Who eats cucumbers in the garden how to fight. How to deal with pests of cucumbers in the greenhouse. Powdery mildew downy

Dear editor, please help. Who eats cucumber leaves?
I am attaching a photo.
V. Petrov, St. Petersburg

Judging by the photo and based on our own observations, we can say with great certainty that the slug eats cucumber leaves. Usually, cucumber leaves look like this in remote areas, where the gardener is infrequent and does not have time to notice these slippery pests and remove them from the site.
Slugs love warmth and moisture, but not heat, so in places where it is warm and humid, as a rule, there are a lot of them. In rainy years, under every leaf, under every branch, and even garden tools lying on the ground, you can see dozens of these voracious pests.
Even if, walking around the garden, you did not notice a single pest or its slimy trace on the leaves, you should not be sure that they are not on your site. Slugs are real nocturnal inhabitants, during the day they usually rest or move slowly in places hidden from the eyes and the sun, but at night they go out in search of food.
Slugs harm not only cucumber leaves, their diet includes young shoots of cabbage, tomato leaves, strawberries and even potato stolons. The damage begins with the fact that a round and through hole suddenly appears on the leaf, but if you don’t notice the “work” of the slug in time, then only the petiole and veins will remain from the leaf.
How to deal with slugs? Let's start with prevention - even if you have little space and want to land everything and more, you should not thicken the site. You should leave the optimal distance between plants, well ventilated and lit. Slugs will not be able to move on dry land warmed by the sun. Never flood the plant, there should be as much moisture as needed, watering "in reserve" can only lead to moisture stagnation - such places are simply a paradise for slugs.
Do not drive from the site even vile and unloved by many toads, lizards, garden frogs and hedgehogs - for them, slugs are a delicious dish, these peaceful and harmless to humans animals can save your garden from a whole horde of slippery pests in a couple of days.
Well, if you set up a garden where nothing lives except dragonflies, butterflies and grasshoppers, you will have to dig a small groove along the boundaries of the site, as if protecting the fortress from the enemy, which will be covered with lime or tobacco dust. The main thing is that before you decide to protect your garden in this way, make sure that there are no pests already in it. Otherwise, even if by some miracle they want to move from your site to the neighboring one, they will not succeed and, willy-nilly, they will have to eat up your plants.
Moving from peaceful and even funny measures of struggle to more serious ones, one should not lose sight of the advice of our beloved grandmothers. Half a century ago, without chemicals at hand, they simply collected slugs in large jars, killing them with ordinary salt, mulched the aisles with pine needles so that it was impossible for soft slugs to move along such a sharp one as sandpaper, surfaces, sprinkled the soil with sand or laid out large wet rags late at night. In the morning, as a rule, dozens of very vile creatures gathered under such rags, the only thing left was to destroy them.
Well, the most effective way is tillage slaked lime, ash or powdered superphosphate. Cucumbers can be sprayed late in the evening with a solution of potassium salt (about 700 grams per bucket of water), spending half a liter per square meter. If this method suddenly did not help, then you can treat the beds with quicklime a second time at a dose of approximately 20 g per square meter. I heard that a mixture of lime and tobacco dust helps, a kind of double whammy.
For greater reliability, carry out all treatments twice, so you can be guaranteed to rid your beds of uninvited guests.
N. Khromov,
cand. biol. Science

Timely and effective protection of cucumbers from diseases contributes to the normal development of plants. Most diseases are provoked by various insects. Usually, the defeat of plantations becomes noticeable by a change in the structure, color and shape of the leaves, a deterioration in the condition of the stem and roots. If you determine the type of cucumber pests, you can choose an effective way to remove them from the site. At the beginning of the process of infection of plantings, non-toxic agents are often used - based on folk recipes.

Various pests appear on young shoots: aphids, whiteflies, mites, slugs and nematodes, a bear, etc. All of them are found at certain times of the year, when ideal habitat conditions are created for specific type insects. The reproduction rate of most of them is rapid, therefore, in one season, pests can seriously harm the crop.

Slugs: a brief description and methods for protecting cucumbers from them

These are representatives of the class of gastropods (a type of mollusk). They appear in the garden at night, during the day they prefer to hide in dark, damp places. Slugs primarily attack shoots. To prevent the appearance of these mollusks, it is necessary to plant cucumber seedlings early. Such a measure will allow the plants to develop enough to withstand the influence of slugs.

You can overcome them in different ways:

  • Slugs are collected mechanically: mollusks are sampled in the morning or afternoon, for which tweezers are used, and you can work with gloves.
  • Treatment with copper / iron sulphate, superphosphate. These funds are effective in the dry period, after rain, the treatment is repeated.
  • The bed is surrounded by grooves filled with crushed eggshells or sand.
  • Natural enemies of mollusks are attracted to the site: frogs, toads, lizards.

gall nematode

These pests of cucumber are included in the class of roundworms. They infect the rhizome, and due to their small size (1.5 mm), it is impossible to detect pests without the use of optics. The color of the nematodes also complicates this task - the color of their body is as close as possible to the shade of the surrounding vegetation (roots, stems).

The nematode is another very dangerous pest for cucumbers.

It is very difficult to overcome roundworms, so it is recommended to carry out prevention:

  • Garlic is planted on the cucumber bed, as well as cabbage. At the same time, it is important to remove weeds, which can become food for nematodes.
  • The planting site of cucumbers needs to be changed annually, the process is called crop rotation.
  • The soil is treated with boiling water, after which you need to cover it with a film. In this form, the bed should be 2-3 hours.
  • If pests of cucumbers appear in the greenhouse, the top layer of soil is removed. You can additionally freeze the soil, however, nematodes are slightly sensitive to cold weather.
  • Having found individual roundworms, the plant bush and two neighboring ones are dug up, then the rhizome is treated with a solution of formalin (5%) or carbation (2%). The soil in the garden must also be watered with these means, then the soil is covered with a film.

More about wireworm

This is the name of the larval form of an insect up to 5 cm long. Individuals can already lay eggs and usually do this in soil cracks. It takes several years for the offspring to mature, then cucumber click beetles appear. Harmful wireworm infects the root of the plant, sometimes penetrates the stem.

The worm-like pest is actually a two-year-old larva of the click beetle.

Given the large size, you can try to collect pests mechanically - manually. In autumn, after harvesting, the soil is dug up, it is recommended to lime it, fertilize it with minerals. With a strong infection, chemicals are used: Diazinon, Calypso.

More about bears

Suitable conditions for the development of such pests: high humidity; soil fertilized with manure; warm climate. The source of food for bears is any root crops, but these insects actively destroy the root system of plants. It is enough to maintain the number of pests at a certain level in order to minimize the damage from their vital activity. For this purpose, insects are collected manually, and they also prevent reproduction (violating nests, destroying oviposition).

In addition, ready-made or home-made baits are used. The second option is prepared simply: manure is laid out on a solid surface. The trap is updated every 2 weeks, the old structure is burned. Additionally, containers with a solution are laid in the ground. It is prepared from hot pepper (200 g), a bucket of boiling water. The remedy should stand for 4 hours, then it is filtered. In this liquid you need to add 10 tbsp. l. honey.

greenhouse whitefly

It reproduces in comfortable conditions: at high humidity and temperature within 23 degrees. Whiteflies are small butterflies, in a short time their population increases, and the plants are oppressed. The whitefly lives on cucumbers, cabbage and other garden plantings.

The butterfly lays its eggs on the underside of leaves. The female is able to lay about 130 eggs.

Control measures:

  • Barriers are created for the movement of insects: they close the entrance and the windows of the greenhouse with a fine mesh.
  • Weeds are regularly harvested because they are a source of additional food for pests.
  • Glue-based traps - installed directly above the bed.
  • Biological preparations based on fungi are involved: Aschersonia, Virticillin.

spider mite

A sign of appearance is the formation of cobweb passages on the foliage. Acceptable living conditions: temperature above +20 degrees. For this reason, the pest is more likely to populate greenhouses. The reproduction rate is high. So, during her life (4 weeks), the female lays several hundred eggs. It is quite possible to fight the tick with acaricidal agents. Popular drugs: Bikop, Clipper, Talstar, Fitovern.

Finding a tick is easy: a web begins to appear on the leaves, along which the ticks are able to move.

Prevention measures:

  1. The greenhouse is disinfected after harvesting, for which smoke bombs are used.
  2. Sulfur treatment is carried out immediately before planting the planting material. Recommended dose: 100 g per 1 cu. m.
  3. The remains of plants after picking cucumbers should be destroyed.
  4. The air temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at a level of +32 and more, the humidity should not fall below 80%.


Reproduces quickly. Appears in the middle of summer. Plants are sprayed with products based on the following recipes:

  • 1 kg of dry raw materials (rhizome, henbane leaves) are mixed with 10 liters of water. The remedy is infused for 15 hours.
  • 1 kg of mustard (dry raw materials) is lowered into a bucket of water. Infuse the solution for 1 day.
  • Green tops of potatoes: 1 kg / 10 liters of water. 10 g of hot pepper are also put here. You need to insist 4 hours.
  • Onion tincture: take 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials, soda ash (1 tablespoon), 10 liters of water. The infusion is left for 3 hours, then the precipitate is removed.

All the means described are used for processing purposes, after adding 1 tbsp. l. softened soap.


They feed on plant sap. They tolerate wintering well, can bring up to 7 generations of pests. To avoid the appearance of thrips, destroy weeds and plant debris. When the crop is harvested, the greenhouse is cleaned, for which Actellik or Karbofos is used.

To process the beds, a solution is prepared: 1 kg of crushed hot pepper is taken, a bucket of water. The liquid is boiled for 1 hour, then 1 day. is defended. It turns out a concentrate, it is diluted with water: 125 g of the substance is taken per 10 liters. 40 g of softened soap is also added here.

How to remove cucumber mosquito?

These are small pests, the vital activity of which is the cause of rotting of plants. The cucumber mosquito develops rapidly and several generations of such pests are hatched during the season.

They should be dealt with by heat treatment of the soil. In addition, the cucumber mosquito does not tolerate spraying with chemicals, for example, Iskra.


Mice, voles, rats - all these pests also spoil the crop. For the purpose of prevention, the site is cleared of litter, grass, where rodents can hide. In addition, it is recommended to plant peppermint next to the bed. Its smell is unpleasant to mice, rats. Additionally, traps are installed: traps, mousetraps. They lay attractive food (lard or meat).

Video tips: How to deal with cucumber pests

Cucumbers are one of the favorite vegetables on our table. Many farms grow them and, probably, there is not a single dacha on which a neat cucumber bed would not grow.

It is quite difficult to get a rich harvest of this crop. Cucumbers are a plant demanding care and very sensitive to many diseases and pests. Often these vegetables are grown in greenhouses, where harmful insects that have been able to breed year-round are most active. Success in growing cucumbers largely depends on the timely detection of pests and their destruction.

Description of the most common pests


Pest control methods for cucumber seedlings

To destroy pests, it is necessary not only to treat the beds with insecticides in a timely manner, but also to strengthen the plants themselves through compliance with the technology of their cultivation.


  • Carry out regular crop rotation, and change the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Maintain optimal humidity (not higher than 80%) in greenhouses. Ventilate them if necessary.
  • Weed out weeds.
  • Treat seeds before sowing with a disease control agent.
  • Apply the recommended doses of fertilizers, without exceeding their norm.
  • We once used a solution with laundry soap to fight the bear. In principle, it turned out to lure them out of their mink. Another interesting point is how to deal with those slugs that still managed to get to freshly planted cucumbers. It is also very interesting whether it is possible to process cucumbers with a solution with tobacco, they say it helps aphids very well.

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For beginner gardeners, the formation of a cucumber often causes difficulties. But if the formation is not carried out, then impenetrable thickets form in the greenhouse, since the plants begin to grow a large number of lateral shoots of the first and second order, which sharply reduces the yield and provokes the development of diseases.

​Excessively high temperatures cause stretching and weakening of plants, while temperatures below the optimum somewhat inhibit growth, without affecting the normal development of plants. The temperature in the greenhouse is controlled by ventilation, which can be increased and extended as the outside temperature rises, up to opening the door for the whole day, and later for the night.​

Brief cultivation technology

​2 kg of Exo Universal Ready Soil Mix or a special nutrient mixture for cucumbers or cucurbits.​

Growing cucumber seedlings are fed every 8-10 days. For this purpose, the following solutions are used:

If the room maintains high humidity and high temperature (above 23 degrees), and during the entire growing period great attention is paid to soil fertility, then it is highly likely to get pampered seedlings with a weak root system. Transplantation has a much stronger effect on such plants and after it they need more time to grow and develop normally.

It is important to know a few rules: 1. In order for the seedlings to be strong, its age when planting in a permanent place should be no more than a month. Usually it is 20-25 days.2. Be sure to plant the seeds immediately in separate wide pots. This plant does not like to be disturbed once again, so picking is excluded. The roots of the cucumber grow in breadth, for this reason the pots should not be narrow.3. A plant grown at home can stretch. To avoid this, you do not need to create too high a temperature in the room and you must observe moderation in watering. This will help avoid stretching. Seedlings will be strong, squat and have dark green leaves. After the knowledge is obtained, the theory can be put into practice, and the activity is fascinating. It is interesting to watch how a small seed germinates, eventually turns into a bushy plant, on which yellow flowers first appear, and then green fruits.

Cucumbers with milk sauce.

cucumber seedling

Feeding should begin when the plants develop 5-6 leaves and tendrils begin to appear. Then it must be carried out after 10 or 12 days, and during the period when fruiting begins, after a week. For the implementation of the first dressings, it is necessary to dissolve ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride in 10 liters of water at the rate of 10:10:5 g. When the fruiting period begins, the doses of fertilizers from nitrogen and phosphorus should be increased by 1.5 times, potassium - by 2 times .​

The old soil in the greenhouse compacts over time, so sawdust or chopped straw from 10 to 30% should be added to it every year, and with them, for every 10 kg of sawdust, an additional 20 g of ammonium nitrate should be added. After the introduction of loosening substances, the soil must be plowed to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Before sowing, it is necessary to select full-weight seeds. To do this, they must be selected in a 3% saline solution according to specific gravity, after which they should be dried, heated at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for about 3 hours, and then germinated. When to sow cucumbers depends on many reasons: for example, where the site is located, how the plants will be protected from frost, etc.

Cucumbers are among the most common vegetable crops. Everyone loves them, so this vegetable can be found on any suburban area and garden.

The formation of plants occurs in three steps. A little ventilation should be carried out even on cloudy days to avoid too high humidity, which, together with low temperatures, can provoke plant disease.

Planting seedlings in open ground

All fertilizers are scattered evenly and covered with an iron rake to a depth of 10–12 cm.

For 10 liters of water add 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid organic fertilizer "Agricola Vegeta" or "Agricola Forward", spending from 2 to 3 liters per 1 m2 or 0.5 cups per pot;

When growing seedlings, attention should also be paid to the maintained temperature regime: the optimum temperature during the day should be 21-23 degrees, and at night - 18-20 degrees. Hypothermia affects the root system of cucumbers extremely negatively, therefore, if the temperature in the pot drops to 16 degrees and below, the development of the root system is inhibited, thereby the plants receive less nutrition and their resistance to diseases decreases. In case of critical fluctuations in temperature (during the day - above 30 degrees, and at night - about 15), male flowers begin to appear. Cold window sills, drafts and excess moisture in the soil have a negative effect on young cucumber seedlings.

Before planting the seeds, they are placed in a piece of thin cloth, placed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes to remove spores of viral diseases. After that, the seeds are washed and placed in a bowl where a little water is poured, kept at room temperature for a day. It's time to harden the seeds. To do this, the bowl with the contents is placed on the warmest shelf of the refrigerator, also for a day. Now you can plant the seeds in separate pots, cover them with cellophane and put them in a warm place for germination. So that the seedlings are not bad, do not stretch out, it is important to look 3 times a day (in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon) if cotyledons have appeared from the ground. As soon as they become visible, the pot with the plant is placed on a bright windowsill. First, seedlings are grown at +28+23°C. At lower levels, it may grow poorly. After 3 days, it is reduced to +20°C. Then the seedlings will not stretch. This will help and not very frequent watering. Pots are moistened as the soil dries up. Cucumber loves to grow in a garden rich in organic matter. In such a place, the plants feel great and the yield will be excellent.

Growing in a greenhouse

Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g smoked pork belly, 25 g onions, 50 g broth, 125 g milk sauce, 2 egg whites, 20 g cheese.


Cucumber mineral nutrition scheme.

Seedlings must be grown in paper cups or peat pots for 20-25 days. A mixture of 3 parts of lowland peat, 1 part of sawdust and 0.5 parts of mullein, diluted in half with water, should be poured into the container. For 1 m3 of this mixture, nitrogen (0.08 kg), phosphorus (2.9 kg) and potassium (0.48 kg) must be added. Depending on the acidity of the peat, a certain amount of lime must be added to the mixture.

Good seedlings of cucumbers should have a thick stem and a dark green color.


Technology of cucumbers in greenhouses

When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse over the summer, 5-6 fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out.

Then the ridges are watered with a solution of Energen growth stimulator. To do this, take 1 capsule, dilute in 10 liters of warm water (50 ° C), stir well and water over the surface of the beds, spending a solution of 2-3 liters per 1 m2. Even a small dose of Energen that has entered the soil leads to the formation of a large amount of humus, thereby significantly increasing soil fertility.

The second solution is prepared from mineral organic fertilizers: 1 capsule of the Kornerost root growth stimulator and 1 tbsp are added to 10 liters of water. a spoonful of full mineral fertilizer "Kemira-Lux", spending 2 liters of solution per 1 m2. Or add 1 teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, "Agricola-5" to 10 liters of water. Consumption - from 3 to 4 liters per 1 m2.​

When the seedlings reach a phase when its leaves begin to touch neighboring ones, the distance between the pots should be increased, which will normalize the illumination. Otherwise, yellowing and rotting of the cotyledons, wilting of the lower leaves and stretching of seedlings will begin.

Those who want to harvest cucumbers early should consider growing cucumber seedlings. The question arises when to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings and what container is best to use for this. The timing depends on the climatic zone, but we will focus on the middle lane.​

Peeled fresh cucumbers need to be cut into pieces and seeds removed. Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bonion, along with pieces of smoked brisket, must be lightly fried in a deep frying pan. Chopped cucumbers should also be added here, add meat broth. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the cucumbers soften. When they become soft, you need to add half the norm of milk sauce, salt and pepper. Next, you need to beat the egg whites into a thick foam, grate the cheese and add all this to the remaining milk sauce. Then pour the cucumbers with the prepared sauce and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Plants must be placed one-line, with a distance between rows of 120 cm, in a row - 30-35 cm. Next, holes should be made, the depth of which is 8-9 cm. When planting seedlings, you need to remember that the stem should not be covered with soil. In order to better illuminate the plants, the distance between the holes must be made different: from the side glazing and from the central passage (between their centers) - 30 cm, and in the center of the row - 35 cm.

Diseases and the fight against them

After sowing, it is necessary to maintain air humidity at the level of 70-75%. It is better to remove late-appearing plants, as they will produce little yield in the future. As a rule, until the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is not necessary to water it, since the humidity in the pots is kept within 72%. If it goes down, then you need to start watering. A few days before planting seedlings, it should be accustomed to outdoor air. The day before planting, you need to feed with mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate at the rate of 10:30:40 g per 10 liters of water, which is enough to process 1 m2. To avoid burns in plants after top dressing, fertilizers must be washed off with clean water.

The technology for growing cucumbers includes soil preparation, compliance with temperature regime, watering and fertilizing.

All buds and shoots are removed from the axils of the first 3-5 true leaves (the so-called "blindness"). If this is not done, then ovaries will form in the axils of the first leaves, which will hinder the development of the plant itself, and as a result, the total yield will decrease.

Cucumber Recipes

The first feeding is carried out before flowering: 10 liters of water are diluted with 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid fertilizer "Agricola Forward". At the beginning of flowering, plants are fed with the following solution: dilute 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate and 2 tbsp for 10 liters of water. spoons of organic fertilizer "Effekton-O".

As soon as the ridges are ready, two rows of wire are pulled along each of them at a height of 1.5–2 m, at a distance of 20–30 cm at the top.

The first top dressing is done in phase 2 of true leaves. The second - in phase 3-4. Top dressing alternate.

When about 10 days remain until the day the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to lower the growing temperature to 16-17 degrees. This will have a hardening effect on the seedlings, so that it can endure adaptation to natural conditions with less trauma. When there are 3-4 days left before the planned planting day, seedlings should generally be kept outdoors (balcony, cold veranda, etc.), provided that there is no direct sun outside and there are no reports of frosts and other phenomena that can be destroyed young seedling. In the last days before planting, the plants are watered with less water.

In the second decade of April, the weather is favorable for sowing seeds. After about a month, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place in open ground, in other words, by that time the seedlings should be 25-30 days old.

Pickled cucumbers stuffed with fish.

Table of diseases and pests of cucumbers.

3 days after planting, plants should be tied up. To do this, over each ridge at a height of about 2 m, you need to stretch 2 rows of wire or cord so that the distance between them is 20 cm. Cucumber plants are tied in a checkerboard pattern with a free knot. Care for planted cucumber plants should consist of watering, which should be moderate and only on warm days, while providing ventilation during sunny hours.

A good seedling of cucumbers should be dark green in color, it should have 1 true leaf, as well as a thick stem.

Scheme of a drip irrigation system for cucumbers in a greenhouse.


During fruiting, cucumbers are fed 4 times. For the first feeding in 10 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid fertilizer "Agricola Vegeta" and 1 tbsp. spoon "Agricola for cucumbers, zucchini, squash", spending 5 liters of solution per 1 m2, or 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid organic fertilizer "Effekton-O" and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska, spending 5 liters per 1 m2.​


Why cucumber seedlings are stretched

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, plants should have 5-6 true leaves, 1-2 tendrils, a thick stem and a well-developed root system.

​To content​

How to grow cucumber seedlings

If all the recommendations were followed when growing seedlings, then the plants will have a stocky, healthy appearance, a well-developed root system that occupies the entire space of the pot, and the leaves will have a rich green color.

From seed to fruit

Compared to tomatoes, cucumbers are not subjected to picking; transplantation has a bad effect on their survival rate, which can take a long time. In this regard, it makes sense to use individual cups for planting, planning 1-2 seeds for each of them. A mandatory procedure is the germination of seeds, which should be carried out at a temperature of 25-30 degrees a few days before the estimated date of sowing. To do this, take a wet napkin into which the seeds are placed, and it is important not to allow the napkin to dry out, periodically spraying it with water. A sign that it is time to sow the seeds is the formation of roots, which should be about 3 mm long.


Growing seedlings of cucumbers

Required: cucumbers - 4 pcs., fish fillet - 2 pcs. (not large), onions - 1 pc., butter - 1 tbsp. l., broth - ½ cup, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tsp., pepper, herbs.

Terms of planting seedlings of cucumbers

Cucumbers are susceptible to many diseases. Most often they are affected by downy mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. Downy mildew appears as a white powdery coating that forms on the upper side of the leaf, and then on the underside. Anthracnose can be recognized by the formation of light brown spots on the upper side of the leaf, a pinkish bloom on the underside, and pinkish-bronze sores on the fruits. With bacteriosis, oily-angular spots appear on the leaves of the affected plants, and watery spots appear on the fruits.

The first foliar top dressing should be given to plants immediately after they are planted in a permanent place in the greenhouse, that is, in the phase of 5-6 leaves, at the rate of 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water. Then top dressing should be carried out every time after a long cloudy weather. For 10 liters of water, 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 5 g of potassium nitrate should be added. The solution must be used depending on the age and development of plants, that is, 10-20 liters per 50 m2. All foliar top dressing should be carried out in the 2nd half of the day.

If you are late with its landing, then this can lead to pampering, stretching of plants and poor survival after planting. It is best to start planting seedlings in the ground in the first half of June after the danger of frost has passed. In the event that it is possible to cover it with a film, the landing can be postponed to the 1st half of May.

Cucumbers can be consumed fresh, and in the manufacture of second courses (for example, stuff them), and for canning. Also, cucumber juice has proven itself in cosmetics and in folk medicine as a laxative for stomach ailments. To get an excellent harvest, it is necessary that the technology for growing cucumbers is fully observed.

Remove side shoots on the main stem. As a rule, all lateral shoots are removed up to a height of 0.5 m; at an interval of 0.5–1 m, 1 leaf is left on the side shoots; at an interval of 1–1.5 m - 2 sheets; further, to the trellis, leave 3 sheets.

Cucumber seedling care

The next top dressing is carried out after 7-8 days: for 10 liters of water, dilute 0.5 liters of mullein per 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate at the rate of 5-6 liters per 1 m2 or root growth stimulator "Kornerost" 2 tablets per 10 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of urea.

Before planting seedlings, moisturizing irrigation is carried out, holes are made with a depth corresponding to the size of the pot, and they are watered with a solution of Effekton-O organic fertilizer, 3 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of warm (30 ° C) water, spending 1 liter per well. Seedlings are planted vertically, falling asleep only in a soil pot.

Before planting seedlings prepare the soil. Cucumber grows well in loose, fertile, organic-rich soils. If they have not been made since the fall organic fertilizers(compost, manure), then they are applied under the spring main tillage, up to 10–15 kg / m2.​

Favorable for planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground will be the time when the soil warms up to 16-17 degrees. By this time, the plants should already have 3 to 6 true leaves, and a well-developed root system. Seedlings are planted in small holes: first, they should be shed with warm water, after which the seedlings removed from the pots are placed in them. It is allowed that the planted plants are in the soil 1-2 cm deeper than their previous level. Plants should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other, but with different planting patterns, this distance can be changed up or down.

In order for the cultivation of cucumber seedlings to be successful, attention must be paid to the preparation of the soil mixture for planting seeds. In its composition, it should not differ from the soil that will be present in the garden. So, having decided to use pure peat as planting material, you may encounter its drying out when it is planted in the garden. Ultimately, the seedling will grow extremely slowly, as the root system in the peat will not be able to survive, which will lead to the loss of vitality of the plants and cause the formation of adventitious roots that can find moisture in other parts of the soil located at a distance from the plant. Thus, cucumbers will develop much more slowly, which is why they will enter the fruiting phase later than usual.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground

Peeled and seeded pickles should be filled with minced meat, which is made from fresh fish, onions, parsley and pepper. After that, stuffed cucumbers must be put in a deep saucepan or frying pan, pour them with broth and sour cream and put on low heat to stew for 25-30 minutes. Then the cucumbers should be shifted from the saucepan. Wheat flour should be fried in wheat oil and added to the remaining broth, salt, pepper and heat, stirring until boiling. The resulting sauce must be strained into a bowl and sprinkled with dill. You can serve potatoes or rice porridge as a side dish.​

To combat downy mildew, spraying with a weak solution should be used. blue vitriol(5 g per 10 l of water), and for adult plants use a more concentrated solution (10 g per 10 l of water). Good results in the fight against powdery mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis of cucumbers are sprayed with 0.08% carotan, morestan or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution.

First, the greenhouses must be cleared of snow and ice, then filled with manure to the strapping, which must be evenly spread out and slightly compacted. After 4 days, manure settles, so it should be further compacted, Special attention giving places near the strapping. If a stable and favorable thermal regime has been created in the greenhouse, then in the 2nd half of March (March 15-20) you can start growing cucumbers.​


Cucumbers in the greenhouse: from seedlings to harvest. How right? Growing seedlings

Scheme for sowing seeds of cucumbers.

Sowing seedlings and caring for them

Cucumber is an annual creeping plant that, with the help of tendrils, is firmly attached to supports and grows upwards. In order to get early and good harvest, it is necessary to pinch the main shoot over the second or 3-4th leaf in plants. Since the birthplace of these vegetables is the hot tropics, they are very demanding on heat and moisture. The people even distinguish the so-called "cucumber" years. During such a period, the weather should be warm in summer, drizzling rain should come in 1-2 days, and then there will be warm evaporation from the surface of the heated earth.


The third top dressing is repeated after 8 days: 10 liters of water are diluted with 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid universal fertilizer "Rossa" and 1 tbsp. spoon "Agricola-5" (for cucumbers), spending 5-6 liters of solution per 1 m2.

If the seedlings are a little stretched out, then after planting the stalk to the cotyledon leaves can be covered with a mixture of peat and sawdust 1: 1 or pure peat.

  1. Fertilizers are also applied to the ridges per 1 m2:
  2. ​To content​

A good soil mixture can be obtained by mixing 2 parts of garden soil with 1 part of peat and 0.5-1 part of sand. It will be even better if you have stored compost from last year, which has already managed to overturn. If you decide to purchase a ready-made store mix, then first fill any container with the contents of a plastic bag and leave it for 1-2 days, stirring it from time to time so that it can “breathe”. Then this soil should be poured into small cups, without resorting to its compaction, watered well and placed to warm up in some warm place for a couple of hours. Now everything is ready and you can start landing.​


Soil preparation and planting seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Cucumbers stewed in sour cream.

For the development of the root system, it is necessary that the soil layer is sufficient, therefore, along the greenhouse (in its middle), you need to arrange a groove, the width of which is 25-30 cm and the depth is 12-15 cm. It is necessary to pour the soil mixture into it, which consists of 2 parts of sod land and 1 part of humus. As a result, a total layer of at least 23-25 ​​cm should be obtained in the groove. A ridge is formed above the groove (on both sides of it), on which fresh garden or old greenhouse soil should be poured.

  • The best time for planting plants in open ground is the 1st week of June. Planting should be in the afternoon, that is, in the 2nd half of the day. But if the weather worsens in the evening (for example, the temperature drops sharply or the north wind blows), planting should be postponed for a day, or with the help of newspapers, paper and other improvised means, reliable protection of already planted plants should be arranged.
  • If there is not enough moisture in the air, then the growth of cucumber plants stops and weakens. Also, cucumbers are very demanding on what kind of soil moisture. Since the root system of this vegetable develops in the surface layer of the soil, a change in moisture in it can adversely affect the overall development of plants. Cucumbers need to be watered often, but in small doses so that the top layer of soil 10 to 15 cm deep is always wet.
  • All side shoots of the second order are pinched on 1 sheet.
  • The last dressing can be prepared green from herbs (plantain, chickweed (louse), nettle, quinoa): chop and pour 1 kg of this mass into 12 liters of hot water, mix well, leave for a day or more, then strain and water at the rate of 2– 3 liters per 1 m2.​

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. For better lighting, it is planted in a checkerboard pattern.

2 tsp "Agricola-5" (for pumpkin crops);

Seeds for seedlings are sown 30 days before planting in the greenhouse. Sow in pots with a diameter of 10 × 10 cm, set close to each other, after which they are covered with plastic wrap and maintained at a temperature of 25–27 ° C.

They take cups in which germinated seeds are placed one at a time, and the depth should be 1.5 cm. Then the cups should be covered with foil and placed in a warm place (23-25 ​​degrees). It is not necessary to wait long for the first shoots, after 3-4 days green sprouts appear. Next, the film must be removed, and the seedlings are still kept at a high temperature. After waiting for the cotyledons to unfold, the seedlings should be placed in a cool place where the temperature will be at the level of 18-20 degrees, and left there for a couple of days. This will help avoid pulling the seedlings. Young seedlings need to be provided with good lighting and moderate watering, for which only warm water is used. When a second true leaf is formed in plants, this indicates that they already have a sufficiently developed root system. In this regard, from this point on, more abundant watering can be carried out. Special care should be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out in the cups, and that there is no excess moisture, a measure should be observed that will ensure the normal growth of seedlings.

Bon appetit!

Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g sour cream, 40 g butter, 75 g of broth, 10 g of tomato paste, greens.

Further, in the middle of the greenhouse, transverse oblong holes should be arranged, the depth of which is 10-12 cm. These holes must first be watered with warm water, then the seedlings should be planted in pairs so that it is in an inclined position and facing the pots to the center. To speed up the appearance of side shoots, you need to pinch the apical bud over the 3-4th leaf. Early ripe varieties do not need to pinch.

For planting seedlings, it is necessary to equip the ridges. Then, in the side of each ridge, always on the south side, young plants must be planted to a depth almost to the very cotyledons. Then seedlings of the following vegetable crops (early cabbage, onion or root plants) should be planted on the ridges. Planting should be carried out simultaneously with watering. In the future, the plants should be watered after 2-3 days, using water heated in barrels. In order not to form a crust, after watering under the plants, it is necessary to pour humus, sod or soil removed from the row spacing into the holes.

Watering and top dressing

For growing cucumbers, the soil plays an important role, which you need to start preparing in the fall. It should be sufficiently moist, necessarily loose and free of weeds. In order for the harvest to be effective, it is necessary to apply manure, peat-manure compost, decomposed urban waste (6-8 kg per 1 m2). It is more expedient to apply fertilizers in layers: manure - in the fall, mineral fertilizers - for pre-sowing treatment in the spring.

The general rule of formation: the higher the plant, the more shoots and fruits are left on it. Over time, the main stem is thrown over the trellis and pinched, leaving 40–60 cm. As a rule, this is where the formation of the cucumber ends.

2 teaspoons of superphosphate;

After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed. Watered with warm water (25-28 ° C). As they grow, the seedlings are arranged so that the plants do not touch each other with leaves (about 40 pieces per 1 m2), which will prevent them from stretching. Night temperature is maintained at 18–20 °C, daytime temperature is 21–23 °C, relative air humidity is 70–75%.​

Sowing is not limited, cucumber seedlings need care - feeding and creating the optimal temperature.

In order to be able to crunch on juicy greens already in mid-June, cucumber seedlings are first grown. It is important to make sure that it does not stretch out.

Peeled and sliced ​​cucumbers should be rolled in flour, to which salt and pepper are added, and fried in oil. Then the fried cucumbers should be put in a deep frying pan, pour over the meat broth, add sour cream, tomato paste. After that, close the lid and simmer at a low boil until the cucumbers become soft enough. The finished dish must be applied, pouring sauce over it, sprinkling dill on top and wrapping it with white bread toasts. Wheat or rice porridge is well suited for a side dish.

Cucumber root rot.

Garter and formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse

The development of cucumber plants is positively affected by weak top dressing, which is carried out with a solution consisting of ammonium nitrate (4-5 g), superphosphate (10-11 g), potassium chloride (3-4 g) per 10 liters of water. After the fruiting process has begun, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the feeding solution from 25 to 50%. When caring for cucumbers, be sure to water them, loosen the soil, fertilize and arrange the lashes along the grooves and ridges.

Planting scheme for cucumbers in a greenhouse.

During the weekly formation of plants, all diseased or yellowed leaves are also removed. All pruning is carried out in the first half of the day, so that the wounds dry up by night.

About a week after planting, the seedlings are tied with twine to the trellis. Around the plant, the twine is tied with a free loop, as the thickness of the stem will increase with age. Once every few days, the main stem is twisted around the twine, all the time in the same direction. The amount of water is consumed depending on the phase of the plant and the weather. Before flowering, 5-6 liters are watered, during flowering - 8-10 liters, during fruiting - 12-18 liters per 1 m2. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 22–28 °C during the day, 17–19 °C at night (the difference between day and night temperatures should be no more than 5–7 °C).​

2 st. spoons wood ash;​ The rate of watering depends on the phase of growth and ambient temperature. For a good supply of water to plants, it is necessary to irrigate in such a way that the water reaches the depth of the roots. If the depth of the roots, for example, of cucumber seedlings is 3 cm, then 3 liters of water per 1 m2 are watered. During fruiting, the roots penetrate to a depth of 15–18 cm, naturally, they water from 15 to 18 liters of water per 1 m2.

When choosing top dressing, you should focus primarily on the composition of the soil: if the mixture contains a small amount of trace elements, then soon the plants will exhaust their entire supply. When planted in soil rich in organic matter, the plants will be provided with everything necessary and will grow and develop well until planting in the ground, without requiring top dressing. However, usually during the cultivation of seedlings they are limited to two top dressings, for which organic or special mineral fertilizers are used. Cucumbers are old companions of farmers. It's nice to crunch on a green juicy fruit plucked from the garden. To get this opportunity as early as possible, you must first grow seedlings of cucumbers. On such plants, the harvest is 3-4 weeks earlier than on those grown from seeds planted directly in the ground. Seeds are buried in open or closed ground when the threat of a return of spring frosts has passed. In the middle lane - this is the end of May. At the same time, you can grow seedlings of cucumbers, which will quickly give the first harvest.


In the first days after planting, watering is not necessary so as not to cool the greenhouse. In the future, as the soil dries out, the seedlings should be watered with warm water heated to 25-30 ° C. The temperature in the greenhouse should be at the level of 25-27°C during the day, 16-18°C at night. On sunny days, to increase the humidity of the air, it is necessary to saturate the greenhouse with water vapor. To do this, before lunch, you need to water the plants (about 3 liters per frame), and then quickly close the greenhouse with frames. In order to prevent overheating of the leaves, it is necessary to carry out ventilation 1-2 hours after the poultice, that is, raise the frames. Such poultice irrigation must be carried out every day (from 8 to 12 days). During this time, the growth of cucumbers will increase, and they will bloom faster.


An earlier and higher yield of cucumbers under film coatings is obtained with the seedling method of growing. Seedlings should be planted in a permanent place in early May from May 5 to May 10. Cucumbers can be planted 10-12 days earlier if you combine the use of film shelters with soil heating, that is, arrange manure steam beds.

Watering cucumber seedlings Feeding cucumber seedlings

In a closed greenhouse, many diseases can develop. This can be caused by planting some crops in a certain place for a long time, and improper disinfection of the premises.

We want to talk about some diseases of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. There is a lot of printed text and videos on the Internet on this topic, we have chosen the most common diseases and want to offer tried and tested ways to treat them.

melon aphid

This disease leads to damage to the shoots, flowers, ovary and underside of the leaf. Causes wrinkling and curling. As a rule, damage occurs in the second part of summer.

This disease develops quite quickly. Initially, a yellowish lesion occurs, followed by dark green. Within a few days, the disease occurs on the entire lower part of the leaf, flowers and leaves. Measures for control. Weeding and destruction of all weeds on the site, this disease can only be transmitted from weeds. Spraying with infusion of red pepper should be carried out, use only fresh for manufacturing: you need to cut

  • 30 gr. add 200 g of tobacco dust. Dilute in 10 liters of hot water 60 *. Infuse for a day. After that, stir and strain the infusion. After that, add one spoonful of liquid soap and 3 tablespoons of wood ash

Tablespoons are used. The consumption of the prepared preparation is 1-2 liters per 1m2, determine by the number of aphids. Spraying should be carried out within a week. You can try the second option.

  • stir 2 cups of ash in 10 liters of hot water, then add 1 spoonful of liquid soap, leave for a day, stir and strain.

After that, spraying can be carried out. Treatment with a solution of karbofos also gives a positive effect. In warm water (30 *) add 2 tablespoons of karbofos.

This solution should be sprayed on the air inside the greenhouse, paths, roof, ground and some of the plants themselves. The treatment should be carried out in good sunny weather with the doors and windows closed in the greenhouse. The air becomes quite suffocating, the aphids die.

If you want to use karbofos for treating plants, you should add 1 tablespoon of the drug to 10 liters of warm water. When spraying, treat the lower part of the plant more carefully. Leave the room for an hour and then loosen the soil to a depth of 2 cm.

When processing, do not damage the upper roots. There are also preparations such as Intavir and Strela, which also contain nutrients, that is, as a result of processing, the plants are also fed with the necessary elements. Such preparations are harmless and environmentally friendly (for more details, see How to choose the right fertilizer for cucumbers).

greenhouse whitefly

This disease damages tomatoes and cucumbers, sucks the juice from the leaves. In the course of the disease, white sugary discharge occurs, on which sooty fungi form, while the leaves turn black and dry out.

It is necessary to cover all doors and vents in one gauze layer, install glue traps. For this purpose, pieces of plywood are painted white and yellow, they serve as an attraction for insects. At the same time, plywood is smeared with rosin with the addition of honey or castor oil, petroleum jelly. When it hits the surface, insects simply stick (you can read about other ways to get rid of ants and other insects in other sections).

After that, the surface of the plywood is wiped and a new layer of the mixture is applied. Spraying with clean water has proven to be excellent, washing the lower part of the sheet gives a particularly good effect, whiteflies accumulate especially here. After washing the leaves, loosen the soil by 2 cm or add the following components: sawdust, peat, or add humus with a layer of 2 cm. Attention: Never pour fresh sawdust.

With this application, they take calcium from the soil and deplete it. This product should be used when it has lain for one year.

Powdery mildew downy

Downy mildew can overtake cucumber diseases in a greenhouse. It has become like an epidemic in recent years. The plant can get sick at any stage of development. It infects cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse.

The infection persists for a long time, about 6-7 years. Formation of powdery downy mildew Signs of the disease: Oily spots, usually green, begin to appear on the sheets. Then they increase during 8 to 10 days.

The plant becomes as if it had been burned, its leaves turn brown. Then it dries quickly, for this it is enough 2-3 days. People call this phenomenon "sour rain".

But this is all speculation, the disease begins to develop with a sharp change in weather conditions, for example, a temperature drop, +28 during the day and +12 at night. The disease can begin when watering cold water, or it will rain quite cold. The formation of condensate on the greenhouse film also contributes to the development.

From this, cucumbers in the greenhouse can constantly be in a wet state, and when the temperature in the greenhouse drops to 12 degrees, the onset of the development of the disease can be expected. Control measures: When you notice the first signs of the disease, you should immediately stop feeding and watering and do not do this for 7 days.

After lowering the humidity in the greenhouse, spraying with such preparations as "Topaz"(one ampoule is diluted in a bucket of water 10 l) or carry out the treatment of oxychoma (2 tablets are stirred into 10 l of water). In this case, the temperature of the solution should be from 22 * ​​to 24 *. After work, the greenhouse should be thoroughly ventilated (see.

How to ventilate a greenhouse if it is not possible to always be nearby), but not to allow the temperature to drop below 23 * during the day, and below 18 * at night. For additional preservation of the body at night, you can cover the plants with a film, this will insulate and maintain the desired temperature.

powdery mildew

This is a disease of cucumbers in the greenhouse and on open field. Manifested in the formation of white plaque on the leaves.

It spreads extremely quickly, and the leaves turn white (it seems like they were sprinkled with flour), after which they dry out and the plant dies quickly. You should not plant cucumbers on the same plot of soil, then a large number of pathogens of this illness. Their rapid spread occurs as a result of a decrease in temperature and when watering with cold water. The disease can also spread from weeds and flowers. Leaf damage by powdery mildew Control measures: At the first manifestation white plaque on plants, they should immediately be treated with a solution of mullein: you need to take

  • 10 liters of warm water (25 *) 1 liter of liquid mullein

Cucumbers should be tied up, otherwise they may face many fungal infections. Useful tips when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

  1. In no case should cucumbers be planted in the ground where zucchini, pumpkin and cucumbers grew. The planting of cucumbers must be alternated. The best predecessors for cucumbers should be: potatoes, beans and tomatoes. You can plant cucumbers in the place where they have already grown before, not earlier than 3 years. You need to water the cucumbers only with warm water and only under the root. with many fungal infections. Before planting vegetables in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil for planting and the location of the greenhouse. It must correspond to the correct temperature regime in summer, and in winter, and at night, and during the day.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid many problems when growing cucumbers. To fight infectious diseases of vegetables, you need to know what signs this or that disease gives.

You need to familiarize yourself with all the typical diseases, then it will be easier to treat plants. Each disease is treated in different ways, the principle of treating cucumbers, just like in humans, cannot be treated with one remedy.

It is better to understand the cause and deeply study the disease, how it manifests itself and what it threatens. And only then treat. It happens that gardeners can treat cucumbers at random with some kind of solution, but the disease will not go away. It will turn out to be a waste of time and money.

In order to have a result, you need to have full knowledge of the information. Skill comes with experience. Before planting cucumbers, novice gardeners, all the more, need to study the characteristics of diseases and pests in order to protect and save the future crop.

Basal and root rot

The reasons for the appearance of white rot: high humidity in the greenhouse, a poorly ventilated greenhouse and a large planting of vegetables. Brief description and signs of cucumber disease in greenhouses The roots and stems at the roots become brown, stained, dry, the leaves also become stained and lie on the ground. The roots can exfoliate, darken and dry.

As a result, the plant stuns and dies. The source of the disease The causative agent of infection are pathogenic fungi that live in the soil. They can even be stored in seeds, and when planted, they begin to appear. Fungi infect both young plants and adults.

Causes of the disease Infection can occur with a sharp temperature drop. If you pour cucumbers with cold or hot water, then the risk of infecting the plant increases. If the stem becomes wet and covered with a white coating like cotton wool, then this is white rot.

It affects the stem and tops at the branching points. The causative agent of the disease is a polyphage fungus. It affects not only cucumbers, but also many other vegetables.

Causes of the disease: high humidity in the greenhouse, a poorly ventilated greenhouse and a large planting of vegetables leads to infection of cucumbers with white rot. .Spots appear on the stem, fruits, flowers and leaves, similar to wet ones. There is a gray coating and black dots.

The causative agent is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Causes of the disease: gray rot, like white, appears due to low ventilation, high humidity in the greenhouse.

Bacteria live on the greenhouse structure and in the soil. Sprinkle the affected areas of plants with chalk, moisten with a solution of copper sulfate (0.5%). The rot-infected soil is selected and cucumbers are not allowed to be planted in this place for 2 years. To combat wilting, loosening of the soil under the plants and timely watering are required. The leaves become lethargic, the plant lies on the ground. The stems turn white with a pink or white coating.

  • pathogens are pathogenic fungi that penetrate the plant through the root; the cause of infection is too dense earth, not loosened. Roots in hard ground do not grow and develop well, water does not reach them, and therefore the plant is inhibited in growth, the fruits become small and not tasty.

Fight: Loosening the soil under the plants and timely watering is required to avoid wilting.

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Powdery mildew on cucumbers

Pathogens infect the leaves of plants. The leaves are covered with a gray-pink bloom. Then black dots appear on the leaves, the leaf surface withers and dries, the plant dies.

The source of bacteria is introduced from open ground. Sources of infection are located near the doors, windows of the greenhouse and heating pipes. The cause of this disease is a draft and a sharp temperature drop.

  1. If signs of plaque appear, the plants are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 12 liters of water). 250 g of onion peel is poured into 12 liters of hot water, infused for 1.5 days, filtered, and then the plants are treated with infusion.

Wet spots, black dots, watery places form in the root part of the plant, which cause the plants to dry out. The leaves first turn yellow, then dry up, and then the whole plant dies. The infection is transmitted through water, drops and air currents.

The humidity of the air and the weakening of plants leads to the fact that bacteria multiply better. Plant residues are removed. If it is possible to preserve the cucumber, then the plant is sprayed with a composition consisting of water, figon - 0.2%, cineba - 0.6%. The fight against bacteriosis of cucumber consists in spraying with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or copper oxychloride is used (0.60%), cineba (0.60%). The disease manifests itself as follows: black spots appear on the corners of the leaves.

The corners dry up, and soon the entire leaf becomes damaged, covered in spots, sores and holes. The plant becomes like it was being pecked by birds. The infection spreads through drops of water.

A good breeding ground for bacteriosis is air temperature from +16 to +20 degrees. Fight: plants are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or copper oxychloride (0.60%), cineba (0.60%) is used.

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downy mildew

The disease manifests itself as white round and angular spots on the leaves. A gray coating may appear on the stem and foliage. Diseased leaves become brittle and curl.

With a strong infection, the plant dies. The infection is transmitted by droplets with high humidity and a temperature of +20 degrees.

  1. Mix skim milk (1 l) with 8 l of water and add 10 drops of iodine 5%. Ash (0.5 l) is brewed with 2.5 l of boiled water, infused for 30 minutes, more water is added to 8 l.

In the first and second variants, the plants must be sprayed with the resulting consistency. Most often, this disease affects the fruits of cucumbers and develops in greenhouses that are covered with film material. Bacteria live on the structures of cultivation equipment and structures.

Spotting appears on the fruits in the form of spots, olive color and then the spots develop into sores. The plant stops growing. Struggle: the greenhouse is fumigated for 2 days with the help of sulfur dioxide (sulphurous checkers), a thorough cleaning of both inventory and everything where plaque is present is performed.

If necessary, you can repeat. Another disease is called copperhead. To get rid of anthracnose, cucumbers are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1.5%) or a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur. Appears on leaves, but also happens on stems. Signs are plaque spots, which then crumble the leaves.

Spots may be single or may be numerous. Then the leaf turns black and falls off. Bacteria are transmitted through the air and droplets.

They can remain in seeds and plant debris in the ground or on the surface. Control: all plant residues are removed, sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1.5%) or a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur. It is characterized by the formation of small spots, at first barely noticeable with black dots. Then the spots get bigger.

Conditions for reproduction is high humidity. The disease leads to the death of the leaf and the death of the plant as a whole. Fight: try to plant cucumbers in a drier place in the garden. It is better to water more often than to be left without a crop.

Cucumber pests in greenhouses

Pests in the greenhouse - aphids, sit on the inside of the leaf, on stems and flowers. After damage to the plant, aphids help it to curl up and the leaves fall off. Aphids carry diseases throughout all plants, thereby infecting the entire greenhouse.

After damage to the plant, it slows down growth and dies. Aphids and a means to combat it: treatment with a solution of laundry soap with lye or you can take wood ash with soap. 100 g of soap, 200 g of lye, 200 g of wood ash and 10 liters of water. Tick control: the plant must be treated with water, sprayed with a solution of water mixed with garlic.

Weeds also need to be removed. Cucumber pests in greenhouse conditions are ticks that sit on leaves and stems. After a leaf is bitten by a tick, it turns yellow, dries up and dies off. Fighting a tick: the plant must be treated with water, sprayed with a solution of water mixed with garlic.

You also need to remove weeds, and in the fall it is good to dig up the soil. The fly is also a pest in the greenhouse. She lays her eggs in the soil. When sprouting cucumbers, the fly harms them the most.

It feeds on the nectar of flowers, lays larvae and has three stages: egg, pupa and adult insect. After the disease of cucumber sprouts, they acquire a bluish color and soon die. Fight against the fly: treatment with chemical solutions. They need to spray young sprouts. Disease and pest control

  • when growing cucumbers indoors, you need to adhere to the correct temperature regime of +18 at night and not higher than +26 during the day; sudden temperature changes should not be allowed; ventilate the room well; if plants are damaged, they are removed, leaving only whole intact ones; draft is an enemy for vegetables in greenhouse. It should not be allowed; use fertilizers, organic substances; to protect the plants, you need to treat the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse with chemical fertilizers; before planting, you need to prepare and cultivate the soil. In advance, in the fall you need to fertilize. In the spring, repeat the process;

In greenhouse conditions, vegetables are at risk of catching diseases in the same way as in open ground.

Disease #4 - gray rot

In this case, large brown spots appear on the leaves, the stems rot, and the cucumbers themselves become covered with weeping brown spots with a fluffy gray coating. This disease appears most often at low night temperatures, watering with cold rainwater and poor ventilation. If the disease is neglected, then many male flowers appear on the plants, and in the bosom of one leaf there are even up to 15 barren flowers, which rot and infect in a couple of days. healthy stems. To avoid this, it is important to avoid dense sowing, and with an abundance of barren flowers after flowering, remove them.

The affected areas should be sprinkled with wood ash, well ventilating the plants and rarely watering. This mixture is also considered effective: 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate + 1 glass of wood ash. All you need to mix well and sprinkle on the sore spots of the plants.

But if the disease still progresses, then the damaged shoots need to be cut and burned.

Disease #5 - Common Mosaic Cucumber

This is a viral disease that can be recognized by the yellow and white spots on young leaves and the ensuing wrinkling. All this leads to a slowdown in the growth of the plant, its poor flowering and conspicuous variegated color of the fruit.

Unfortunately, affected cucumbers most often wither. That is why you need to take care of the prevention of this disease in advance. And this is disinfection, compliance with the optimal planting density and the cultivation of hybrids that are more resistant in this regard. Sick plants must be destroyed, and the rest must be tied up with new twine.

Disease #6 - Powdery Mildew

This fungal disease of cucumbers occurs due to excessive moisture in the greenhouse and manifests itself in the form of a white or reddish coating on the upper side of the leaves (as if sprinkled with flour), due to which the latter dry out much faster. This disease appears when on the same in the same garden, cucumbers are grown from year to year - the infection simply accumulates, and the plants are quickly affected by lower temperatures and cold watering. It can go both from flowers and from weeds. To cope with a powdery coating, the leaves must be sprinkled with a solution of mullein at the first signs of the disease: 1 liter of liquid mullein + 1 tablespoon of urea, everything is mixed and filtered, and cucumbers need to be processed in the morning in warm weather with a sprayer.

There is another way: finely ground sulfur is poured into a bag of three-layer gauze, and plants are pollinated with this in sunny weather, at a temperature of 23-28 ° C. It is only necessary to close all doors and windows during processing, and cover the cucumbers themselves in the open field with a film for 2 hours. And, finally, cucumbers are also saved from this scourge with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - 1.5 g per 10 liters of water.

Disease #7 - Peronosporosis

This disease affects the leaves. Chlorotic spots appear on their upper side, which soon turn into angular yellow, and then completely turn brown. At the same time, a grayish-purple coating will become visible on the underside of the leaves in places of spots.

At first glance, it seems that these are traces of "acid" rain, but in fact these are signs of a disease that occurs from a sharp temperature drop or watering with cold rainwater. First of all, when saving cucumbers, you need to stop watering and feeding for at least a week . Damaged plants should be sprayed with a Topaz solution, breaking one ampoule into 10 liters of water, or with oxychoma, diluting 2 tablets per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, the temperature of both solutions should be within 22-24 ° C (at night 18-22 ° C). Spraying with a solution of serum will also help to cope with this scourge: for 3 liters you will need 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate and 7 liters of water. When the plants die , or the last crop will be harvested from the greenhouse, the beds should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, taking 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. All plants will need to be sprinkled abundantly, and after a day, everything should be removed with roots and burned.

Disease #8 - Fusarium

This disease is common in greenhouses. Both individual plants and the whole culture can be affected. To deal with this problem, you need to disinfect the greenhouse soil and seed dressing, and heavily affected plants will have to be destroyed.

It is necessary to treat the seeds with the Trichodrmin biopreparation at the rate of 4 g per kilogram and add it both to peat-earthen pots and to the holes when planting.

Disease #9 - Olive Spot

This disease begins to spread over cucumbers when watered with cold water - for example, when using the sprinkling method. And also with a draft, which always weakens the plants.

Brown sores appear on cucumbers with a release of liquid - they cover the entire fruit, and it is no longer suitable for consumption. Literally in 8 days, this disease can destroy the entire crop in the greenhouse. That is why, at the first sign, you should immediately stop watering for a week, carry out thorough ventilation on warm days and remove the film from the garden, but on cool days keep as warm as possible.

Plants should be treated with a 1% solution of foundationazole or Bordeaux mixture. You can spray only from a sprayer, in warm weather in the morning, twice with an interval of a week. And immediately after processing, it is important to dry the plants well, and open the window on one side. Careful care from caring hands - and diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse will be bypassed.