The most unusual technique. The most amazing and unexpected inventions Machine for laying paving slabs

Inventions that may seem funny are actually not a joke, but quite serious design research that should make life easier for those who dare to try all these new products in practice.

Our review presents 15 functional devices that you could live without before. But as soon as it became known about the existence of some of them, it immediately became unclear how to manage without all this now?

1. Double-sided tube of toothpaste

This solution immediately allows you to forget about the problems of paste “escaping” to the other end of the tube. It is enough to open the cap on the desired side.

2. Flash drive built into a padlock

A USB flash drive with a mechanical method of protecting information will pleasantly please those who love analog technologies.

3. Flask-tie

If a man is under constant stress at work, and the rules of decency and strict bosses do not allow him to drink a glass or two, a secret flask built into an accessory of a business suit - a tie - will probably suit him.

4. Tray with slots for glasses

A buffet tray option that allows you to serve a treat and eight glasses of wine at once, without much risk of knocking everything over and spilling it, is a pleasant way to keep everything under control, even in a fun, noisy environment.

5. Slippers with light

House slippers that illuminate the path are priceless in the dark.

6. Pad for massage brush

The removable silicone layer of this accessory is a great opportunity to remove at once everything that has settled on the teeth of the comb.

7. Corner photo frames

Those who like to explode stereotypes will certainly like the frames that go around the corner both from the outside and from the inside. Of course, using them for a family photo is not very correct, but in combination with some decorative pattern they will perfectly decorate the interior.

8. Pizza scissor blade

Everything ingenious is simple. This charming way to cut up and serve pizza immediately should be loved by most housewives who gravitate towards fresh ideas in the field of household appliances.

9. Hood pillow for introverts

This accessory is for those who feel a little like an ostrich while relaxing in the workplace. The desire to “hide your head” that occurs in people working in a crowded office is normal, psychologists say. And with such a pillow it is absolutely possible to do this.

10. A cutting board that will delight your pets

The designers dedicated this cutting board to those who are sensitive to bread and protect even the smallest part of it.

11. Extension cord built into a fixed socket

A socket, which “with a slight movement of the hand” turns into an extension cord, can significantly make life easier for many users.

12. A battery that can charge any gadget

USB battery is a new word in the world of batteries. This device is capable of not only serving in the usual way, but also recharging any gadget via a cable using a USB port.

13. Socket-splitter with a secret

Children's stroller-scooter.

For the most active mothers, the designers have provided the opportunity to always be “ahead of the rest,” or at least keep up beautifully everywhere, and at the same time be in excellent sports shape.

And although many of the items in this review are just a concept, their functionality does not raise any questions, which means there is a chance that soon it will be possible to see on wide sale something that is now impossible to live without.

New interesting and useful gadgets are making their way into our homes more and more every day. But if you think that you know about all the new products in the modern digital market, you are very mistaken. Because the release of a new smartphone is not the limit of progress.

While we are beginning to clearly see the rapid growth of the capabilities of modern technologies, which were previously only dreamed of in fantasy books and films, virtual reality and smart homes have already become quite widespread. But there are much rarer and more interesting technologies that are not yet represented in the mainstream consumer market. And the most amazing thing is that they really exist!

1. Bladeless vortex station for generating wind energy

Wind energy is an excellent way to power homes and businesses because it is inexhaustible and more efficient than various types fuel. However, the conventional bladed wind turbines that we have all seen no longer count best choice to harness the power of the wind.

The bladeless windmill is confidently taking their place. This device captures wind energy without the use of blades, meaning it requires less materials, is less noisy and is safer for birds. While the technology is not yet being produced in large quantities, it is being extensively tested around the world. Sales of these wind turbines are currently aimed at funding and supporting the development of an even more productive product, which they may become before their official launch date.

While the company admits that its product is 30 percent less efficient at storing energy than traditional wind turbines, certain advantages of bladeless wind turbines still allow it to attract quite a lot of customers. On the one hand, their creation requires 40 percent less materials, and such stations can be easily placed even in a small space. plot of land. In addition, due to the absence of moving parts, wind turbines do not require oil or other lubricants to maintain them. Ultimately, this design promises to be more efficient.

2. Pain relief technology

NeuroMetrix introduces a new product, Quell, an advanced pain reliever. It works by connecting electrodes to specific areas of the body to stimulate nerves and block pain signals, which typically takes about 15 minutes. This technology is perfectly adjusted to the human body and is comfortable enough even to sleep with it. This belt is intended for people with painful diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, sciatica and osteoarthritis, although it can also be used by people suffering from other types of pain.

3. False nail with computer mouse functions

If you often need to access your computer or smartphone when your hands are full, you don't have to stop what you're doing to scroll a page or play a video. NailO will radically simplify the way you interact with your phone and laptop. This device is a small plate that is attached to the thumbnail. This way, you can control your device wirelessly with your index finger, even when your hands are busy doing other things. A nice bonus is that owners of this gadget can create their own NailO designs, change colors and express their design preferences in many other ways.

4. Smarty Ring

This device allows you to effectively control your phone even from a distance. Ringly is designed to get you notifications about what's happening on your mobile. All you need to do is set different colors and icons for phone calls, emails, messages, reminders, Twitter, Facebook and other applications, and then just leave the phone in your wallet or pocket without worrying about missing something. important. With five different colors and four pattern variations, the ring can be customized to suit each user's preferences.

Essentially, this ring allows you to be aware of all calls, notifications and SMS without having to constantly check your phone. It works even if the phone is out of range. As Ringly says, “Now you can take a little escape from your phone while still getting notifications about things that might be important.”

5. Water lamp

Looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy you use? Then an LED wireless lamp powered by water can help you out. It works thanks to a hydroelectric battery. The battery and water together create an electrochemical reaction that produces enough energy to power the lamp.

This concept is not new. The process of creating a water lamp began almost five years ago, but, nevertheless, it is a rather rare device.

While the lamp offers buyers a more modern take on lighting and energy saving, it is perfect for nighttime home lighting as well as long camping trips.

6. Dog translator

If you thought that a dog translator was something out of science fiction, then prepare to be surprised. Today, technology has already been created that allows your dog to speak using a special headset that translates the dog’s thoughts into human language. In 2014, the developers planned to raise $10,000 to fund the No More Woof project, but they managed to double this amount in just two months of fundraising.

The basic version of this device can translate up to three emotions, while the more advanced version can perceive up to four thought patterns, including hunger, curiosity and fatigue.

7. Robotic limbs

This is truly an amazing achievement of modern science and technology. After 13 weeks of training, a 52-year-old paralyzed woman was able to fully control a robotic arm using just her brain waves. This was achieved by placing two 96-channel intracortical microelectrodes in the motor cortex of the woman's brain.

This technology and the robotic arms that work with it can work real miracles! Thanks to it, patients with spinal injuries will be able to perform various tasks on their own using, as in this example, a special manipulator in the form of hands. It certainly seems futuristic or even reminiscent of Star Wars, but this type of technology can also replace complete missing limbs so that the patient will be able to more or less care for himself.

Every day humanity is moving forward more and more rapidly. We are now surrounded by such devices that previously only existed in science fiction works and the dreams of the most daring scientists. And, as Andrei Valentinov aptly noted in one of his works, even “teapots are smart these days. Soon they will learn to walk dogs.”

Sometimes it seems that in recent decades the world has seemed to stand still, and humanity invents nothing but new smartphones. Fortunately, this is not the case - there are many real technologies that are quite capable of surprising even the most capricious critic. Some are intended for war, others for peace, but all, in one way or another, advance civilization into the future.

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is a tiltrotor that combines the functions of an airplane and a helicopter, the only one in production in the world. True, it made its first flight back in 1989, but it entered production relatively recently, in 2005. Depending on the rotation of the propellers, this device is capable of taking off and landing like a helicopter, and in the air switching to airplane mode, accelerating up to 565 km/h.

Bionic prostheses are a natural development of artificial limb technology. In the 21st century, replacements for arms and legs are created from carbon fiber and titanium alloys, but most importantly, recent developments make it possible to control them using the mind. For example, the Icelander Gudmundur Olafson, who lost the ability to walk as a child, received such a leg. The bionic limb reads signals from living muscle tissue and reacts like a real one.

The invisible material from Dallas NanoTech consists of carbon nanotubes, creating an effect similar to mirages in deserts. So far, the technology has not been developed enough to be used for military purposes, since the material heats up quickly and strongly, but you can’t deny its effectiveness.

The electromagnetic railgun was presented at the Science and Technology Expo in February last year. It can fire at seven times the speed of sound, hitting targets up to 177 kilometers away. This is just a sample, but real weapons based on it are planned no later than 2028.

LaWS is a working laser weapon capable of not only blinding, but also sinking enemy boats. An experimental prototype of this futuristic gun was installed on the American warship USS Ponce in August 2014 and successfully passed initial tests.

Ion engines are not the newest, but certainly a fantastic invention that has become a reality. Prototypes of the first functioning ion engines were installed on NASA's Deep Space 1 and Dawn probes back in 1959, and the technology has continued to evolve since then.

Bionic eyes are a technology on par with bionic limbs. Last year, the world's first operation to implant a bionic retina was performed in Britain on an 80-year-old man suffering from dry macular degeneration and completely losing his vision. Now, with the help of a new retina and special glasses, he again began to see the outlines of objects and people.

Homing bullets are a pretty scary invention. Previously, it could only be found in movies or video games, but now it is gradually approaching reality. EXACTO, a prototype of a real .50 caliber homing bullet from the American agency DARPA, using modern system guidance is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to two kilometers.

Organs grown in the laboratory to replace those that have become unusable have long been an unattainable dream for humanity. Now specialists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have been able to grow functioning mouse organs using stem cells. This technology is not yet suitable for people, but the experiments are not over.

ITER is an international experimental thermonuclear reactor, work on which has been ongoing since 1988. The project involves EU countries, India, China, Russia, USA, Japan, Korea and Kazakhstan. Initially, the work was planned to be completed by 2016, but the deadline was moved to 2025. However, for the sake of thermonuclear energy it is worth waiting an extra ten years.

Sometimes it seems that in recent decades the world has seemed to stand still, and humanity invents nothing but new smartphones. Fortunately, this is not the case - there are many real technologies that are quite capable of surprising even the most capricious critic. Some are intended for war, others for peace, but all, in one way or another, advance civilization into the future.

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is a tiltrotor that combines the functions of an airplane and a helicopter, the only one in production in the world. True, it made its first flight back in 1989, but it entered production relatively recently, in 2005. Depending on the rotation of the propellers, this device is capable of taking off and landing like a helicopter, and in the air switching to airplane mode, accelerating up to 565 km/h.

Bionic prostheses are a natural development of artificial limb technology. In the 21st century, replacements for arms and legs are created from carbon fiber and titanium alloys, but most importantly, recent developments make it possible to control them using the mind. For example, the Icelander Gudmundur Olafson, who lost the ability to walk as a child, received such a leg. The bionic limb reads signals from living muscle tissue and reacts like a real one.

The invisible material from Dallas NanoTech consists of carbon nanotubes, creating an effect similar to mirages in deserts. So far, the technology has not been developed enough to be used for military purposes, since the material heats up quickly and strongly, but you can’t deny its effectiveness.

The electromagnetic railgun was presented at the Science and Technology Expo in February last year. It can fire at seven times the speed of sound, hitting targets up to 177 kilometers away. This is just a sample, but real weapons based on it are planned no later than 2028.

LaWS is a working laser weapon capable of not only blinding, but also sinking enemy boats. An experimental prototype of this futuristic gun was installed on the American warship USS Ponce in August 2014 and successfully passed initial tests.

Ion engines are not the newest, but certainly a fantastic invention that has become a reality. Prototypes of the first functioning ion engines were installed on NASA's Deep Space 1 and Dawn probes back in 1959, and the technology has continued to evolve since then.

Bionic eyes are a technology on par with bionic limbs. Last year, the world's first operation to implant a bionic retina was performed in Britain on an 80-year-old man suffering from dry macular degeneration and completely losing his vision. Now, with the help of a new retina and special glasses, he again began to see the outlines of objects and people.

Homing bullets are a pretty scary invention. Previously, it could only be found in movies or video games, but now it is gradually approaching reality. EXACTO, a prototype of a real .50 caliber homing bullet from the American agency DARPA, with the help of a modern guidance system is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to two kilometers.

Organs grown in the laboratory to replace those that have become unusable have long been an unattainable dream for humanity. Now specialists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have been able to grow functioning mouse organs using stem cells. This technology is not yet suitable for people, but the experiments are not over.

ITER is an international experimental thermonuclear reactor, work on which has been ongoing since 1988. The project involves EU countries, India, China, Russia, USA, Japan, Korea and Kazakhstan. Initially, the work was planned to be completed by 2016, but the deadline was moved to 2025. However, for the sake of thermonuclear energy it is worth waiting an extra ten years.

These inventions deserve not only our attention, but also success on the world stage. After all, these technologies can dramatically change our way of life. The good news is you don't have to wait years for them because they are already here and ready to use!

15. Glowing plants

For a long time, scientists have been looking for cheaper and more efficient methods of artificial lighting. Finally, they succeeded. They managed to create several types of plants that emit light in the dark. Such plants can be used in urban environments to reduce electricity costs. Not to mention that the concrete jungle could use some plants.

14. Vertical farms

To ensure that humanity will always be provided with healthy and fresh food, scientists and farmers have teamed up and created an innovative method of farming. It differs from the traditional one in that the plants are grown indoors, with an emphasis on saving space. Thanks to this method, people in cities will be able to grow their own food or buy fresh food in stores at any time of the year.

13. Internet from a balloon

About four billion people in the world still do not have access to the Internet. Large Internet companies regularly come up with new ways to make the Internet accessible in all corners of the Earth. This is how the idea came to launch into the atmosphere Balloons, which will “deliver” the Internet to hard-to-reach areas. Such a project will help residents of developing countries become better acquainted with the world around them and find higher-paying jobs.

12. Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a branch of science that seeks to combine technology and living organisms for useful purposes. The beneficial products range from food, including cheese, yogurt and kefir, to medicines and biological sensors. Biotechnology continues to improve and offer new solutions. Currently, the idea of ​​crops that are drought-resistant and contain more vitamins is popular in biotechnology.

11. Virtual reality

Due to the popularity of video games, gaming companies are constantly developing more and more sophisticated ways to provide the player with an unforgettable experience. Their main goal is to make us feel like we are living in the game, and not sitting at home in front of the monitor. To achieve this effect, various companies are releasing a variety of virtual reality immersion products. One of the most interesting options– a mask that allows you to even feel the aromas of the wild area during the game.

10. Test tube meat

Many people stop eating meat because they don't want to harm animals. To their delight, scientists have come up with a method that allows them to create meat in the laboratory. Not only does it cut down on the resources and energy it takes to raise the animal, the meat is healthier and tastes just like the real thing. Not to mention how much space will be freed up on the planet when animal farms disappear.

9. Exoskeletons

Of course, we are still a long way from the Iron Man suit, but the first steps have already been taken - exoskeletons are no longer an object of fantasy, but a real reality. They return people with spinal injuries the ability to walk and enjoy life to the fullest. Over time, these primitive exoskeletons will only get better - easier to use, more convenient and cheaper.

8. Devices controlled by the power of thought

If you constantly forget where you put your smartphone, you will like this news. Scientists have developed a method that allows you to control devices with the power of thought. This technology was first tested on people who had lost their mobility. It turned out to be so successful that already in 2004 people were playing ping pong with the power of their thoughts. This technology will definitely make our lives easier, not to mention the possibilities it opens up for video games of the future.

7. High-speed transport

The world continues to expand, and more and more often we feel the need to be in two places at the same time. Therefore, humanity is constantly looking for ways to move faster. One of the best examples of new technologies in this area is Elon Musk's hyperloop. It promises to be so fast that the six-hour journey from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be covered in thirty minutes. And this is not the only such project in development.

6. Genome change

Because more and more people are being born with genes that complicate their lives and increase their risk of mortality, geneticists have created technologies that make it possible to “cut out” harmful genes, add new ones, and “turn on and off” existing ones. And this is not just a way to make people healthy - this technology can help people who, for example, have always dreamed of being athletes, but lack the necessary genes. Of course, this procedure does not guarantee 100% results, and people will still have to work hard to master the desired skills.

5. Modern desalination

Although people have long learned to produce drinking water using desalination, the old methods are too labor-intensive and not effective enough. Humanity now has a deeper understanding of physics and chemistry, and scientists have created more effective ways water desalination. Now this can be done not only faster and cheaper, but also with additional benefits. Among them are free minerals. Yes, the water is full of them, and desalinated water can become a cheap source of minerals needed for production. Plus, billions of tons of desalinated water can feed the entire planet.

4. Real tricorder

If you're a science fiction fan, you're probably familiar with this device from Star Trek. It was this that the characters in the series used to measure medical indicators. The real version of this device can measure blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, temperature, respiration, and also diagnose 12 diseases, including chickenpox and HIV.

3. Drones in agriculture

More and more farmers are asking for help from modern technology. Drones are one of these assistants. Although they look similar to those used in the military and film production, their functionality is very different. Their main task is to take infrared images that allow farmers to determine where seeds are germinating successfully and where problems begin. Some companies are creating agricultural drones that can destroy harmful insects, mold and other things that are unpleasant for the crop.

2. Super materials

With a deeper understanding of chemistry, we have learned to create new, exciting materials. These include graphene, a material that consists of only a single layer of carbon atoms. Thanks to this thickness, it stretches easily, has high thermal conductivity and is 200 times stronger than steel. Graphene can be used to create... anything. Graphene will make armored vehicles, clothing, computers and many other things much better and much more durable.

1. 4D printers

You've probably heard about 3D printers. But you are unlikely to know about the existence of 4D printers. Both perform the same task - printing materials or special objects - but 4D creates objects that can change under external influences. The fact is that living conditions are constantly changing, and what we needed yesterday may no longer be needed in a year. To avoid creating things that only last a short time, researchers have created printers and materials that are amazingly adaptable to all types of environmental changes, damage and other potential hazards.