Lunar horoscope for June Gemini. happy day kaleidoscope

What does June 2017 have in store for the Gemini Woman?

The Gemini woman will spend the whole month trying to win the respect and trust of her boss. She will spend her funds in large sums and her financial situation will become very unstable. Perhaps she will be disturbed by pain in the liver or in the bladder. In terms of love, representatives without a couple will get to know a man thanks to friends, and family members will think about what feelings they have for their spouse.

Love horoscope for Gemini Woman

Lonely representatives will finally be lucky. Their friends will introduce a gentle and caring man. Later, he will find a way to ask you out on a date, which will lead to the beginning of a relationship. Be ready to surprise and in no case criticize his ideas.

Married Gemini can bring discord into the family. They will stop feeling love for their spouse, even though he will be romantic and attentive. Indifference and in some moments disgust - all that you will experience for a then-close person. If during this period you meet a man who causes a storm of emotions in your soul, a divorce from your husband will be very likely.

Love horoscope for June 2017: Gemini A woman will feel that love has faded away.

Finance and work

With Gemini's finances, everything will be ambiguous. Money will be spent in large quantities. In one case, on children and relatives, in the other - on a wild lifestyle. Also this month, money troubles are possible. At work, you are likely to have an unfortunate situation with your supervisor. The Gemini woman will try very hard, but her efforts and successes in her work will go unnoticed. Perhaps the boss does not trust or dislike you. The stars recommend putting forward some complex and original idea - this is how Gemini can earn the trust of the boss.

Health and recreation

It will not hurt you to balance your diet by eliminating harmful foods from it. Especially try not to eat those foods that are bad for the gallbladder and liver - and this is fatty, salty and smoked. Try not to burden yourself, relax and spend time visiting beauty salons. If you decide to switch to a vegetarian diet, June is a very good time, but in no case should you give up dairy products.

  • Auspicious days for Gemini women - 6, 10, 15, 19, 24, 28
  • Unfavorable days for Gemini women - 2, 8, 10, 14, 29
Published: 2017-05-09 , Modified: 2018-10-22 ,

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - General moments
June 2017 for Gemini will be quite a contrasting month. There will be many interesting events, but their shades will be different: positive and negative. The days that positively affect career building and business development are the 13th and 28th. Do not schedule important meetings for June 14th. It is better to fulfill credit obligations before the 18th. If you are expected to work with important documents or their execution in June, then the most favorable day will be the 21st; also on this day it is worth waiting for good news. In relationships with friends and loved ones on the 27th, you should be more careful: the likelihood of conflict situations is high. June 24 is a good time for money matters, you can make a deposit or, for example, buy a lottery ticket - luck is on your side. At the end of the month, June 30, there is a threat of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Love and relationships
The first half of June 2017 will be filled with a lot of bright events in your relationship with your loved ones. If you plan to spend time together, June 3 is a very auspicious day. On the 4th, you can safely make gifts for your soulmate: you will definitely please. It is possible that on this day you will be presented with a pleasant surprise. Spend June 13 with your family, the day is favorable for family communication. But on the 25th and 27th, disagreements or even quarrels are possible in your relationship with your loved one, so you should be more patient, talk to each other more, listen to each other carefully, then you will be able to avoid many troubles.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Money, business relationships, deals
The financial side of Gemini's life in June 2017 will be marked by stability and increased wealth. If you are planning important purchases, make them on the 4th, they will be profitable. On June 10 and 19, it is better not to solve money issues, since deals made on these days are likely to be unprofitable, and acquisitions will be unsuccessful. On the 12th, do not lose sight of the wallet: there is a threat of theft. The 16th brings monetary growth, it could be an increase in the profitability of your business or an unexpected bonus. On June 21, all spending on health and beauty will be very effective, so you can safely spend finances on yourself. The brightest day in the money issue promises to be the 24th: on this day, the cash flow can increase in the most unexpected way for you, it is even possible that you will find a treasure.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Work, career, business
Despite the beginning of summer, Gemini's performance is at its best. You will be able to do a lot and do it effectively. Plan important business meetings and meetings for June 3rd. Financial decisions made on the 4th have good prospects. The 13th is an auspicious day for building business communications, as your diplomacy will be at its best. June 20, expect pleasant events. June 26 and 28 are favorable for building new business strategies. Days when you should be vigilant and make important decisions with extreme caution: June 14, 25 and 27. Minor troubles are predicted for these dates.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Study
In June, Cosmos will be favorably disposed towards the student youth. From June 7 to June 21, your heavenly patron Mercury, who is also the patron of students and the educational process, will be in your sign, and this is extremely good for you! Mercury in Gemini will significantly enhance your intellectual abilities, memory, ability to correctly present material (eloquence), which will contribute to your readiness for exams. During this period, you will be able to show off your knowledge and conquer even demanding teachers with it. However, if the exam falls on June 10, 14, 15, then prepare hard, because with all your abilities, the ticket will not be the easiest for you. But if the exam takes place on June 1, 19, 21, then the probability of getting an excellent grade is very high. And remember: repetition is the mother of learning.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Trips
June is the beginning of the holiday period. For twins planning to go to a resort or on a trip, it is best to move out of the house on the 1st, 10th or 20th. For twins who work in June, but go on a business trip, it is better to book tickets for the 10th or 24th. But on June 3, 18 or 19, those who are going on the road can expect obstacles, minor troubles. And yet, on the 15th, limit your movements: only from home to work and back, because there is a high risk of accidents on the roads or meeting dishonest fellow travelers.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini - Health
It is also worth remembering about health in summer: the sun restores the body very well, and sea air not only relieves many ailments, but also cures depression. For those who have planned important medical procedures of a surgical nature, June 9, 24, 26 and 28 are favorable. But the threat of getting sick is present on the 12th, 25th and 30th: do not abuse soft drinks and limit your consumption of ice cream.
Based on materials by Alexey Kulkov

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Not surprisingly, in June 2017, success in a Gemini relationship will largely depend on their ability to show their feelings and attention. This month is suitable for settling existing problems with your personal life and determining future plans. The long-awaited events planned by the Gemini at the beginning of the summer have every chance of becoming life-changing, so they require special attention and preparation. An accurate June love horoscope for Gemini will tell you in detail how to prepare for upcoming events.

Free representatives of the Gemini sign in the first summer month will be full of energy and desire for new acquaintances, dates and romances. Success in personal affairs in June will depend entirely on right choice pairing partner. Love relationships started at this time in people born under the constellation of Gemini can become serious enough and lead to marriage.

For Gemini who have a stable relationship or family, this period brings an opportunity to improve their love life. The exact love horoscope for June 2017 recommends those born under the sign of Gemini to surround their partner with attention and love, and not make excessive demands. The objective view of Gemini and the correct assessment of the events taking place in a married couple in June can have a beneficial effect on the development of tender relationships. A joint discussion of current affairs and the determination of future plans will help maintain an established common language between the spouses.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for June 2017

Single Gemini girls in June can count on the favor of the stars in the love sphere if they make an effort to draw attention to the person of the person of interest. This month, the girls of the Gemini sign themselves should be active and not be afraid to make an obsessive impression on the opposite sex. The success of new acquaintances in June will depend on the perseverance and initiative of the Gemini girls. The stars advise the representatives of this zodiac sign to forget about embarrassment and start getting to know each other first, to show all their charm and romance.

Gemini women who are in family relationships should try hard in June to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family and understanding with their soulmate. Conflicts and quarrels in the first month of summer can lead to long-term tension between spouses. The love horoscope for June 2017 advises women born under the sign of Gemini to use more gentleness and patience in communicating with a partner in order to enjoy harmony in the family. This period is not suitable for Gemini for inflaming passions, clarifying and breaking off relationships - do not waste emotions.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for June 2017

June gives free Gemini men the opportunity to think about their own personal lives, because this period is the best suited for establishing a permanent relationship. For those Gemini men who are just starting to flirt and experience tender feelings for a certain girl, the stars recommend extending the candy-bouquet period as long as possible, enjoying new emotions and tenderness in communication. In June, lonely Gemini should devote as much time as possible to the issue of creating and strengthening a couple, because in the future such a favorable moment for the manifestation of feelings will not arise soon.

In June 2017 Gemini will need to say Yes-ah-ah-ah too often!!! And not just “Yes”, but just such a drawn-out “Yes-ah-ah”. After all, you, too, when you don’t hear a person, ask again and don’t hear again, and when for the third time, when you again didn’t understand what he said, smile stupidly and say: “Yes-ah-ah-ah.”

Gemini horoscope for June 2017.

In June 2017, Gemini will need to say “Yes-ah-ah-ah” too often!!! And not just “Yes”, but just such a drawn-out “Yes-ah-ah”. After all, you, too, when you don’t hear a person, ask again and don’t hear again, and when for the third time, when you again didn’t understand what he said, smile stupidly and say: “Yes-ah-ah-ah.” This is exactly what you will be doing throughout June 2017 - and for the third time not understanding what is happening, and what you are being told, stupidly smiling and saying "Yes-ah-ah-ah." And most often you will just smile stupidly, and not sincerely and joyfully. Indeed, inside each Gemini there lives a small child who is looking for joys, not problems, and only the harsh stupidity of Life makes the Gemini become cynical hypocrites, which many consider you to be. Well, let them count. But, the mask of hypocritical po@ists in June 2017 is better for you to put aside. Put on a mask with a stupid smile and say to everyone: “Yes-ah-ah”, “OK”, “wonderful”, and continue to smile stupidly, no matter how much you want to send everyone long and walking walks.

But, speaking objectively, it will be quite difficult for Gemini to keep a stupid smile on his face all the time. Too often in June 2017 you will be annoyed by people and events taking place around you. And often it will be people close to you and events close to you, and not news on TV. Although the news on TV will annoy you no less, you can at least turn them off. But turning off people close to you will be more difficult.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini indicates that you will feel seriously annoyed by the attention and the current situation, and you will wonder what you can do to end this painful situation. But really, how sincere are you yourself? Be honest with yourself. Don't betray yourself, and don't give in to the situation. Very quickly the situation will change and you will see that you have betrayed the person closest to you - yourself. And since Gemini does not forgive betrayal well, do not give yourself a reason to be disappointed in yourself. Don't betray yourself. If in June 2017 you can overcome the situation and remain honest with yourself, the Stars and Fate will surely reward you for this and return to you your most precious and most valuable thing - your self-esteem! And as the site's astrologer is firmly convinced, there is nothing more important than one's own self-esteem for Gemini. For her sake, you can surrender, sell everything, buy, betray, kill, then surrender again, but for free! This is especially true for Gemini women. After all, when you have self-esteem at the proper level, you all get out of the water on the beach and feel like a Bond girl! Otherwise, you come out like a wet chicken, although you are wearing the same bathing suit, the same tan, the same hairstyle, and the same face. But, there is no longer a “Bond girl” inside you, and you show it to others with your whole appearance. Therefore, do not let anyone infringe on your self-esteem in June 2017!

Well, it will be much easier for Gemini-men in June 2017. Pay more attention to rest and weekends - this will allow you to recharge with positive energy for the whole week. Do not forget that the weekend is a success if you pour tea on Monday, holding the mug at an angle so that it does not foam ...

The horoscope tells the June Gemini that weather forecasters promise that it will soon be colder ... very soon ... here, literally, in December! Therefore, try to choose a place for your birthday so that it feels like Summer is outside the window. And so that the people at your table are also summer ... The same as the horoscopes on the site site

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini favorable days -4, 6, 12, 14, 18, 25, 28 and 29.

Horoscope for July 2017 Gemini unfavorable days - all the same, three things are forgotten most often gloves, an umbrella and unfavorable days according to the horoscope. But, it’s better to remember about gloves and an umbrella, but it’s really better to forget about unfavorable days.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini work, career and business.

Gemini, try to use diminutives at work in June 2017. You'll like it. After all, if you call people "little people", they seem to automatically turn into your slaves.

In addition, judging by the horoscope, you will have enough enthusiasm and courage to lead any projects and turn any interesting ideas into reality. But be careful not to try to catch several hares at the same time. In June 2017, you will be able to catch a crane in the sky, but only one. Otherwise, you can be left without a crane, and without a tit, and without two birds with one stone.

Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini work. Saturn will have a significant impact on your career. His influence can mean access to a higher position in the hierarchy. Even if you are just a senior assistant to a junior merchandiser. You will have access to YOUR merchandiser! On the one hand, it will cause more work; on the other hand, it will kick-start important growth.
Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini Finance. Gemini, rely on your intuition. Especially in business. Thanks to Saturn, very unexpected incomes can arise from unexpected opportunities.

Love horoscope for June 2017 Gemini. Horoscope for June 2017 Gemini Love.

Your love feelings next month will be strong and sincere. You will fight for your love and feelings with which you will climb into seventh heaven with your spouse or partner, and not only during sex. So in addition to orgasms and the “miracle-wonderful” horoscope for June, it promises you strong feelings and hugs not only in bed. it's the same good time to correct some of the mistakes you made in the relationship. In June 2017, you will feel the need to trust the person with whom you share not only a bed, but also a life. True, provided that your chosen one (ca) has the necessary qualities necessary to easily understand your desires. In June 2017, you will wish and wait for mutual manifestations of love, not counting who has more of them - but reciprocity is needed. As a last resort, feel free to gently remind about it. Including yourself. Even so - "Thank you! Yes, not at all! It is clear that there is nothing, but I love you! This is especially true for Gemini women. Try to avoid situations in June 2017: “Honey, iron your T-shirt, otherwise they will say that I don’t do anything with you.” Although to be friends with you personally with an iron or still with the help of intermediaries is your own business.

For single Gemini, June 2017 can be especially joyful. With this aspect of Mars and Venus, you can easily not only fall in love with yourself, but more importantly, fall in love yourself! And you have a chance to experience passionate love, exciting, without much risk! Well, as without risk. Well, as in a situation when you are on a bridge, and you have a stone around your neck in a noose. But, this is exactly what you Gemini love so much! In any case, in June 2017 you will be as attractive and sexy as possible. So take advantage of the opportunities. But, do not forget that about the stone, and about the fact that you are on the bridge, so be careful when choosing new partners. And Gemini men, moreover, do not need to forget that you have a too specific sense of humor, which at first can be shocking. Therefore, try not to get into a situation where a girl touches a guy's freckles and tells him: "The sun kissed you ...., and he sullenly like this: And my mother says cockroaches crap me."

At the end, the horoscope for June 2017 for Gemini once again reminds you of a smile. Just do not pounce on people with questions: “People who are EVERYTHING in a good mood and smile, how do you do it? how to get into your sect? Who needs to be killed for this? You don't need to kill anyone. Just act like you didn't hear or understand who or what they said, and smile stupidly and say: "Yes-ah-ah-ah." Especially when they say all sorts of garbage about you - pretend that you did not hear!

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In the first month of summer, the personal life of Gemini is subject to conflicting influences, so that variable success is expected in matters of the heart. In June 2017, the planet of love Venus is in the twelfth house of Gemini, which is associated with secrets and hidden phenomena. This is a kind of twilight zone, so in love something will remain unclear. No matter how hard you try to find the answer, it will elude you, leaving you feeling like a mystery. Or maybe you yourself will become a mystery to someone.

There will be something hushed up in love and marital relationships, as a result, cooling of feelings is not excluded. On the other hand, the period is good for those Gemini who have a secret romance.

In June 2017, the energy of Mercury is clearly manifested, so many of you are characterized by a rational approach to love. If there are serious topics that you have long wanted to discuss with your loved one, now it is easier to do this, because emotions will not interfere with making an informed decision.

However, the effect of Mercury's influence can be different. If you are single, it will even become an obstacle to starting a new romance. You will not believe that some worthy person, having shown his interest in you, pursues disinterested goals. You will look for a catch in his behavior, and he will pay attention to someone else.

For family representatives of your sign, the time is quite calm. The family's priorities will be financial matters. The problems of earning and spending become very relevant during this period. Time is favorable for savings, gaining a solid material foundation for the family. Gemini women can expect an increase in their husband's earnings.

Gemini career and finance horoscope for June 2017

You will pay a lot of attention to your career development and financial aspects of life. Your plans and hopes will come true this month, the results of creative work do not go unnoticed.

Personal connections are essential to a career. Opportunity to move up the career ladder love relationship or friendship.

The Sun and Mercury are in Gemini until June 21, 2017, so you have enough energy and diligence. Many of you will stay late at work to complete some difficult task as soon as possible.

Your opportunities to improve your financial situation are quite large. If you have been thinking about increasing your income, then June 2017 is a good time to take decisive steps in this direction. The presence of Mars in the money sector suggests that a noticeable dynamic is expected in monetary circumstances. You will focus on earnings, the size of which completely depends on your activity, initiative, and creativity. Maybe you will find an additional source of income, a part-time job, or even decide to start your own business.

However, the horoscope warns against hidden troubles due to cases one way or another connected with other people's money, debts, loans. In the last days of the month (June 25 - 31, 2017), negative planetary relationships are formed that affect the financial houses of Gemini. At this time, it is recommended to refrain from making large purchases, investments, real estate transactions.


A busy month is expected, which will bring strong emotional and physical fatigue. Your body will urgently demand at least a short break. If possible, take a course of spa treatments or visit the nearest resort. Do not ignore this advice, as the measures taken to maintain health will help you protect yourself from various troubles.

With the proper level of attention to yourself, in relation to health, everything will be stable and positive. Maintain a balance between mental and physical stress.

Do not deviate from the previously planned course! If you feel that there is not enough energy to implement your bold ideas - even in this case, do not give up on them.