Black and white curtains in a modern interior (21 photos). White curtains in the interior - design tips (65 photos) Black and white curtains in a pattern

Monochrome black and white is the pinnacle of classics, the absolute peak of harmony. Black and white curtains easily combine with a variety of interior palettes - both bright and muted. They can give the design both strict laconicism and a stunningly luxurious look; They can become a background, they can become an accent. And yet, this solution is not appropriate in every interior. Let's take a look at successful design ideas: in this selection of photographs you will find spectacular interiors with monochrome window decor.

Curtains and drapes in black and white can be used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and even - with caution! - children's rooms. But with an inept approach, monochrome will make the interior boring and inexpressive. And with skill - truly stylish.

Battle of opposites - which color will be greater?

If you decide to hang black and white curtains in the kitchen or choose this option for the bedroom, living room, or office, in any case, remember the important design principle: one color should dominate. In most cases, white dominates, and black appears in the form of a print or pattern. But this is completely optional.

Black can also be dominant: such a window frame looks rich, rich, and expressive. And at the same time, which is important, it is by no means heavy. After all, curtains are only part of the interior, and the overall impression is created by a harmonious balance of all design elements.

Sometimes designers even deliberately include the exquisite heaviness of thick black and white curtains in the decor: this often happens, for example, in art deco interiors.

By the way, silver is often used as a white color in monochrome curtains, and this combination can look both luxurious and weightless.

Color combination options for monochrome curtains

Black and white colors in monochrome curtains and drapes can be combined in various variations.

  • in the form of a print on the main background. It can be clearly geometric, or represent intricate patterns, or evoke associations with a zebra, or even resemble an avant-garde painting.

  • in the form of a combination of individual panels of fabric. For example, in various combinations of lambrequins, molds, bandeaus, jabots.

  • in combinations of curtains and tulle. Contrary to the popular stereotype, tulle can be not only white. Black tulle is a very interesting decorative solution.

Monochrome curtains in your rooms

Black and white curtains in the interior of the living room, where pale and gray tones predominate, are a rather non-standard solution that does not occur very often. But it impresses with its conciseness, clarity, and originality. Sometimes such a room looks mystical: if, for example, it uses a lunar-silver palette or a pale blue, close to gray-lilac.

If you want the black and white curtains you have chosen for your living room to look rich, choose glossy fabrics and create an interior with mirrors and sophisticated lamps. More light, more shine - and no one will accuse you of minimalism, even if your curtains are laconic canvases.

The living room will look fashionable and bright, where bright color accents (for example, red or green) will be emphasized by white and black curtains with original prints. There should be more white. Zebra, geometric, and mosaic prints will look good.

Black and white curtains in the bedroom and nursery

When choosing black and white curtains for the bedroom, you need to think carefully about what problems you want to solve with their help. Perhaps you want to make your bedroom sophisticated and passionate? Then let the obsidian dominate, shaded by the iceberg. Exotic? Zebra prints are perfect. Perhaps the main palette seems overly saturated to you? White and black curtains with an unobtrusive pattern will add lightness and lightness to the room.

At first glance, black and white curtains are not very suitable for a children's room. However, it all depends on the design of the room and its main palette. If the design of a children's room is decided in bright colors, perhaps these curtains will be able to balance the palette.

Modern decor requires the presence of curtains and tulle of different colors and textures in the room. Black tulle is one of the interior design trends. Black color is very pretentious.

Its presence in a room should be carefully considered, as it can make the room too gloomy.

Feature of black color

All textiles have one very important feature - they absorb most of the light entering the room, so it is very important to maintain a balance between the texture of the fabric and the area of ​​the room.

The denser the fabric, the worse it transmits the sun's rays. This may be the reason for choosing not curtains, but black tulle. This way the space will not be visually reduced, but the color palette will be preserved.

For a small room, you can not drape the entire window, but only part of it with black tulle; in the interior, the airy fabric will create beautiful curves and folds.

In this case, the basic curtain can be of a contrasting color. This will be emphasized even more favorably by a bay window.

However, you should not combine black with gold ornaments. So the whole image of the room becomes heavy.

Rules for using black

If you do not pursue a decorative purpose, it is best to choose a plain tulle. The combination with a spectacular curtain will slightly enlarge the room and add the necessary accents.

Black patterned tulle is more suitable for a spacious living room. It is important to choose the right shade of black so that the image of the room is uniform.

In this case, you can experiment with the texture of the fabric. Micro veil or organza looks great. A little glitter or embroidery is allowed.

Despite the fact that lace tulle was popular in the 80s, “granny” curtains are increasingly being found in the interiors of modern apartments.

Black and white tulle with contrasting embroidery looks great. Gray embroidery looks original in this color scheme.

Embroidery can have both geometric and floral patterns. Tulle with black flowers is suitable for a classic style. The ornament can be placed both vertically and horizontally. Straight lines elongate the plane.

The correct use of black textiles is emphasized by the presence of additional elements in the room. For example, if there are a lot of mirrors or mirrored facades of cabinet furniture in the room, black color will not make the room smaller.

Minimalism in the interior will be favorably emphasized by black plain tulle, especially when the room is filled with achromatic colors. It is possible to slightly dilute the space with the color of natural wood. In this case, a light tone is chosen for the walls, and furniture and curtains should play in the same tone.

Undoubtedly, the most suitable interior style for black textiles is Gothic. In such a room, dark colors come in handy.

In this case, there are no restrictions on the number of curtains and their texture, since the gloomy mood is the main theme. All this can be seen in the photo of black tulle, which shows rooms of different styles.

Practical solutions

Curtains like decorative element You shouldn’t focus all the attention on yourself. Their goal is to diversify the interior, well, and physically limit the bright rays of the sun entering through the window.

Voluminous black curtains are best placed in a large, spacious room with light walls. If there is an ornament or floral pattern on the walls, it is better to choose a plain tulle.

Horizontal or vertical stripes on textiles can continue on the walls, so the room will visually gain additional volume.

You can create bright images by combining dark tulle with bright contrasting curtains, pillows, and rugs. The interior can be considered a classic if white is chosen as the accompanying color.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to choose Roman blinds with a decorative, elegant pattern on the canvas.

Photo of black tulle in the interior

Black color looks chic and rich in interiors. This is the highest level of excellent taste.

In combination with such a dark shade, any other shade looks bright and rich. Let's look at how to choose the right shades for your home.

Everything should be proportional - 60% is the main color, 30% additional and 10% accent inserts. But too much black cannot be used; it can be used as an additional one. The design of black curtains will add brightness and attractiveness to the interior.

They do not have to be diluted with additional decorative elements.

If you have difficulty choosing a shade, then imagine how it looks in the environment, this will be the best adviser.

Decide where you will have an accent item on the window, on the floor or on the sofa. Use the same color throughout the house in different ways.

The contrast is not always chosen correctly. In the case of black, this rule is observed automatically when combining shades. Decorate the rooms in such a way that when you enter it, you will have good memories.

But if dark tones evoke positive emotions, then in large quantities they are not suitable for a living space.

Before choosing black curtains, carefully check whether they will suit the previously chosen interior. The rhythm of a person’s life influences the design of housing. Start from this and choose a tone depending on your own wishes.

The article contains photos of black curtains in the interior, which will help you as much as possible in arranging your own home.

Black textiles in rooms

Black linen always looks chic and majestic, helping the room look mysterious. When using dark fabric, follow the rules of combinations and consider the purpose of the room.

Black curtains sometimes fail to serve their purpose and overload the overall atmosphere. They are best used in a light interior, where they will be a single dark accent spot.

For lovers of a luxurious and rich life, the best black ones for the bedroom

Whenever we see a dark color, every person has associations with night and sleep. Therefore, black curtains in the bedroom interior are suitable for those who sleep poorly.

Don’t let this shade scare you, even in large quantities, because you don’t spend much time in the sleeping area.

If the apartment is small and the living room also serves as a bedroom, then black curtains should be one dark blotch without additional decorative elements.

The design of a relaxation room can be light or dark. A black palette goes well with a white one in small rooms. The floor, ceiling and walls in light colors will help balance out the dark curtains.

For a young family, the combination of black, white and red is the most suitable scheme. It can positively influence intimate life. Therefore, if all three colors are present on the curtains, the room will radiate active energy.

Living room in black – smart design

By choosing black curtains for the living room, the owner of the house seeks to escape from the usual everyday environment.

Be sure to use extra ones in the living room decorative details to avoid a gothic setting. Choose the right combination of shades.

The main thing to remember is that black tone should not dominate the interior; accent inserts can be light floors, walls or pieces of furniture.

Black curtains for the kitchen

Usually the kitchen has a small area, and black curtains will further reduce the size of the space, so light, dark, short curtains are used here.

Light surfaces should dominate in such a room. This could be wall or floor decoration. To refresh the interior, choose flowers in flowerpots and kitchen accessories.

In a black and white room, dishes in orange tones will look beautiful. More recently, black ones appeared on store shelves. roller blinds. They are quite simple and practical to use.

Try to match light curtains with black wallpaper - you will get an unusual stunning effect that will not leave anyone indifferent.

There is no need to be afraid of black color; after reading the advice of designers, you can create an unforgettable interior in your own home.

Photo of design of black curtains in the interior

Eclectic black curtains will fit into the classic interior of an office or apartment. The strict, at first glance, appearance allows you to place visual accents. In human psychology, the color black is associated with the theme of grief, which did not have the best effect on the popularity of the color. The main thing is to choose a pleasant combination of dark and light shades, then even in a small room you can create a comfortable atmosphere.

The “black top and white bottom” formula is popular not only in clothing, but also in interior design. This is explained by the great potential of the mentioned colors in the case of a successful combination of material and additional tone.

If you look at the issue from the point of view of selecting furniture, even an unpresentable, at first glance, room will appear in a new light.

The furniture will look laconic and more rich. This option will appeal to those who want to focus on style and luxury, but do not have sufficient funds to buy expensive furniture and decoration.

In order for the result to evoke enthusiastic responses, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not use curtains or drapes that are too thick. Otherwise, the room will be too dark. If you don’t want to change your previously made choice, then in this case you need to take care of additional lighting sources.
  2. The above recommendation can only be ignored when it comes to the south side. A large amount of sunlight during the day completely compensates for what thick black curtains “eat”.
  3. Great care must be taken when placing dark material in the kitchen and children's room. In addition to the purely psychological factor, we are talking about a high probability of sending fabric to the washing machine several times more often.

Style, luxury and conciseness are three qualities that characterize black color in the interior of the living room and bedroom. Taking into account the thickness of the material will help you avoid common mistakes. In dimly lit rooms, the thickness of the curtains is always minimal, and in a room facing south - maximum.

How black and white curtains change the interior: instructions for beginners

Visual reduction of space is a problem that novice designers cannot cope with. The key to success lies in correctly determining the amount of available free space. If we are talking about a small room, then in this case you need to abandon “heavy” black curtains and drapes. It makes more sense to opt for the classic black and white combination.

The easiest way is to use the “striped” style, which includes alternating black and white stripes.

The following recommendations will help you correctly combine the mentioned colors:

  • Vertical stripes will help to visually raise the ceiling;
  • If it is necessary to make the room wider, then the bet is on horizontal stripes;
  • Fans of creative experiments can pay attention to the cross-shaped combination of 2-color stripes.

White and black stripes are a classic combination of colors in clothing and interior design. Both tones are selected taking into account the available free space. If the required option is not available in the retail chain, then you can order the design you like in the studio.

Stylish black curtains in the interior: photos and little secrets

To ensure that the final result does not make you regret wasted time, you need to think through all the details in advance.

Opens a list of significant style details that dominate the room. Fans of minimalism should immediately abandon “heavy” designs in dark colors.

It would be more correct to do the following:

  1. The room will become more airy if the gaze glides smoothly. If the furniture in the room is made in dark shades, then in this case light wallpaper and the same light curtains are suitable.
  2. Externally featureless furniture will be transformed by a curtain or wallpaper with a pattern. Its tone should not contrast too much with the background furniture. The emphasis is on the outer edging. For example, dark furniture will be emphasized by a white edge and vice versa.
  3. Supporters of the classic design direction should pay attention to the combination of red and black. If there is not enough free space in the room, the curtains should be red and black.

There are no problems in interior design that cannot be solved. The main thing is to correctly determine the amount of available free space. In addition, the degree of illumination is important. Based on the analysis and comparison of the collected information, a choice is made.

Decorating the kitchen: black and white and color photo wallpaper

Gone are the years when the room was dominated by tulle and paper wallpaper, which was not always distinguished by variety. Today there are more opportunities to visually transform a room. One of these are stylish photo curtains, including many color and texture solutions.

Depending on the aesthetic preferences and characteristics of the room, it is easy to choose the appropriate option.

It is logical to decorate a minimalist interior with poppies or wildflowers. Regardless of your choice, you should not take too saturated shades.

Recommendations developed by designers and stylists will help you avoid mistakes:

  1. A well-lit forge is a place for slightly muted colors. White Roman curtains, complemented by a red tint of photo wallpaper, are suitable.
  2. If there are children in the family, then gently beige, sand and slightly burgundy pictures are selected. The topic depends on the child's preferences.
  3. In a darkened kitchen, you need to spend a little more time to understand which curtains and curtains are more appropriate. In a minimalist interior, the emphasis is on beige, and in a traditional interior, on burgundy.

Stylish black curtains (video)

Contrary to popular belief, black curtains emphasize style and luxury. With a skillful combination of white and dark shades, you can visually expand or narrow the space. The main thing is not to overdo it. Some help in searching optimal option will depend on the area of ​​the room, the predominant color in the interior, and the degree of illumination during the day.

Design of black and white curtains (interior photo)