Natural cleansing of the body. How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins - types and stages of purification. The sequence of organs for complex cleaning

For cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body, you need body cleansing program, including the cleansing of all organs in the correct order and the cleansing of the body as a whole.

2. Cleansing the liver.

The liver simultaneously performs a number of functions: digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, etc. One of the most important is the barrier function of the liver. All blood from the intestines, along with nutrients and many other substances, first enters the liver, where the blood is cleansed of various harmful substances and only then spreads throughout the body. If the liver is removed, the body will die in a few hours from poisoning.

Improper diet and stress factors lead to the formation of stones (at an older age, stones are found in one in three). Gallstones are hardened bile and form in both the liver and gallbladder. According to the content they are divided into cholesterol, salt, pigment. Sizes of stones from grains to a walnut. In addition to stones that partially block the bile ducts and prevent the normal outflow of bile, bad things happen to the bile itself (due to its stagnation). It deteriorates and from an easily flowing golden-yellow becomes dark oily with an unpleasant odor. In such bile, harmful microorganisms multiply, which cause inflammation of the liver.

When cleansing the liver, harmful microorganisms come out in the form of white and brown flakes, threads, etc.

Second paragraph body cleansing programs- cleansing the liver.

3. Cleansing the kidneys.

The kidneys are the most important organ for maintaining the optimal state of the internal environment of the body. They perform a range of functions:

  • excretory (removal of waste products from the body),
  • maintaining a certain concentration of certain substances in the blood,
  • regulation of the volume of water in the body,
  • adjustment of acid-base balance.

Pollution occurs in the form of mucus, sand and stones. The reason may be the nature of the food and water consumed, food at night, genetic predisposition, etc. Symptoms indicating kidney pollution:

  • edema,
  • salt deposits,
  • change in acid-base balance,
  • inflammation of the kidneys
  • and so on.

Third paragraph body cleansing programs- cleansing of the kidneys.

4. Cleansing the body of toxins at the cellular level.

The final stage of pollution of the body is pollution at the cellular level. As a result of the vital activity of the body, waste products constantly accumulate inside the cells, as well as a number of other substances that inhibit the normal functioning of the cell. As a result, the cell loses its ability to live and, decomposing, begins to poison the body. In some cases, cells are able to regenerate and give rise to a tumor.

Fourth point body cleansing programs- cleansing the body of toxins at the cellular level.

When cleansing the body, it is important to follow two basic rules:

The sequence of cleansing procedures in accordance with the cleansing program.

At the beginning of this article, we already talked about the importance of following the sequence of cleansing procedures, in accordance with the body cleansing program. So, if we try to cleanse our body fluids with the well-known remedy called “steam room” or “sauna”, but do not cleanse the intestines and liver first, then there will be little benefit from such cleansing. After all, toxins (poisonous substances) of the intestines and liver will immediately enter the bloodstream and begin to poison the body again.

Let's go through the points again body cleansing programs:

  1. The main pollutant of the internal environment of the body is the large intestine. Naturally, cleansing procedures must begin with it. After cleansing the intestines, harmful substances will no longer enter the bloodstream.
  2. This is followed by a liver cleanse. It has already been said that the liver is a natural filter, and all blood from the intestines, before starting its journey and dispersing throughout the body, first passes through the liver. Therefore, if not everything is in order with your large intestine, or you simply did not eat right (which is typical for the vast majority), then your liver certainly needs to be cleansed.
  3. Then you need to clean the kidneys. If dirty blood flows through your body, then the kidneys become heavily polluted, which can lead to the extinction of their function.
  4. At the end of the cleansing cycle, cleansing should be carried out at the cellular level.

Carrying out preparatory procedures before cleansing according to the program.

In some cases, some preparation is necessary immediately before the cleaning procedures. In the literature, these measures are commonly referred to as "body softening". In order for the cleaning process to proceed effectively, it is necessary, as it were, to stir up harmful deposits, slags and bring them to the excretory organs. To do this, they drink a lot of warm water, additionally warm up the body, etc. These measures help increase the circulation of fluid in the tissues.

Now, following this program of cleansing the body, let's go directly to the cleansing procedures.

Here is a list of articles for each item in the program:

Each article describes several different cleansing methods. If any method of cleansing causes you an internal protest, just choose another. For example, I am not able to drink 2 liters of salt water to cleanse the intestines.

Here are some tips to help you cleanse your body easily and successfully:

  • Choose your cleansing methods according to your intuition.
  • Listen to your body's reaction. If something is wrong, stop the treatment and consult your doctor.
  • Carry out the cleansing procedures sequentially, following the correct order.
  • Complete the cleansing of each organ before moving on to the next item on the program.

For proper cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body, a pre-prepared program is needed, which will include the cleansing of all organs in the correct order, thereby cleansing the body as a whole.

There are many ways to cleanse the body at home. Therefore, it is necessary not only to choose the most effective and safe methods, but also to use them in the correct sequence. If the cleansing procedures are performed in the wrong order, then the still uncleaned organs will interfere with the general cleansing and nullify the results of all previously carried out cleansing measures.

The scheme of cleansing the body at home

So, a comprehensive cleansing of the body, which one way or another will help to carry out a complete cleansing, includes only 4 steps:

  • Colon cleansing.
  • Kidney cleansing.
  • Cleansing the body at the cellular level.

If necessary, it is supplemented with a course of anthelmintic drugs.

Step One - Colon Cleansing

The large intestine is a section of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Its length is about 2 meters, and its diameter is about 5 cm. The main function is the absorption of nutrients and the removal of waste.

An important component of the large intestine is its microflora. It consists of many (about 500) species of different bacteria whose activities affect the entire body. The microflora of the large intestine can be disturbed due to:

  • Wrong diet.
  • Eating large amounts of fat, high-calorie and starchy foods.
  • Insufficient consumption of plant foods containing fiber.

As a result, dysbacteriosis occurs in the lumen of the large intestine, as a result of which:

One of the means for cleansing the intestines at home is hydrocolonotherapy with salted water.

To cleanse the intestines with this method, you need to do the following: take 1.5-2 liters of boiled water heated to about 40 ° C and dilute salt in it (it is advisable to use Karlovy Vary, sea, etc.). The volume of salt is approximately 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Advice: according to the mechanism of action, such a remedy resembles, but is not able to replace it with severe food or other intoxications. However, for routine bowel cleansing, it is much more effective than.

Salt is necessary so that water from the solution is not absorbed into the intestines. The ideal concentration of salt for cleansing is 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. But drinking such salty water is extremely difficult. It causes a strong gag reflex, which causes gastric lavage, and not bowel cleansing. Salt water should be taken according to the following scheme:

It is best to perform bowel cleansing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Step Two - Liver Cleansing

The liver simultaneously performs a number of important functions: digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, etc. One of the most important is the (filtration) barrier function. All blood from the intestines, along with nutrients and many other (including toxic) substances, first passes through the liver, where it is filtered, and then spreads throughout the body.

Improper diet and stress factors lead to the formation of stones, which are detected in more than a third of the population at an older age. These stones are hardened bile and form in both the liver and gallbladder. The sizes of stones vary from grains to a walnut. Large stones can partially or completely block the bile ducts and prevent the normal outflow of bile. In stagnant bile, pathogenic microorganisms gradually multiply, which, in addition to obstructive jaundice, cause inflammation of the liver.

In order to avoid these pathological reactions, you can resort to folk remedies for cleansing the liver, including using herbal infusions.

Some medicinal herbs have a choleretic effect, and each of them acts on certain areas of the liver, which makes it possible to achieve a comprehensive cleaning when used together.

To cleanse the liver, decoctions based on the following herbs are considered the most effective:

The sequence of preparation and intake of infusion to cleanse the liver:

  1. It is necessary to pour 2-3 tablespoons of pre-prepared herbs into a container and mix them. After that, place 3-4 tablespoons of this dry mixture in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave to infuse. Before taking the tincture, it must be carefully filtered.
  2. Ready-made infusion should be consumed as follows: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm infusion, use the second glass at night, before going to bed. To perform a complete cleaning, you need to repeat the techniques within 1 month. Every day during such cleaning there will be an increased volume of bowel movements, along with which toxins will be removed. This course of herbal cleansing should be carried out 1-2 times a year.

Advice: this is not the most effective method of cleansing the liver. In addition, it acts gradually and takes a rather long period of time, therefore it is not suitable for emergency cleaning of the organ.

Step Three - Cleansing the Kidneys

The kidneys are the most important organ for maintaining homeostasis - the optimal state of the body. This paired organ performs a number of functions:

  • Excretion of unnecessary or harmful substances from the body.
  • Maintaining the required concentration of certain substances in the blood (protein, glucose).
  • Regulation of the volume of water in the body.
  • Adjustment of acid-base balance.

Pathological changes in the kidneys are manifested in the form of mucus, sand and stones in the parenchyma or pyelocaliceal system. The reason for their appearance may be the nature of the food and water consumed, the time of their use (eating at night), genetic predisposition, etc.

Symptoms indicating contamination of the renal tissues:

  • Edema, primarily on the legs.
  • The deposition of salts in the joints.
  • Violation of acid-base balance.
  • Violation of the basic functions of the kidneys, the occurrence of inflammatory diseases.

To cleanse the kidneys from pathological accumulations in folk medicine, diuretics of plant origin are most often used.

For a kidney cleansing course, any diuretic of plant origin (“Diuretic collection”, lingonberry leaf, birch buds, etc.), which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy, is suitable. You also need to prepare 2.5% fir oil in advance.

Advice: in traditional medicine, the drug Pinabin is used, which includes: 50% solution of essential oil of spruce or pine needles. Its action is similar to that of fir oil.

Prepare a diuretic according to the instructions for the drug. Immediately before use, add 5 drops of fir oil to the product. Dosage - 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

On the 3rd-4th day of taking the remedy with the addition of fir oil, some turbidity should appear in the urine. This is a sign that the deposits in the kidneys have begun to dissolve, or rather, turn into sand. To make these small particles of harmful deposits easier to remove, it is recommended to take morning runs or just jump for several days.

If the patient after some time feels pain in the kidneys, this may indicate that a rather large stone has begun to move along the ureters. In this case, it is recommended to take a hot bath, which will help expand the urinary tract and minimize the risk of injury.

The entire procedure usually takes 1-2 weeks, but if sand remains in the urine, the duration of the procedure is increased.

Advice: during the ripening season of watermelons, watermelon can be used to achieve a diuretic effect.

Repeated cleansing of the kidneys can be carried out approximately 1 time per year.

Step four - cleansing the body of toxins at the cellular level

To remove accumulated salts and toxins from the cells, you can also use natural solvents. These include freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. To dissolve slags use:

  • Radish juice.
  • Beet juice.
  • Cabbage juice.
  • Carrot juice.
  • apple juice, etc.

It is necessary to squeeze fruit into juice immediately before use, since the longer the juice is stored, the less useful properties remains.

  • Radish juice. This juice is a powerful cleanser. It is better to start using 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 100 g. It is also recommended to take it before meals, and if necessary, drink it with clean water.
  • Beet juice. It also acts quite strongly, so they use it 100 grams 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Cabbage juice. It is well suited for overweight people, as it simultaneously promotes the burning of fat cells. You need to take it before meals, 100 g and 3 times a day.
  • Carrot and apple juice. They can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities, observing the multiplicity of 3 times a day before meals.

The duration of taking juices for cleansing from toxins is 1-2 weeks.

Additional measures - anthelmintic therapy

  • Crush a few cloves of garlic in a convenient way.
  • Pour the resulting slurry with boiled water at room temperature.
  • Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wet a small piece of cotton wool with infusion and wrap it in a bandage.
  • Insert into the anus for 20 minutes.

Another option is a garlic enema:

  • You also need to knead a few cloves of garlic and pour water at room temperature.
  • Strain the resulting mixture and use for an enema according to the standard method.

A complete cleansing of the body at home is a rather complex and lengthy complex of alternative medicine products that allows you to free the body of toxins and toxins, thereby healing and rejuvenating a person.

A comprehensive cleansing of the body should always be carried out according to a pre-prepared scheme. In this case, it is important to follow the correct sequence of procedures, since harmful substances from one organ can negate all efforts to clean up another.

Simple weakness can serve as a signal of the accumulation of toxins and toxins.Removal of such substances in a natural way becomes more difficult with age. The main thing is to recognize the problem in time and start cleansing (detox).

Signs of slagging

Obvious symptoms of the accumulation of toxins in an adult:

  1. Headaches, distraction, memory problems.
  2. Immune problems.
  3. Diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Allergy.
  5. Bad appetite.
  6. Decreased vitality.
  7. Inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
  8. and poor hair condition.
Attention! Doctors believe that early problems with the cardiovascular system also appear under the influence of toxins.

Cleansing Rules

In order for the purification process to be successful, several conditions must be met. A healthy lifestyle will help you:

  • proper and regular nutrition;
  • increased motor activity;
  • regular consumption of clean water;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • healthy restful sleep at night;
  • living in an ecologically clean region.
Attention! The body is effectively cleansed of toxins and harmful substances with the help of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and sweat glands. But sometimes he needs help.

Cleansing program

For cleansing, you must complete a program of 5 stages:
  1. The first step is to prepare. To do this, simply increase the consumption of warm water. The body needs to warm up.
  2. Then the colon is cleansed so that toxins do not enter the bloodstream. One of the most suitable ways is flax seeds.
  3. This is followed by, which is the main filter of the body from all harmful compounds.
  4. Then there is a cleansing of the kidneys - another important organ.
  5. In conclusion - cleansing the body at the cellular level.

There are several proven cleaning techniques, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

With this method, purification occurs due to bacteria that live in fermented milk products. They improve digestion, restore intestinal microflora, prevent flatulence and constipation.

It is important to purchase a high-quality natural product, without artificial colors and additives.To cleanse the body, fermented milk products should be consumed between meals twice a day.

Attention! To enhance the result, you can add chopped apple, flax seeds, lemon juice to kefir.

Flaxseed cleansing

Another folk way to remove toxins at home is to use flax seeds. In addition to cleansing the body of toxins, flaxseeds resist the onset of oncology, and also supply the body with polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.


  1. Grind the seeds and add to honey, yogurt or daily food.
  2. Make a decoction of a glass of seeds and three liters of boiling water.
Attention! This way to remove all harmful substances from the body is suitable even for diabetics.

Pharmaceutical preparations for detox

  • Activated carbon;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • polysorb.
Attention! Of the folk methods of detox, the most popular include bran cleansing and fasting with plenty of water. The latter method will also lead to weight loss if there is a problem of excess weight.
Remember, before carrying out cleansing procedures, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will exclude all contraindications and give the go-ahead for further actions.

Cleansing the body plays an important role for health, youth and beauty, so it must be carried out regularly by everyone without exception.

Cleansing the body: what are the health benefits ^

Throughout life, a lot of harmful substances enter the human body with food or through the skin, but most of them are excreted through self-purification.

It's time to start cleansing in the following cases:

  • If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When using a diet for weight loss: if not cleaned in a timely manner, it may be ineffective;
  • When diagnosing liver diseases after consulting a doctor.

Many are interested in where it is better to start cleansing. First of all, you need to prepare an enema, familiarize yourself with the recipes for decoctions and a list of useful products - all this will be needed in the future to get rid of all harmful substances.

To completely cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, poisons, mucus and decay products, you need to stock up on time and patience, because. this process takes not one or even two days, but consists of several stages.

Where to start at home ^

Complete cleansing of the body with folk remedies: stages

Now more about what a complete cleansing of the body consists of:

Bowel cleansing

For 4 weeks, it is necessary to do enemas, diluting apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) in 2 liters of boiled water:

  • In the first week, the procedures are carried out daily,
  • Starting from the 8th day - every other day,
  • From the third week - every 2 days, and in the fourth week - once every 3 days.
  • The rest of the time, enemas are done weekly.

Liver cleanse

The first three days in the morning we do an enema and eat only apples. At 19.00 on the third day, we stock up on a heating pad and an interesting book, because the whole evening will have to lie:

  • We drink a cocktail consisting of 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice and an equal share of olive oil, put a heating pad under the right side.
  • After 15 minutes, we drink the same amount of a cocktail, we lie down.
  • Repeat after the same amount of time.
  • In total, you need to use 300 ml of lemon juice and an equal share of oil.

In the morning, after visiting the toilet, you can find pebbles or cholesterol plugs, but you should not be afraid: the body has already got rid of all this.

  • Next, you should do an enema and have breakfast with juice and porridge.
  • After 12 hours, we again put an enema, and for the remaining week we do not eat meat, milk, fish and eggs, i.e. We eat like vegetarians.


We completely exclude milk, do not combine the use of proteins and carbohydrates:

  • Proteins include meat, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, eggplant, seeds, nuts, and beans.
  • For carbohydrates - sugar, honey, cereals, bread and potatoes.
  • The time interval between taking these two types of products should be at least two hours, but they can be combined with vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

  • 1 hour before the first meal and 1 hour after the last one, we eat a clove of garlic without eating or drinking it with anything.
  • And so for two weeks.

Cleansing the joints

  • Boil bay leaves (5 g) in 300 ml of water, insist in a thermos for 3 hours.
  • We decant, we use the entire solution within 12 hours.

Kidney cleansing

  • During the week we eat only bread and watermelons.
  • On the last night, we take a warm bath and at the same time eat a sweet juicy fruit.

Lymph cleansing

  • We dissolve 1 tbsp. l. Glauber's salt in a glass of water.
  • We drink such a cocktail in the bath or just while taking a bath.
  • We don't eat anything all day.

Vessel cleansing

  • Mix the ground valerian root (2 tablespoons) with dill seeds (200 g) and bee honey (400 g).
  • Keep covered for 24 hours.
  • We use each time 30 minutes before a meal, 1 tbsp. l. mixture until it runs out.

Recipes for cleansing the body with folk remedies at home

Clearing the body of mucus

To remove mucus, you need to eat grapefruits, sauerkraut and ordinary cabbage for 2-3 weeks, drink plenty of clean water.

Also, two days you need to drink and infusion of lovage:

  • We brew 1 tsp. plant seeds in 200 g of hot water, we insist for half an hour.
  • We use every half an hour for 100 g, each time we make a fresh infusion.
  • 1 st. l. dried carnation flowers are combined with 10 tbsp. l. flax seeds. We twist in a coffee grinder, use 20 g daily for three days;
  • To get rid of pinworms and ascaris, onion infusion is recommended: rub the onion, pour 200 g of boiling water over the gruel and leave for 12 hours. We filter, drink for three days, half a glass daily.

Cleansing from slags

To cleanse toxins and toxins, you must go through all 8 stages described above, as well as take herbal infusion:

  • We mix knotweed, St. John's wort, sage and oregano (50 g each).
  • Fill with hot water (1 l) 3 tbsp. l. mixtures.
  • We drink 150 ml every day.

Cleansing the body of toxins

To get rid of toxins, you should follow the basic rules:

  • Exclude coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fatty foods, sugar, fast food, because. they contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances;
  • Minimize Usage chemicals: shampoos, detergents, powders. Instead, it is better to use alternative natural remedies;
  • Refrain from stress, because. during such periods, hormones negatively affect the circulatory system. Yoga is recommended.

Opinion and reviews of doctors ^

Before embarking on a comprehensive cleansing of the body, doctors recommend visiting a gastroenterologist and a hepatologist, because. with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, there may be contraindications.

  • In general, such procedures have a really good effect on health, but they should be carried out no more than 1-2 times a year.
  • In order to more effectively cleanse the body, first of all it is necessary to review your diet, and only then proceed to eliminate harmful elements with the help of folk remedies.

Cleansing the body is a must for good health and strong immunity.. But in order to achieve visible results, this process should be approached comprehensively and responsibly. Otherwise, in your good intentions, you can only do harm by provoking an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and getting a couple of new ailments. So, if you decide to do cleansing, you need to do it according to all the rules. And today we will talk about how to clean the whole body step by step.

Cleaning program: sequence

In order for cleaning to occur as efficiently and safely as possible, strict procedures must be followed. The stepwise cleansing program is divided into four stages, each of which focuses on one of the organs:

  • The highest concentration of toxins is observed in the intestines. To prevent their absorption into the blood, cleaning must begin with this organ. Otherwise, further procedures will be ineffective.
  • The next step is a liver cleanse. It's no secret that in our body it acts as a kind of filter. So in order to normalize the operation of all systems, it must be unloaded.
  • After that, you can proceed to the kidneys. Surely, over the many years of "experience" of their work, enough sand and other objectionable compounds have accumulated there.
  • At the final stage, blood and lymph are cleansed and toxins are removed..

If you have any diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting cleaning. The process is not fast, and the likelihood of their aggravation is possible at any of these stages.


In order for the phased cleansing of the body at home to be as effective as possible, you should prepare for the procedure in advance. A few days before the start, it is recommended to give up fatty and heavy foods, preferring fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices are also helpful.

You can observe the first results of bowel cleansing within a few days after the procedures. Normalization of metabolism, removal of toxins and removal of accumulated feces will favorably affect the condition of your skin and help you lose weight.

Bowel cleansing methods

There are several cleaning methods. The main goal of any of them is to remove all accumulated toxins from the intestines along with feces.. How exactly you will do this - choose at your discretion.

Salty water

Salt water flushing is one of the most simple ways. The essence of this method is the use of 2-2.5 liters of concentrated salt water for several hours. The amount of salt for preparing the solution is from 1 tsp. up to 1 tbsp. per liter of liquid.

Salt is a must! Otherwise, the liquid will be absorbed in the body, and apart from a slight diuretic effect, you will not achieve anything else.

So, drink two glasses of water with salt in one gulp. After a short break, continue. In just an hour and a half, you will have to drink 10-12 glasses of the solution. This is enough to completely cleanse the intestines, and the water itself began to come out unchanged. When the procedure is over, be sure to eat something light. For example, a fresh vegetable salad, fruit or dairy-free porridge.

The course of cleaning the intestines with salt water is 4-5 procedures with a break of 2-3 days. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to carry out such cleanings every six months.

Taking laxatives

On an occasional basis, bowel cleansing can be done with laxatives. For maximum effect, it is recommended to choose potent drugs such as Fortrans or Moviprep.. But you can also cleanse with cheaper herbal products, for example, senadexin.

Do not forget that laxatives in the long run have the opposite effect, disrupting the intestines and causing constipation. So don't get carried away with this method.


To cleanse the intestines, it is necessary to use a saline solution, herbal infusions or water with activated charcoal dissolved in it. In extreme cases, you can use ordinary clean water. The procedure is carried out repeatedly for several days until the desired effect is obtained..

Liver cleanse

The next step is a liver cleanse. Keep a sparing diet, eat more plant foods. In the process of preparation, include natural apple and beet juice in the diet. And directly during cleansing, drink a large amount of warm liquid (chamomile tea, hibiscus, or just warm boiled water).

Cleansing Methods

Liver cleansing triggers the body's natural rejuvenation mechanisms, improves skin condition and even improves mood. Digestion is also getting better, heaviness in the stomach and bad breath disappear. It remains only to choose which methods of cleansing the body at home, you will use.

Vegetable oil

Olive or sunflower oil is the most severe and even somewhat dangerous method of cleansing.. But with its help, the desired effect can be achieved in just one day.

Be sure to consult a doctor, do liver tests and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. In the presence of any pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, give up the idea of ​​​​oil cleansing.

If no health problems are found, you can proceed:

  1. In the afternoon, warm up the right side well using a heating pad.
  2. Prepare a glass of vegetable oil by heating it to body temperature. It can be a little hotter, but carefully so as not to provoke burns of the oral mucosa and internal organs.
  3. Drink the oil in small sips. To enhance the choleretic effect and improve the taste, lemon juice can be added to the oil.

Mandatory rule - perform the procedure on an empty stomach or 3 hours after the last meal. You can repeat the cleaning after 2 weeks.

Herbal infusions

To prepare the infusion, use immortelle, dandelion, mint, wormwood, rosehip, chicory, nettle and plantain
. It is advisable to take all the components from the list, but if any of the above is missing, this is not critical. Mix the prepared ingredients in 2 tbsp. Then select 3 tbsp. mixture and pour boiling water (0.5 l), leaving to brew. Strain the finished infusion, after which you can use it 200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. Prepare a new drink daily.

The herbal cleansing course is one month. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than six months later.


To prepare the infusion, wash a handful of raisins in the morning, scald with boiling water, transfer it to a glass and fill it to the top with cold water. The next day, on an empty stomach, drink the prepared infusion and eat raisins. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days for one month. The next cleaning course can be carried out after six months.

Kidney cleansing

Staged cleaning organism at the third stage is the kidneys. If you haven't seen a doctor at this stage, now is the time to do so. In the presence of large kidney stones, inflammation and other diseases, complications may develop, and cleaning will end in a hospital. If there are no contraindications, you can begin to dissolve the sand and remove it from the body:

  1. Drink any herbal diuretic during the first week of cleansing.
  2. Starting from the second week, add 4-5 drops of fir oil to the diuretic collection and take it three times a day half an hour before meals.
  3. As soon as the urine becomes cloudy, add jumping rope or jogging to your daily regimen to facilitate the passage of stones.

The total cleaning time is 2 weeks.. If the desired effect has not been achieved, the duration of the course can be increased. During this period, you can get rid of swelling, dark circles under the eyes and a tired look.

Cleansing the kidneys is forbidden to carry out more than once a year!

Bronchopulmonary system

Oats will help eliminate phlegm from the lungs. To do this, 200 g of grains are mixed with 500 g of milk and kept for several hours. The solution is ground and taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Throughout the day, you need to take 3 such servings. After 7-10 days, you can feel the result in the form of a large amount of sputum separated by coughing.

Cleansing of the bronchi and lungs is also facilitated by inhalation with the help of essential oils. This method will help increase immunity, relieve the common cold, pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases.

In addition, special breathing exercises are used that speed up metabolic processes and contribute to the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.

We remove the remnants of toxins and toxins

If you followed the sequence of cleansing the body, then at the final stage you will have a general cleansing of cellular structures and fluids (blood and lymph). This is necessary in order to consolidate the result and prevent new clogging of organs with toxins that have already been absorbed into the liquid.

After all the tests experienced in stages, this item will seem to you the most simple and even pleasant. Just follow some guidelines:

  1. Pay attention to physical activity daily. Sport enhances metabolism, which helps to cleanse every cell of the body. Regular training will not only help to consolidate the achieved effect, but also help prevent the re-accumulation of toxins.
  2. Drink juice. The course of juice therapy is 2 weeks. During this time, the selected drink must be consumed three times a day before meals. Juice of radish, beets or cabbage should be drunk no more than 100 ml at a time. Apple or carrot fresh juice can be combined and a single dosage increased.
  3. Take sorbents (polysorb, enterosgel or activated charcoal). The course of admission is 2-3 weeks, 2 times a day. Be sure to pair with plenty of fluids and a lean diet.
  4. Every 3-4 days visit the sauna or at least take a hot bath.

For maximum effect, all these measures must be observed in combination. To get rid of the need for a second cleaning course, continue to lead a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to proper food, daily routine and physical activity.