Automotive additive resource. The best additives in the car engine.

About additives in the engine. History, personal impressions

It all started with the mining industry. As often happens in science, the key to the discovery was an unusual phenomenon observed during the development of some nickel deposits. At these deposits, the wear and tear of mining equipment was several times lower than the industry average, and its working surfaces seemed to miraculously regenerate themselves. There are no miracles for science, and the unique phenomenon of nature has been subjected to the closest study. As a result of the research, it turned out that the equipment owed its “wonderful” durability to the presence of rocks called ultramafic rocks in the deposits. The particles of these rocks at the molecular level interacted with the metal on the rubbing surfaces, optimizing its crystal lattice and acting as a catalyst for its reduction processes. Moreover, the metal surface restored in this way had an improved structure capable of holding lubricants.

At that time (and even now it has not changed much), additives were made from finely dispersed mixtures of natural quartz-containing minerals extracted from rocks (serpentine group of minerals), as well as other types of natural minerals - graphite, diamond, molybdenite. Now modern "domestic" additives use one of the minerals of the serpentine group, but "foreign" analogues are mainly based on graphite and molybdenite.
For the first time, the terms "RVS" and "RVS-technology" began to be used since 1995.
In 1996, the terms "RVS" and "RVS-technology" were first officially used in promotional products printed by order of Elephant LLP (general director Yu. A. Chervonenko) - the regional representative of St. Petersburg Venture Company LLC.
This abbreviation means - repair and restoration compositions ("RVS") and technologies for their application ("RVS-technology").
Until 1996, compositions made from mixtures of natural quartz-containing and quartz-forming minerals were produced by various manufacturers using different technologies and had different names (“GTM”, “NIOD”, “TSK”):
* "GTM" - geotribomodifiers,
manufacturer - "VTK" - a temporary creative team.
The topic was developed under the scientific guidance of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences. V. I. Revnivtseva. With its help, an interdisciplinary laboratory is being created that studies the mechanisms for reducing friction with the help of hydrated minerals. On the basis of this laboratory, a temporary creative team is being created - "VTK", which includes employees of the institutes "Gipronickel", SFTI, "Mekhanobrchermet" and LIAP. For the first time in the USSR, this team began to conduct practical tests of new lubricants at the mining, metallurgical and chemical plants of the country.
The results of their research were first presented publicly in 1985 at the 1st International Conference on Friction, Wear and Lubrication, held in Tashkent. The participants of the conference listened to a report on the model of wear-free friction by the authors Revnivtsev V.I., director of Mekhanobr, Mashkov Yu.K. n. With. department LIAP.
* "GTM" - geotribomodifiers,
manufacturer - NPF "Academy of Technical Creativity". Production based on VITR.
At the end of 1988, on the basis of the Kirov Plant, Marinich T.L., with the active assistance of Revnivtsev V.I. and other specialists organized the "Academy of Technical Creativity", the doors of which were opened to everyone. Among those who attended classes at the "Academy" were: Pinus, Yakovlev G. M., Kholopov, Nikitin I. V. and others.
In 1989, the head of the entire project - "geoenergy" Revnivtsev V.I. died.
With his departure, the leading initiative passes to Marynich T.L.
The "Academy of Technical Creativity" was later renamed the NTO "Conversion Initiatives".
* TS "NIOD" - directed ion diffusion,
manufacturer NPF "Enion-Baltika".
* "TSK" - tribo glass ceramic,
manufacturer LLC "Saint-Petersburg Venture Company".

All of the above compositions in the final product were a dry mixture in the form of a finely dispersed powder of various sizes.

At that time, there were no other manufacturers involved in the production and use of tribological compositions of this group on the market.

Further, from the middle to the end of the 90s, well-known additives and manufacturers begin to appear to all of us:
- CJSC NPO Ruspromremont, manufacturer of the RVS additive. The history of domestic additives practically began with it, as I have already told above.
- Xado (Kharkiv House), founded in 1991. and until the early 2000s, she collaborated with NPO Ruspromremont and purchased material from her. Then, NPO Ruspromremont began to have internal problems (the war of shareholders) and Xado workers began to develop this direction themselves, already using more aggressive advertising.
- In 2002 Suprotec appears. Like Ruspromremont, also from St. Petersburg (where they mainly produce the basis for most domestic additives). The company has its own laboratory and cooperates with leading scientific and educational centers of the country: NAMI, St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin, VMA named after N.G. Kuznetsov and others. Operates in the global market under the Atomium brand (in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia)
- Fine Metal Powders Co (LLC VMP), manufacturer of the RiMET additive. The history of the VMP company begins in the depths of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences back in the 60s of the XX century. The study in one of the laboratories of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the phenomena of evaporation and condensation of metals led to the creation in the 80s of installations for the production of highly dispersed metal powders - TUMANOV.
In 1986-87, at the Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the first composition of the antiwear preparation of the RiMET brand was developed. The theoretical idea for creating the drug is a wear-free bronze-bronze friction pair.
In the period 1986-95, various tests of the obtained composition were actively carried out, confirming the excellent tribological and anti-wear characteristics of the material.
1991 - the year of foundation of the VMP company. A small cooperative of scientists was transformed into a research and production enterprise. Close ties with the Academy of Sciences and the high scientific potential of the company's employees made it possible to launch the first antiwear preparations RiMET and RiMET-T in a short time by mid-1992.
In 1995-2000, the company actively conquered the market and worked on the creation of new drugs. By this time, more than 10 types of preparations had been produced for use in internal combustion engines, transmissions and other friction units, and unique lubricants had also been developed.

I also personally met people who conducted their experiments with compositions based on serpentine at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (most likely on the basis of the Pilot Plant). And they even achieved some results, but this practically did not develop into commercial projects. Although there is TVP Technology, which is still in its infancy and is being developed by enthusiasts.

From history we move on to personal impressions and feedback.

It all started with Suprotec for me. The engine began to burn oil (at that time not strong) and I decided to try the additive, because. in which case he was still going to buy a contract (i.e. why not try if you still change?). Ordered, went through all 3 stages. I felt the following effect: the consumption slightly decreased (about half a liter-liter) and the engine became a little more responsive. It became interesting to me to understand why the effect is. There is practically no information on the Internet, I collected it bit by bit for a long time (maybe someone would have done it much faster). There is a lot of information on OilClub. And it seems like he got to the bottom of the principle of operation: it is such that at the micro level the composition clogs microcracks in the metal, makes the surface smoother. Due to this, friction and losses are reduced - from this, saving gasoline, improving compression. Everything would be fine, but only it does not form some kind of alloy, ceramic surface, or what other nonsense they come up with on the internet about it. The substance in its composition simply lies on the surface and attaches to the metal. Over time, it is washed out along with the oil. Everything would be fine, but only the substance takes with it part of the metal to which it "stuck". Hence the rumors about the abrasive. Therefore, once using Suprotec, it must be poured all the time (Suprotek people recommend this - first treatment, and then pour Regular every oil change). Drug addiction of pure water))) Once you are hooked and then please pay regularly (hence the name Regular (a joke with a share of a joke))) So. there will be a positive effect, but economically it will come out almost to zero. And yes, it makes no sense. A problematic engine will not save, but in a new one it is better to just use good oil. Therefore, rarely anyone, using Suprotec, reuses it. It seems that you don’t want to admit that the sucker is not willing, so you tell that for good money you got some dubious, at the level of a popomer, pluses; but I do not want to return to this technology.

For myself, I found out how these additives work. Approximately. Consider the analysis of Xado:
As you can see, the main content is silicon + aluminum. This is the working material on the basis of which serpentine (usually serpentinite) begins to build the surface. The process itself consists of several stages, which are triggered by a chain of catalysts. Magnesium works first by raising the surface temperature. At this moment, the surface is "smoothed out" and decarbonization takes place. Then other elements come in and everything ends with the appearance of a layer.

The whole problem is how to build this process and what kind of layer is obtained in the end. The ideal surfaces for serpentines are cast iron + metal (although they also work with aluminum and the layer is formed on metal-metal, metal + aluminum pairs, the most inconspicuous and long is aluminum + aluminum, they practically do not work with non-ferrous metals). Each manufacturer builds the process in his own way, therefore the results are different, although the principle is the same. In addition, ideally, for each engine, it is necessary to select its own dose of the substance and its own processing method. Someone needs more substance, someone needs to be processed under different loads, etc. Therefore, at the moment, this whole business is a test bench, where we are white mice that lay golden eggs)))

After I learned all this, I stopped using Suprotec. The result was not long in coming - after an oil change, a larger zhor soon began. The oil turned black, as if something had been washed out there. But I was lucky, I met a technology with which I was able to help out my engine. It didn’t save me from the capital (I repeat, there are no miracles, all this is prevention), but it gave me the resource and the opportunity to travel and save money. Now I'm already testing it on a "whole" engine and there are some results. Maybe someday I’ll devote a post to this (that I won’t say this, so that they don’t consider it an advertising post). I am already doing this just out of sporting interest (well, the contract engine is cheap))))

Well, the conclusion: Your engine will prolong the life of a good synthetic oil (preferably PAO), which already has all the necessary additives. Read the OilClub - everything is chewed up there (I have already mentioned this resource several times, but what can you do, I like it precisely because it doesn’t just procrastinate on topics like “I heard from Uncle Vasya’s neighbor, who has been a minder for 30 years”, etc. ., but for the fact that there are specific analyzes, and this is already some kind of document on which you can rely). Choose your oil to taste and money.
Additives work, but, firstly, this is all in such percentages that the dead may not feel it, but because of the money spent, the placebo effect will play. Secondly, this is still a huge field for research, there are not so many specific scientific justifications and we pay for the tests. Thirdly, based on the second, a specific composition is needed for each specific engine, it is required to delve into, study, understand. To use or not is up to everyone. Maybe for someone it will become a hobby, as for me. But this is a rather expensive hobby, in which, in addition to knowledge, you will not get any special advantages.
So pour good oil and smooth roads to you.
P.S. Forgive me for some confusion of the article, but the Chukchi is more of a reader than a writer)))
P.P.S.. For lovers of technical details, I recommend studying patent RU 2247768. It reveals the essence of the work of such additives from a scientific point of view.
EN 2355922
EN 2345176

5 months

Greetings! The internal combustion engine is rightfully considered the main element in the design of any car, and you, dear friends, are sure to have heard this more than once. To a greater extent, this applies to our cars, which quite often present surprises in the form of various breakdowns of the power unit. If you own a domestic car for a long time, you probably had to "stab" the engine more than once or twice. No, I understand that for a seasoned person, any engine repair (even the worst one) is a matter of time. However, for the majority, this problem is complex and difficult to overcome.

And it seems that thanks to modern technologies, there are already special compounds on sale that protect the power unit from malfunction, but the attitude of drivers towards them is ambiguous. We are talking about additives that have been available for free sale for 10 years now. We Russians get used to the new for a long time, so even today some motorists do not risk experimenting. Others, on the contrary, use a novelty, which is already ridiculous to call a novelty, to the fullest. Today, your obedient servant has a clear intention - to describe to you the best additives in the engine. And to convince all non-believers that they are really effective!

Additives in the engine - definition, types and principle of operation

Fluids designed to increase the life of the motor, as well as the gearbox, are called additives. In a wide range of each manufacturer there is a place for similar products for diesel and gasoline engines. In order for the additive to begin to perform its immediate functions, it is enough for a motorist to add it to the oil of a power unit or gearbox. However, gasoline additives are no less popular, they can not only clean the engine of harmful elements, but also increase the octane number of the fuel, drain it, and so on.

Additives for the engine, depending on the functions, are divided into the following types:

  • conservation;
  • Viscosity-changing oils - useful in both cold and hot weather;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • Compression additive;
  • Detergents are the best solution for cleaning the power unit from soot and other contaminants;
  • Antifriction;
  • Protective - protect the motor from the appearance of various "badass".

This type of liquid works as follows: when it gets into the oil, the additive forms a film on the friction pairs, due to which pressure and compression increase for a while, and even the consumption of the same oil and fuel decreases. However, here we must pay tribute to the pessimists, there is some truth in their words. The fact is that a budget product, like a more expensive one, will give a positive effect, but over time, due to the content of chlorine and paraffin in their composition, they can lead to clogging of oil channels. Therefore, I draw your attention to the fact that engine additives are not something you need to save on. Don't worry, I'll tell you about really high quality products!

Some more varieties

That is, you understood yes, a high-quality additive reduces the friction force, thereby increasing productivity. In addition, this is an ideal option for an engine after a major overhaul, because such a composition improves the grinding of engine parts. For engines with high mileage, the additive will also come in handy, it will not only restore the ceramic-metal layer, but also clean important engine elements from resinous deposits.

Of course, a similar effect is achieved due to chemical composition, according to this criterion, all additives are divided into three types:

  1. Based on mineral powders, the surface of the parts is polished, after which a ceramic-metal layer is created.
  2. Based on active chlorinated paraffin and polyesters - probably the most slow-moving product, but it also has its advantages. In an environment of high temperatures and pressure, such a composition is able to act like a conventional flushing oil. It converts all deposits (dirt, soot, etc.) on the parts into an ionic state, due to which all contaminants leave the engine along with the oil when it is drained.
  3. Based on metal-cladding compositions - when liquid penetrates into the place of friction, where there are defects due to excessive wear of the crankshaft and piston group bearings, it completely evens them out due to the formation of a cladding layer.

When planning to buy an additive for an engine, it is extremely important to understand what you want to achieve from it: break in a rebuilt engine, extend the life of an old one, or simply increase its performance. Also, your choice should be influenced by the type of engine you have and the oil poured into it. Please note: different additives are used for semi-synthetics, synthetics and mineral oils, the wrong choice can deprive you of the expected effect. By taking into account the above factors, you significantly increase the likelihood of acquiring a product that is relevant to your motor!

When is the use of an additive the only option?

An additive for restoring the engine is like an abandoned inflatable ring to a drowning man for a motor whose resource is running out. You yourself know that the replacement or repair of the power unit will definitely cost a pretty penny to its owner, and the use of the creation of new technologies will extend the life of the “car heart”. I agree, not for long, but a few thousand additional kilometers are worth the cost of such a chemical additive.

For example, I will tell my story from the past. The engine of my Zhiguli for a certain time made it clear to me that he did not have long to live. Compression dropped noticeably, poured a lot of oil, well, almost on a par with fuel. It's funny to you, but then I was not very. So one experienced comrade, having assessed the situation, tells me - "Your friend has only three options." Here is what he suggested to me:

  • Overhaul - I immediately rejected neither the money nor the desire to mess around for days under the car I had.
  • Buying a specialized and, accordingly, expensive oil for engines with high mileage - having learned its cost, this option was also rejected.
  • Cheap oil in tandem with additives - I chose without hesitation, but I had nothing to lose.

To be honest, I did not expect a special result, experienced people know with such symptoms the days before the engine repair are numbered. But thank God I was wrong! Without noticing it, I began to add oil much less often, and turn the steering wheel much more often. However, the saddest thing is that the effect of the supplement is short-term, after a couple of months everything returned to normal. And the most offensive - the reuse of additives did not give a result.

From this conclusion: the additive is able to help the power unit in a "difficult moment", but this effect is not endless. And again, this is a “coin” with two sides: if everything is in order with your motor, you should not resort to various additives, because just like restoring, they can do harm! With the advantages and disadvantages of the described compositions, I hope everything is clear, then you will find out which additives have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side.

The best additives sold in Russia

In our state, you can find a variety of brands that specialize in the production of additives for the engine. I analyzed the market and selected the best for you! They are for your attention!


The domestic brand with more than 20 years of history has won both its supporters and critics. The latter emphasize the high cost of Hado formulations, so one tube with a capacity of 10 ml will cost you at least 300 rubles. The manufacturer insists that in order to fully restore the power unit, it is necessary to conduct a full course of a similar procedure, which includes five such repetitions. Thus, in order to achieve the desired effect, it will take from 1500 rubles and more.

However, there are much more advantages, it is thanks to them that the product is popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. The Hado additive is a completely safe product, you still need to manage to damage the engine, although based on the reviews, this possibility is almost completely excluded. The quality of the action is at the same high level - the motor will work stably after 200 and 300 kilometers traveled by the car.


The same reviews of the majority speak of the high quality of Suprotec additives. This manufacturer produces additives for engines, gearboxes and even gearboxes (be careful when choosing). And the best part is that the product, like the one described above, is completely safe, and most importantly, effective!

Users note a significant reduction in fuel consumption (10-15%) for instances intended for filling into a gas tank. As for restorative compounds, they are also good. An increase in compression in the engine, as well as the closure of all microcracks, is only part of the positive qualities. And the most important thing for the consumer is the price. Compared to the same Hado, it is half the price. So, a 90-ml tube will cost you again 1,500 rubles.

Liqvi Moly

And of course, our mini-rating could not do without the representative of Germany. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have a diesel car or a gasoline car in the assortment of the German brand Liquid Moli, there are additives for all types of engine. The product of this brand is positioned as universal. That is, with its help it is possible not only to reduce the overall fuel consumption, but also to restore the metal surfaces of the cylinder-piston group of the power unit. In addition, the cost of the additive is the most democratic - 400 rubles.

Personally, my opinion is that the choice of additive is one of those cases when you should not give preference to a domestic manufacturer! Well, why overpay when you can save money without losing the quality of the product. What you choose is up to you to decide! Before saying goodbye, I assure you once again: do not believe the critics, it has been proven by many international studies - additives from the world's leading manufacturers really correspond to the properties declared by the manufacturer! Appreciate the power unit of your car, and he will answer you in the same coin! All the best and don't forget about the video that I have prepared for you!

Engine recovery additives are actively filling the modern market. A wide range of chemistries provide comprehensive solutions to the problems associated with the protection and restoration of engines. The range of additives is calculated in dozens of types of different functional purposes. They are produced under trademarks, the number of which exceeds tens of thousands. Motorists are increasingly turning to additives in order to extend the operation of power units, to push back the upcoming costly repairs in time. And in such situations it is necessary to solve the difficult problem of choice.

General characteristics and purpose

A variety of oil additives are substances added to lubricants in small amounts. The main goal is to improve the performance properties of raw materials, increase the efficiency of power units. Oil additives are used during the replacement of lubricant and filters.

The filler particles are extremely fine (less than a micron). They easily penetrate into the interior of the engine through new and clean filters.

The frequency of use of additives is determined by the specific condition of the engine, operational need, and the desire to quickly solve emerging problems. Manufacturers of motor additives accompany products with detailed instructions governing the amount and frequency of use of substances.

Inside the engine, oil additives do a good job of:

  • accumulated dirt;
  • soot;
  • resinous deposits.
Impurities added to engine oil significantly reduce the friction force between parts. These substances strengthen the wear resistance and strength of the oily film. Oil additives improve the operational, performance and technical parameters of automotive engines. Additives are designed to solve a number of basic tasks for:

Many manufacturers strongly recommend the use of additives, even in new or refurbished engines, for better running-in of parts. But the more traditional purpose of an additional substance is to restore the ceramic-metal layer on the aggregate units. As a result, the work of the motor components becomes more coordinated. The working resources of the cylinder-piston group and other parts are noticeably increased.

Functional principles

Being in engine oil, additives form organic metal-ceramic liquid crystals. Such microparticles cover the rubbing surfaces, preventing their accelerated wear.

A common property of oil additives is the ability to carry out alloying to a depth of about 200 microns. The value of this quality is especially high in places of direct contact between the rubbing surfaces of various engine parts.

With an increase in temperature, an increase in pressure, metal-ceramic liquid crystals become like a welding machine. Under increased loads, they even out the geometry of parts, restore the lost shape by repairing irregularities, cracks, holes. A kind of protective layer of cermet particles is created. This prevents accelerated mechanical damage (deformation), premature aging of engine structural elements.

The use of oil impurities makes it easier for the motor to carry significant loads. The risk of sudden failure of power units is reduced. Separate groups of additives are able to restore the lost elasticity of rubber parts (seals), which leads to the prevention or elimination of oil leakage.

Types of oil additives

Additives for motor oils have a direct and indirect effect. They directly contribute to the preservation or restoration of the power and dynamic performance of the engine. The indirect effect of oil impurities is expressed in a certain reduction in fuel costs.

Many filler types are classified depending on the performance of the intended functions, chemical composition and basic properties. Additives are:

This list contains only varieties of commonly used, most popular substances. All of them are somehow able to revive the engine or prevent accelerated wear of its main parts.

Usually, microparticles of cobalt, niobium, nickel, tantalum, platinum and other components are included in the composition of additives. An important role is played by the combination of components, their certain proportions.

Additives containing metals

The renewing properties of such additives are based on the action of their constituent metals. The primary elements are copper, molybdenum, tin, silver. The properties of these metals make it possible to smooth out scratches, even out microcracks, and restore worn surfaces of rubbing parts.

Structural elements due to metallic impurities receive increased resistance to corrosion. The complex action of the added substances increases the engine compression, reduces fuel consumption, and improves the car's throttle response.

Metal-based additives are good when they are properly matched to the lubricant composition, engine model and its specific condition. At certain intervals (another oil change), you can give the engine a "rest" from such additives.

Diamond-ceramic impurities

Diamond dust contained in additives turns into balls in a running engine. When hit on mechanical surfaces, they are designed to reduce friction. Balls based on diamond dust are able to intersperse between rubbing surfaces. This strengthens the details.

Ceramic impurities are filled with silicon compounds - microscopic grains of sand. It is assumed that a layer of ceramic coating is formed in rubbing places under the influence of elevated temperature.

These additives among motorists have the most skeptical attitude. Like, you can simply pour sand into the engine or ride on dusty roads. The effect of engine dependence on diamond-ceramic impurities is observed.

Fluoroplastic impurities

The use of fluoroplastic additives has its own specifics. It is justified to add these impurities to engine oil used for completely new or perfectly serviceable engines. Fluoroplastic additives mainly weaken the friction force.

The effect of the use of additives based on fluoroplastic appears almost immediately. A positive effect is expressed by reducing the noise of the engine. The car starts to move faster, the consumption of fuels and lubricants decreases.

However, PTFE is too soft. In a working engine, small particles of this substance are rather quickly crushed, ground, and cease to bring tangible benefits. Feel the effect of the use of fluoroplastic additives is obtained for a short time. The particles are quickly washed into the crankcase, where they bind with resins and cease to perform beneficial functions.

Restoring Lost Engine Compression

Restoring the engine's former power becomes relevant after a long period of vehicle operation or malfunctions of some components. Compression is lost due to wear of the cylinder-piston group, crankshaft and gas distribution mechanisms. These cases require partial or complete restoration of the lost compression.

The oil additive forms a layer that has the effect of restoring surfaces. This makes it possible to grind metal by gradual formation of iron-crystal lattice layers on the main frame. Metal structures modified or created by additives receive an increased ability to attract oil to themselves, to hold it much stronger.

Reducing additives contribute to the formation of an "oil wedge", which is steadily embedded between rubbing surfaces. The density of the oil grooves increases, the compression increases.

Various chemical microparticles eliminate scoring and microcracks on the cylinder walls. Oil additives enhance the washing (cleansing) effect. Nodal parts of the engine get rid of deposits as much as possible, rings receive support in decoking. The complex action of restorative additives definitely leads to the restoration of lost compression.

The effectiveness of restorative additives

On numerous forums of motorists there are reviews, the authors of which advocate the use of reducing additives or categorically object to this. Supporters and fans of additives share stories of the miraculous "resurrection" of worn out engines. Such car owners claim that oil impurities can quickly help the engine in a difficult period, delay overhaul looming on the horizon for several months.

One of the autoportals posted the results of using a reducing additive from a well-known manufacturer. The VAZ-2110 engine, which had seen the scenes, was chosen as the object for testing. Before the start of the experiment, measurements of compression and engine power were carried out. Special equipment made it possible to record such accurate data: power - 61 liters. s., compression - 8 kgf / cm 2. Power and compression levels were far below what was required.

The prepared additive was poured into the engine oil. With the updated substance, the motor provided the car with 2000 km of run. After that, repeated measurements were taken. The results were impressive even for the most ardent skeptics. Engine power increased by 20%, reaching 74 hp. With. The compression ratio increased by 4 units, reaching the level of 12 kgf/cm 2 .

An additional comprehensive study found a 60% reduction in friction. Such evidence proves the effectiveness of the use of reducing additives.

Application risks

The promised benefits of using additives sometimes fade in the light of warning reviews from car owners. Many admit that oil impurities are not capable of restoring life to a power unit with severe wear of its parts. In those cases where a positive effect was observed, the problems only moved away in time. Repeated use of additives no longer brought the desired result.

The main complaints of motorists boil down to the fact that the positive effect of additives in practice turns into the creation of new problem situations. Resinous deposits torn from surfaces by the active components of additives clog oil channels. This leads to lubrication "starvation" of the engine, local overheating of its individual components.

To make the only right decision about the use of engine oil additives, it is necessary to proceed from the specific features of each situation. It is advisable to carefully analyze the condition of the motor. To do this, you should attract additional equipment, you can consult with auto repairmen and service representatives.

Appropriate additives must be sought specifically for a particular make and model of car. Preference is given to certified products with a proven level of quality. Tips are often located on various automotive forums and websites. Just avoid the influence of overt and intrusive advertising.

Oil additives are sold in every auto shop, but no one knows exactly what is in the jar, and the manufacturer is in no hurry to open the veil of secrecy. We will do this on the basis of a chemical analysis of the composition.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that every motorist has encountered intrusive advertising of engine oil additives. Many auto chemical manufacturers promise almost a major overhaul of the engine with one “dose” of the drug and accompany their promises with scientific stories about the “super formula”, known only to them alone (nanotechnology, tribology, protective layers, diamond hardness of the coating, and so on) ... And if ask the seller of a universal potion about what is in the bank, at best, he will begin to retell the advertising booklet. Moreover, we by no means claim that autochemical compounds are not able to help the engine. But there is a big "but"...

When pouring an oil additive into the engine, one must be aware that additives can seriously affect the properties of engine oil, and in conditions of high temperatures in the engine combustion chamber in the presence of metals that act as catalysts for chemical processes, generally lead to catastrophic consequences. The addition of impurities of an unknown nature can lead to a change in the chemical formula of the oil up to its unsuitability for use in the engine.

Not a single auto chemical manufacturer is in a hurry to talk about what is actually part of a particular additive. The user is invited to take on faith everything that is written in the annotation to the product. But if we pay attention, for example, to the pharmacological market, we will see that each drug is accompanied by detailed instructions outlining the chemical composition, mode of action of the drug and contraindications for use. Alas, you won’t expect such frankness from the manufacturers of “miracle additives”. How to look inside the product and find out what it consists of?

It is necessary to seek help from a specialized laboratory. So, one of the users of LiveJournal decided to look into that issue and conducted a series of tests of additives in motor oils in the laboratory of MIC Fuels and Lubricants.

Let us take the trouble to explain what is written in the laboratory protocols and how it compares with what the manufacturer himself claims about the product.

A little about oil additives

Let's return to the question of whether oil additives are needed at all. There are many skeptics who claim that motor oil additives are not needed at all. Their argument is simple: "Motor oil has everything you need for normal engine operation". And this statement is true, but there is one small addition: for normal engine operation.

"Normal operation of the engine" - this is sitting on a warm engine and driving at medium speed for a thousand kilometers without stopping. And after the prescribed 15 thousand ticked on the odometer, I changed the oil. At the same time, the engine worked for about 150-200 hours. Now let's look at the cycle of traffic in a modern metropolis. An hour to work and an hour from work - and the odometer is only 50 km. At the same time, the owner of a new car does not seek to come to the service to change engine oil after 150-200 hours. He will arrive at the MOT no earlier than the counter counts 15 thousand kilometers. And this is 600 hours with the described cycle of operation! .. And what do you think is going on in the engine? What cocktail from working out is splashing in it?

Engine oil manufacturers understand the situation - that's why they are asking to reduce engine oil change intervals, and car manufacturers do not want to do this. Reducing the service interval is a loss of customers due to an increase in the cost of car ownership, and not a single manufacturer is going to do this. At the same time, the owner of the car is considered only as a bargaining chip in this dispute. Everyone cares for his interests, but only for the sake of his own ...

A third way to develop this problem was invented by auto chemical manufacturers who offer additives in motor oils. And if 10 years ago additives were considered and positioned as a “tablet”, a kind of tool for maintaining the operation of an old engine, now the vision of their development has changed. An engine oil additive is regarded more as a "vitamin" an engine needs in daily operation, as a way to enhance the additive package in the oil, prolong its normal operation and further protect engine components with anti-wear compounds.

It is important to know and understand what is being poured into the engine, how safe the drug is for the system, and whether the manufacturer is using the placebo effect. It is to find out this that we conduct this test.

Liqui Moly CeraTec - anti-friction additive for engine and transmission oils, test


The Liqui Moly CeraTec oil additive is based on a synthetic molybdenum-organic complex and microceramic particles. The additive smooths microroughnesses and strengthens the surface layers of the metal, provides an extremely low coefficient of friction. The resulting anti-friction film has a long-term effect and lasts for 50,000 km. Can be used with any standard engine oils. Allows you to increase the engine life, reduce fuel and oil consumption, increase engine power and reduce noise.


Before use, it is advisable to flush the engine lubrication system with Liqui Moly Motor Clean. Liqui Moly CeraTec is added to fresh engine oil. 300 ml of additive is intended for up to 5 liters of engine oil. It has a long-term effect for 50,000 km. (Follow the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations for oil change intervals.)


A laboratory study showed that the additive in Liqui Moly CeraTec oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1598 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 4 mg / kg, boron B - 359 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 776 mg / kg, phosphorus P - 656 mg/kg and molybdenum Mo - 5419 mg/kg.

The composition of the trace elements indicates that Liqui Moly uses an organo-molybdenum complex in this product, along with classic ZDDP-based EP additives, and a boron nitride-based micro-ceramic. Concentration detergent additives small and corresponds to commercial oil. For those who are interested in this composition, we recommend that you read.

Bardahl Full Metal - oil additive, test


The French manufacturer provides such information about its oil additive. Bardahl Full Metal is the most advanced engine oil additive on the market, specifically designed to meet the technological developments of next generation engines and fully meet the latest design requirements. Restores tightness throughout the area of ​​contact between the piston and the cylinder wall. The use of Bardahl Polar Plus technology guarantees high adhesive properties of the oil film to metal surfaces, thus providing reliable protection during cold start of the engine. The phenomenal strength of Fullerene C60 molecules provides unsurpassed protection of friction parts in the piston-cylinder wall contact zone and reliably protects the crankshaft and engine camshafts. Provides additional protection against deposits. A significant reduction in friction forces contributes to additional fuel economy over the entire operating interval. Performance is restored and engine power is increased. Restoration of gaps between the parts of the cylinder-piston group can significantly reduce oil consumption for waste, thereby reducing engine smoke, and prevents excessive environmental pollution.


Add Full Metal to a warm engine with fresh oil at every oil change, or use as a top-up. One bottle of 400 ml is enough for 6 liters of engine oil. It is used as both a preventive measure and a restorative additive.


A laboratory study showed that the additive in Bardahl Full Metal oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 275 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 1 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 5442 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 5246 mg/kg.

The composition of trace elements indicates that Bardahl Full Metal contains an extreme pressure additive package (large amounts of phosphorus and zinc). There is practically no washing package in the product, since the concentration of calcium is an order of magnitude lower than required. Therefore, the use of an additive in BardahlFull Metal oil will improve the anti-wear properties of the oil, and the detergent properties will not change.

3TON PLAMET - metal cladding additive for the engine, test


3TON PLAMET, when applied, forms a high-strength and mechanically resistant coating on the surfaces of rubbing pairs. Prevents premature wear of engine parts, fills microcracks and scratches, restoring worn parts to the nominal size. As a result of the use of the additive, the engine resource is significantly increased, power is increased, oil consumption is reduced, compression is restored and leveled across the cylinders. The additive is compatible with all types of motor oils and does not change their properties, as it uses motor oil as a transport agent.


A laboratory study showed that the metal cladding additive for the 3TON PLAMET engine contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 177 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 116 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 63 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 63 mg/kg, as well as copper Cu - 808 mg/kg.

According to the data obtained, the metal cladding additive for the 3TON PLAMET engine contains a very low concentration of the oil additive package, but there is a lot of copper. Thus, it can be argued that we have a copper-based anti-wear package.

Liqui Moly Mos2 Additiv - anti-friction additive in motor oil with molybdenum disulfide, test


Liqui Moly Mos2 Additiv is based on molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). After its application, a film is formed on all friction surfaces that is resistant to high loads. This film significantly reduces friction and guarantees smoother running of all moving parts. This results in the following benefits: reduced fuel and oil consumption, proven reduction in wear, reduced breakdowns. The additive does not precipitate, does not clog the pores of the oil filter, oil channels and hydraulic compensator channels. Tested on turbo engines and catalytic converters.


Additive Liqui Moly Mos2 Additiv is added in an amount of 3-5% to engine oil for all gasoline and diesel engines, to all standard engine oils. When added to wet clutch motorcycle engines, do not exceed a concentration of 2% of the amount of oil being filled.


A laboratory study showed that the anti-friction additive in Liqui Moly Mos2 Additiv oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 6 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 4 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 0 mg/kg and molybdenum Mo - 10885 mg/kg.

The composition of trace elements indicates that the anti-friction additive in Liqui Moly Mos2 Additiv oil contains a shock dose of molybdenum disulfide, whose task is to create a protective layer in friction pairs.

Bardahl Turbo Protect - oil additive, test


The French manufacturer of the drug Bardahl Turbo Protect claims it is unique and the only product in the world designed specifically to solve the problems of engines equipped with a turbine. It is argued that “an integrated approach to solving this problem made it possible to combine a number of unique properties in one product and shows equally unsurpassed results both in a passenger car equipped with gasoline or diesel engine, and in commercial vehicles, where the resource of the units plays an important role.

It is also stated that Bardahl Turbo Protect improves the performance of the oil, and the complex of special components that make up its composition fights oxidation at high temperatures in the extreme operating conditions of the turbine, providing optimal lubrication, preventing oil burning and preserving its structure.

The manufacturer claims that Bardahl Turbo Protect has unique detergent properties that allow keeping engine and turbine parts in perfect condition, and a high-strength film protects against excessive wear, reduces friction by several times and provides constant lubrication of rubbing surfaces.

Regular application of Bardahl Turbo Protect is claimed to reduce wear and tear on all engine and turbine parts and significantly extend their life, significantly reducing repair or replacement costs.

Due to what is this happening? On the manufacturer's website, we find mention of two technologies: Polar Plus and Fullerene C60.

Judging by the information provided by French experts, Polar Plus technology was developed back in 1939 and consists in the formation of weak ionic bonds between the additive molecules and the metal surface. Fullerene C60 technology, used together, involves the use of fullerene spheres in the composition, which, according to the developers, behave like microbearings: being between the rubbing metal surfaces of the engine, they create a buffer zone, thereby reducing friction, protecting parts from wear and corrosion.


To apply the cleaning additive, add the contents of the bottle of Bardahl Turbo Protect to the engine oil. The product is compatible with all types of turbo engines, catalysts and filters. When operating the car in sports competitions, add 2 bottles of the additive.


A laboratory study showed that the additive in Bardahl Turbo Protect oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 3491 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 10 mg / kg, boron B - 137 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 5583 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 7595 mg/kg.

The micronutrient composition indicates that Bardahl Turbo Protect contains a detergent additive package (large amounts of calcium) and a powerful extreme pressure package, as evidenced by the combination of phosphorus and zinc. The total amount of additive is close to the amount contained in fresh oil, with a significant excess in the extreme pressure part. So the use of Bardahl Turbo Protect with old oil will improve its properties.

Hi-Gear HG2249 - Oil additive package for new engines without wear


Hi-Gear HG2249 is a high-tech formula for new vehicles. It is recommended to apply from the very beginning of operation of the car. Can be used for cars with mileage up to 100,000 km. Improves running-in of rubbing engine parts during break-in. Restores the surface after microseizures that occur due to the presence of wear products in the friction zones during running-in and running-in of parts. Normalizes engine temperature and significantly improves oil operation. Allows you to achieve the highest operating parameters of the engine being run in, incorporated in its design by the manufacturer. The result is equivalent to manual fine-tuning of parts and exclusive assembly of engine components produced on sports cars and by special order.

Hi-Gear HG2249 significantly reduces carbon deposits and oil consumption. Prevents oxidation and dilution of engine oil at peak loads and in areas of local overheating. Eliminates the possibility of rupture of the oil layer between highly loaded friction parts of the engine and the formation of microseizures and wear. Improves the temperature regime of the turbocharger, prolongs its service life. Reduces noise and vibration during engine operation, increases the comfort of vehicle operation. Increases engine life, its useful power and efficiency. Reduces fuel consumption by 5-6%. Compensates for the burnout and decomposition of protective additives in the base oil, prolongs the action of a standard additive package for the entire oil life.

Hi-Gear HG2249 is catalytic converter safe. Tested for compliance with the technical parameters of Russian cars and oils. Compatible with all types of oils and engines. One package is designed for 4-5 liters of oil. It is recommended to use at each oil change, as well as in the intervals between changes, if the car is operated in severe conditions. It is especially effective when operating cars in urban conditions, in a taxi, when driving on dusty roads, when towing a trailer.


A laboratory study showed that the complex of additives to Hi-Gear HG2249 oil contains trace elements: calcium Ca - 1 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 0 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 5 mg/kg.

A very unusual remedy: there are no specific trace elements. The fact that in the Hi-Gear HG2249 oil additive complex everything is practically “zero” (and at the same time the manufacturer recommends using it for new cars) suggests a pseudo-drug, or placebo. True, it is believed that the additive contains chlorinated paraffins, since it includes SMT2.

Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters - hydraulic lifter cleaner, test


The manufacturer claims that the Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters cleaner is designed specifically to remove all types of deposits (carbon deposits, varnish, etc.) in all types of hydraulic lifters (hydraulic pushers), restore their normal operation, as well as to effectively clean internal engine parts and oil channels without dismantling components and parts, as well as without disassembling the engine.

Thanks to its special formula, Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters are said to reliably hold washed-out deposit particles in suspension in the used oil. Recommended for use in gasoline, diesel (common rail, pump-injector, etc.) and liquefied gas (LPG) engines.

The product mixes well with synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils. Does not harm exhaust catalytic converters. Dissolves varnish and soot deposits in the grooves of the piston rings and channels of the lubrication system. Provides unlocking of jammed hydraulic pushers. Reduces engine noise. Provides effective protection of engine parts and components against corrosion and deposits.

Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters cleaner effectively cleans hydraulic lifters for 10,000 km from the moment it is poured into engine oil. Especially recommended for occasional engine oil changes. Recommended by the world's largest car manufacturers.


Before using the cleaner, warm up the engine to operating temperature and turn it off. After that, pour the additive into the engine crankcase. It is important to monitor the oil level in the crankcase. Then let the engine run at idle for 5-10 minutes to completely mix the additive with the oil, after which you can operate the car in normal mode.


A laboratory study showed that trace elements are present in the cleaner of Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters: calcium Ca - 11 mg / kg, magnesium Mg - 0 mg / kg, boron B - 0 mg / kg, zinc Zn - 5126 mg / kg and phosphorus P - 4538 mg/kg.

The presence of a high concentration of zinc and phosphorus in the Bardahl Hydraulic Valve Lifters cleaner indicates that the main component of the preparation is an antiwear additive.

The German drug Liqui Moly Ceratec is claimed to contain "special microceramics". The Belgian Bardahl Full Metal, hinting at the metal-cladding effect, promises the presence of C60 fullerenes (each C60 fullerene is a stable compound of 60 carbon atoms, a nanosphere having an angstrom size). The Russian Suprotec Active Plus came out for friction geomodifiers. The manufacturer called the Ukrainian XADO 1 Stage Atomic Metal Conditioner a “revitalizant and conditioner”. What principle of action - you will not understand from the name, but the company is famous for its geomodifiers. Yes, and "revitalizant" from this breed. Metal conditioners were represented by American SMT Oil Treatment.

But something else is more important - an increase in torque and its growth in the zone of low and medium speeds. This is what provides an improvement in vehicle dynamics, noticeable for most drivers.

Mechanical losses

The first reason for the increase in power is the reduction of mechanical losses. They were measured on the stand by the scrolling method. The engine was warmed up to operating temperature and the fuel supply was turned off - the set speed was maintained by the stand electric motor. The power consumed by it is approximately equal to the power of the mechanical losses of the motor.

And again the effect was given by all the drugs. The best results are shown by Suprotec and Bardahl products, which reduced friction losses relative to the basic tests of “clean” engines by 8–9% at high speeds and by 13–15% in starting conditions and at minimum speeds idle move. By the way, the increase in the engine torque obtained on the external speed characteristic is close to the decrease in the moment of mechanical losses.


The second reason that affects the growth of engine power is an increase in compression. It was measured before the tests and after they were completed on a fully warmed-up engine, maintaining a constant rotational speed (300 rpm) with the stand electric motor.

On a “healthy” motor, not only an increase in compression is observed, but also its alignment across the cylinders. On average, plus 0.2–0.3 bar. Greater growth on serviceable engines should be alarming, because it is usually observed against the background of significant deposits in the combustion chamber.

Fuel consumption

There is no 20-30% reduction in consumption promised by many magicians, but the 3-7% received is also a result. It is very important that the savings significantly depend on the mode of operation.

The greatest savings, exceeding 10%, are observed at idle and at low loads, when the influence of mechanical losses is maximum. In the rated power mode, the effect practically disappears. This means that in urban traffic jams, fuel consumption will be significantly less, and on the highway, the savings will be no more than 2-3%.

Suprotec Active Plus tribological composition for gasoline engines, Russia

Estimated price 1450 rub.

(requires two bottles per treatment) Promised to reduce noise, facilitate cold starts, increase engine life and protect against wear.

+ When processing the motor in a relatively good condition, it gave the greatest effect. The results last a long time, so you can trust the declared validity period of up to 50,000 km. - The use of the drug in two stages is not very convenient. In the treatment of a "sick" motor, it did not prove to be as effective as in the first stage of testing. And too expensive.


The change in indicators argues with the measurement error. On old carburetor machines, the gain would be more noticeable: when friction is reduced, idle speeds fly up, and in order to lower them, the mixture is leaner. There, the dependence of toxicity on the degree of enrichment is very steep - CO emissions fell from 3-4% to 1% and below. Electronics maintains a constant composition of the mixture, and even the converter additionally cleans the exhaust, so the effect is minimal. And the decrease in indicators for residual hydrocarbons on current engines is due to a decrease in oil consumption for waste. Our measurements showed that engines after treatment with drugs began to consume 15–45% less oil.


We evaluated the content of wear products in oil samples taken at the end of the tests, and also weighed the piston rings and bearing shells.

Effects for drugs of different groups are not the same. Bardahl and Liqui Moly compounds better protect crankshaft bearings, and Suprotec and XADO better protect piston rings and cylinders, judging by the iron content in used oil samples. Apparently, bearings operating at lower contact pressures and more favorable lubrication conditions partially compensate for wear by taking away " construction material»from preparations Liqui Moly and Bardahl. And rings operating in conditions of limited lubrication, at higher temperatures and high contact pressures, are better protected by layers formed by friction geomodifiers.

In general, wear products for all treated engines are less than for the control motor by 12–60%, depending on the type of composition. Indirectly, this hints at an increase in engine life.