantages:

  • Since wallpaper flour is obtained by grinding whole grains, their shells may contain impurities of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms, especially if the grains grew in areas with polluted air.
  • Due to the one-time grinding of grains, their particles are large. This injures the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. Therefore, people with gastrointestinal diseases are contraindicated to eat bread made from wallpaper flour.

Wallpaper flour: recipes

Most often, baked goods are baked from this flour. They are easy to prepare yourself at home. It will take six hours to bake bread from wallpaper flour without using yeast. It is recommended to be consumed for breakfast and during snacks between main meals. Such bread is not contraindicated for people who fast.

For baking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Filtered water - one glass (250 ml).
  • Vegetable (any) refined oil - 40 ml.
  • Whole grain wallpaper wheat flour - 370 g.
  • Table salt - 1.5 teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sourdough with rye malt - 80 ml.
  • Premium wheat flour - 2 cups.

Baking this type of bread takes a little longer than yeast bread, but it's worth it. So, step by step instructions:

  • Water, sourdough, sugar and salt are placed in the multicooker container.
  • Two types of flour and butter are poured there.
  • The container is placed in the oven and the mode is set. The button should be marked “Dough”.
  • After it has risen (about one and a half to two hours), you need to divide it into koloboks, the number of which is equal to the cells of the mold.
  • The buns are formed and placed in pre-greased and floured cells.
  • All this is put in the oven for four to five hours for the final rise, only the light is turned on, the heat from which is enough to rise the dough.
  • After which the oven is turned on at 180 o C, the bread is baked for 20 minutes.

Pancakes with wallpaper flour

Children especially love this dish. But cooking it often with premium flour is very harmful. To keep everyone healthy and eat healthy food, a dish made with wallpaper flour is just what you need. To prepare pancakes you will need the following ingredients:

  • Wheat wallpaper flour - 125 g.
  • Regular wheat flour - 125 g.
  • Whole milk - 400 ml.
  • Chicken egg - two pieces.
  • Sugar - two teaspoons.
  • Table salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons.

Cooking technology:

  • Wallpaper and regular flour are sifted and mixed.
  • Beat eggs, sugar and salt. You should get a fluffy foam.
  • Milk is poured in (half the serving).
  • All the flour is poured in.
  • The dough is stirred until smooth.
  • The remaining milk is poured in.
  • Mix everything well again and add oil.

A hot frying pan is greased with vegetable oil and pancakes are baked.