Sprinkle quicklime over the corpse. Quicklime. Unsolved serial killers

Current page: 11 (book has 22 pages total) [available reading passage: 15 pages]


When Indiana police dug up the yard of Belle Gunness's farm in April 1908, they discovered more than a dozen corpses - gruesome evidence of crimes committed for profit over several years. These were mainly the corpses of the husbands of the farm owner (see the article “Black Widows”). Most of them are already badly decomposed. Gunness, a cold-blooded and practical woman, came up with a way to speed up the decomposition process. She cut each corpse into six pieces and covered them with quicklime, a very caustic substance that corrodes organic matter. If the search in her yard had occurred later, the bodies would have been impossible to identify.

Other killers also used quicklime to destroy evidence. Dr. H. G. Holmes kept a barrel of quicklime in the dungeon of his Chicago “castle of horrors.” Fifty years later, Marcel Pettier, who had killed dozens of people who sought refuge during the Nazi occupation of Paris, used quicklime to destroy the corpses buried in his backyard (to another, more effective way disposal of corpses - cremation - Petie addressed later). John Wayne Gacy periodically poured lime into the basement of his house to kill the stench of rotting bodies.

In the mid-1980s, sixty-year-old Dorothea Puente was renting out a room in her country house in San Francisco to elderly wealthy clients who began to disappear without a trace soon after their arrival. The police, suspecting something, began an investigation. A search resulted in the discovery of seven headless bodies in the garden behind Puente's home. Although the killer, in an effort to eliminate traces of the crime, covered the corpses with quicklime, they did not decompose. Dorothea Puente was let down by her ignorance of chemical reactions. As long as lime is mixed with water, it acts like a preservative, not accelerating, but slowing down the decomposition process. Pathologists easily discovered that the victims died from significant doses of poison. The homeowner was jailed for life.


To each his own. For example, I love corpses.

Henry Blot

In his classic work on mental disorders, Sexual Psychopathy, Richard von Krafft-Ebing calls necrophilia the most monstrous of all perversions. Since the term "necrophilia" (a Greek word meaning "love of the dead") refers to sexual exercise with corpses, this statement is not surprising. It is also not surprising that this disgusting tendency is very common among the most notorious criminals - serial killers.

Many famous psychopaths - from Earl Leonard Nelson to Ted Bundy - periodically indulged in this vicious activity with the corpses of their victims. However, some experts in the field of criminal psychology make a distinction between this type of behavior (the desire to gain complete and final power over the victim) and the behavior of a “real necrophile” - such a person is so attracted to death that he gets his greatest sexual pleasure from sexual intercourse with a corpse. Although this type of necrophilia is much less common among serial killers, some similar cases should be reported.

Jeffrey Dahmer's love affairs with corpses began as a child: he collected animals on the road, crushed by cars, and dismembered them. With age, this hobby turned into a disgusting passion. Dahmer subsequently told psychiatrists that he routinely cut open the bellies of victims he killed and masturbated using the insides. In addition, he admitted that he performed anal sex acts on the corpses. His British “colleague” Dennis Nielsen was also a necrophiliac, although he treated his victims more tenderly: he would put the corpse in bed, cuddle with it and masturbate.

The most disgusting of all American necrophiles was Ed Gein. As befits a true necrophile, Gein was not at all interested in living women. He found sex partners in rural cemeteries, regularly plundering graves for twelve years. It may seem that necrophiliacs are less dangerous than serial killers, since the victims they hunt are already dead. And yet this is far from a harmless activity. When the surrounding cemeteries ran out of corpses of women, Gein began to hunt for the living woman he liked and turned her into a dead one.

“I took off her bra and panties and had sex with her. This has long been a part of my life - sexual intercourse with the dead,” - this is how Henry Lee Lucas talked about his reaction to the death of his beloved, whom he had just stabbed with a knife during a quarrel.

Nelson Earl Leonard

Earl Leonard Nelson (aka Gorilla Man) was the first serial sex killer in the United States of the 20th century. In February 1926, his bloody odyssey across the country began - he crossed it from end to end and reached Canada - which lasted a year and a half.

Orphaned in infancy (his father and mother died of syphilis), Nelson was raised by relatives. He was a withdrawn, sullen child with strange habits: for example, going to school in a neat, freshly laundered suit, he constantly returned in dirty rags, as if exchanging clothes with some tramp. After a severe head injury (he collided with a cable car on his bicycle), the boy became even more uncontrollable and strange.

As a teenager, he had already acquired the habit of hanging out in the bars and brothels of San Francisco. In addition, he was a pickpocket. In 1915 (shortly after he turned eighteen), Nelson was arrested for robbery and sentenced to two years in San Quentin. When he was released, America was just entering the First World War. Nelson enlisted in the Navy, but soon ended up in a mental hospital because he refused to obey orders and just lay on his bunk and talked all sorts of nonsense about the “great beast of the apocalypse.” He spent the entire war within the walls of the clinic.

Released in 1919, 22-year-old Nelson married a 60-year-old spinster and made her life hell. Soon after his wife left him, he attacked a twenty-year-old girl and again found himself in a mental home. Once released in 1925, Nelson took up serial killings.

Started in San Francisco, then moved north along the Pacific Coast to Seattle, then turned east. At first the press called him the “black strangler,” but later the nickname Gorilla Man firmly stuck to him. He was nicknamed that way not so much because of his appearance (which, by the way, was quite ordinary), but because of the wild, bestial cruelty of his crimes. For the most part, his victims were middle-aged women and elderly ladies who wanted to rent out a room through an advertisement in the newspaper... Nelson, who knew how to be very charming if desired, came to the unsuspecting mistress of the house and asked to show him the room. Finding himself alone with the victim, he dropped the mask of charm... And then his true “face” was revealed.

As a rule, the killer strangled the woman, performed sexual intercourse with the corpse, and then hid the body in some shelter - wherever necessary. He stuffed one corpse into a chest in the attic, and put several more in ovens in the basements. His final victim was discovered when the victim's husband knelt for evening prayer and saw his wife's body under the bed.

Fleeing from police officers from various cities hot on his trail, Nelson headed to Canada. And there his deadly path was cut short. After killing two more women, he traveled to Manitoba, where he was captured. However, he soon managed to escape from prison. The hunt began for the fugitive, and twelve hours later he was back behind bars, this time safely.

A few months later, Earl Leonard Nelson was sent to the gallows. His last words: “I forgive those who have wronged me.”

Unsolved serial killers

Serial killers are the worst of all criminals, and not just because of the severity of their crimes. Despite the insane nature of their crimes, they are not crazy at all. In contrast, the typical serial killer has an above-average IQ, is extremely cunning, and is adept at masquerading as an ordinary person. Apparently, this is why serial killers remain uncaught for a long time, and some managed to elude justice altogether.

A classic example of this kind is, of course, the legendary Jack the Ripper. Many years later, a criminal with sixty-six victims, the so-called “Green River” (drowned several people in the Green River in Washington State), disappeared without a trace. Serial killers still unfound include the New Orleans Ax Murderer (see article "Axe Murders" and Zodiac.

Why do some serial killers go undetected? It can be assumed that they simply decide to stop before they are captured. However, this is unlikely. After all, maniacal killers get used to death, like alcoholics to alcohol, and it is highly doubtful that any of them would want to give up this deadly game of their own free will. It is more likely that the serial killer is somehow forced to stop. The maniac may end up behind bars on another charge or end up in a psychiatric clinic. Or (like any other mortal) he can suddenly leave this world (it is possible that of his own free will).

Suicide is used to explain, for example, the disappearance of the serial killer of prostitutes, Stripper Jack, who terrorized London in the mid-1960s. Although the case of this maniac remains officially unsolved, many believe that the killer was a certain security guard who committed suicide after committing the last murder (see the article “The Rippers”). In the case of the mysterious “Toledo Killer,” another, also plausible, explanation was put forward. In 1925-1926, this maniac from Toledo (Ohio) raped and killed several women. In the excitement of chasing the criminal, the police arrested all the “mentally disabled” they could get their hands on and sent them to psychiatric hospitals. Since the killings stopped as a result of this massive raid, it was decided that the police had managed to capture the culprit of the serial crimes, among others.

However, some cases still remain unclear. A maniac from Ohio—the so-called “Cleveland Buster” (aka the “Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run”)—killed a dozen people over four years, chopping their bodies into pieces and scattering the body parts of his victims throughout the city. Despite the efforts of law enforcement officers (led by the famous Eliot Ness, a former "untouchable" who was then chief of Cleveland Public Safety), the "mad butcher" eluded justice. However, in the spring of 1938, his atrocities suddenly stopped. To this day it is unknown who it was. Suspicion fell on many, from a mentally unstable medical student to a Bohemian immigrant. Perhaps the most frightening version was put forward by a Cleveland detective: he suggested that the murders stopped because the criminal moved to California, where he received the nickname Black Dahlia. But they couldn’t catch him there either.

Nielsen Dennis

Nielsen - the "British Jeffrey Dahmer" who killed fifteen young people - does not fit the standard idea of ​​a serial killer. As a child, he had no inclination to torture animals. Even bird hunting disgusted him. As an adult, Nielsen helped desperate people find work through his involvement with the British Labor Registration Commission. And even his murders were an expression not of psychopathic rage, but of a kind of love. According to writer Brian Masters, Nielsen "killed for the sake of communication."

From a young age, Nielsen's sexuality bore pronounced features of necrophilia. As a teenager, he liked to lie in front of a mirror and masturbate, imagining that the reflection was a corpse. During a brief love affair with an 18-year-old British army private, Nielsen made an amateur film with him, asking his partner to pretend to be dead.

Nielsen spent eleven years in military service, occasionally working as a butcher (later the skills of this craft were useful to him when committing terrible deeds).

After leaving the army in 1972, he spent a year working for the London police. Then his career began as a civil servant at a job center. For some time he was quite happy in an affair with another homosexual partner, but then this relationship broke up, and the unsociable Nielsen found himself desperately lonely. He had to invent bizarre autoerotic rituals. Using powder and makeup, he gave his body the appearance of a shot corpse and masturbated in front of the mirror.

In early January 1978, Nilsen committed his first murder. After picking up a teenage boy in a pub, Nilsen brought him to his home in Cricklewood. Feeling extremely lonely, he did not want to part with the young man. While the teenager was sleeping, Nilsen strangled him with a tie, and then drowned him by putting the victim's head in a bucket of water. After this, Nielsen undressed the corpse, washed it gently in the bath and laid it in his bed. He kept the body in the apartment for several days, caressing it in every possible way, bathing it, and masturbating on it. When the corpse began to clearly decompose, Nielsen hid it under the floorboards.

Over the next three years, this monstrous ritual was repeated eleven more times in Nielsen’s Cricklewood apartment. The killer solved the problem with corpses in different ways. At first he stacked them in and around the house, stuffing them into Kitchen Cabinet, under the floorboards or in a garden shed. But in the end he had to dismember the rotting bodies and burn them in a fire in the backyard. Nielsen threw old ones into the fire car tires so that the stench of burning rubber drowns out the smell of burning meat.

In 1981, Dennis moved to another apartment, where he killed three more young people. He cut the corpses into pieces and flushed them down the toilet. (To remove the meat from the skulls, he boiled the heads in a large soup pot.) However, it was this method of disposing of the corpse that gave him away. When the toilets throughout the house became clogged, the residents called a plumber, who discovered that human bones and pieces of rotten meat were stuck in the pipes.

In the maniac's apartment, police discovered a monstrous collection of human remains: heads, arms and legs, parts of torsos, bones and entrails. Nilsen, who voluntarily confessed to fifteen murders, was tried in 1983 and sentenced to life imprisonment. During the trial, the criminal declared in despair:

“I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t. I had no other happiness in my life.”


See the article "Triad".


Objects of fetishism

See the Trophies article.

Grave robbery

See the article "Necrophilia".

Definition of the term "serial murder"

Like many other specific terms (such as “cynicism”), the term “serial murder” is very difficult to define precisely. Part of the problem is that the definition given by the police is different from the generally accepted one. According to some experts, a serial killer is someone who commits this type of crime at certain intervals. This point of view has a right to exist. For example, if Ted Bundy had been caught after killing one or two people, he would not have become a world-famous killer, but would have remained simply a deranged person capable of committing the most depraved acts of violence. Therefore, it is unlikely that any criminal can be considered a serial killer as long as he has one or two victims.

After how many victims can a criminal be called a serial killer? It's difficult to determine. The most famous serial killers - Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer and others - were found guilty of two dozen murders. However, most experts seem to classify a criminal as a serial killer if he kills at least three people (in unrelated situations).

Between crimes committed by serial killers, certain periods of “emotional peace” must follow. These gaps, which can last anywhere from a few hours to many years, are what separate serial killers from mass murderers - obsessive types who, in a fit of insane rage, can kill an entire group of people at once. Thus, the FBI defines serial killings as “three or more separate incidents with periods of emotional calm between the crimes; at the same time, the killer operates in different places.”

However, that's not all. Forensic professionals are sure to take another key element into account. Before naming it, it is worth mentioning a question discussed by experts: are there female serial killers? There are, no doubt, many women whose crimes are quite consistent with the very meaning of this term, that is, those who committed not one, but several separate murders over certain periods of time. For example, there are so-called “black widows” who kill their husbands one by one. There are also killer nurses who have been easily getting rid of difficult patients for many years. There are killer housekeepers - they periodically change jobs, sending entire families to the next world. And yet, the crimes of these femme fatales lack what makes the atrocities of Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy so unbearably nightmarish - disgusting sexual sadism. According to many experts, real serial murder is usually accompanied by brutal violence and mutilation inflicted on the victim. From this perspective, serial murder can be viewed as sexual murder.

In short, "serial murder" includes both the broadest (any criminal, male or female, who kills at regular intervals) characteristics as well as the very specific (three or more unrelated murders separated by periods of "emotional peace" "and accompanied by sadistic sexual violence). Most people have this idea of ​​the “serial killer” phenomenon.


Cinematic serial killers are true “masters of death”, constantly seeking new, original ways to create violence. In their bloody hands, any thing becomes an instrument of murder - from a sickle to a rifle.

On the contrary, real serial killers are much more conservative in their choice of weapons, and most often they act “manually” - strangling, stabbing with a knife, beating with a stick. While most killers in America use guns, serial killers like to kill the old-fashioned way, which gives them much more satisfaction. The true sadistic pleasure is to slowly plunge the knife into the victim's body.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Ed Gein killed people with a shot to the head. And David Berkowitz, the serial killer who terrorized New York City in the late 1970s, was called the “.44 killer” because of his weapon of choice before he began sending letters signed “Son of Sam.”

Postcards, comics and collectibles

Several years ago, Eclipse Enterprises began producing sets of playing cards with colorful portraits of the most famous serial killers (along with other famous criminals). As one might expect, the public was outraged. The guardians of morality declared that this was immoral. As a result, in one of the areas of New York - Nassau County on Long Island - it was prohibited to sell these cards to minors.

Of course, these well-meaning people did not understand that many American children were attracted and intrigued by all sorts of things related to violence and obscenity. Moreover, this is not a new phenomenon.

Back in the 1940s, postcards with portraits of famous gangsters were issued. The post-war generation remembers with fondness the famous series of chewing gum wrappers, which depicted scenes from the times Civil War: Soldiers stab each other with bayonets, and limbs torn off by explosions fly into the air. Everyone knows the classic children's postcards - the legendary "Martian Wars": they clearly show human bodies cut in half by alien laser weapons.

In contrast to such examples of kitsch, the set of cards from the Eclipse company is undoubtedly made with taste: only large portraits are beautifully depicted on them - that’s all. Take my word for it: from a moral point of view, a deck of cards with tramp children is much worse.

Why do small children (mostly boys) get so excited by vulgar goods of all sorts - rubber vomit and sticky worms? This is a question that should be asked of child psychologists (though we suspect that their fussy attention to the design of children's games is in no small part responsible for the formation of such tastes). And let me be clear that Jeffrey Dahmer's three-by-five-inch portrait may not "drive children into crime and impair their moral development," as some believe.

A federal magistrate agreed with our view and ruled that the ban on the sale of these cards in Nassau County was unconstitutional. However, by that time the question had lost its relevance: Eclipse Enterprises had already stopped producing them.

Fortunately for collectors, two other companies continued to produce sets of postcards featuring serial killers. Shel-Tone Publications distributed three series of "killer" postcards: "Bloody Fantasies" I, II and III. All selection, commentary and illustration work was done by Michael H. Price, horror maven and film critic of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Maser Productions has offered two more collection kits - 52 Famous Killers and Postcards for a Cold-Blooded Killer. As in the Eclipse and Shel-Tone series, these postcards do not feature naturalistic, bloody murder scenes. They skillfully depict expressive portraits of characters with short biography on the back.

Postcards aren't the only controversial collectibles. Several years ago, relatives of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims filed a lawsuit against Bone Yard Press of Champagne (Illinois) for publishing a comic book about him. The same company released comics about Richard Speck and Ed Gein. But probably the most impressive comic about a serial killer is From Hell. The illustrations were created by Eddie Campbell, and the text was created by Alan Moore, one of the leading experts in this field. This comic, an eight-part saga of Jack the Ripper, is published by Kitchen Sink Press of Northampton (Massachusetts); it can be found in many specialty stores.

The most comprehensive collection of information for serial killer collections is the Bloody Catalog, published by Fox Entertainment Enterprises. This is truly an invaluable guide for horror fans.

The ruler of the underworld himself would not have wished for a wider range of devilish objects to decorate his underworld. If you're looking for a pastry bowl made from a real human skull, or absolutely life-like severed hands made from hand-painted latex, or cute Charles Manson T-shirts to wear to your next dinner party, check out this catalog.

Quarantine infections are characterized by extreme contagiousness and high susceptibility. Therefore, the autopsy of those who died from quarantine infections has its own peculiarities and must be subject to special rules. When autopsying such deceased people, the prosector faces two tasks:

prevent the spread of infection during autopsy;

don't get infected yourself.
To avoid infection quarantine infection, the prosector puts on a special anti-plague suit that covers the face, arms, body and legs. Such a suit should be in every hospital where autopsies are performed. If there is no suit, then the prosector puts on two closed gowns, an apron, sleeves made of plastic or oilcloth, a cap, glasses, two pairs of rubber gloves, and covers his face with a mask of 2-3 layers of gauze. Rubber boots or galoshes must be worn on your feet. After the autopsy, all clothing is destroyed and the dissector takes a shower. The dissector does not leave the source of infection until the end of the epidemic, since quarantine rules apply to him.

An autopsy of a person who died from a quarantine infection can be performed in a hospital, if it is located in the epicenter of the epidemic, or in the field. The autopsy is carried out in a special sectional room. If there is no such hall, then use a common sectional room, previously turning off the sewer system to avoid the spread of infection through wastewater. In this case, a container is placed under the drain of the sectional table, into which water, blood, secretions, and pieces of tissue flow. Water should be consumed as little as possible. Internal organs are not removed from a corpse after opening chest and the abdominal cavity; organs are opened in these same cavities. After the autopsy is completed, all organs in the corpse are covered with quicklime and filled with a disinfectant liquid such as Lysol. After this, the corpse is wrapped in several layers of sheets soaked in Lysol, or placed in a coffin with quicklime poured into it. The corpse is also covered with lime on top and the lid is hammered in. If the doctor is forced to perform an autopsy outside the hospital, it is necessary to find some bright room.

You can perform the dissection in the open air, but you must take into account the wind rose and be located on the leeward side, fencing off the improvised sectional table with sheets or a tarpaulin. The opening technique is the same. After the autopsy is completed, the corpse is covered with quicklime and wrapped in sheets soaked in Lysol. The grave is dug to a depth of at least 3 m, a layer of quicklime is poured, a layer of earth is placed on it, and so on up to three layers. After the opening, liquid and pieces of tissue are poured into the grave, and then the corpse is lowered; it is also covered with three layers of earth mixed with quicklime. After autopsy, the clothes of those who opened the case are burned in a closed room so that the infection does not spread with smoke. The staff washes thoroughly in the shower.


When Indiana police dug up the yard of Belle Gunness's farm in April 1908, they discovered more than a dozen corpses - gruesome evidence of crimes committed for profit over several years. These were mainly the corpses of the husbands of the farm owner (see the article “Black Widows”). Most of them are already badly decomposed. Gunness, a cold-blooded and practical woman, came up with a way to speed up the decomposition process. She cut each corpse into six pieces and covered them with quicklime, a very caustic substance that corrodes organic matter. If the search in her yard had occurred later, the bodies would have been impossible to identify.

Other killers also used quicklime to destroy evidence. Dr. H. G. Holmes kept a barrel of quicklime in the dungeon of his Chicago “castle of horrors.” Fifty years later, Marcel Pettier, who had killed dozens of people who sought refuge during the Nazi occupation of Paris, used quicklime to destroy the corpses buried in his backyard (Pettier turned to another, more effective method of disposing of corpses - cremation - later) . John Wayne Gacy periodically poured lime into the basement of his house to kill the stench of rotting bodies.

In the mid-1980s, sixty-year-old Dorothea Puente rented out a room in her country house in San Francisco to elderly, wealthy clients who began to disappear without a trace soon after arriving. The police, suspecting something, began an investigation. A search resulted in the discovery of seven headless bodies in the garden behind Puente's home. Although the killer, in an effort to eliminate traces of the crime, covered the corpses with quicklime, they did not decompose. Dorothea Puente was let down by her ignorance of chemical reactions. As long as lime is mixed with water, it acts like a preservative, not accelerating, but slowing down the decomposition process. Pathologists easily discovered that the victims died from significant doses of poison. The homeowner was jailed for life.

Instructions for the little ones.
Initial - there is a quiet corpse at home, fresh, a visit from the police in an hour - not expected. The task is to dispose of the corpse without fawning.
You go to some store like OBI or Leroy Merlin and buy there (if you have your own, you don’t need to buy):
20 meters of thick polyethylene
electric meat grinder
a couple of large plastic buckets
garbage bags
stretch film
can of gasoline
lots of paper towels
wide board (place under the tool)
large wire cutters
wood hacksaw and spare blades for it
a couple of good box cutter knives, three hundred rubles each
wide chisel
work gloves
seedlings in pots
stop somewhere and pick up stones, broken bricks, etc. heavy items.

About 3000 rubles for everything, maybe even less.
Everything you buy will have to be thrown away, so there is no point in overpaying for brands.
You take it all home.
You strip down to your underpants - everything you’re wearing will have to be thrown away anyway, you’ll get dirty anyway.
The place in the apartment is next to the toilet, well lit. You cover the place and the toilet with plastic, everything except the toilet, so that not a drop of blood passes by. In place - a layer of polyethylene, on it - a layer of unnecessary rags, so that it absorbs, if anything happens, on it - several more layers of polyethylene. You need to make rolls out of rags along the contour of the body to create a depression.
Open the windows in the house, open all the taps, place the body on its back in the recess.
Put on gloves, drink stopar. Strip the body - cut off the clothes and put them in a bag.
Make a cut from the throat to the groin, use a chisel and a hammer to separate the ribs from the sternum and open them. cut out the organocomplex, into a bucket, for grinding and into the toilet. Raise the arms and legs from the body, drain the blood into the cavity, push with your hands so that as much as possible flows out. Scoop it out with a glass into a bucket and into the toilet. Next - carve. Saw off the head (it is convenient to chop the spine with a chisel). Cut everything that can be cut into a meat grinder and toilet. Cut the skull - remove everything that can be removed and put it in the bath for washing. Then everything else. Small bones such as the phalanges of the fingers (partial ribs) can be chopped with a chisel and also flushed into the toilet, the rest can be cleaned with a knife and placed in the bath. As a result, you will be left with a skeleton without hands and feet. Sawing limbs not at the joint.
Wash the bones, dry them, place them in garbage bags with stones and paper towels, and wrap them with stretch film. Place them in new bags from the supermarket to make them look like purchases. Put everything that was used into the last one. You will get four to five bags.
Clear all houses. Clean up. Burn some food in a frying pan so that it stinks, do not wash the frying pan. Take the bags to the car and decorate with seedlings on top.
Go to the countryside. Ideally, your grandmother should sit next to you, but it’s okay to be alone if you have seedlings. At least 50 kilometers from the city, leaving the bones in 4-5 different bodies of water, if there are swampy ones, is generally ideal. Bag with tools and polyethylene - burn. The car needs to be dry cleaned. Go to church yourself, light a candle for the deceased, and go home, drink, relax, relieve stress.


1.Go crazy about having a corpse
2.Take some time to pull yourself together
3.Go to a hardware store and buy there
a) Disposable chemical protection suit
b) Metal saw
c) Scissors for cutting metal
d) Respirator
d) bags for construction waste (more dense, larger)
4.Go to the pharmacy. There you need to buy
a) Shoe covers
b) Valerian
5.Purchase 3 pairs of galoshes
6. Buy 3-4 roomy zippered bags at a second-hand store.
7.Purchase 8 meters of square film for greenhouses.
8. At home we undress. We put on a chemical protection suit, a respirator and drink valerian.
9.In the bathroom, spread the film so that it covers the entire work surface.
10. Lay out the corpse.
10. Using a knife, cut off the soft tissue from the skull. We knock out the teeth with a hammer. We cut off fingerprints. We destroy all tattoos and piercings. Now your client cannot be identified.
11. Cut carefully so as not to damage the film. Clearly on the joints. We try not to open the abdominal cavity. It is too early. Later, before wrapping the torso, we’ll add quicklime. Or a fragrance for dry toilets.
12. We hide each sawn-off segment in a separate bag, which we close tightly and seal with tape.
13. As a result, we received 3 heavy bags, a film with blood, skin scraps, and teeth.
14. At night (2-3 a.m.) we walk in the direction of the nearest public garden wearing galoshes with ONE bag. we leave it there. Let's bury it. It’s better to keep an eye on the hole (prepare it in advance)
15. Again, another night in DIFFERENT galoshes we go to ANOTHER park. We repeat.
16. To a completely third square, wearing new galoshes again. We repeat the process.
17. At home, carefully pierce the film on which everything happened over the drain hole. To be sure, add some acid afterwards.
18. Take the dirty chemical protective suits, galoshes, film, metal saw, and scissors to different trash cans in the city.
19. ???
ps galoshes should be different sizes