How to choose a safe for an apartment. Rating of safes. Variety of design solutions

The huge variety of models makes it very difficult to choose a safe for your home. Specialists from EnergoProf LLC shared recommendations on how to protect valuables and spend exactly as much as you really need.

First of all, before choosing a safe for your home, you need to determine what valuables the product will be used to store and protect against what threats. So, if fire is considered the most likely danger, then fire-resistant models are best suited for fire protection. They prevent fire or smoke from entering. Choosing such a safe for your home will protect documents from damage or complete loss.

If it is much more important for the owner to protect valuables from unauthorized access, then it is worth buying burglar-resistant safe models for the home. For greater safety, many of them have special holes for anchor bolts. This makes it difficult for intruders to act, but worsens the fire-resistant properties.

The advantages of both types of safe equipment are combined in fire-burglary-resistant products. They cost significantly more.

Which home safe should you buy?

  • manufacturer's brand. The catalog of EnergoProf LLC presents products from the largest manufacturers: Format, Valberg, TECHNOMAX, Safetronics, Ripost, etc. You can inexpensively order a model from Germany, Italy, South Korea, Slovakia, Russia;
  • with protection against drilling and knocking out. Before choosing a safe for your home, you need to make sure that it is equipped with a carbide plate;

  • the tightness of the door to the frame. There should be no gap between the front panel and the walls;
  • number of crossbars and their location. When choosing a safe for your home, you need to make sure that the locking system is secure and inaccessible to hacking. The crossbars must be strong enough and massive. Most often they extend from 2, 3 or 4 sides. The more, the more expensive, but the better and safer;
  • thickness of walls and doors. Massive multilayer structures better withstand thermal and mechanical loads;
  • type of lock. Which safe is best for your home - with an electronic, code or key lock - depends on the importance of the stored documents and the amount of funds. Some models have two locks installed at once: electronic and key, two keys, combination and key;

  • the presence of internal shelves, a lockable compartment and other additional accessories.

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When choosing a safe, you should consider what exactly will be stored in it - money, jewelry, documents, securities, weapons, information media. The type and quantity of a device's contents determine its dimensions. If you don’t need to store guns or large objects in it, a small volume will be enough.

Next, you need to decide what you should protect your valuables from first of all - from fire or from theft. According to the main protection parameters safes can be burglar-proof and fire-resistant. There are also devices that combine protection against burglary and fire, but their cost is significantly higher. According to statistics, burglar-resistant ones are in great demand, while in reality, protected values ​​are much more likely to suffer from fire.

Prices in online stores: RUR 8,870
Safegroup RUB 7,875 RUB 9,960
Safegroup RUB 11,960

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Burglar-resistant safes have walls made of two steel sheets with a layer of durable concrete between them. According to the accepted standard GOST R 50862-96, there are 13 burglary resistance classes for safes and vaults.

For apartments, the most popular and reliable are devices of the first or second, maximum third class of burglary resistance. The class must be confirmed by a certificate. During the expert assessment, resistance to hacking is checked. To do this, experts determine the amount of time and type of tools that an attacker will need to open the device.

In fire-resistant safes, a special fire-resistant material – cellular concrete – is located between two steel walls, the door closes hermetically, and there are a minimum of functional holes in the body. Such devices are marked depending on two parameters: the type of contents that can be stored for a relatively long time in the event of a fire, and the time it takes to reach the critical temperature inside the safe. Marking B means that the safe is intended for the safety of paper documents and banknotes, D and DIS - for paper and magnetic media. The time during which the storage device must protect valuables from fire is indicated in minutes. So, for example, class 60B must guarantee the safety of paper bills and documents for 60 minutes.

Prices in online stores:

Safegroup RUR 2,840

RUSSEIF safe store RUR 32,600 RUB 48,830

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When purchasing, you need to choose the most suitable lock option: key, coded electronic or mechanical. The first type of lock is quite reliable, but it is important to decide right place storage for the key. If the second or third option is chosen, there is a risk of forgetting the code, and in the case of a mechanical type of lock, it may take several minutes to enter it. The most secure way is to have two different locks in the safe, for example, a key and a mechanical combination.

It is important to choose the correct location of the device in the apartment. The built-in options are very convenient. Such a safe does not take up extra space in the apartment, it is more difficult for an attacker to find it, it is protected on 5 sides by a wall, which improves protection not only from burglary, but also from fire. The disadvantages of this option are the need for a specialist for installation and restrictions on the thickness of the wall - it must be 10 cm or more thicker than the depth of the safe. If the structure is not built-in, then you need to make sure there is a reliable fastening - to the wall or floor, depending on the type of device. A third option, but not the most reliable, may be furniture safes.

And finally, the price of the safe. A cheap device will not only not provide reliable protection, but will also attract the attention of intruders. At the same time, it would not be wise to choose a very expensive safe that is comparable in price to or exceeds the cost of the protected values. Experts recommend choosing a ratio between the price of the device and its contents – approximately 1 to 10 or 15.

Despite the increased demand for installation of safes in Russia in recent years, the number of apartments equipped with such storage devices is relatively small compared to the United States and European countries. Most people need to protect their valuables and documents, so the number of safe deposit boxes will continue to grow. Preference should be given to reliable devices famous manufacturers. If the conditions of the apartment allow it, it is better to opt for the built-in option. We should not forget that any safe can be hacked - it is only a matter of time, therefore, for maximum protection, it is advisable to install an alarm in the apartment and connect the home to the security remote control.

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You should choose a safe based on your needs. Safes are divided into burglar-resistant, fire-resistant and combined, protecting both from burglary and fire; they are the most expensive. Burglar-resistant safes, according to Russian standards, can be divided into 12 classes - degrees of protection. The higher the value, the more reliable the safe is and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Safes of no higher than III protection are offered for domestic use. This class is determined not only by the type and complexity of the lock, which can also have a degree of reliability A or B, but also by the thickness of the walls. A safe with class I reliability must have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm and be equipped with a class A lock. There are also non-burglary safe designs, the class of which is defined as 0 or H0. Rather, they are intended to protect against children's curiosity.
A good and reliable safe should be equipped with a saw-resistant lock.

Safes also differ in the installation method. Built-in ones are mounted into walls and firmly fixed using cement mortar and anchor bolts. As a rule, only their front panel has enhanced protection - on all other sides they are protected by impenetrable walls. Disguise is carried out with the help of paintings, mirrors or wall finishing. If robbers try to pull such a safe out of the wall, there will be a lot of noise. Furniture safes can be installed wherever it is convenient for you. They are small in size and can be hidden anywhere, for example, in a wardrobe or closet. There are models that can be secured with reliable anchor bolts using walls or floors. This makes the task of burglars more difficult, especially considering that the weight of such a safe can be quite large.

Safes are equipped with key, mechanical combination and electronic locks. Key locks are the most popular. Mechanical ones may or may not have the ability to change the code; electronic ones must be changed periodically.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the electronic safe lock, an autonomous power supply must be provided.

How to install a safe

In order to install a safe well, you need to hollow it out, or maybe even provide a special niche at the stage. The safe body must have fittings or hinges welded on, which, after installation, are filled with cement mortar in the space between the walls of the safe and the niche.
When making additional hinges or holes to attach the safe, be careful not to compromise its fire resistance.

To install a furniture safe, you will need anchor bolts; they must be especially strong, since even a simple crowbar provides a breaking force of a ton. There are usually mounting holes on the back or bottom of the safe; if not, drill them yourself. To install an anchor, drill a hole in the floor or wall and insert a sleeve into it; when the bolt is tightened, the tabs on the sleeve will separate and wedge inside the hole, ensuring a secure fastening.

The need to purchase a safe

Over the past decades, life in our country has changed dramatically, the USSR has disappeared, now it is not a shame to be richer than others. Material wealth implies not only expensive cars and housing, but also the presence of large sums of money, documents, and other valuables at home and at work, which require reliable safety not only from strangers. The style of doing business has changed, and there is a need to store significant amounts of money and documents in the workplace.

Recently I was faced with the need to purchase a safe for my office. I tried to get information from my friends, but nothing good came of it, so I decided to turn to the Internet.

I read many articles about how to choose the right safe. From everything I read, I realized that there are a great many safes, each of them has its own peculiarity, but the names themselves speak about their purpose:

Selecting a safe for individual needs

After studying articles on the Internet, I realized that I personally needed a fire-burglary safe, and chose GARANT EURO 133 EL with an electronic lock. I’ll explain why: my office, like the vast majority of offices, is located in a building where there are many other firms and organizations; this is a common practice in large cities. I won’t go into the details of the business, but we have to store significant amounts of money and valuable documents, and more often than not our own. The building is guarded, it is difficult for an outsider to get inside without prior approval and a pass, but unauthorized entry cannot be completely ruled out.
Why fire-burglary-resistant? It’s simple, I’m afraid of both fire and burglary. If there is a fire, I know that the documents and money will not be burned before the firefighters arrive, and if outsiders try to open it, they will not have time, the guards make their rounds at certain intervals.

Why a safe with an electronic lock is also no secret. Apart from me, two young ladies have access to the safe, and it is unreasonable to trust them with the keys - they may simply lose it or leave it, but I believe in their integrity and professionalism, so I can trust the lock code. I settled on the Kaba Mauer lock (Germany), which with a reliable, 3-sided 10-bolt reinforced locking system makes the GARANT EURO 133 EL quite reliable protection. Although, according to reviews on the Internet, safes with a mechanical lock that can be locked with a key are no less reliable.

The safe I chose weighs about 400 kilograms, which will not allow attackers to take it out just like that; in addition, as the manager told me, it can be anchored to the floor.

My next purchase will be a safe for my home, I will definitely go to the same store. I know that they will tell me how to choose a safe for the apartment, if necessary, they will come to the place and give the necessary recommendations. Delivery in Moscow is free, there is no need to scour the Internet looking for an answer to the question “how to choose a safe for an apartment”, the prices are reasonable - what else do you need?

The need to have a safe at home arises due to the desire to store some valuable things in the apartment.

How to choose a safe for an apartment

When choosing a safe for an apartment or house, you should start with what items and how many you are going to store in it. If you have decided on the contents, then we begin to choose a safe for its intended purpose.

Selecting a safe for its intended purpose

We choose which safe we ​​need. Fireproof or burglary resistant.

Fireproof safes

Its peculiarity is that the contents of such a safe will be protected from high temperatures for a certain period of time. These safes are divided by class; the higher the class of the safe, the longer it will protect the contents from high temperatures, for example, during a fire.

Class of fireproof safes

Let's look at an example. Class 30B. A safe with this rating will not allow the temperature to rise above 170 degrees for 30 minutes, when the outside temperature is 1100 degrees. Accordingly, classes 60B, 90B, 120B will keep the temperature no higher than 170 degrees for 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Class marked “D”. Its maximum temperature is 70 degrees at the same 1100 degrees. The containment time is 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes, respectively. Class marked “DIS”. Its maximum temperature is 50 degrees with the same 1100 external. Containment times are 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes respectively.

Burglar-resistant safes

This type of safe is designed to protect the contents from unauthorized entry and theft. Burglar-proof safes are also divided into classes. Class is determined by the design of the locking mechanism and security.

The class of burglar-resistant safes

The lowest class is marked “H0”, which stands for “below zero”. Then there are classes from 0 to 6. Classes from H0 to 3 are installed in offices, hotels, apartments and houses. These are the most common safes. Classes 4 and 5 are installed in banks, jewelry stores, etc. Safes with class 6 are not mass produced, but are made to order. The higher the class of the safe, the heavier and more expensive it is. Do not forget that safe manufacturers often overestimate the class of safes by adjusting some indicators to a higher class, but in fact the safe may be one or two classes lower.

Fire-resistant safes

This type of safe is a symbiosis of a fire-resistant and burglar-resistant safe. They protect the contents from high temperatures and from tampering. Such safes are marked with weather resistance and fire resistance. The class is indicated on the inside of the safe door or on documents.

Choosing a place for a safe

Any safe must be securely fastened. Safes can be built-in, that is, built into a wall or floor, then it can be disguised as a painting, for example. For non-built-in safes, they must be securely fastened to at least one point, usually the floor. So that it would not be possible to bear it. Back wall The safe must be pressed tightly against the wall.

“The weakest point of the safe is the back wall”

Locks and locking mechanisms on safes

The locking mechanism consists of a multi-point bolt system and a locking lock. The locking lock can be of different types. Key lock. Opens with a key. Mechanical combination lock . It is opened by dialing the required cipher. Electronic combination lock. Opens by typing a code on the lock keypad. It is believed that key locks are more reliable than combination locks. But the choice of lock can be made according to your own preferences and ease of use. Manufacturers often equip safes with two locking locks of different types of action, this increases the burglary resistance class of the product.

So, when choosing a safe, pay attention to the following:

  • Class of burglar resistance and fire resistance of the product
  • Possible safe installation method
  • What locks does the safe have?