How to properly install an electric storage water heater. How to connect a storage water heater (boiler) to the water supply and electrical network with your own hands. What is a boiler and how it works

A water heater has long ceased to be considered a luxury item. Currently, such equipment is installed in almost every home. The most popular are instantaneous and storage electric water heaters. We offer you an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of the equipment mentioned, as well as instructions for its independent installation and proper use.


  1. Compact sizes. The flow heater does not take up much space. At the same time, heater models are available for sale, equipped with a mixer and shower head, which allows for additional savings.
  2. Fast heating. Unlike storage-type models, flow-through heaters begin to produce warm water 30-60 seconds after startup.
  3. No restrictions on the volume of heated water. The user can get exactly the amount of hot water he needs, unlike storage tanks, which have a limited volume.
  4. Relatively low price.


Instantaneous water heaters are best suited for houses and apartments equipped with electric stoves. In this case, the meter and electrical wiring will already comply with regulatory requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages of storage heaters


  1. No need to modify the electrical network. The storage heater can be plugged into a regular electrical outlet.
  2. Economical. On average, per hour of operation, storage water heaters consume approximately the same amount of electricity as an ordinary vacuum cleaner. At the same time, models with the ability to regulate heating power are available for sale. The time required to prepare the required volume of water at the desired temperature directly depends on the installed power.
  3. Possibility of arranging wiring for the bathroom and kitchen.


The only significant drawback of storage water heaters is their impressive dimensions. However, today manufacturing companies offer their consumers a large selection of space-saving heater models. For example, if you wish, you can purchase a flat unit.

Installation of instantaneous water heater

Installation process instantaneous water heater does not require the performer to have any serious skills. There are two options for installing such a unit: for temporary use and for permanent operation.

Temporary connection

This option is usually used when it is necessary to obtain heated water without the possibility of connecting to a central water supply. Once this option becomes available, the water heater can be easily turned off or even dismantled until the next use - it doesn’t take much time.

The most convenient for temporary use are models that are initially equipped with a mixer and shower head.

First step. Secure the heater in a convenient place with dowels and screws.

Second step. Remove the shower head from the home shower hose and connect the hose to the water heater inlet.

Third step. Connect the supplied watering can to the water heater outlet.

As a result, cold liquid will enter the heater from the mixer, be heated as it passes through it, and leave the supplied watering can already warm.

Always connected

This option is used in situations where the heater is planned to be used regularly. In this case, the unit is connected to the water supply system.

The connection is made according to the scheme already discussed, however, the supply and output of liquid are arranged permanently. For this connection, special tees and shut-off valves are used.

As a result, heated water will come out of the mixer.

After installing the heater, make sure that all connections are tight and only then accept the device for permanent use.

It is important to understand not only the procedure for connecting an instantaneous water heater, but also the features of its use.

The main rule: a flow-through water heater can only be turned on after the heater coil is completely filled with water.

If the heater coil is not sufficiently covered with liquid, it will break and it will become impossible to use the device.

Regardless of the option you choose for connecting a flow-through heater, use of such a device is performed in the following order:

Turning off the device is carried out in a similar manner - you turn off the heater, wait until cold liquid starts flowing from the shower head, and only then turn off the water supply.

Storage heater installation

In the case of storage heaters, temporary installation is not provided. You, of course, can connect an ordinary hose with a watering can to the warm water outlet, but using such a unit will be absolutely inconvenient.

First step. Select a suitable location to install the water heater and check the wall.

Flow models are quite light in weight. Cumulative ones will put a much more significant load on the wall. Therefore, when choosing a place to install the heater, you need to pay attention not only to the ease of pipe installation, but also to the strength of the surface.

As a rule, heaters with a volume of up to 200 liters are attached to the wall. Tanks of larger volume require exclusively floor installation. If the heater has a volume of more than 50 liters, it is recommended to attach it exclusively to a load-bearing wall.

Second step. Prepare all the necessary equipment for installing the water heater.

You will need:

  • a hammer drill (if the wall is concrete) or an electric impact drill (if the wall is brick);
  • marker;
  • tape measure;
  • a tile drill (if the surface where the heater will be mounted is tiled);
  • safety valve;
  • FUM tape;
  • dowels and fastening hooks;
  • building level.

If the required wiring is available with pre-mounted tees and shut-off valves, installation of the storage heater is carried out in an extremely simple sequence.

First step. Step back approximately 150-200 mm from the ceiling surface and leave marks on the wall for future holes. Thanks to this gap, you can conveniently lift the water heater for hanging and removing the tank.

Second step. Armed with a drill (hammer) with a suitable drill bit, make holes in the wall with a depth corresponding to the length of the mounting hooks.

Third step. Hammer the dowels into the prepared holes, and then screw the screws into them. Be sure to leave a gap to accommodate the water heater mounting strip.

Fourth step. Install the tank onto the mountings.

Fifth step. Install a safety valve at the cold fluid inlet. With its help, excessive pressure will be removed from the system. Connect the tube for draining excess liquid to the sewer pipe. This tube can also be carefully inserted into the toilet tank.

Sixth step. Connect the pipe cold water to the water heater inlet. The entrance is marked blue. Connection must be made exclusively through the safety valve. At the outlet (marked in red) connect the pipe for the output of the finished hot liquid.

Again, note the importance of the safety valve. Without such a device, the tank may be seriously damaged or even rupture due to excessive pressure build-up during hot water preparation.

If there is a safety valve, the excess pressure will simply be released and the device will continue to operate under normal conditions. Also, using the safety valve, you can quickly and conveniently drain water from the heater if necessary to perform maintenance and repair work on the equipment.

Thus, installing a water heater is not particularly difficult. If you wish, you can install and connect the storage model or flow-through heater yourself. It is enough just to follow the provisions of the presented guide and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - DIY water heater installation

Hot water is one of the important components of a comfortable life for a modern person. Utilities are responsible for its uninterrupted supply in cities, but what about those who are not connected to the centralized network?

There is only one way out - to purchase and install a water heater. Such devices are varied, but as practice shows, electric storage models are in particular demand among buyers.

Installation of the equipment is quite simple and will not cause any particular difficulties for a home craftsman. And yet, let's take a closer look at how to install a storage electric water heater.

The device is a thermally insulated tank of arbitrary shape. A heating element is built into it, which heats the water to the temperature set by the owner.

Electric water heaters are a practical solution for uninterrupted hot water. It is only important to correctly determine the volume of the device

It varies from 35 to 85C. In a thermally insulated container, the heated liquid maintains its temperature for 2-3 hours. After the water has cooled by 0.5C, the automation is triggered and the heater is turned on to heat the liquid.

When the set temperature is reached, the device turns off. This mode of operation allows the device to save energy.

Heaters built into the tank can be tubular or spiral. The first option is more reliable, it is not afraid of air locks, but over time it will definitely become covered with scale.

Spiral devices are not afraid of scale and they heat up an order of magnitude faster. The tank can be steel or plastic. Its internal surface is covered with enamel or glass ceramics.

To prevent the welds of the steel container from rusting, special anode rods are inserted into the tank to prevent the iron from oxidizing. They need to be changed every 5-8 years.

The standard design of the water heater includes a thermostat, which is responsible for maintaining the set temperature. The device control system can be either manual or automated.

The device can be equipped with an additional function for quickly heating water. Storage water heaters differ in volume, which, in turn, affects the rate of water heating.

The larger the volume, the longer the equipment will warm up the liquid. It is advisable to accurately calculate the need for hot water so as not to force the device to run idle and at the same time not experience a shortage of it.

The diagram shows general device electric storage water heater

Types of storage water heaters

One of the most important criteria for choosing a device is its type according to the connection method. There are two types of such devices.

Type #1: Storage type pressure equipment

Used in systems where the water pressure is constant. In this case, the type of water supply does not matter; it is important that pressure is maintained in the main line. Pressure devices have many advantages:

  • Constant availability of hot water, since the device’s tank is never empty. As heated water is consumed, cold water is poured into its place under pressure.
  • Good water pressure. It is determined by the maximum pressure in the pipeline and is usually quite high, especially compared to its non-pressure counterpart.
  • Easy to connect to the power grid. Considering that the device has a power of 3-4 kW, there are no problems with the electrical network.

The equipment also has disadvantages. The most significant is the rapid decrease in temperature in the tank when a large amount of cold water enters.

The low power does not allow the heating element to quickly heat the water, so you have to wait until the device copes with its task. This drawback is especially noticeable in small-volume devices.

For example, a 50-liter tank when using a shower with a flow rate of 3-5 liters of water per minute in just 15 minutes. will be filled with cold water. To continue water procedures you will have to wait a while.

This disadvantage is mitigated the right choice volume of the device.

Type #2: Non-pressure storage water heaters

The equipment is designed to work with pipelines in which there is no constant pressure. Water is supplied to the tank using a pump that is turned on manually or automatically.

In the latter case, a float switch is mounted inside the container. Many people consider the non-pressure system inconvenient and outdated, but in some cases its use is quite justified.

For example, the device would be very appropriate in a country house, the owners of which do not want to equip a full plumbing system. The advantages of non-pressure equipment include:

  • Low power consumption, which allows the device to be installed in houses with old wiring.
  • Easy to install and connect.
  • Slow mixing of hot and newly incoming cold water inside the tank.

There are not many disadvantages to non-pressure water heaters. Among them is low power, which forces you to wait quite a long time until the water warms up to the desired temperature.

In addition, you need to remember that the liquid enters the container slowly. Therefore, the water level may drop below the minimum mark, and this will lead to failure of the heating element.

It is important to always monitor this moment.

When choosing a location for a water heater, it is important to consider its type. Horizontal models should absolutely not be placed vertically, otherwise serious equipment damage will not be avoided.

Choosing a place to install equipment

Before installing the device, select the location where it will be located. Storage water heaters are quite large in size, which must be taken into account when placing them. There are three types of devices:

  • Wall-mounted, the capacity of which does not exceed 200 liters.
  • Floor-standing, volume from 200 to 1000 l.
  • Built-in, having different capacities.

In addition, there are devices of vertical and horizontal types. Depending on this type, the device should be located.

Incorrect placement complicates the operation of the equipment and quickly disables it. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing a location for a water heater.

In addition, a number of other requirements must be met. The device must be installed in a place protected from cold so that the water does not freeze. It should be located close to water points.

In this case, it is desirable that the length water pipes was minimal.

To install a massive floor-mounted storage water heater, you will need a strong, level base, in some cases this may be a special stand

If the water pipes are too far from each other, it is worth considering installing several water heaters. It is advisable to choose a location for the device so that the pipelines with cold and hot water are located close enough and are easily accessible.

It is also important to examine the condition of the wiring. Special attention You should pay attention to its cross-section and ability to withstand additional power. If necessary, the wiring will have to be replaced.

Another important issue is the availability of equipment. There must be enough space at the installation site for unobstructed installation work, subsequent maintenance and possible dismantling.

Based on this, it is necessary to provide a free distance from the nearest surface to the protective cover of the device. It cannot be less than 50 cm.

If you plan to install the water heater in the bathroom, you need to take into account that there are zones with different humidity levels. In some of them, installation of electrical equipment is strictly prohibited.

When attaching wall-mounted appliances, it is very important to determine the strength of the wall. Brick and concrete partitions, even if there are ventilation shafts behind them, can withstand a device of up to 100 liters. Equipment with a volume of up to 200 liters can only be hung on load-bearing walls.

If there are serious doubts about the strength of the wall, you should not hang a device with a capacity of more than 50 liters on it. In this case, you will have to install a special supporting frame made of metal.

The location for built-in water heaters is selected in strict accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations.

Once a location for the equipment has been selected, installation can begin.

Securing the device

The easiest way to install a floor water heater. Most often this is a massive device that is placed directly on the floor or on a small stand.

The main condition is that the base is sufficiently strong and level, since the equipment must stand without distortion. With wall mounting, things are a little different.

Vertical heaters with a volume of up to 100 l are usually hung on two supports. For larger devices and horizontal models There are four attachment points.

The mounting scheme for water heaters varies. As fasteners, you can use concrete anchors, dowels with screws, or L-shaped wood screws.

Wall-mounted storage water heaters are usually equipped with a special mounting strip, with which the device is securely mounted on the wall

It is important to choose the right fasteners so that they match the wall material. A special mounting strip may be included with the device.

We perform the following operations:

  • We mark the wall. If the device is mounted on a strip, place it against the wall, check the horizontal position and mark the locations for the fasteners.
  • Preparing the holes. Use an impact drill or hammer drill to make holes and insert fasteners into them.
  • We hang the device and securely fasten it.

If the water heater model does not provide for a mounting strip, the body is equipped with brackets with eyes.

In this case, you need to be especially careful in marking the fasteners, since in case of an error, the eyes simply will not fit on the hooks.

The heater should be installed in strict accordance with its design, so that all horizontal and vertical pipes are located exactly as recommended by the manufacturer.

In addition, the hooks on the wall must be installed so that spontaneous movement of the device along the wall is completely prevented.

General installation diagram of a storage electric water heater

Connection to water supply

The manufacturer puts markings on the heater tank indicating the hot and cold water connection points. They are indicated in red and blue.

When connecting the device to pipelines, you should install shut-off valves on both lines and a non-return safety valve on the cold water pipe.

Cranes are necessary to turn off equipment in case of periodic use or for maintenance and repair during continuous operation.

A non-return safety valve is installed at the inlet of the water heater. It is designed to protect the device from overheating or excess pressure. In addition, when the cold water supply stops, it will prevent it from flowing out of the boiler.

  1. We connect the device to a pipeline with cold water. To do this, we need to screw a tee onto the inlet pipe of the tank. Don't forget about the sealing tape-fum or tow with silicone.
  2. We install a tap on the side pipe of the tee, which will work as an emergency drain. Experts recommend installing this part, since the standard drain hole of the heater is most often very small and the draining procedure can take several hours.
  3. We install a non-return safety valve on the lower part of the tee.
  4. We install a shut-off or shut-off valve at the bottom of the structure.
  5. We install a threaded adapter and use it to connect the cold pipeline to the boiler.
  6. Turn on the hot water. First we install the shut-off valve.
  7. We connect the tank to the pipeline using a threaded adapter.

It is recommended to connect storage-type non-pressure water heaters according to this scheme

The general diagram shown is intended for connecting pressure models. If a non-pressure device is being installed, we proceed a little differently.

In this case, we will connect the device to an auxiliary tank, which is used as a storage device. It must be installed at a height of at least 2 m from the top point of the heater.

Moreover, if the pressure in the water supply exceeds 6 bar, you will have to install a reducer in front of the water heater at the inlet, which will reduce the excess pressure.

Electrical connection

A storage water heater is a fairly powerful electrical appliance, for which operation it is necessary to equip a separate splash-proof high-quality outlet. It should be located in a place protected from moisture as much as possible and have a grounding terminal.

The supply line should be equipped with an RCD (residual current device) and a circuit breaker that will protect the network from overload currents in the heater and possible short circuits.

The device rating is 16 A. The installation of an RCD is necessary to protect the user from possible electric shock from the water heater.

This is what it looks like in reality correct connection storage water heater to water pipes

The device can be installed in a panel or take the form of an adapter. In this case, the leakage current rating cannot be more than 30 mA with a minimum load of 16 A.

If desired, you can run a separate cable to the boiler; it will go directly from the meter. Before starting work, you need to soberly assess your strength. Working with electrical wiring requires certain knowledge and skills.

Installation errors can result in electric shock and equipment failure. If you have no experience working with electricity, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Preparing the device for operation

To prepare the water heater for operation, it is necessary to remove the air accumulated in it from the secondary circuit, otherwise, when heated, air bubbles will move through the coolant and cause unpleasant noise.

To do this, you need to fill the water heating circuit to capacity with water. At the same time, the hot water tap remains open until the container is completely filled.

Upon completion of installation work and connecting the device, we once again check the quality of connections of all components and conduct a test run of the device

A storage electric heater is a practical solution for providing your home with hot water. Different types of devices can be connected both to the water supply and to a water storage tank or pump.

Installation of equipment can be done independently, especially if the home handyman has experience in plumbing work. It is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and correctly install and connect the heater.

Only then will the device serve its owner for a long time and without interruption.

When it is necessary to connect a water heater to a water supply system, the diagram must take into account the type of unit, installation location and other parameters. Only by carefully considering the installation method can you achieve the desired result - reliable operation and longevity of the equipment. We should not forget that there are certain rules and requirements that must be observed during installation.

According to the type of energy used, water heaters are divided into gas and electric.

The first option is more economical, but the installation of such models, as in all installation cases gas equipment should be carried out by specialists with permits. That is why the connection will be discussed in detail below electric models, in this case it is allowed to install the boiler yourself.

According to the principle of operation, water heating units can be storage or flow-through.

Required Tools

In order for the scheme to connect the boiler to the water supply to be implemented without problems, it is necessary to prepare everything necessary in advance.

The list of tools and materials includes:

  • measuring devices (ruler or tape measure),
  • impact tool for drilling and drill bits in a set (you can use a hammer drill or a drill with an impact function),
  • fastening elements for mounting the unit on the wall (brackets, anchors),
  • mounting keys for connecting elements (it is optimal to supplement the kit with pliers and an adjustable wrench),
  • tees (fittings designed for insertion into water pipes),
  • shut-off valves (they should be installed at the entrances to the boilers to ensure that the equipment can be turned off, for example, for repairs)
  • materials to ensure the tightness of connections (tow, special paste, sealing tape),
  • flexible hoses (with their help, liquid is introduced into and out of the heater).

When preparing materials and tools, take into account the individual characteristics of connecting the water heater to the water supply system - the scheme may involve extending pipes or creating a bypass line. In this case, you need to purchase pipes, choosing them according to their technical characteristics (it is important to remember that not all materials are resistant to high temperatures).

Working with various types of pipelines

The diagram for connecting the water heater to the water supply in the apartment and the choice of tools and materials also depend on the type of existing pipeline.

Polypropylene pipelines

To work with polypropylene pipes, you will need a pipe cutter and a special soldering device. In this case, the tees are selected from a similar material, and MPH couplings are used to connect them to the taps.

The process itself is not difficult if the pipes are open; with hidden communications, the process is complicated by the need to open the top layer above the pipes. Only after this will it be possible to crash into the water supply.

Metal-plastic pipelines

Metal-plastic pipes are usually laid on the surface, so the likelihood of complications is eliminated. Installation is carried out using fittings, and their choice is quite large, so any water heater installation scheme can be implemented without additional problems.

The insertion is carried out using tees, to which, depending on the location of communications and the installation location of the heater, additional pipes or directly flexible hoses for input are connected.

The photo shows an option on how you can install a water heater with your own hands using metal-plastic pipes and compression fittings

Steel pipelines

Do without welding work when working with a steel pipeline, the original “vampire” tee will allow it. Structurally, it is a clamp with an outlet, which is put on the pipe (of course, the water supply should be turned off before installation) and secured with clamping screws. A rubber gasket is used for a tight fit.

Using a repair clip-tee is sufficient in a simple way installation, but not the most reliable

Important: Before installing the tee clip, the section of pipe under it should be cleaned of dirt, rust, and paint.

After installing the clamp with the outlet, a hole is drilled through the latter in the main pipeline. To perform such work, the use of a protective sleeve is required. It will prevent damage to the internal threads when drilling. A tap is installed on the outlet thread and then a supply hose to the boiler.

If you want to know how it is done, the whole process will be shown, and the text information in the article will help you avoid mistakes.

Storage heater installation

For those wondering how to install an electric storage water heater, it is important to know what is required when installing such equipment. It will ensure the correct operation of the unit and reduce the likelihood of emergency situations.

A safety check valve for a water heater prevents water from flowing out of the heater, and also, if the maximum pressure in the tank is exceeded, it discharges excess liquid into the sewer through a drain outlet

The water inlet pipe of the water heater is marked in blue to avoid errors when connecting. During installation, a safety valve is installed on it in compliance with the tightness requirements (FUM tape, flax tow, etc. are used). To further connect the water heater to the water supply, use a flexible hose or a hose in combination with pipes (steel, polypropylene or metal-plastic structures are selected according to the type of existing pipeline. The so-called safety group (non-return safety valve) should work flawlessly, so if you use an inexpensive installation kit , it is better to purchase this element separately, choosing high quality.

During self-installation, the sequence of installed elements in the direction from the inlet pipe of the water heater will be as follows:

  • tee,
  • a ball valve, which is used to drain water and is connected to the side outlet of the tee,
  • safety valve with drain outlet,
  • shut-off valve to shut off the system,
  • pipeline.

This is a basic list of elements for installing a water heater in an apartment or private house, which can be supplemented if necessary:

  • reducer (a device that reduces the inlet pressure to the nominal value for the water heating device),
  • filter (if the water in the pipeline does not meet the requirements, for example, if there is a large amount of insoluble impurities and salts that form deposits on the surface of the tank and on the heating element).

After completing these operations, all that remains is to connect the hot line to the boiler. To do this, a shut-off valve is mounted on the corresponding pipe of the water heater so that it can be turned off. The shut-off valve is connected to a flexible hose to drain the heated liquid.

Installation of instantaneous water heater

How to install a instantaneous water heater depends on how many water intake points the unit is intended to be used at. Depending on this, the power and performance of the water heater are also selected.

The easiest way is to mount the model on one crane. Thus, there is often a need to find out how to install a flow-through heater in the bathroom of residents of city houses with central hot water supply with frequent hot water outages. In this case, a low-power and cheaper device may be sufficient.

In private homes, where a heater is the only heating method, more often complex circuits with branches (at least for the faucet in the kitchen and the bath or shower). Such schemes require more powerful and expensive equipment. Installation in this case has its own characteristics. For example, the location for installing the heater should be chosen so that it is located approximately at an equal distance from all points of water consumption.

Installation is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Installation of tees on hot and cold water pipelines for tapping equipment.
  2. Installation of ball valves on tees to be able to shut off the water supply if necessary. Particularly when using a heater as alternative option, when turning off the tap on the hot line, it makes it possible to use hot water from a centralized line.
  3. The tees on the pipelines are connected to the corresponding nozzles of the water heater using flexible hoses. If the equipment is located far from the tie-in points, pipes (polypropylene, metal-plastic, steel - depending on the type of pipeline available) can also be used.

Important: Since the power of such models is high, it is recommended to use a reinforced three-core cable as wiring and lead it from the panel; an RCD and grounding are also required. This will all be relevant for powerful storage boilers.

Plus, when installing a flow-through electric heater with your own hands, it is recommended to use an ion exchange filter, and, if necessary, a mechanical one to protect the ion exchanger from rapid contamination. This is due to the intense deposition of salts on the equipment during rapid heating of water in a flow-through heater.


The video will show you clearly how to install a water heater with your own hands.

To understand the principle of installing a storage water heater, you need to know specifications equipment.

A storage water heater is a cylindrical tank of vertical and horizontal type, designed to heat water from 55 to 75˚ using an electric heating element. After heating the water to a predetermined temperature value, the water heater turns off and goes into automatic temperature maintenance mode.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of storage water heaters is that they are universal and do not require large energy costs. Their installation is allowed in any premises where there is electrical wiring and plumbing.

In addition to these advantages, there is another and no less significant advantage - the use of water from the tank in several places at the same time. The storage water heater is connected to the main water tap, from where water is distributed. The only negative is that its dimensions do not make it possible to install them in small rooms and tight spaces.

If you are faced with a choice and do not know which of the two types of water heaters to choose, then the best and most economical option, of course, will be a vertical water heater. This is argued by the fact that in a vertical water heater the heating element is located at the bottom of the tank. And the horizontal heater is in the side part. Typically, cold water sinks to the bottom of the tank. For vertical water heaters, heating it is not difficult.

Horizontal storage water heaters cope worse with heating water. As a result, electricity consumption increases.


Below you can watch a video about the types of storage water heaters and the principles of their operation:

What can affect the longevity of a water heater?

First of all, the durability of the storage tank is affected by the quality of the water. If you are using water that is saturated with iron, it is best to use an enamel tank. Large protective anodes are installed in enameled tanks; they will neutralize the active components of iron. The only requirement is regular replacement of the protective anode.

As for stainless storage water heaters, they are equipped with small protective anodes. Consequently, when using ferrous water, the anode cannot cope with the load, and iron settles on the surface of the tank and on the heating elements. As a result, it is necessary to change the heating element and the anode at the same time.

There is one more nuance that affects the durability of the water heater - this is the operation of the water heating device. Improper use of the device in winter time years leads to the water tank freezing, as a result of which heating elements and protective anodes burst. The joints begin to leak, as a rule, this leads to premature disposal of the water heater.

Storage water heaters are manufactured with one and two heating elements of different capacities - 1.5 and 2.5 kW. A heater with two heating elements is installed in places where high electrical power consumption is expected.

A heater with one heating element is designed for low-power electrical lines.

Storage water heater installation locations

The most ideal place to install the device is the bottom of the wall under the sink. This way, the space is not cluttered and the risk of the tank breaking under the weight of the water is reduced. Do not be afraid that splashes of water will get on the surface and on the connecting elements. Manufacturers of water heaters have developed an electrical safety system and indicated the degree of protection on the body of the water heater. Therefore, before installing a storage water heater, read the labeling.

Installation of fasteners

We mark the location of the fasteners and install anchor bolts or hooks. Installation of anchors and hooks is carried out using an adjustable wrench, and they are clamped with full force. Upon completion of fixing the fasteners with anchor bolts the nuts are unscrewed, and the tank is put on the anchor, after which the nuts are clamped.

The choice of fastening elements is selected according to the capacity of the tank.

Water supply to the water heater

To facilitate the process of supplying water to the water heater, you need to start by supplying cold water. The inlet hole of the pipe is marked in blue; the outlet hole with a pre-wound layer of tow impregnated with silicone is inserted into it.

A tee is screwed onto the treated pipe and an emergency drain valve, a relief valve and a shut-off valve are installed in each hole. Upon completion of the installation of taps and valves, a threaded adapter is installed on the tee and connected to the apartment water supply.

Next we move on to hot water. We install a shut-off valve and a threaded adapter on the hot water supply system; it will serve as a connecting link between the apartment wiring and the hot water pipeline.


Rules for connecting an electric water heater:

Electrical installation

Prepare a cable with a square cross-section of 2.5 squares and an automatic ampere switch of 16 A. Then connect the wiring to the electrical panel and fasteners in the tank according to the attached instructions.

Domestic water heaters are designed to provide hot water to individual apartments, country houses or country houses. This condition is characterized by a limited number of people living in an apartment or house. For those who have basic plumbing skills, installing a water heater with your own hands allows you to save your family budget and get incomparable pleasure from the result of your work.

First you need to determine the most optimal type of device for heating water. Water heating units differ:

  1. by power source;
  2. according to the operating principle.

Based on the power source, there are two groups of devices: gas and electric.

According to the principle of operation - storage and flow.

The operating principle of various types of water heating devices


In the case of the accumulative principle of operation, water is heated in a water tank. This type of device for providing hot water is the most common. Their popularity is explained by the attractive price and the lack of specific requirements for electrical wiring.


In a flow-through heater, water is heated as it is passed through a special flask equipped with an electric heating element. Such a device is placed directly on the tap with water that comes from the water supply. With this operating principle, the water heats up to approximately 30⁰C. The disadvantages include the fact that a flow-through heater requires a large amount of energy, which is not always possible for old buildings. Based on the power consumed, devices are divided into single-phase and three-phase. In addition, one of the determining factors is the heating element: a spiral or a heating element. If the water in your home or country house is hard, then a spiral heating element is preferable. It is worth noting that the heating element consumes 10–20% less electricity than a device with a spiral.

Video: a little about choosing a water heater

Basic stages of work

Regardless of the type of water heating device, the installation of the water heater is carried out in full accordance with general rules safety and manufacturer-specific requirements. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the condition and conditions:

  • Provide free access to the device throughout its entire service life;
  • Choose the right wall for mounting. For example, with a tank capacity of 80 liters, the wall must withstand a double load of 160 kg;
  • Determine the condition of the wiring, its cross-section and ability to withstand the power of the electric heater (if necessary, replace the wiring);
  • Determine the condition of risers and pipes in an apartment or house (in some cases it is necessary to change pipes to ensure the installation of a heating device).

Required tools and materials

In addition, for comfortable work it is necessary to prepare in advance necessary tools and materials:

hammer drill with appropriate attachment, tape measure, adjustable wrenches and wrenches, wire cutters, screwdrivers of 2 types, pliers, fum tape or paste, linen threads, fittings, metal-plastic pipe (meterage is determined depending on the location and connection conditions), 2 connecting hoses , shut-off valves (2 units for instantaneous water heating devices and 3 units for storage), as well as two or three tees, respectively.

Option “A”: installation of a storage water heater

Step 1: Attaching the Heater

The step-by-step instructions for installing a storage water heater are simple and doable:

  1. On the selected wall, mark the location for mounting the unit. Using a tape measure, measure the distance between the holes of the device anchors;
  2. Mark the holes on the wall. Using a hammer drill, drill holes (2 or 4 depending on the design);
  3. Insert dowels and hammer or screw in hooks.

Important note for attaching the device: you need to measure the distance from the holes in the anchors to the highest point of the device. To put it on the hooks, the same distance on the wall must be maintained: from the dowels to the ceiling, plus a small margin.

Step 2: connecting the device to the water supply

When the device is already mounted on the wall, you can begin connecting the water heater. The simplest and easiest conditions for carrying out this procedure are when the connection points are identified. All that remains is to connect them to the input and output of the device using pipes or flexible hoses. The tightness of the connection using flexible hoses is ensured by a sealing rubber gasket. The cold water inlet into the heating device is indicated in blue and a special valve is installed on it, which allows you to relieve excess pressure. For a comfortable Maintenance It is recommended to install an additional tee in front of the shut-off valve and connect it. In the future, it will allow water to be drained from the tank. It is important to ensure tightness - wrap fum tape or threads with paste around all places where connections were made.

Standard connection diagram for a storage water heater:

The hot water outlet on the device is indicated in red. It needs to be connected to a hot water tap. After this, you should open the cold and hot water valves, wait until all the air comes out of the hot water tap and water flows. At the same time, monitor whether there are any leaks in the joints.

Step 3: Power Supply

The next stage is connecting the water heater to the power supply, where the method is determined only by the preferences of the new owner of the water heater. The contacts on the terminals of the device are designated as follows:

  • A – phase (brown wire);
  • N – zero (blue wire color);
  • Grounding (yellow or any other color in a three-wire cable).

After connection, voltage should be applied. As a result, the activity indicator light on the device will light up. Then, according to the manufacturer's instructions, you need to adjust temperature regime. The storage type water heating device is installed and ready for use.

Video instructions for installing a water heater

Option “B”: installing an instantaneous water heater

The light weight and compact dimensions of such a device make it possible to install an instantaneous water heater, for example, under a kitchen sink. The rapid heating of water that this device provides places special demands on the wiring and electricity meter: cable from four to six mm², meter from 40 A, circuit breaker from 32 to 40 A.

For flow-type water heating devices, there are two installation methods - temporary and permanent.

Temporary connection

A temporary connection uses a shower hose, and when the centralized hot water supply is restored, it can simply be closed and not used. Temporary type requires cold water supply. To do this, a tee is cut into the cold water supply pipe, a shut-off valve is installed, and a flexible hose is connected to the inlet of the water heating device. Then you need to open the cold water valve, open the outlet valve for heated water, and plug it into the network. After 30 seconds, hot water starts flowing.

Fixed connection

The stationary option ensures the supply and intake of heated water simultaneously with the functioning of the centralized water supply. Here you will need 2 tees that cut into the pipes (hot and cold water). Valves with tight connections are then installed. After this, the cold water pipe is connected to the inlet into the device (blue marker). By using metal-plastic pipe or hose connects the heated water outlet to the hot water shut-off valve. After this, you need to open the mixer and taps, and also check the tightness of the connections. After connecting to the power supply, heated water will flow from the mixer. A permanent connection involves shutting off the hot water riser in apartment building. This action will prevent the outflow of heated water into the pipes of neighboring apartments.

Video: installing a temporary solution based on a flow-through heater

Other types of water heaters

Gas heaters

An alternative to an electric water heating device is a gas water heater, which operates on the flow principle. It is possible to install such a device only if it already exists geyser. If it is not there, then independent installation of a gas water heater is excluded, since this is a violation of the Law. Even if you have a gas water heater, its modernization or modifications for heating water should be entrusted to a gas service company that has the required licenses and certificates. She will carry out all work safely, reliably and in accordance with all rules, regulations and laws.

Induction heaters

Among the noteworthy types of water heating devices is the induction water heater. There is no scale formation in the tanks of such devices. The alternating magnetic field of the inductor (heating element) does not allow magnesium and calcium cations to settle on the surface of the heat exchanger. This fact maintains the efficiency of the device for many years. This device has a number of other advantages, which in the future, with the improvement of this technology, will allow it to become a serious competitor to currently popular water heating devices.