Bathroom faucets repair. Installation and repair of a bathroom faucet with shower. Weak pressure in the mixer

Almost everyone experiences leaking plumbing equipment sooner or later: some have a leaking faucet in the bathroom, while others experience this problem in the kitchen. In any case, you must remember: this is not just water, it is your money being wasted pointlessly. sewer system. What to do when the faucet is leaking? Specific actions in this case will depend on the cause of the leak and the type of plumbing tap.

Let's start with the fact that a seemingly insignificant problem can lead to serious troubles - for example, a water breakthrough at the most “opportune” moment or a complete failure of the mixer. Therefore, you need to act immediately. There is nothing super complicated here - you must determine the cause of the leak, prepare everything you need and get straight to work.

Types of mixers

You may be interested in information on how to choose.

From a constructive point of view, plumbing taps are divided into two large groups.

  1. Double lever (valve) models. They are characterized by the fact that to change the pressure it is necessary to rotate the handles, which are located on the sides of the device. Crane axle boxes are used here as locking elements - they can be worm-type or with rotating ceramic plates.

  2. Single lever devices. To control the temperature/fluid flow, only one lever handle is used, rotating in two planes. In this case, the role of rotary mechanisms is played by cartridges (disc or ball), the service life of which is twice as long as that of crane axle boxes.

Note! The procedure for repairing it will depend on how exactly the leaking plumbing faucet is designed. But more on that later.

The main causes of faucet leakage

Often the cause of the problem can be determined directly by the location of the leak. The most common reasons are listed below.

Table. Common causes of faucet leakage.

CauseShort description

If the faucet is turned on/off many times, its moving elements (including rubber gaskets) wear out - cracks form, the material deforms and changes in size. And if the tap leaks in the closed position, then the reason most likely lies in the gasket (the latter will have to be replaced).

Each plumbing faucet has its own specific service life, and therefore it is not surprising that over time the owner may experience wear and tear on the locking mechanism or threads. If so, then tighten the nuts or replace individual elements will not help - you will need to completely replace the entire mixer.

The oil seal (or oil seal) is characterized by one unpleasant property - it wears out quite quickly. This is not difficult to determine: if a closed faucet does not have any problems, but when it is opened, water begins to flow from under the valves, then the problem lies precisely in the wear of the seal.

The design of a ball mixer can hardly be considered ideal - inside there are tightly fitted elements that react extremely “painfully” to various mechanical impurities in the water. To eliminate a leak, such a faucet must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned.

If errors were made during assembly/installation, this will sooner or later cause a leak. For example, if you tighten the nut too much, you can damage the sealing gasket, which will cause the latter to wear out faster. And if the supply hose is not connected tightly, water will flow under the tap.

How to fix a leaking faucet with your own hands?

The procedure is not complicated, but beginners may encounter certain difficulties. But if you carry out preliminary preparations and act strictly according to the instructions, you can eliminate the leak and extend the service life of the mixer.

Preparatory activities

Before you start directly fixing the leaking faucet, take care of the main thing - turn off the water on the riser, otherwise flooding of the apartment - both yours and the neighbors below - will be added to all your problems. Then, having turned off the water, you can begin repairs.

To carry out repairs you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • a vessel for collecting water;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • silicone seals;
  • screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • fluoroplastic sealing tape;
  • pliers;
  • new gaskets;
  • wrench;
  • cleaning agent, sponge;
  • rags.

All this is quite enough to fix a faucet leak on your own.

Note! If you recently purchased a faucet and still have a box left of it, it may contain a repair kit and detailed instructions with diagrams. If so, the repair will speed up significantly.

Option one. Changing the gasket

If the gasket in the valve device needs to be replaced, proceed as follows.

Step 1. First, disassemble the valve - remove the plug, unscrew the screw located under it, then, using an adjustable wrench, unscrew the core (be sure to counterclockwise!) to remove the valve axle box.

Step 2. Replace the gasket and secure it in the axle box.

Step 3. Now all that remains is to install all the removed elements back.

Note also that if there is a leak in the shower faucet, you must unscrew the shower hose (using the same adjustable wrench), replace the gasket, and then connect it (the hose) back. You can replace the seal under the gooseneck nut in a similar manner.

Prices for faucet gaskets

faucet gaskets

Option two. Replacing the stuffing box seal

In case of faucet leakage caused by wear of the seal, you can solve the problem in one of two ways: possible ways:

  • make a liner with your own hands using fluoroplastic tape;
  • Unscrew the gland nut, and then replace the gland itself.

If the work was done correctly, the leak should stop and the valve should turn smoothly.

Video - Mixer repair

Option three. We repair a ball valve

In the case of a ball valve, for repairs you need to disassemble and clean the device, and if necessary, completely replace the locking mechanism. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step 1. Unscrew the screw and remove the lever.

Step 2. After this, unscrew the threaded screw.

Step 3. Remove the mixer dome (including its plastic part).

Step 4. Remove the ball and inspect it carefully. If you find damage or defects, the ball will have to be replaced.

Step 5. Remove the seals and check if they are worn out or have deposits on them.

Step 6. Remove plaque and dirt from the seals, then apply a special lubricant to the elements.

Step 7. Reinstall all parts and check that the connections are tight.

If you assemble the mixer correctly, there should be no leaks, and the temperature can be adjusted by simply turning the lever.

Option four. Changing the cartridge

As noted earlier, it is much more convenient to use cartridges than crane axle boxes, but if the former fail, the entire mechanism will need to be replaced at once. The sequence of actions is given below.

Step 1. First, unscrew the plug on the lever, and then unscrew the fixing screw itself.

Step 2. Remove the decorative elements, and then unscrew the nut holding the cartridge.

Step 3. Remove the mechanism and look at the condition of the gaskets at its end. You can try replacing them.

Step 4. If the seals cannot be replaced, install a new disk element in the faucet.

Step 5. Reassemble all faucet elements.

What to do when a recently purchased faucet is leaking?

In some cases, even a recently purchased and installed faucet may also leak. Often the reason for such trouble is extremely simple - a manufacturing defect, which is almost impossible to detect externally.

Note! It is unlikely that you will be able to repair chips and cracks inside the faucet with your own hands - even a professional plumber cannot cope with this. For this reason, all you have to do is return to the store and ask for a replacement for the defective model.

As a result, we note that a leaking faucet in the bathroom or kitchen can occur at any time. To solve this problem, you can use one of two possible methods - carry out the repair work yourself or invite a qualified specialist to work with you. But if you know exactly why a leak may occur and how to fix it correctly, then there shouldn’t be any special difficulties.

On a note! To prevent a leak from appearing at the least opportune moment, it is recommended to periodically carry out preventive maintenance - check the condition of the locking mechanisms, and regularly change the gaskets. Thanks to this, the operating life of the crane will significantly increase.

Video - How to repair a faucet with your own hands

It would seem that what’s wrong when the faucet drips? But if this small problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it can cause serious consequences. Firstly, this problem can cause serious damage to the plumbing, and then the gasket may simply fail. And to fix this problem you will need to invest a lot of effort and money. Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance what to do if the faucet in the bathroom is dripping, how to fix it and solve the problem.

First, you should find out why the faucet is leaking. Often the main problems of failure plumbing damage to the seals, gaskets, and increased service life. If the mixer began to drip after purchase, then it may be a factory defect. But in order to perform high-quality repairs, it is worth understanding the features of breakdowns.

Leakage may occur due to the following reasons:

  • gasket wear;
  • oil seal wear;
  • ball cartridge contamination;
  • poor quality installation;
  • mixer wear.

Ball cartridge

A common defect in a bathroom faucet is a worn gasket. The gasket is a rubber element that acts as a seal between the connection in the tap when the valve is closed. If this element begins to wear out, the faucet begins to slowly drip and as it wears out, the dripping turns into a leak. Usually the gasket is changed every 7-8 years.

One more common The cause of leakage from the tap is wear of the seal. The thing is that the sealing stuffing box element can wear out over time. It is quite simple to determine this sign - when the faucet is closed, no defects or breakdowns are visible, but as soon as you open the tap, water immediately flows out from under all the valves.

The design of the mixer has special features - there are elements installed inside that quickly become dirty when exposed to mechanical components contained in tap water. To eliminate faucet leakage, it is necessary to completely disassemble it and carry out high-quality cleaning of all parts.

Mistakes made during the installation process soon cause the faucet to fail and leak. Tightening the nut too hard will damage the sealing gasket and will accelerate its further wear. If there is a loose connection or defects in the hoses, the mixer begins to drip after a certain period, and then a leak appears.

The reason why a faucet leaks is because the faucet is worn out. Typically, the manufacturer sets a certain wear period, so after a certain period, wear occurs on the threaded elements, the gander filter, and the elements of the locking mechanism. Then eliminating all problems is possible only with a complete replacement of the mixer.

How to fix a faucet depending on its type

What to do if the faucet in the bathtub is dripping, how to fix it? It is worth considering all the features of repairing the mixer device. Moreover, repairing a bathroom faucet with your own hands is not so difficult. Even those who do not have experience in plumbing can cope with this matter. The main thing is that you need to have the desire and equipment and materials. Regardless of whether the faucet is installed - a single-lever mixer or a double-lever, first you need to prepare for repairs.

Double wishbone

Single lever

Features of preparation for the repair process:

  • First of all, before you fix a leaking faucet, you need to turn off the water supply. Typically the shut-off valve is located in the toilet;
  • when turning the valve, do not turn it too much, otherwise you can break the locking mechanism, then you will have to not only repair a leaking single-lever valve, but also repair the valve;
  • you need to turn the valve slowly; if it has not been used for a long time, then it needs to be developed, but this should be done slowly.

You should definitely prepare equipment for repairing a single lever mixer:

  • spare taps;
  • a set of keys, which must have a gas key;
  • different types of screwdrivers - Phillips, flat;
  • it is necessary to purchase new gasket elements with different diameters;
  • a special tape that is designed to seal threaded elements;
  • electric drill;
  • seals made of silicone material.


So what to do if the faucet is leaking? It’s worth figuring out what the reason is and only then you can fix the faucet in the bathroom.

Possible breakdowns and their elimination

There are several reasons why a leak may occur. two-valve crane One of the most common causes of leakage is wear of the rubber gasket.

If the faucet is dripping, it may be due to the wear of the rubber gasket. The main sign that the faucet requires replacing the rubber gasket will be the appearance of a leak from the mixer jib.

The rubber gasket should be replaced as soon as possible, otherwise leaking water will gradually destroy the inner surface of the housing. If you do not disassemble the mixer in time and do not replace the old part, then holes will appear on important components. In these cases, only a complete replacement of the mixer will be required.

Gasket replacement features:

  • The first step is to remove the flywheel from the spindle. Next, the core is unscrewed with an open-end wrench;
  • The old spacer is usually located at the back end of the core and is attached there in the area of ​​​​the special protrusion. The old gasket element is removed;
  • a new sealing element must be cut out of a piece of dense rubber base, while it is necessary to be guided by the shapes of the old worn-out gasket element;
  • the cut out part must be installed in the original place of the old sealing element;
  • the whole assembly comes together.

If the problem is leakage single lever mixer If the gasket is worn out, you can repair your faucet in a few minutes. But it is important not to tighten it, otherwise it may lead to complete wear of the entire faucet.

Mixer design diagram

Unscrew the faucet head using an adjustable wrench

Unscrew the metal gasket on the tap

The gasket is removed and replaced

If the faucet in the bathroom is leaking, then it may all be due to the wear of the seal. Typically, a leak occurs when the tap is opened. In these cases, water will leak in the area between the gland clamp nut and the valve stem.

If the faucet drips due to wear of the seal, then how to fix the leaking faucet yourself? You can use the repair scheme:

  • use a screwdriver to unscrew the oil seal nut;
  • you can make the seal yourself from sealing tape;
  • the old oil seal, which has become unusable, must be removed;
  • you need to wrap a sealing tape around the valve, which will subsequently replace the old seal and prevent leaks from the tap;
  • you need to tighten the nut in place.

If everything is done correctly, then water leakage will not occur after turning on the tap again.

Stages of replacing the oil seal

Replacing the liner

The cause of failure of the mixer with axle box is wear of the rubber gasket. Usually in a mixer it is located at the junction between the faucet axle box and the mixer. More often, the faucet leaks because the gasket wears out, loses its elasticity or completely collapses. You can fix a leaking faucet in the bathroom quite quickly; the main thing is that you must strictly follow the instructions.

How to disassemble the faucet in the bathroom and how to repair it:

  • use a knife or screwdriver to remove the decorative plastic plug, which is used to indicate the cold or hot tap;
  • you need to unscrew the screw located under the plug. The screw is unscrewed using a screwdriver. If the screw does not unscrew, then it needs to be warmed up by dousing it with hot water. After this, the screw can be easily unscrewed using pliers;
  • after this you need to remove the flywheel;
  • unscrew the nut that secures the axle box. Remove the nut from the housing;
  • thoroughly clean the surface of the rod and sealing elements;
  • it is necessary to inspect all the details; there should not be any hidden defects, damage;
  • then the old liner is removed and a new one is installed in its place;
  • the whole structure is assembled.

Crane axle parts

Stages of replacing a crane axle box

Gander repair

Sometimes failure of a single-lever faucet may be due to wear of the rubber gasket of the faucet jaw. Then it will be necessary to repair the gander. Over time, the rubber gasket that is installed on the gander wears out and you may see a lot of water dripping from the faucet, and then it may simply flow continuously.

Therefore, if your bathroom faucet is leaking, it may be due to a faulty gander gasket. In order to replace the rubber gasket on the gander, you need to unscrew the fixing element of the gander - the nut. To unscrew it, use an adjustable wrench. After this, the old gasket is removed and a new one is installed in its place.

Mixer jib device

Unscrewing the gander

The gasket is worn out

Timely cleaning of the aerator is a guarantee of the longevity of the gander

Reinstalling the spout

Ball valve repair

If suddenly a ball valve is leaking in the bathroom, then you need to use the standard troubleshooting scheme. You can fix problems yourself.

Repair ball valve carried out like this:

  • You need to use a hex screwdriver to slightly unscrew the screw that secures the faucet handle and remove it;
  • after this we will see the rod that is attached to the ball. And also a threaded ring with four notches;
  • Next, you need to carefully press on the recess and scroll it counterclockwise;
  • then you need to remove the chrome dome using pliers, a ring should remain;
  • It is necessary to carefully examine the plastic ring. If it has acquired a cream color and unclear shapes, then perhaps the problem is this element and it needs to be replaced with a new one. If there are rust deposits on the plastic ring, they should be removed with a detergent;
  • After this, you need to remove the ball from the socket. This element also needs to be carefully examined; if there are scratches or various defects on it, then it is better to replace it;
  • You definitely need to inspect the inside of the faucet. Usually there are seals with springs in the recess; often these elements wear out and the faucet begins to drip. It is necessary to remove them and install new seals with springs;
  • Next, we place the ball in place, with its hole located on the right;
  • We collect all the other elements.

Ball valve device

Remove the handle

Replacing the ball mechanism

Single lever

Frequent breakdowns of a single-lever mixer include the following problems:

  • faucet leakage;
  • the occurrence of simultaneous flow of water into the area of ​​the shower net and drain;
  • presence of low water pressure;
  • leakage in the area of ​​the push-button switch;
  • malfunctions in the area of ​​the push-button switch.

Single lever mixer diagram

A single lever faucet can fail for a variety of reasons. Typically, a leak can occur due to a small speck getting into the cartridge of the device. In these cases, the mixer is completely disassembled and the cartridge is replaced. In order to repair the mixer, you will need the following equipment:

  • hex wrench;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • slotted screwdriver;
  • sharp knife;
  • new cartridge.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can begin repairing the mixer. The whole process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, use a knife to pry off the plug made of plastic material, and it is removed. This element is an indicator for the direction in which the lever must be turned to open cold or hot water. In addition, this element ensures that the hole for the locking screw is blocked;
  • the screw is unscrewed and the handle is removed from the control lever. Typically, a single lever faucet has a hex-type screw, so you will need to use a hex wrench to unscrew it;
  • decorative and union type nuts are unscrewed. These elements hold the cartridge in the seat;
  • After that, remove the old cartridge. You need to place a new product in the area of ​​the old cartridge. The installation is installed so that all holes of this element completely coincide with the holes on the saddle;
  • After this, you need to completely assemble the mixer.

Replacing the cartridge

Another unpleasant problem with a single-lever mixer, such as the simultaneous flow of water into the area of ​​the shower screen and drain, often occurs due to wear of the rubber elements in the place of the spool switch. This damage can only be eliminated with complete replacement gaskets and rings. However, rubber rings are quite difficult to find on the open market; usually an additional set of these elements comes with the mixer. But if they are not there, then you can cut them out of rubber material yourself. But homemade rings will last much less.

A weak stream from the tap may be due to a clogged aerator. In these cases, the aerator mesh is removed, it is blown and washed from all sides. After this, the mesh can be installed back.

The aerator should be cleaned periodically

The appearance of a mixer leak in the area of ​​the push-button switch may occur due to wear of the oil seal. To fix this problem, you simply need to remove the old oil seal and install a new one. The seal can be purchased at any hardware store.

If the push-button switch itself has stopped working, then the cause of this breakdown may be a failure of the spring. This damage can be fixed quite simply - the old spring is removed and a new spring is installed in its place.


The breakdowns of two-valve mixers are usually the same as those of single-lever devices. Usually, troubleshooting problems does not require the intervention of a specialist, because everything can be quickly fixed on your own. The most common breakdowns are usually the following problems:

  • wear of oil seals;
  • wear of rubber flywheel gaskets;
  • leaking from under the valve;
  • leakage from under the spout union nut.

Diagram of a two-valve mixer

The old oil seal is replaced according to the following scheme:

  • first you need to seal the oil seal, if this does not help, then it will need to be completely replaced;
  • to replace this sealing element, unscrew the union nut and remove the oil seal bushing;
  • then the old oil seal is removed;
  • it is necessary to perform a high-quality seal; for this, the valve stem is wound;
  • the oil seal is installed;
  • After this, you need to put the bushing in place and tighten the union nut.

How to replace the old rubber gasket:

  • first you need to turn off the water and remove the casing attached to the bolt and held on by the thread;
  • the neck is removed with a wrench;
  • At the bottom of the neck there is an old rubber gasket, which is replaced with a new element;
  • After this, the mixer is assembled in the reverse order.

Disassembling a two-valve mixer

A leak from under the valve may occur due to a pin flying out of the stem. This problem can occur because the pin was not installed tightly to begin with, or because the sealing tape wrapped around it has become worn and worn out. In this case, the water is shut off, the flywheel is removed from the valve head and the fallen rod is removed. Next, the sealing tape is wound and the pin is installed in place.

Water leakage from under the spout union nut may occur due to wear of the rubber gasket. In this case, you need to remove the spout union nut, remove the old gasket and replace it with a new one. Cut a new mono gasket yourself from rubber material.

If a leak appears from the tap, it needs to be disassembled and inspected. A dripping faucet is the first sign that the device of this element needs repair. You should not start this process, otherwise you will have to completely change the mixer. Therefore, if your faucet is leaking, immediately begin troubleshooting the problem.


No matter how excellent the quality of the faucet installed in the bathroom, sooner or later a breakdown may occur - absolutely no one is immune from this. After all, the mode of operation of faucets, especially in the bathroom, in most cases is active and harsh; every detail of the internal and external structure tends to wear out over time, which causes a leak.

When a faucet breaks down, there is absolutely no need to grab your head and panic - in many cases, repairs can be done on your own. In this article, anyone will find the necessary information that will help them cope with a failed mixer and eliminate the leak without the help of a specialist.

Double valve mixers

The most common type of faucet in bathrooms, which has been used in everyday life for decades, is the two-valve faucet. It can be found in almost every home in the post-Soviet space. The operating principle is quite simple– one valve supplies cold water, and the second – hot, and this happens thanks to the so-called worm gear. The most common problem that has been known to homeowners and plumbers since the advent of two-handle faucets is the wear of the rubber gasket, a small and inconspicuous part. Because of this, the faucet may leak, and water will drip from the faucet in the bathroom.

The problem is that rubber gasket- this is the main shut-off element in the tap, damage to which results in the flow of water under pressure. For effective elimination problems, just carefully disassemble the faucet and replace the damaged gasket with a new one.

You can purchase a good, high-quality gasket at any plumbing store or construction market. They are found in almost every city. Before purchasing, make sure that the gasket is truly new and in perfect condition. This can be determined by eye by carefully examining the surface of the part. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to buy a gasket, then you should not give up. You can make a part for the bathroom yourself, for example, by cutting it out of sheet rubber, or using a regular plastic bottle cap.

So, you have the replacement gasket in your hands, you can go directly to the repair itself:

Saddle repair

As you can see now, replacing the gasket in the mixer is not so difficult. But sometimes it happens that after repairing the faucet and installing a new gasket, the leak from the faucet in the bathroom still does not go away. In this case, the next thing you need to pay attention to is the “saddle”. With prolonged and intensive use of the faucet, it begins to gradually deform, cracks and nicks appear. All this invariably leads to the appearance of a leak. This is where Frieza will come to your aid. Try to identify the damaged area and turn the cutter in this place, applying a little force. This may take some time. If everything is done correctly, then there will be no problems during reassembly - the plane of the “saddle” will be leveled.

Repair of crane axle box

In addition to the common worm gear, a mechanism such as a crane axle box is becoming increasingly common. Its main distinguishing feature is ceramic discs. You can also make the replacement yourself, since both taps have the same dimensions. The mechanism for water supply is to move the discs by turning the valve. In the center of ceramic discs special holes were made, when they coincide, water flows through the faucet in the bathroom. When the discs are displaced, the mechanism stops the water. You can replace the crane axle box with a new one with your own hands, but before that you should try one method: tighten the lock nut all the way, many models have it.

Single lever mixer repair

With the development of technology, the plumbing market began to be filled with a new type of faucets - single-lever faucets. They are much more convenient to use, since to adjust the temperature of the water from the tap, you just need to turn one mixer handle. The same applies to pressure. The design of a single-lever mixer is somewhat more complicated, but also more reliable at the same time. The role of the rubber gasket is played here ball or disk cartridges. They need replacement much less frequently. It is extremely difficult even for experienced specialists to distinguish a single-lever ball mixer from a disk mixer in appearance, however, their internal structure differs significantly.

It is also worth remembering that it is not possible to replace a faulty disk cartridge with a ball cartridge. If there is a need to replace the cartridge, then before purchasing, be sure to make sure which one is in your tap.

Let's consider how to fix a ball valve with your own hands:

  1. First, you need to turn off the hot and cold water using valves.
  2. Then, carefully unscrew the bolt that secures the faucet.
  3. Remove the mixer lever. This is done carefully and slowly, with loosening movements. Once the resistance eases, lift the lever up and pull it out.
  4. Unscrew the threaded connection.
  5. As soon as the crane dome is dismantled, a plastic part should appear in front of you.
  6. The next thing you will see is the gasket. Clean it from dirt. If there are defects on it, the gasket must be replaced.
  7. Also examine the ball for damage. Replace it if necessary.
  8. The balls are secured using seals, which must also be in good condition. If defects are found, the seals are replaced.
  9. Reassemble the faucet in the reverse order, remembering to check the tightness of each part.

Switching from mixer to shower: problems

In this case, you will most likely also encounter the problem wear of the sealing gasket. It needs to be replaced with a new one, not forgetting an important nuance: the diameter of the gasket is half an inch.

With the right approach and desire, you can fix the faucet and eliminate the leak in the bathroom yourself. Main - strictly follow all instructions and before starting repairs, always turn off the water valves, as this will prevent unnecessary and dangerous incidents. If you can’t do it yourself, be sure to contact a plumber.

Thanks to the wonderful film “Afonya,” replacing a gasket in a faucet has become an almost anecdotal situation. Despite all the achievements of civilization, if a faucet leaks in the kitchen or bathroom, it is sometimes simply unrealistic to wait for qualified help from a plumber from the management company. But if the faucet is leaking in the house: how to fix the plumbing equipment yourself? This is not the most difficult task. You need to find out the cause of the problem and fix it using a simple set of tools.

Preparation and necessary tools

The first rule of any plumbing repair is to turn off the water supply. Valves can usually be found in the toilet; the levers simply need to be turned 90 degrees. If the equipment has not been used for a long time, the valves may become blocked. It doesn't take any heroic effort to turn them. This way, you can simply rip off the tap and then instead of one problem you will have to solve two. Valves should be developed carefully, gradually increasing the effort and adding lubricant drop by drop.

Only after the water supply is securely shut off can repair work begin. First you need to prepare necessary tools so that they are at hand:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • crosshead screwdriver
  • wrench, etc.

Usually this simple set is quite enough. Auxiliary elements will not interfere, for example, pieces of rubber or leather for making new gaskets, fluoroplastic sealing tape, which replaces liners, rags, sponges, detergent to remove dirt accumulated inside the mixer, etc.

Advice. To prevent an accidentally dropped tool from damaging the sink or bathtub, it doesn’t hurt to put something soft underneath: a rag, a piece of foam rubber or other material suitable as a shock absorber.

The reasons why a faucet is leaking can be very different. For a traditional two-valve faucet, the most pressing problem is the wear of the gasket or liner, which needs to be replaced. If a ball (or hinge) valve, which is designed fundamentally differently, is leaking, completely different actions will be needed.

Repair of two-valve tap

Replacing the gasket

The answer to the question: why does the faucet leak, no matter how tightly it is screwed on, most likely sounds like this: the problem is a worn-out gasket. Replacing it is not difficult, to do this you need:

  1. Unscrew the valve body (simply rotate it counterclockwise).
  2. Remove damaged or worn gasket.
  3. Make a new gasket from a piece of thick leather or rubber. Of course, they take the old gasket as a sample.
  4. Install a new gasket.
  5. Wrap the seal around the stop edge.
  6. Reinstall the valve body by turning it clockwise.
  7. Using a wrench, tighten the installed valve tightly.

In order not to bother with making a gasket, you can buy a new one at a plumbing store. However, if for some reason this is not possible, a homemade part is quite suitable for urgent repair of the crane.

The diagram shows in detail how to properly replace the ceramic gasket in a traditional two-handle faucet. You will need a Phillips screwdriver and a wrench

Replacing the sealing insert of the oil seal

Wear of the oil seal insert can also cause a leak. In this case, a leak is observed when the tap is open: water enters between the gland nut and the valve stem. To correct the situation, you need to:

  1. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the oil seal nut.
  2. Make a sealing liner from recycled plastic sealing tape.
  3. Remove the worn liner.
  4. Wind the new insert tightly onto the valve stem.
  5. Tighten the nut.

If everything is done correctly, the valve will turn smoothly and the leak will stop.

Replacing the O-ring of a shower hose

When a leak occurs where the faucet and shower hose connect, the problem is usually caused by a worn O-ring. To replace it, you must:

  1. Using an adjustable wrench, unscrew the shower hose. This must be done carefully, otherwise you can easily damage the hose threads.
  2. Remove the worn seal.
  3. Install a new O-ring.
  4. Reinstall the shower hose.

If possible, it is best to use an O-ring made of silicone. Rubber parts are less resistant to wear and therefore are not as durable.

Most often, to eliminate a faucet leak, you have to replace the rubber gasket or part of the locking mechanism - the faucet. These parts can be purchased at a plumbing store.

When, when switching the water supply to the shower hose, a small amount of water continues to flow out of the tap, you should change the shut-off elements located in the mixer handles, they are called faucets. They can be ceramic or equipped with a rubber gasket; the appropriate model must be selected at a plumbing store.

Ball valve repair

New-fashioned ball valves are somewhat more complex than traditional valve models. So, what should you do if the ball valve is leaking? Most often, the problem is that dirt has gotten inside the housing and interferes with the operation of the mixer.

When repairing a ball valve, you must carefully remove the valve. To do this, first remove the decorative plug, under which there is a fixing screw.

In short, the faucet needs to be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled. They do it like this:

  1. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screw that secures the lever.
  2. Carefully remove the lever from the tap.
  3. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the threaded screw.
  4. Remove the mixer dome and plastic seal.
  5. Inspect the seal gasket and remove accumulated deposits.
  6. If the seal is worn out, you need to purchase and install a new part.
  7. Remove and inspect the ball. If it is damaged, it will also have to be replaced with a new one.
  8. Using a thin screwdriver, carefully pry off the seals that secure the ball. If they are even slightly worn, they will also need to be replaced.
  9. After replacement, lubricate the seals with the composition recommended by the manufacturer.
  10. Carefully reassemble the mixer in reverse order.

All procedures when cleaning a ball mixer must be carried out carefully, since its parts are easily damaged. If all steps are completed correctly, the leaks will stop. In the same way, problems with temperature regulation in mixers of this type are eliminated.

Sometimes you just need to change the faucet cartridge. This procedure is described in detail in the video:

What if a completely new faucet leaks?

If the question arises of how to fix a leak in a faucet that has just been installed, then the problem, as a rule, is a manufacturing defect. In this case, there is only one procedure: you need to dismantle installed mixer, go to the store where it was purchased and get the damaged equipment replaced.

Only a professional plumber can eliminate manufacturing defects at home using improvised means, and even then not always. In all other cases, with sufficient patience and perseverance, independent elimination of a leaking faucet is completed quite successfully.

This is a device for regulating the flow and temperature of water flowing from the tap.

The bathroom faucet also adds the ability to switch the water flow from the faucet to the shower. Unfortunately, faucet breakdowns often occur. But most often they are easy to eliminate on your own.

Main causes of malfunctions

Perhaps the most obvious reason for faucet failure is the poor quality of the product itself. Today, the market is replete with low-quality sanitary ware made in China and Turkey, the service life of which in itself is short. When choosing a new faucet, the desire to save money can work against you. It’s better to spend money once, but buy a high-quality faucet that will serve you for many years.

The second reason for frequent breakdowns may be the use of short-lived consumables. For example, using a rubber gasket in combination with hard tap water will lead to frequent breakdowns. If you use ceramic inserts, the faucet will last you much longer.

Incorrect installation also often leads to various types of breakdowns and reduced service life of the product. When installing a mixer, it is very important to take into account its design features.

Mixers are:

  • Single lever;
  • Two-valve;
  • Contactless.

Each of these types of mixers is installed differently and breakdowns in them can also be caused by various reasons.

Reducing the flow volume from a faucet

The most common problem associated with the operation of single-lever mixers is a decrease in jet volume.. The cause of such a malfunction, as a rule, is a clogged aerator - a nozzle attached to the end of the gander through which water flows from the tap.

This problem is easy to fix in most cases. You just need to unscrew the aerator and clean it well either under a strong stream of water or blow it with a stream of air. Afterwards, all you need to do is screw it back into place. Any housewife can do this.

Leakage from under the gander clamp nut

Another common cause of faucet failure is wear of the gasket. Surely everyone can imagine what it looks like – it’s a small circle made of cushioning material with a hole in the middle. In the past, rubber gaskets were commonly used in older faucets. Now it is possible to use more modern and reliable materials, such as paronite.

To eliminate the leak, we need a gasket of the appropriate diameter, an adjustable wrench and a tape made of fluoroplastic sealing material or flax with a special paste.

  1. Remove metal ring, attaching the spout pipe to the mixer.
  2. Remove the spout pipe and remove any remaining worn gasket.
  3. Put on a new one.
  4. Wrap the threads of the spout pipe with tape or flax with paste so that when mounting the parts are pressed tightly against each other.
  5. Secure the spout pipe with a metal ring.

Repair of a single-lever mixer when a leak is detected from under the lever

Such a leak is usually caused by a malfunction of the faucet cartridge. First, let's figure out what a cartridge is?

Cartridge– this is a prefabricated cylinder with three holes; Hot water flows into one hole, cold water into another, and mixed water pours out of the third.

According to the type used for mixing hot and cold water mechanism, cartridges are divided into ball and ceramic. In addition, on top of the cartridge there is a rod on which the mixer lever is attached. This is where the leak occurs.

When to change the cartridge

The main signs that it is time for you to change the faucet cartridge:

  • Either hot or cold water is not supplied;
  • The water temperature changes arbitrarily, without changing the position of the lever.
  • The tap does not work at full capacity or does not close completely;
  • When switching the lever you have to make additional efforts;
  • And finally, the problem we mentioned above is the presence of a leak from under the lever.

Choosing a new cartridge

As we mentioned above, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the plumbing fixtures you buy. Give preference to cartridges from proven European companies and try not to fall for the tricks of scammers who copy the performance of famous brands.

Typically, unless you are installing an entire water supply system in your home or apartment, you have no choice about which type of cartridge to choose. The fact is that, despite the variety of models, there are only There are two main types of cartridges – ball and ceramic.

The advantage of using ball-point cartridges is the ability to disassemble the cartridge itself and repair it if necessary.

The ceramic cartridge cannot be disassembled; it must be replaced entirely, but the ceramic plates in it are more durable and are not susceptible to the negative effects of hard water. If initially the water tap was installed with the expectation of using a ball cartridge, you will no longer be able to install a ceramic one. And vice versa.

But let's return to the issue of repairing a single-lever mixer if a leak is detected from under the lever:

1. Use a screwdriver to remove the plug indicating the direction of cold and hot water.

2. Underneath you will find a screw. Unscrew it carefully with a hex wrench or a suitable size screwdriver so as not to damage the threads. If you cannot do this carefully, use a drill with a thin bit.

3. Remove the lever from the mixer body by pulling it up.

4. Remove decorative element from the mixer with your hands or pliers.

5. Unscrew the nut that directly presses the cartridge itself to the mixer body. To do this, first use an adjustable wrench and then carefully unscrew it by hand.

6. That's it. Now you can take out the old cartridge, safely go to the store with it and buy yourself a new one.

7. To install a new cartridge, follow all steps above in reverse order.

Shower-faucet leak

The mixer has another gasket, similar to the one located between the gooseneck and the mixer body, which we wrote about above. This second gasket is installed between the faucet body and the shift lever. It also tends to wear out over time.

Replacing such a gasket occurs in almost the same way as the previous one:

  1. Unscrew the lever. If you are unable to do this, check for the presence of the mounting screw. If there is such a screw, you need to first unscrew it and then remove the lever itself.
  2. Remove the remains of the old gasket and place a new one in its place.
  3. Wrap the thread with tape or linen and paste.
  4. Place the lever in its original position and, if necessary, tighten the fixing screw.

Two-valve mixer (leaking from under the valve)

This type of malfunction occurs as a result of:

  • damage to the crane axlebox- a device inside the faucet that opens and stops the flow of water;
  • the sealing ring on the valve axle becomes unusable.


  1. Turn off the cold water supply valve on the riser.
  2. Remove the plug from the valve.
  3. Unscrew the screw that secures the valve. Be careful, as the screws often become sour in this place and it is very easy to damage the threads.
  4. Unscrew the valve axle with a key.
  5. Replace the old O-ring if necessary.
  6. If necessary, replace the old crane axle box with a new one.
  7. Reinstall the valve in its original location.

Leakage from under the nut of the shower hose or from the hose head

The basic principle of action here is the same as when replacing other gaskets: unscrew the hose fixing nut, remove the remnants of the old gasket, place a new one in its place, wrap the FUM tape around the thread and screw everything back as it was originally.

Malfunction of the shower-faucet switch button

If water begins to flow simultaneously from both the shower head and the tap, most likely the problem lies in a breakdown of the switch button mechanism, namely the seal.


  1. Unscrew the switch button by hand.
  2. Using a wrench, unscrew the switch housing.
  3. Carefully pull out the rod and check the condition of the gaskets and replace them if necessary.

Non-contact (touch)

So we got to the last existing type of faucets - contactless or, as they are also called, touch faucets.

Their name speaks for itself: they work based on a sensor that detects movement when you bring something to the tap and automatically turns on the water supply. There is no need to twist anything.

Such mixers are considered the most durable and their shelf life is from 5 years. In addition, they are really easy to use and help save water consumption.

But their main disadvantage is that they are extremely difficult to repair. We do not recommend doing this yourself. It is better to try to find an experienced specialist who understands this issue. You are unlikely to be able to repair the sensors yourself - most likely, you will simply completely break the mixer.

If we are talking about some minor shortcomings, such as a clogged aerator, you can easily cope with such a problem yourself.

If you understand the mechanism of how the mixer works, repairing it is not so difficult. We hope that our article helped solve your problems with the mixer and eliminate all malfunctions.

If you have not found a solution to the problem with your faucet breaking, read our article about repairing a bathroom faucet.