Gym in a private house. Do-it-yourself home gym: how to set up a training area in your home yourself. Video: Basics of creating a gym at home

To look beautiful, fit, young and energetic, you don’t have to be a regular at a fitness club or gym. It is enough to set up a gym at home and exercise with joy for body and soul at any time convenient for you.

A home gym is a wise and practical solution for every person who values ​​their health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports must be systematic. Is this always possible, given the modern pace of life? Hardly. Because there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such a “luxury” as taking care of yourself. A personal “fitness center” in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, you won’t have to think about buying a (far from cheap) membership to a sports club for many years.

Before you make a home gym, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail - from choosing a room to decorative elements. Only in this way will physical activity be a pleasure, and not a kind of obligation to the periodic remorse of conscience.

Choosing the Ideal Location

Ideally, it is advisable to allocate a separate room for a home gym, and its area should be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, the most suitable place for it will be a veranda, due to the ability to organize good ventilation. When you can breathe easily, exercising is doubly enjoyable. An attic is also a good option.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if there is normal air flow in the room, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say that in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly “disappears”?

Home Gym Decoration and Design


The walls of a home mini-gym must be vapor permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a design, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If the surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


The flooring for your home gym should be comfortable, reliable, and has good sound insulation. Plank floors are definitely not suitable. We recommend that you do this:

  • arrange a “floating” screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • use cork or thick carpet as a finishing coating.

Color solutions for the home gym

According to medical observations, light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray colors have the most beneficial effect on the trainee. It is advisable to use them when creating the interior of a home gym.


Lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no multi-colored lamps - only pleasant white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If you wish, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - it’s beautiful, and it also visually expands the space. Mirrors should be positioned in such a way that trainees can easily contemplate themselves - and in full height.

However, it is worth noting that a mirror in the interior of a gym is by no means an “attribute of narcissism”, but a kind of motivator to perform exercises correctly and monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! The mirror in the gym does not always evoke pleasant emotions. One psychological study found that obese women perceived their reflection during exercise extremely negatively. As a result, their interest in sports and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym should always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

Necessary things in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with backrest;
  • a table for all kinds of “small things” - water bottles, glasses, mobile phones, etc.;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • Wall Clock.

If a large room is allocated for the gym, you can install a coffee table and a leather sofa there for comfortable “time-outs”.

If one of the family members is a professional athlete, the home gym will be best place for shelves with cups, medals, certificates.

Many people prefer to exercise with “video instructors” - which means that, if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for flash drives). Fans of “song accompaniment” for all their activities cannot do without a musical “set” in the gym.

Decorating the space

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, figurines with a sports or sports-related theme would be appropriate here.

How to set up a home gym

Your home gym must have at least one cardio machine - either a treadmill or an elliptical. The rest of the equipment and devices should be selected depending on personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainee. For a woman planning to “lose” a couple of kilograms, a cardio machine, a few dumbbells and an ab roller will suffice. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine or barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One mat is required for floor classes.

When setting up a home gym “for the whole family,” it is advisable not to skimp on equipment - buy a couple of fitballs, a wall bars, hoops, and a rope. All household members will be delighted, from young to old - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room allocated for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally, to get an idea of ​​how to best organize your space, look at photos of home gyms online to get a lot of interesting ideas.

At home, this time, let's go even further. Let's look at how to make a gym at home, where you will have all the necessary equipment for productive sports.

For a basic gym set, we will do the following with our own hands:

  • 5 pairs dumbbells different weights
  • 10 pancakes of different weights
  • Olympic bar
  • Horizontal bar
  • Bars
  • Bench press bench
  • Squat Racks

Everyone has different conditions for building a home gym; some want to build it in a garage or some other building, but for example, I’ll take a vacant lot. Let's imagine, to make our dream come true, we have a small vacant lot, 10 m kV, and from the tools:

♦ Hammer

♦ Saw

♦ Nails

♦ Several meters of pipe

♦ Cement

♦ Cable

♦ Nearby, a forest or attic with old boards, where we will take poles and boards for the gym

Let's start with the basic items — a horizontal bar and parallel bars on which you can do pull-ups, push-ups, two-arm exercises and other basic elements.

How to make a horizontal bar in the yard

So that you better understand what I mean, here is a picture of a primitive horizontal bar that we will build in our home gym


  • 2 pillars of 2.50 meters, diameter from 150 to 200 cm
  • The main bar is equal in length to the width of the horizontal bar, and its diameter is convenient for gripping
  • Cement
  • 4 cables of 3 meters and 4 stakes

How to make a horizontal bar correctly, the manufacturing process

· To begin with, dig 2 holes 50 cm deep in a square shape

· We place the pillars there, set them level and fill them with concrete, leaving a little space for the ground

· When the cement has dried, we fasten the crossbar with 6 200 mm nails; for this, we drill 3 holes at the end of the pipe. This method will help the horizontal bar not to spin in different directions and to hold securely

· Complete the design with gymnastic stretches, they will allow the horizontal bar not to shake the ground. We attach them to the top point of the pole, and the other end to a metal pile, which we hammer into the ground, tensioning the cable as much as possible.

· Help pull the rope, call your friends


The presence of parallel bars in the gym is mandatory, because they are an excellent sports equipment for pumping up the pectoral muscles and triceps.


  • 4 supports
  • 2 main necks, they can be made from both wood and metal
  • cement

A completely simple layout that you see in the picture

Manufacturing process

· Here, we repeat all the same movements as with the horizontal bar

First we fill the pillars with concrete

Waiting for complete drying

· And we attach the main neck on top. When the cement has dried, we fasten 2 crossbars with 8 200 mm nails, 2 for each post; for this, we drill 2 holes at the end of the pipe.

Now, now we have 2 sports equipment in our gym, if you are wondering where to start and how to make a gym at home, then I can answer that you should start with a horizontal bar and parallel bars, which will be enough for the first couple, and then continue to replenish the range .

Olympic bar

An Olympic bar is the base for a future barbell, which has thickening at the ends so that the weights do not slip onto your hands.

It is clear that such hassles will not work for our gym. So let's make it simpler:

  • Let's take the main bar 2 m
  • Then we weld a pipe with a large diameter on the sides
  • To prevent the pancakes from slipping, we will weld several nuts onto the thickening, as shown in the picture

So, we have a wonderful neck that will last for many days.

Next, our bar will need several weights of different weights for effective training in the gym, so as not to repeat itself. I just advise you to look at this article - “How to make a barbell” link at the very beginning of the article and look at the first method, you will find a complete guide on how to make weights for a barbell will be easy and simple.

Bench and racks

The horizontal bar, parallel bars, and barbell are already ready, next is the bench press bench and racks, without these accessories, the gym will not be complete. Let's start with the bench. Unfortunately, an ordinary bench will not work; you will need a wide bench with stable legs.

To make it, you will need to take measurements from your shoulders, measure your shoulders from the back, then take 20 cm from the resulting number - this will be the width of the bench. In order to take a lot of weight and not be afraid that the bench will fall, I recommend placing 4 pillars under the bottom, each 45 cm long and with a diameter of about 200. I doubt that you will carry the bench somewhere, and therefore this option for the gym will be the most suitable once. Rough but reliable.


I advise you to ask your grandfather to help you, weld metal racks for your home gym like this picture

To do this, follow 4 steps:

  • Take measurements of the height of the bench you have made so that you can easily remove the barbell from the support
  • Buy on the market, tubular metal 4 m
  • Draw a diagram of a universal stand for bench press and squats
  • Start assembling

Guys, I just can’t tell you all the subtleties, such things are an individual matter, because people are different in height, and wooden version, we won’t even consider it. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of my stupidity.


Many people ask how to make a gym at home when dumbbells are so expensive? So, today we will make 5 pairs of dumbbells, of different weights, using a simple method.

You will need:

  • Cement
  • Paint and food cans 10 pieces, 5 pairs, different sizes
  • 5 pieces of fittings or pipes 30 cm each

The essence of production is as follows:

· For example, we have 10 cans, 2 of them are 250 grams, 2 are 500, 2 are 1 l, 2 are 2 l and 2 are 3 l.

· Having divided them into pairs, we begin to form one side of the dumbbell

· Place the jar on the bottom, insert a tube into it and pour in cement

We position the jar so that the pipe remains level after drying

· We perform this operation with all 5 dumbbells on one side

· Once the first side has dried, turn it over and continue the operation.

This simple method will help us make dumbbells with our own hands, which are perfect for the home gym.

Guys, I wish you good luck in achieving your goals, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym, but it doesn’t matter, the main thing is desire. You can become healthy and beautiful even in an old, downtrodden village, believe in yourself and don’t give up.

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In order for your body to be slim and your figure beautiful, you need to regularly exercise and this is a fact. However, you don’t always have the time or desire to get to the gym. Thus, an alternative to a makeshift gym at home is popping up in its own right. In fact, there is nothing difficult about organizing a sports corner in your own room or living room. Every home has a place to store the necessary sports minimum, which will make it possible to regularly play sports.

The well-known Swedish wall is a prototype of a place for home training. And probably every home has dumbbells, a hula hoop or a jump rope. If you collect all these accessories in one place and organize the space, you will get a wonderful corner or even a room so that you can fully train.

Professional trainers and simple skeptics argue that training in a home gym will never give the same effect as a gym or stadium. Not at all. You can safely argue with such a statement, because in fact, it doesn’t matter where you study, the main thing is how well and diligently you do it. By the way, sports activities at home are an opportunity to save money on purchasing that same gym membership, for example, as well as on public transport or gasoline for your own car. If you think about it, you can find many advantages in favor of exercising at home.

What should be the place for training at home?

Of course, it’s wonderful if there is a whole free room in the house that does not pretend to be a guest bedroom or a warehouse for household rubbish and old things. This is the kind of room that can be equipped as a home gym. Knowledgeable people claim that the most optimal area of ​​a home hall should be 8-10 square meters(acceptable minimum). In such a space you can easily place one or two exercise machines, a gymnastic bench and other necessary equipment. However, for most people who want to train at home, a separate room for training is a dream and it’s great if you can carve out part of any other room for these purposes.

A room that claims to be a gym must be well ventilated and bright, and also have the following characteristics:

  • sound insulation (for example, hitting the path while running can create discomfort for neighbors who are unlikely to like the characteristic “humming” overhead);
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor absorption (so that the smell of sweat does not remain in the air).

The best flooring for a home gym is carpet, and the most suitable color spectrum is calm blue, gray, and beige shades of the walls. However, this is all frills. The most important thing in a home gym, of course, is not the color of the walls or their decoration, but the filling. That is, significant attention needs to be paid to the content and sports equipment.

Sports equipment for home training: the required minimum

If you scratch through the bottom of your own pantry and through the drawers of your closet, you can probably find a couple of accessories that can take pride of place in your own gym. What could it be?

  • dumbbells;
  • jump rope;
  • gymnastic mat;
  • Hula Hup;
  • fitball;
  • weights (for legs, for example).

This is the necessary minimum, which always comes in handy. A jump rope can be useful for warming up your muscles, and dumbbells for strength exercises. The hula hoop models the waist, and a gymnastic mat is needed for exercises on the floor (for example, stretching or abdominal exercises). These simple items have long proven their effectiveness in maintaining a beautiful and fit figure.

Besides, what would a home gym be without a mirror and a TV? After all, it’s much more pleasant to practice while listening to your favorite music or video, where the trainer talks about how to correctly perform this or that exercise. By the way, the Internet is literally teeming with ready-made training programs that can be done at home. It won’t be difficult to download a video set of exercises and train based on it. A mirror is necessary in order to control the correct execution. During independent training, it is important to see yourself in order to avoid mistakes, because there will be no coach nearby to point out certain shortcomings.

What kind of exercise equipment to equip a training room at home

The basis of the basic equipment that is usually installed at home is a treadmill. In this way, you can organize cardio exercise, which is especially necessary when losing weight and maintaining a slim body shape in general. A little running to warm up before the main workout is a must. During cardio exercise, the muscles are well worked out, and then the lesson goes like clockwork.

A treadmill is a cardio exercise machine (that is, it puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system). It can be mechanical or electrical. On a mechanical track, the belt rotates due to its own efforts, which gives great emphasis on the legs. That is, the person himself warms up the simulator and puts the belt into action. Another thing is electric, where the rotation of the canvas occurs automatically, that is, the simulator itself sets the speed at which you need to run.

An exercise bike is good for training at home; by the way, it is inexpensive and effectively works almost all muscle groups. Units such as an orbitrek or a stepper are also suitable for equipping a home gym. A solid option for home is a power station (or multi-trainer). With such a mini-center in your own gym, you can have a great time during training and work hard on yourself. In addition to exercise equipment, a room for sports activities at home can be equipped with a boxing bag or a choreographic machine. In general, it all depends on your own desires, preferences, physical and financial capabilities.

A gym in the house is just the dream of any person who loves sports and wants to remain beautiful throughout his life.

You can equip it with your own hands, of course, if the extra space allows.

As a rule, gyms are built in, dedicating an entire room or basement for this purpose.

Don't think that this is a very expensive process. Naturally, certain investments will be required, but for sure, in a year of visits to fitness clubs, you will spend a lot more.

We are ready to tell you not only how to make a gym, but also how to make equipment in it yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of a home gym

Having a gym at home, and made with your own hands, is already an advantage. Let's look at the rest:

  • no one is urging you to empty the exercise machine;
  • you can listen to your favorite music while exercising;
  • you can try new techniques without embarrassment;
  • no one distracts you from your studies;
  • training is carried out at appropriate times;
  • everything is completely free.

The disadvantages of a gym in the house include insufficient space; beginners will need to find out additional information not from a trainer, but on their own on the Internet.

As a rule, in a home gym, a person works out alone, so there is no safety net, which can lead to various injuries.

Also, the biggest drawback is human laziness, which can lead to you giving up sports.

How to choose a place for a gym in your home

You should choose a room in the house of at least 8 square meters so that you can arrange the equipment in a convenient way.

If you don’t even have that kind of extra space, you can make a folding gym.

You don't need exercise equipment for this. It will be enough to limit yourself to a jump rope, dumbbells and yoga mats, which can be easily and quickly removed.

Also choose a place that has good ventilation and is constantly ventilated.

If you already have home exercise equipment and they are quite large, then you can equip a gym with your own hands on the loggia.

Here you will have access to air and plenty of light.

Remember that the equipment should be located at a distance of up to 30 cm from the wall.

How to decorate a gym room in your home with your own hands

This is not the most important point, but it is still worth taking care of.

Please note that the room must have:

  • sound insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor absorption.

Sound insulation is mainly expressed in the floor covering. This is to protect neighbors and residents of the house from knocks and disturbing noises.

It is customary to use rubber mats, carpet or cork flooring in the hall. They do not leave traces of equipment and will be able to ensure silence for neighbors.

For vapor absorption, use cork panels or regular wallpaper.

Do not use tiles or plastic.

If you care about the beauty of the gym in your home, then you should think about the design solution. You can choose any color for the walls and room, but give preference to the following:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • beige.

They help cope with physical activity, do not irritate and have a beneficial effect on exercise.

If you are equipping a gym with your own hands not only for yourself, but also for your beloved woman, then you should add a touch of variety.

Buy or paint exercise equipment in colors that are pleasing to her. Decorate the equipment with gymnastics ribbons and make large mirrors.

It is equally important that there is a clock in the room. They will help you keep track of time and not overwork.

Do-it-yourself gym equipment for the home

It’s up to you to decide which exercise machines you use, but we can tell you how to easily make them yourself.

To do this you will need male strength and some materials.

An economical, but no less effective gym should be equipped with:

  • punching bag;
  • dumbbells or barbell;
  • horizontal bar;
  • wall bars;
  • rug and so on.

DIY punching bag in the gym

This is the simplest, most useful and affordable equipment that you can make yourself.

We have to:

  • 3 plastic or shopping bags;
  • sand or sawdust;
  • bracket.

We take 3 bags and put them one into the other. Now you need to fill them with sawdust.

You can buy them, but it will cost money, so if you want to save money, then fill the punching bag with foam rubber around the edges with your own hands, and push old rags tightly inside the foam rubber.

The weight of the pear should be from 40 to 80 kg.

To tie the bags, you need to wrap them several times with tape or tape. This will give the DIY punching bag strength and shape.

If your wife is a needlewoman, then ask her to sew a pear bag on a sewing machine. To do this, you should purchase about 2 meters of tarpaulin or curtains.

You can hook the punching bag onto the bracket. It also doesn’t have to be purchased in a store.

Simply use welding to make it from two steel strips.

If you have a wall bars or a horizontal bar, then the most profitable option is to attach a pear to them.

If there are beams in the gym, then use it as a support.

In the summer, you can even tie a homemade punching bag to a tree.

DIY dumbbells for the gym at home

The cheapest and most accessible materials for creating such equipment are cast iron and steel.

Of course, purchasing steel or cast iron in stores is expensive, so you can go to the nearest scrap metal collection point.

This is worth doing if you know how to work with metal and can make dumbbells from it.

Also an excellent option would be to purchase used dumbbells and barbells.

Dumbbells for the gym at home can be made from bottles as follows:

  • take plastic bottle 0.5 liters (dumbbell weight 500 grams);
  • choose a hand that is comfortable for your hand metal pipe;
  • We screw the covers using self-tapping screws and screw them to the pipe, with the thread facing outwards;
  • cut out the bottom of the bottle (for a dumbbell with your own hands you need a bottom and a neck);
  • the bottom must be inserted into the top of the bottle to form a flask;
  • We do the same actions with the second bottle;
  • using any one we glue one bottle and a pipe;
  • seal with electrical tape;
  • then add sand and glue and seal the second bottle.

Of course, you will have to buy additional little things, such as a mat and a jump rope, but I hope the tips will help you save your family budget at least a little.

Work out in your gym and you can save money, diversify your home interior and, most importantly, be healthy!