Analytical methods of labor rationing. Labor rationing methods - labor rationing

The method of labor rationing is understood as a set of techniques for studying and analyzing labor processes, measuring the cost of working time, identifying norm-forming factors, designing rational production technology and labor organization, developing standards and labor standards and introducing them into production.
The method of establishing labor standards indicates on the basis of what data and in what way their value is calculated. The quality of labor standards (accuracy, tension, differentiation according to production conditions) largely depends on the method used.
In the practice of agriculture, two methods of rationing are used: total, analytical or element-by-element (Fig. 10).
The total rationing method provides for the establishment of labor standards for the operation as a whole (in total) without studying the labor process, norm-forming factors, without its division and analysis, without designing a rational organization of the labor process.
The total method has the following varieties: experimental, statistical, comparative (by analogy).
Experienced rationing is characterized by the fact that labor standards are determined on the basis of past personal experience, the intuition of persons involved in the organization and rationing of labor, who know the content and laboriousness of work.

Statistical rationing is when labor standards are set according to the reporting statistics of the actual labor productivity of performers engaged in the performance of certain works. In this case, the determination of labor standards is reduced to the determination of the arithmetic mean of the actual output.
Comparative (by analogy) rationing provides for the establishment of standards by comparing this work with a similar (similar) work in terms of performance technology, for which the norm has already been established.
The disadvantages of the summary method are that the labor process is not studied, production possibilities are not taken into account, the level of labor productivity achieved by the leaders of production, it focuses on outdated methods of work. This method does not stimulate the elimination of shortcomings in the organization of production and labor and the growth of labor productivity. Now it is used very rarely, and if used, then only in the development of temporary production standards for work that is rarely found on the farm.
The main method of normalization is analytical. The analytical method involves the establishment of labor standards based on the study and division of the labor process into separate elements, their comprehensive study with the measurement of duration, the identification of norm-forming factors, the design of a rational organization of the labor process. It substantiates all the costs of working time necessary to perform a certain amount of work, as well as the technical indicators of the use of machines. Therefore, there is another name for this method - technical regulation.
The analytical method is fundamentally different from the total method both in content, the nature of the study of the labor process, and in the methods of calculating the norms. In analytical rationing, methods and methods of work, means of production are predetermined.
The analytical method includes: analysis of natural and economic conditions; the division of the labor process into the simplest constituent elements, their detailed study;
- establishment of norm-forming factors and determination of their influence on the duration of each element of the operation;
- preparation and maintenance of normal working conditions;
- analysis and generalization of materials for studying the labor process;
- designing a rational composition of the labor process (sequence and duration of operations);
- calculation of labor standards based on reasonable standards;
- development of organizational and technical measures that ensure the implementation and development of labor standards, projected modes of work and rest.
Depending on the methods of establishing labor standards in farms, the analytical method is divided into three varieties:
- experimental-analytical;
- settlement and analytical;
- normalization according to norms - samples ( model standards).
Experimental-analytical regulation is carried out on the basis of the study of labor processes directly in production conditions. For this, special observations are made.
The positive side of this method is that the specialists of the economy themselves study labor processes, reveal shortcomings, reserves for increasing labor productivity. However, this method is laborious, complicated, and involves many observations, measurements, and calculations. This significantly increases the cost of developing science-based labor standards.
Calculation and analytical rationing - when labor standards are set on the basis of typical standards for the operating mode of machines and time standards for the performance of individual elements of an operation, developed differentially for various organizational and technical conditions based on numerous observations. Calculation-analytical rationing is based, therefore, on the results of experimental-analytical rationing. Reference materials on labor rationing and time standards are developed for farms in the form of collections for groups of work. Using them, farms themselves calculate labor standards.
The application of standard standards (norms) involves the systematization of the conditions for the implementation of each labor process on the basis of their certification. To standardize labor by this method, certification of fields, perennial plantations, livestock farms is carried out, which provides for the study and systematization of the conditions for performing work. In crop production, a passportization sheet is compiled for each cultivated area. It records the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, its length and width; the distribution of this area according to the classes of head length, slope angle and depending on other features (stony, indented obstacles, configuration complexity, etc.); type, subtype of soil and its mechanical composition. Information for certification is obtained from land use plans, soil maps, land management materials, agro-soil and agro-economic surveys, and directly when examining a field or garden. Based on the passportization sheets for the sections, the average indicators of working conditions for the whole enterprise and its divisions are calculated and the summary passportization sheets are filled out. Using the certification data, they select standards developed for similar conditions, and they calculate specific labor standards, taking into account crop yields, the composition of aggregates and agrotechnical requirements for normalized work (seeding rates, fertilizing, soil tillage, etc.).
The calculation-analytical method is less laborious than the experimental-analytical one. It is used mainly in the regulation of labor in animal husbandry and in the repair of equipment.
In agricultural enterprises, the establishment of labor standards according to ready-made standards - samples (standard standards) is widely used. If the production conditions completely coincide with the typical ones, then such labor standards are taken for use.

The rationing method is understood as a set of methods for establishing labor standards, including: analysis of the labor process; designing rational technology and labor organization; norm calculation. The choice of labor rationing method is determined by the nature of the rated work and the conditions for their implementation.

In the practice of labor rationing, analytical (analytical-research and analytical-calculation), experimental-statistical and expert methods are used.

Analytical Methods include: analysis of a specific labor process, dividing it into elements, designing rational operating modes for equipment, organizing labor and the necessary time spent on the elements of the labor process, setting standards for operations.

According to the methodology for obtaining the initial data, analytical methods are divided into analytical and calculation methods, in which normative materials are the basis for calculating the norms, and analytical and research methods, when the initial information is obtained through observations or experiments. Analytical and computational methods are currently the main ones. They provide the necessary degree of validity of the norms at a much lower cost compared to research methods for the collection of initial information.

In the conditions of mass, and sometimes serial production, analytical-calculative and analytical-research methods are used in combination: a preliminary version of the norm is calculated according to the standards, and then refined on the basis of observations.

The analytical approach, which provides for the allocation of elements of the labor process, the design of rational technology, techniques and methods of work, has always been considered the main one in setting standards.

When using the analytical research method, the initial information is based on the results of observations carried out using photographs of the working time of an employee (a group of employees), the time of using equipment in time, timing and photo - timing, "instant observations", etc. The method is used when calculating comprehensively justified norms of labor costs, as well as in the development of normative materials on labor.

With the analytical-calculative method of labor rationing, the necessary costs of working time are calculated on the basis of labor standards. The method provides the calculation of the optimally stressed labor cost norms in relation to the content of the normalized process and the conditions for its implementation, provided for by the normative labor materials used.

At experimental-statistical method of labor rationing the costs of working time are established on the basis of: data on the performance of similar work (functions), production documentation, operational accounting for production or orders, etc.; materials of summary observations on the use of working time or expert assessments; experience of a standardizer, technologist, foreman and other specialists. Such norms do not allow efficient use of production resources and should be replaced by norms established by analytical methods. As a rule, it is used when rationing experimental work, during the development of new products, emergency and random work (functions), etc.

Expert method of normalization.

When rationing labor costs for scientific, design, research work, the methods listed above cannot be applied. This is due to the fact that the work in research and other similar work is creative, probabilistic and often difficult to predict.

Therefore, for the rationing of labor, which is creative in nature and has a large share of novelty, special methods are used, such as the method of conversion coefficients, correlations, analogues, and others.

The expert method has found the greatest distribution in this area. In order to determine the labor costs for any research or design work with significant novelty, a group of experts is formed, which must carry out an expert assessment of this work. Among the expert methods, the Delphi method (Delphic oracles) is most widely used. According to this method, a group of experts is formed in the amount of 6-7 people, which includes specialists with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of similar standardized work. If there are no such experts in a scientific organization, then they are attracted from outside. The examination procedure consists in the fact that experts for each type of work give optimistic and pessimistic estimates of the time of their completion, i.e. min/max time. Each expert gives an assessment individually, without knowing the opinions of other experts. After collecting the results from all experts, they are processed in the form of ranking, grouping and other statistical methods for processing the received data. If the data has a large scatter, then the examination procedure is repeated until these labor input data have an average form.

Often in the practice of data processing to determine the time spent on a particular job, an empirical formula is used

where is the expected time to complete some work, is the maximum performance estimate, and is the minimum performance estimate.

The considered methods of labor rationing determine the conditions that ensure the equal tension of the norms, which is understood as the equality of objective prerequisites (opportunities) for the same level of fulfillment of the norms.

Achieving equal tension is a very difficult problem. To solve it, you need:

unity of methods and methods of labor rationing;

the unity of normative materials for the calculation of norms and methods for studying the costs of working time;

sufficient qualification of technologists and specialists in labor regulation;

the possibility of practical implementation of design technology, organization of labor and production;

material and moral interest of workers, engineering and technical workers and production managers in the high quality of labor standards.

One of the directions for improving the methodology of labor rationing is the further development of analytical methods based on a more complete account and analysis of the factors and conditions that affect the value of labor costs. It is promising to use systems of microelement time standards in normative-research and operational work on labor.

The essence of microelement rationing is to reduce the entire variety of labor processes of workers to a combination of microelements, to establish the time of their duration in relation to the rational content, composition, methods and methods of implementation.

Microelement standards of time- these are the regulated values ​​of the costs of working time for the performance of labor movements (individual microelements) of the labor process, obtained as a result of statistical processing of filming data. The main advantage of these standards lies in their analytical and synthetic nature, which determines the main directions of their use for solving many problems. They allow you to carefully analyze the labor process, design and justify a rational option for its implementation and calculate the norms of optimal intensity, because they are the basis for establishing the normative pace of work, expressed in absolute units. They serve as initial data in the development of normative materials of a greater degree of consolidation. It is also recommended to use microelement time standards when assessing the quality of existing labor cost standards, making decisions on their replacement and revision, when organizing labor processes at specific workplaces, training workers in rational labor methods and techniques, and solving other problems.

The foundations of microelement labor rationing were laid by the American engineers F. Taylor and F. Gilbreth in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. For the first time, a method was developed for studying the costs of working time using timekeeping, and the foundations of the analytical method of rationing were created. The concept of universal movements, according to which any labor process can be decomposed into basic movements (arms, legs, body) formed the basis of modern rationing by microelements.

The first methodological and theoretical system of microelement time standards was developed by the Soviet scientist V.M. Ioffe in the 1930s.

Classifying all labor movements according to the way they are performed into movements of the arms, legs, body, head, eyes, the author divided them into decisive and adaptive, giving them an estimate of the "standard" in time (in thousand fractions of a second) depending on factors: distance, tension (effort) and pace. Five determinants of movement were identified - start, direction, strength, speed, end. In the 1940s, Prof. A. A. Trukhanov proposed to take into account the visual and mental elements of work and the influence of the senses on the formation of labor movements, the labor process as a whole, and also introduced a (single) ("standard") scale of relative durations of movements, transition coefficients and other suggestions for improving the methodology. At the same time, it was envisaged to conduct parallel timing with an assessment of the rate of execution of the normalized process, which is relevant for improving the analytical research method of normalization at the present time.

In parallel, research work was carried out to create microelement time standards abroad. The American company "Westinghouse Electric" develops (1940-1948) a system of microelement standards based on filming and timing of labor operations performed by skilled workers of companies in various regions of the country. The microelement standards of the MTM-1 system, which means "determining the method and duration of work", are compiled on the basis of a large amount of factual material, an analysis of many hundreds of meters of film with filmed labor processes, most often found in various industries. The System has a normative pace of work equivalent to walking without a load on level ground at a speed of 4.8 km / h, which has been accepted as normal in the USA and England until now.

In the practice of regulatory research work abroad, various systems of microelement time standards are widely used (at present there are more than two hundred of them). Among them, the most famous are MTM-1 (MTM-2, MTM - 3, MODAPTS, etc.), based on the principles of sequential enlargement of the basic elements of MTM-1 by combining, averaging, replacing and excluding individual elements of the system based on their system analysis. They differ in the degree of versatility, detail, accuracy and complexity of use. Significant advantages over the existing systems of microelement standards have the system "MODAPTS" (Modular System of Labor Movement Standards), which belongs to the third generation, developed in 1966-68. based on the original micronutrient guidelines by the Australian Micronutrient Regulatory Association, led by G. Heide. The number of standards in it is reduced to 21 trace elements, presented in the form of easy-to-remember drawings. On the basis of this system, its modification has been developed, designed to standardize rather complex labor processes of employees, including such elements as reading, writing letters and certificates, typing, counting, etc.

Introduction 3

1. Chapter 1. Main part 5

1.1. Historical note 5

1.2. Essence, content and tasks of labor rationing 6

1.3. Labor standards - functions, types, role in business management 9

1.4. Labor rationing methods 12

1.5. Classification of working hours 14

1.6. Methods for studying the cost of working time 17

1.7. Types of production standards, the order of their development and approval 21

2. Chapter 2. Technological part 23

2.1. Characteristics of the cafe "Milano" 23

2.2. Cafe management structure 26

2.3. Worksheet for a cold shop cook 28

2.4. Workday individual photo card 29

2.5. Technological cards for cold dishes 35

2.6. Worksheet of the cook of the hot shop 45

2.7. Work day individual photo card 46

2.8. Technological cards for hot dishes 52

3. Conclusion 61

4. List of literature and Internet resources 62

Applications 63


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises engaged in the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products and differing in types and specializations. All establishments Catering, depending on the trade and production activities, the range of products, the forms of customer service used, are divided into: procurement, pre-preparation, and those with a complete production cycle. Public catering enterprises can be located both in public places accessible to all citizens (public network), and on the territory of institutions and enterprises, serving only persons working there (closed network). In economic analysis and designing, public catering enterprises are characterized by such indicators as capacity (number of seats in the trading floor), productivity (number of dishes produced per shift).

Labor rationing is the process of establishing the amount of working time spent in the form of labor standards for the performance of a certain work in the most rational organizational and technical conditions for a given production. The purpose of labor rationing in public catering may be the development of standards for one enterprise, for enterprises of a certain type, capacity. The object of rationing can be both a labor process (for example, the manufacture of semi-finished products, washing tableware, cleaning rooms, etc.), and a group of interrelated labor processes (for example, for the production of certain types of culinary products, customer service, etc.) .

The topic of this final qualifying work is the Development of methods for labor rationing in public catering on the example of the Milano cafe. The method of labor rationing is understood as a method of research and design of the labor process to establish labor cost standards. At present, due to the increased interest in the problem of labor rationing, the task of ensuring the high quality of the established norms of labor costs, their validity, both from an economic and social point of view, is becoming more and more urgent.

The purpose of this work is to develop methods of labor rationing for individual workshops of the Milano cafe.

The goal is revealed through the following tasks:

1. Describe a public catering establishment.

2. Describe the generally accepted methods of labor rationing.

3. Develop methods for labor rationing.

The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of used literature and Internet resources, and an application. The volume of work is 62 pages.

Chapter 1

History reference

In the face of intense competition and a sharp drop in profits, entrepreneurs are trying to find a means that would help them return to their original form of work organization. It was in these conditions at the beginning of the twentieth century. Frederick Taylor put forward a solution to the control problem. It was to organize and clearly articulate each work assignment. Taylor himself formulated his methodological principles in this way: "The highest productivity is achieved when each worker receives a certain task, which he must complete at the appointed time and in a certain way."

Although Taylor's theories remain as valid today as they were 100 years ago, his lack of human involvement and concern for employees, as well as the desire of managers to immediately achieve results, dealt the first blow to this concept shortly after its inception. The rate-setters began to be called "guards" and "executioners". Managers were happy to implement the new method, because it gave great savings, but the workers cursed it. In 1912, the US Congress even had to conduct a special investigation on aspects of "scientific" management.

In parallel with Taylor, research was conducted by Frank Gilbert, an engineer by profession, and his wife, Lillian Gilbert, a psychologist. The combination of two different professional approaches allowed them to create a sound and objective concept, built with the interests of the workers in mind. Instead of subjecting the workers to the strict requirements of the production rhythm, they proposed to reorganize labor itself, and put the interests of man at the forefront.

The Gilberts brought their rationing methods to the level of the exact sciences by breaking down complex works into the basic elements of movement. Their views paved the way for the development of scientific methods of labor rationing. Labor professionals began to realize that work methods and time spent on work are inextricably linked concepts. After all, if the main elements of the work are identified, the next step, obviously, should be to establish the time costs required to complete these elements. However, the system that combines time standards and work operation standards did not become widespread until the early 40s thanks to the work of Harold Maynard, Gustav Stegemerten and John Schwab. Their system was based on schemes of elementary movements, according to which certain time expenditures were set. They called their approach a system of measuring the time to complete operations. This and other approaches (for example, the method of measuring work factors proposed by Segur) eliminated the subjectivity in assessing the quality and quantity of labor, which was inevitable when using timekeeping methods, and provided an accurate, universal standard of measurement, thanks to which we are able to obtain standardized data today. and build on their basis complex comprehensive programs for the regulation of labor in many sectors of the economy.

1.2. Essence, content and tasks of labor rationing

In the transition to a market economy, there is an objective need for labor rationing as one of the essential links in the economic mechanism that determines the efficiency of enterprises. Since the income of employers from the main activities of enterprises and the wages of employees directly depend on the volume of manufactured and sold products, on their price and cost, both of them are interested in increasing the number of goods supplied to the market, expanding the range, and increasing the attractiveness of goods for consumers, both in terms of quality as well as price. This can be achieved only by using the mechanism of labor rationing, aimed at increasing its efficiency, i.e., increasing the results of labor in relation to the costs of achieving them.

Practice shows that the most dynamic, i.e., capable of reducing, type of resources are labor costs. As a rule, their reduction ensures a reduction in the cost per unit of production of other types of resources (fixed assets, fuel, energy). As a result, the cost of production is significantly reduced. Given this close relationship between the efficiency of labor use and the performance of enterprises, it is very important to carry out systematic work to reduce unit labor costs. The use of progressive norms of labor costs is becoming one of the most important conditions for the economic well-being of the enterprise and the competitiveness of its products.

Labor rationing- this is a system of means and methods for establishing the measure of labor necessary for an objective assessment of its effectiveness and an adequate level of its payment. Labor rationing is one of the elements of wage setting. Labor rationing is the determination of the labor costs required to perform a particular job.

The purpose of labor rationing at the enterprise- ensuring the effective use of its production and labor potential, the competitiveness of manufactured products based on the reduction of labor costs as a result of the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices, their timely reflection in the standards.

The sequence of application of the labor rationing mechanism:

1. Analysis of the production and technological process, its components and elements.

2. Determining the sequence of performing individual operations and the ratio of technical and technological elements with the cost of human labor.

3. The study of advanced labor methods - the choice of optimal technologies, techniques and methods of labor, systems for servicing workplaces, modes of work and rest.

4. Justification and calculation of labor standards, calculation of standard indicators.

Among the means of labor regulation are normative materials, means of measuring and analyzing labor processes, computer equipment.

Regulation of labor in public catering- this is the determination of the necessary time spent on the manufacture of a unit of production under given organizational and technical conditions. To increase the efficiency of labor, technical regulation is of great importance.

Technical regulation of labor- this is the process of establishing norms for the expenditure of working time in specific organizational and technical conditions. Technical rationing in public catering, as in other sectors of the national economy, is the most progressive method of rationing, based on the best practices of enterprises, provides for the scientific organization of labor, increasing its productivity, improving the quality of products, and improving the culture of customer service.

Technical regulation solves the following tasks:

1. Analysis of the use of working time, equipment (by time and power).

2. The study of the organization of jobs, their equipment, placement, supply and maintenance.

3. Introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work.

4. Study of the reasons causing loss of working time, downtime of equipment.

5. Establishment of rational work regimes.

6. Development of organizational and technical measures that improve the production regime, working conditions.

7. Establishment of technically justified labor standards.

8. Establishing the correct ratio of the number and qualifications of employees.

1.3. labor standards-functions, types, role in business management

The organization of production involves the establishment and regulation of the necessary quantitative proportions between different types of labor, which is impossible without taking into account the quantitative and qualitative costs of labor. Since labor is measured by the working time necessary to perform a particular job (operation) in the existing organizational and technical conditions, it is working time that acts as a universal measure of labor. The concrete expression of the measure of labor is the norm of labor. Thus, the labor norm determines the amount and structure of the costs of working time required to perform a particular job. Labor standards are established using rationing methods.

labor rate- a value that determines how much labor is needed to perform a certain amount of work. Any enterprise is always interested in reducing labor standards for the manufacture of products (performance of work), which makes it possible to reduce production costs. Labor standards, on the one hand, should be a means of making a profit, and on the other hand, they should contribute to the solution of social problems, ensure the normal intensity of the work of an employee, and stimulate his material interest.

The establishment of labor standards is based on determining the cost of working time to perform a given amount of work, but since any work can be carried out in various production conditions and by various means and methods, it therefore requires a different amount of time to complete it. Therefore, the correct determination of the necessary time costs involves the study of the organizational and technical conditions for the performance of this work, the analysis of the technology used, the use of equipment, the level of service and organization of the workplace, the method of implementing the labor process, characterized by the composition of methods of labor methods and a certain sequence of their implementation. And only after assessing the level of organizational and technical conditions and choosing the most rational of them, it is possible to determine such an amount of working time (labor rate) that is necessary to perform this work.

Labor standards must correspond to the most effective options for the technological process, labor organization, production and management for the conditions of a particular workplace, they must determine the conditions in which the work of the employee will be less tiring, more productive and meaningful.

Labor standards established taking into account the technical, technological and organizational capabilities of production are called technically justified. In addition to the technical justification of the norms, their economic, psychophysiological and social justification is necessary. The economic justification allows you to choose the most effective form of organizing the production process, which ensures the optimization of the loading of equipment and workers during the shift. Psychophysiological substantiation involves the choice of a work option, taking into account the reduction of the impact on the human body of adverse factors and the introduction of rational modes of work and rest. The social substantiation of the norms provides for ensuring the content of labor, increasing interest in work.

The norm of labor is expressed by the norm of time, the norm of production, the norm of service, the norm of the number and the norm of manageability.

Norm of time is the amount of time required to perform a specific operation or to produce a unit of output. The time limit is set in hours, minutes, seconds. The norm of time is the initial value for calculating the production rate. Technically substantiated norms of time for public catering products have been developed.

Production rate- this is the quantity of products (in dishes, pieces, kilograms, rubles of trade turnover), which must be manufactured per unit of time (hour, shift, etc.) by one or a group of workers of the appropriate qualification.

The rate of output and the rate of time are inversely proportional, i.e., the less the rate of time per unit of output, the greater the rate of output for a given working day.

Service rate- this is the number of objects (pieces of equipment, jobs) or square meters of area that can be served by one employee of the appropriate qualification for a certain time.

population rate- this is the number of workers required to perform certain work or to service specific objects (jobs).

Controllability rate- this is the optimal number of employees or departments, the activities of which can be effectively managed by one manager.

Labor rationing methods

The method of labor rationing is understood as a method of research and design of the labor process to establish labor cost standards. The quality of labor standards depends on the method of labor rationing used. In public catering, two methods of rationing are used: experimental-statistical and analytical.

Experimental-statistical method of labor rationing is based on the use of reporting data on the actual output of products for the past period. The timesheet determines the number of man-days worked. And by dividing the number of products produced by the number of man-days worked, the production rate for one man-day (man-shift, man-hour) is established. Taking into account the real capabilities of the enterprise, the calculated production rate is increased within the expected growth in labor productivity. This norm is called the average progressive.

The experimental-statistical method of labor rationing is widely used in the public catering system, as it is simple and allows you to quickly set the production rate. This is important for small and medium-sized enterprises, where employees are busy performing a wide variety of jobs. The production rate by the experimental-statistical method, as a rule, is set in conditional dishes, in rubles, and less often in natural units (kilograms, pieces).

However, the experimental-statistical method of labor rationing has a significant drawback, which lies in the fact that when setting the production rate, shortcomings in the use of working time are not revealed, the reserves available at the enterprise are not revealed, which is a brake on the introduction of the most progressive forms and methods of labor organization.

Despite the shortcomings, this method of rationing is widely used in small enterprises, as well as enterprises that combine production and trade functions.

Analytical (technical) method of normalization- a more progressive method of rationing. It is used at large public catering enterprises, allows you to subject the organization of labor in production, on the trading floor, in management to a deep analysis. Labor standards are set directly at the workplace with the help of a photo of the workflow and timekeeping. When establishing technical standards study the organization of labor in individual workshops, departments, sections, workplaces; identify reserves to reduce the cost of working time for the manufacture of products or customer service; develop organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the production regime and increasing labor productivity. On the basis of technical regulation in public catering, technically justified time standards have been developed. Technical regulation helps to substantiate the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise's production activities.

Labor rationing- This is the determination of the required amount of time to perform a certain type of work. The norm of labor can be the norm of production, the norm of time, the norm of the number, the norm of service, the norm of manageability.

The quality of labor standards is influenced by the method of labor rationing. For example, experimental-statistical and analytical methods of labor rationing are used for labor rationing at public catering enterprises.

Experimental-statistical method of labor rationing is based on reporting data on the actual output of products for the past period of time (quarter, year). The cost of production is divided by the number of man-days or man-hours. The output rate calculated in this way shows labor productivity in the selected past period.

It should be borne in mind that this method of labor rationing does not reflect the downtime of equipment, loss of working time, shortcomings in the organization of labor, but despite this it is widely used in medium-sized enterprises and in organizations that combine trade and production functions.

Analytical (or technical) method of labor rationing implies the definition of labor standards in the process of work using timekeeping and photographs of the working day. This method of labor rationing makes it possible to substantiate the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise.

Determining the real costs of working time for the manufacture of products, the performance of work operations and production processes is an indispensable element of labor rationing at the enterprise.

Photo of working time(working day) is the measurement of all the time spent by an employee (group of employees) during the working day.

The photograph of a part of the working day is called the target, it is carried out in order to determine the norm of time for the production of a unit of production.

A photo of working time can be taken by a rater, technologist, production manager, as well as the employee himself.

To take a photograph of working time, observation must begin from the moment the work begins until the end of the shift, while recording must be carried out continuously, fixing the action and the current time.

The sum of the time spent on all operations should be equal to the length of the working day or shift. On the basis of the processed photograph of the working day, a balance of working hours is compiled, which serves as the basis for the subsequent labor rationing.

Another type of preparatory stage in the process of labor rationing is photo timing(photo of the workflow), which is a study of the cost of operational time during the process.

At the end of the technological process, the quantity of manufactured products is fixed, and the cost of operational time for its production is calculated.

Timekeeping of working time allows you to determine the duration of the cycle of operations. By means of timing, the time spent per unit of production is determined; the norms obtained with the help of photographs of working time are specified for the subsequent regulation of the work of workers.

The use of the above methods of labor rationing makes it possible to draw up recommendations for improving the quality of work processes and