When is the best time to buy an apartment? When to sell an apartment

Realtors advise that you need to buy a home (take a mortgage) as soon as there is such an opportunity. And the sooner the better. However, the seasonality in the real estate market has not yet been canceled ...

The editors of "RBC-Real Estate" turned to market participants with a request to answer the question "When is it more profitable to buy an apartment during the year?" The experts' answers mostly concern the new housing market.

"January-February is not the best season"

Private realtor Vladislav Pozdnyakov: "I recommend purchasing an economy-class new building in Moscow and the Moscow region in July-August-September. At this time, the morning is not warmed up, there are enough offers to choose. January-February is not the best season for buying new buildings, since everything the best and most liquid are sorted out in November and December.Pay attention to the reputation of the developer, the deadlines for the completion of the house, connected communications, the location of the house and windows, the floor, the layout of the apartment.

Secondary market. It is recommended to purchase at the beginning of the year from January 20 to April 20. And the second half of the year is August, September, October. But since most of the deals are alternative, the “motor” is spinning during peak seasons. The exception is the beginning of the year, those who sold in the past year and were able to break their alternative chain in order not to lose a buyer, become buyers themselves at the beginning of the year with free money.

When can you bargain

Maria Litinetskaya, General Director of Metrium Group: "It is most profitable to buy a new building when developers arrange various promotions and provide discounts. For example, in December-January everyone gives pre-holiday discounts. Perhaps there will be some promotions in March. But, as a rule, the main discounts are provided in winter.

In the summer, rarely anyone conducts marketing promotions. A discount can be obtained only if there is some kind of lull in the market. But in any case, these will not be public actions initiated by the developer. Discounts can only be negotiated on an individual basis.

In principle, if we talk about discounts on an individual basis, then they can be obtained in between active periods of sales. Traditionally, the most active sales are in spring - from February to June, and also in autumn - from October to December. In between these active periods, you can bargain with developers."

Don't wait for holiday promotions

Alexander Engel, head of the department of new buildings of the MIC Group: "It is profitable to buy an apartment during special promotions and discounts. In addition to promotions dedicated to major holidays, developers initiate various promotions throughout the year and offer buyers interesting options at a bargain price.

However, the growth in the cost of housing is due to both an increase in the stage of readiness of a residential facility and economic factors (inflation), so you should not expect that apartments in a building that is being actively built now will become cheaper, for example, by Victory Day.

Even if an apartment is purchased under the terms of a particular promotion, it is hardly possible that the next promotion will be more profitable than the previous one. If you want to buy an apartment at the best possible price, then the only sure way is to buy a home at an early stage of construction, and it doesn’t matter what month it is on the calendar.

Also, if you have already decided to buy an apartment, then you should not postpone the purchase, in a situation of a steadily developing market, time plays against the buyer, waiting for very profitable offers to suddenly appear can be a wrong tactic."

Play on falling currencies

Vadim Lamin, managing partner of the Spencer Estate real estate agency: "Indeed, there are periods when it is most profitable to buy an apartment in a house under construction. Naturally, the earlier the acquisition takes place, the lower the purchase price. However, the risk of a long wait for receiving the keys to the desired housing is proportionally higher. As an example: to us Potential owners of one of the apartments in the house on Begovaya turned in. So, the purchase took place in 2006, and the property has not yet been registered, although the house has been built and the finishing of apartments has begun.And how much water has flowed under the bridge in 6 years...

In my opinion, it is better not to do such experiments, but to buy an apartment with a higher degree of readiness of the house from a reliable developer, without being fooled by imaginary cheapness.

If we talk about seasonality, then, of course, the winter-spring period is most often a lull, although recent years refute the usual statistics. You can save money by adjusting your purchase for New Year or Christmas discounts, use the growth or fall of the corresponding currencies. However, all these are values ​​that are not comparable to the total purchase amount.

I would not advise saving when solving such a serious issue as buying an apartment, at least you need to do this without compromising the quality and reliability of the purchase."

Buying a home is a pressing issue for anyone who has just started a family or wants to start a business related to real estate. However, the purchase of your corner must be taken very seriously in order for the deal to be profitable for the buyer. In this article, we will figure out whether it is worth buying an apartment in 2017, because the opinions of experts on this matter are ambiguous, since price forecasts for primary and secondary real estate also differ.

Buying a home in 2017: analyst forecasts

The question of whether it is worth buying an apartment this year, first of all, is thought by analysts who need to make a forecast for potential real estate buyers. After all, it is important for a person who is going to conclude an appropriate deal to know and understand the opinion of experts whether it is worth buying an apartment in 2017. Unfortunately, there is no consensus among experts on this matter. One half believes that the acquisition of real estate in 2017 should be postponed to a more favorable time, while others, arguing over the question of whether it is worth buying an apartment now, say unambiguously in the affirmative. After analyzing the arguments of all experts, we can draw the following conclusions:

    • Luxury housing will not decrease in price, so those who want to buy just such a haven can not postpone this business, and boldly conclude a sale and purchase deal;
    • For those who doubt whether it is worth buying an apartment in a new building in 2017, experts advise you to quickly decide in order to make a profitable purchase. After all, such housing will decrease in price this year;
    • Those who doubt whether it is worth buying a new apartment, that is, already completed and fully prepared in order to enter there and live, experts advise making a decision not in favor of the deal. According to their forecasts, such types of real estate will cost a few percent lower in 3-4 years;
  • Is it worth buying an old apartment, that is, secondary market housing? Definitely yes. After all, many sellers who have not been able to sell their property for a long time always make concessions to potential buyers with cash in times of crisis, therefore, they make decent discounts. If you find such a seller, then hurry up to complete the deal so that the nuances regarding the responsibility of the parties are recorded. You can make a profitable acquisition, on which in the future it will be possible to build a real business. This applies to people who are considering whether to buy apartments for rent in 2017;
  • If you are looking for a housing option for yourself, then it is recommended to postpone the purchase, because living in a modern building, with the latest communications, the necessary infrastructure facilities near the complex development, a “clean” history and neighbors of your social status is much more pleasant;
  • People who are considering whether to buy an apartment on a mortgage, experts do not recommend contacting bank lending operations. It is allowed to buy a home on credit only if you meet the requirements of the state program of the Russian Federation to support the Young Family mortgage. What it is: you must make a down payment and be able to pay a predetermined amount on the loan every month. But here it is necessary to take into account the nuance when it is better to buy an apartment in 2017 in a mortgage. It is best to have time to complete the deal before March, while there are funds in the country's budget.

All of the above tips from analysts are very important to take into account for people who are considering the question of whether it is worth buying an apartment now in 2017. They will help to keep savings or invest them profitably in a good home in times of crisis.

In a difficult economic situation, you can buy a very good apartment at a low price. In this case, the main thing is to approach the choice of your corner wisely, that is, in compliance with the basic rules for buying a home.

What should be taken into account:

Decide what kind of housing you are interested in - primary or secondary. If an apartment is the only ready-made solution for you, then it is better to choose housing in a new building. But at the same time, be sure to remember about. Risks are not excluded, but profitable deals too. A resale is more reliable in this regard, although it will not be able to provide you with the same comfortable conditions as an apartment in a new building. It will have to be constantly maintained in good condition, make cosmetic repairs, learn to live with the failures of old wiring and pipes, which often happen only because of dilapidation. Is it worth buying an apartment in a panel house in a crisis? These are the best options for those who cannot afford a new building, but are not satisfied with living conditions, for example, in Khrushchev. However, panel buildings are poorly soundproofed and insulated. If you decide to sheathe your home with additional materials, you will need to spend a decent amount of money.

Evaluate the neighborhood in which your chosen housing is located. It is very important that all the necessary social facilities are nearby - transport stops, shops, pharmacies, hospitals, parking, schools, Kindergarten and other important institutions. Do not give preference to living quarters near which there are industrial enterprises or mines, as you will be forced to constantly listen to the hum and noise emitted from them. But if you are looking for a way, then you can buy an apartment in a not very favorable area to rent it out, for example, to students who always prefer simple and inexpensive types of housing.

Decide which floor you want to live on. The cheapest options are the first and last floor. Is it worth buying an apartment on the ground floor in 2017? Realtors believe that her choice should be based on the preferences and desires of a potential buyer. If he has small children, there is a need to constantly take the stroller outside and at the same time there is no way to buy a home in a new building with an elevator, then an apartment on the ground floor in an old Khrushchev building is a great option. Is it worth buying an apartment on the top floor in 2017? The answer is yes, but you need to take into account some features of such housing:

  1. It is necessary to check that the building must have a gable roof so that it does not freeze, leak and flood your future place of residence;
  2. If the house has an attic, then you can subsequently make it your second floor (by coordinating this procedure with the Housing Office and other relevant institutions) if you purchase housing on the top floor;
  3. From above, you will not hear the clatter and running of neighbors, from the windows you will not hear the sound of car alarms parked near the house, and your landing will be clean and tidy, because tenants will not constantly walk through it, except for you and your family .

Find out how big your living space should be. Is it worth it to buy a large apartment in times of crisis? Just 2017 is the best option for this, since it becomes possible to significantly save money on buying two-room or even three-room housing. Is it worth buying a one-room apartment this year? This is a profitable solution for those who are looking for a way to earn money by renting out real estate. Indeed, in a difficult economic situation, visitors do not want to rent housing with large areas, as they will be much more expensive in cost. The priority for them is small residential areas near the city center.

Check the legality of the property you wish to purchase. This is best done with the help of qualified professionals. After all, in times of crisis, scammers are activated who offer a very low, therefore, attractive price, but at the same time there are some problems with real estate that the seller does not voice. For example:

  • It is under arrest (this happens with apartments that were bought with a mortgage);
  • Former tenants have not checked out of it;
  • There is a privatization of housing;
  • The seller is incompetent (registered in a drug or mental clinic).

A dishonest real estate seller can be identified by the rush with which he wants to make a deal.

The principles of choosing an apartment, which we have named above, will be especially relevant in 2017. This is due to the situation that will develop in the real estate market among sellers.

Video: When to buy an apartment

Real estate business in 2017

Many people living in regional centers or even small provincial cities who have decent cash savings often purchase houses in order to have a stable passive income. There is also a category of people who do not buy the entire dwelling, but only a specific part of it. As a rule, this applies to entrepreneurs who are looking for premises for their office or other work space.

Is it worth buying a share in an apartment in 2017 to convert it into a work space? This is a very good option if the person who will own the other shares of this property is reliable and time-tested. In addition, you must prepare yourself in advance for the fact that you will not be able to freely dispose of this share. Everything will need to be constantly coordinated with the co-owners. Almost the same situation applies to those who are concerned about the question of whether to buy a room in an apartment in 2017. During a crisis, people have the opportunity to purchase a full-fledged housing, because the prices for it are always reduced. At the right time, you can always sell an apartment, but only one room is unlikely.

If you have a living space at your disposal that you plan to sell, then think carefully. If there is an opportunity to wait for better times, then it is more profitable to postpone the sale until the time when the real estate market increases. If money is needed urgently, then there can be no better period than a crisis. Buyers will be found quickly, because it is beneficial in the first place to them.

Experts recommend that people who are interested in whether it is worth buying an apartment in Moscow this year take their time, since the cost of housing in a metropolis is quite high even during a crisis, there is no cheap housing in this city. Better to focus on

The residential real estate market is quite dynamic - housing prices, the number of offers and the demand for apartments depend on many factors. If you are a buyer who needs to know when it is more profitable to buy an apartment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some features of the supply and demand for residential real estate. We will talk about them.

In fact, experts say that there are always profitable offers on the market, and if you wish, you can find an inexpensive apartment that meets the requirements of the buyer at any time of the year. But there is still a seasonality factor. Let's try to analyze it.


According to real estate market experts, the buyer can always find a good offer. But impartial statistics show that the cost of housing is greatly influenced by the time of year. Let's try to figure out when it is more profitable to buy an apartment in winter or summer.

Definitely, the best time to buy an apartment is winter, namely January. At this time, a huge number of offers are accumulating on the real estate market, but there are clearly not enough buyers. Therefore, sellers are forced to reduce the cost of the apartment in order to attract potential buyers.

This fact is due to the fact that almost half of January is holidays, days off. At this time, people spend time on holidays abroad, celebrate Christmas and New Year holidays in the family circle. Banks are closed, limiting buyers to those who have cash, rather than planning to use mortgage funds. So few people buy real estate.

Therefore, you can take advantage of the situation and find fairly cheap options. Thus, if you want to buy an apartment as cheaply as possible, do it in January.

The consumer demand for residential real estate is also falling in May, which, accordingly, forces sellers to make significant discounts. This is explained by the fact that May is the time of the beginning of the summer holidays, final exams, preparation for entrance exams. Adult people who have children at this time are concerned about completely different problems, and buying an apartment from them fades into the background. So here is another answer to the question: when is it more profitable to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg - in May - June.

But in autumn, the peak of consumer demand for residential real estate increases sharply. People who have had a rest in the summer begin to actively search for an apartment to buy, acquire housing for their student children who have gone to study in another city. Therefore, the number of profitable offers is rapidly declining, and the number of buyers is increasing. Of course, sellers immediately inflate prices. Thus, it is unlikely that it is profitable to buy property in autumn.

Regardless of the season, decide how much money you are willing to spend on buying an apartment and how long you can wait. If the budget is limited, but time “endures”, you can wait for “your apartment” - sooner or later, profitable offers will appear.

Tip: if you looked at the apartment, you liked it, you saw all the documentation and were convinced of the honesty of the seller - do not delay the conclusion. While you are thinking, the “tasty” option will go to another, faster and smarter buyer. Remember, truly profitable offers do not stagnate for a long time - your thoughts can lead to several buyers for the apartment, and the seller will increase the price, realizing that the demand for his housing is great.

When is the best time to buy an apartment in a new building? The sooner, the better. If you are not ready to take risks and participate in shared construction, try immediately after the delivery of the house. The fewer unsold apartments remain, the higher the developer will raise their prices. This is especially true for construction companies with an excellent reputation and many years of experience.

The real estate market of the Moscow region in 2016 pleased buyers with a slow but steady decline in prices. A square meter of metropolitan housing has fallen in price by about 5%. Whether buyers should delay the moment of the transaction in anticipation of even lower prices, what surprises to expect from banks on mortgages, and how to choose the most profitable housing, the RIAMO correspondent found out from experts.

The meter will continue to fall

At the end of 2016, the "square" in Moscow fell in price by 10 thousand rubles. According to the analytical center "Real Estate Market Indicators", the price of housing in the capital has dipped by about 5% - from 180 to 170 thousand rubles per square meter.

As Deputy Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation Nikita Stasishin said before the New Year holidays, prices for Russian real estate in 2017 will stop falling and begin to grow. According to the Deputy Minister, there is no more potential for lowering housing prices.

However, real estate market analysts are sure of the opposite: housing will continue to become cheaper. Thus, according to the forecasts of the INCOM-Nedvizhimost agency, in 2017 the trend for further price reduction will continue in the secondary housing market of Moscow - about 5-7% per year. Although experts have not yet named exact numbers.

“I would characterize this process as a gradual “slipping”. Provided that no serious shocks occur on the market during this time,” says Sergey Shloma, Director of the Secondary Market Department at INCOM-Real Estate.

In his opinion, this trend will affect all segments of housing, but especially low-quality real estate, whose share in the secondary market of the capital in 2016 was dominant.

SRG Group of Companies also predicts the continuation of the downward trend in prices in the secondary market and the minimum growth in the market of new buildings. Experts attribute this to limited solvency and lack of prerequisites for its growth.

The Department of the secondary market "INCOM-Nedvizhimost" notes that, despite forecasts of GDP growth and a decrease in inflation to 5% in 2017, people are still not sure about the stability of their financial situation in the near future and agree to transactions only fact of urgent need.

Maxim Rusakov, partner of the SRG Group of Companies, told RIAMO that 2016 was a year of discounts in the secondary real estate market. In his opinion, a large volume of proposals will not allow sellers to raise prices this year as well. But the amount of discounts provided to the buyer is likely to decrease.

In the market of new buildings, according to Rusakov, the situation is slightly different. The expert believes that the reduction in the number of new facilities at the stage of excavation will not allow diluting the average price level with new cheap projects to the extent that we can talk about a noticeable decrease in the cost of new housing in general.

"Secondary" versus "primary"

Continued fierce competition between the secondary and primary real estate markets may also lead to lower housing prices, according to INCOM-Real Estate. According to the estimates of the agency's analysts, 9 out of 10 apartments in the mass market segment now for sale are very outdated housing with uncomfortable layouts, located in five-, nine-story "panels", partly in "stalinkas" with an expiring service life.

“In fact, such housing should not exist in the 21st century. However, these objects compete not only with each other, but also with comparable in price, but much higher quality apartments in new buildings,” Sergei Shloma notes.

At the same time, the owners will be able to sell housing belonging to the above-described category only under one condition: due to a significant price reduction.

According to the expert, in 2016, a large number of new residential complexes with quality apartments at affordable prices appeared on the primary market of the Moscow region. And by the summer of 2016, in the secondary housing segment, there was a trend towards a maximum reduction in prices for objects of similar characteristics, in particular, in modern houses. In the future, the company's analysts recorded an unprecedented, according to them, event: the cost of "secondary" objects approached the cost of residential space in new buildings (usually they are cheaper by 20-30%), and in some cases even lower.

“The main “weapon” of the secondary market, which is not limited, unlike the “primary”, by the threshold of profitability, is a further reduction in prices. We continue to use this “weapon”, as the confrontation between new buildings and “secondary” will last for the next few years,” the expert of Inkom-Nedvizhimost is sure.

Discount - in trend

According to experts, 2017 will be a good year for buying a home at a discount. The past year has already been generous with the number of deals at a discount. According to Shlom, in November-December the share of such transactions in the secondary housing market of the capital set a historical record, reaching 86%. And there is every reason to believe that there will be a lot of “discount” deals this year as well.

“As long as real estate prices continue to slide down, a large percentage of discounted sales will continue. As soon as we reach the price bottom – according to our forecasts, this will happen in 2018-2019 – the situation will immediately change, and the number of transactions with a discount will return to the usual level for the secondary market – 50-60%,” Shloma believes.

In turn, Director of the Department of new buildings "INCOM-Real Estate" Julian Gutman predicts that this year will continue to increase the supply of apartments in finished new buildings. According to him, the share of such lots can reach up to 25% of the total volume. Against this background, the difference in the price of apartments in houses under construction and already built houses will decrease, and it will become profitable for developers to start selling at a later stage of construction, or to divide the volume of apartments into the “starting” one and the one that they put up already at the final stage.

The expert believes that the share of economy-class housing projects in the capital will continue to grow. Also, according to him, an increase in the number of objects with finished decoration is likely. And, finally, programs of long-term installments exceeding two years will be developed.

Waiting for record low mortgages

At the beginning of 2017, the state mortgage subsidy program ended. Maxim Rusakov, partner of the SRG Group of Companies, believes that there is no need to extend it, as mortgage rates are gradually returning to 2014 levels.

“We expect new records in the mortgage market, although it should be noted that the crisis year of 2014 began extremely optimistically,” the specialist says.

According to analysts, "deferred mortgage demand" is still relevant in the Moscow region. Thus, the INCOM-Nedvizhimost agency emphasizes that approximately every third potential mortgage buyer who was going to purchase real estate in the near future, in the face of the state's easing of monetary policy, postponed the decision to conclude a transaction. People are waiting for a further reduction in the key rate and, accordingly, mortgage rates.

“If earlier people were guided by a rate of 12.45%, now another figure has “settled” in the minds of consumers - 10%. The entire market is expecting a reduction in interest rates on loans to this level, and possibly even lower,” says Sergey Shloma.

In turn, Gutman draws attention to the fact that the further situation with the size of mortgage rates will directly depend on how the key rate Central Bank.

Beneficial spring

Nevertheless, in order to get the maximum benefit when buying real estate in 2017, experts do not advise postponing the transaction on the back burner.

According to Gutman, the most profitable offers and promotions are offered by developers right now: until the end of January, the level of discounts on a number of offers exceeds 20%. As a rule, since February, for objects under construction, the price is adjusted upwards.

The expert also advises to purchase apartments that are subject to promotions and with finishing from the developer - both in projects under construction and in ready-made houses with good transport accessibility.

According to the SRG expert, the peak seasons in the real estate market are mid-spring and mid-autumn. It is during these periods that the maximum number of offers is presented, and the buyer has plenty to choose from.

“Seasonality in the real estate market is primarily justified by the business activity of the population. So, January-February is always the off season. All good and interesting proposals left the market before the New Year, in fact, illiquid objects remained. Also, there is a lull during the May holidays and summer holidays,” adds Rusakov.

According to experts, buyers in general are very cautious about transactions. The Department of the secondary market "INCOM-Nedvizhimost" notes that, despite forecasts of GDP growth and a decrease in inflation to 5% in 2017, people are still not sure about the stability of their financial situation in the near future and agree to transactions only fact of urgent need.

Seasonality affects many areas of activity. The real estate industry is no exception here. In the article, we will look at how the demand for real estate changes throughout the year, so that you can decide when to buy an apartment, that is, at what time it can be done on the most favorable terms. In addition, we will give you some other tips on buying real estate.

When is the best time to buy an apartment?

As you know, any market activity is subject to certain cycles. As for the housing market, the situation is as follows. At the very beginning of the New Year, activity in the housing market freezes, and prices stabilize - more precisely, they remain stably high. This is because people are “stirring up” for a long time after the New Year holidays. Then, by spring, the number of offers grows. Prices are gradually decreasing, but not too much. The situation stabilizes by mid-March and, with minor changes, remains so until about mid-May. This is the time when elite real estate is in the price. The thing is that people usually try to complete such transactions before the May holidays, so that they can then go on vacation. Thus, the spring period is more favorable for the sale of real estate than for its purchase. And only after the May holidays, when the demand for real estate traditionally falls, experienced players enter the market, because due to a sharp seasonal decrease in demand, sellers significantly reduce housing prices. As for luxury real estate, this situation will continue in this market until mid-autumn, after which prices will rise sharply again due to increased demand. In general, the demand for business-class real estate usually increases before the holidays, so it is better for buyers to wait for November-December, as well as February-March-April and the beginning of May.

When to buy an economy class apartment

In this segment of the real estate market, the situation is somewhat different, although somewhat similar. Demand for inexpensive apartments appears at the end of February, and the price boom is observed here almost until the beginning of June, after which prices usually fall, but not for as long as in the luxury housing segment. Those wishing to profitably purchase inexpensive housing should not delay the purchase until autumn, since, starting from September, prices will rise again, reaching their maximum by mid-autumn and holding their positions until the New Year holidays. By the way, the spring price increase here is influenced not only and not so much by holidays, but by the fact that the holiday season begins in June and activity freezes. That is why in the summer you can find the most advantageous offers. In addition, many seek to buy an apartment in the spring, so that in the summer they can easily make repairs. But if you are looking for really profitable options, study summer offers, and also take a closer look at prices immediately after the New Year celebrations, when the real estate market is still rather sluggish and the demand is negligible. Thus, the main time when it is more profitable to buy an apartment is traditionally the summer period - especially the end of summer.

time and place

Of course, for bargain purchase real estate, knowledge of “trends” (the time of a steady increase and decrease in prices) is not enough. You need to pay attention to where you buy an apartment. However, if you are interested in a specific area, then you can focus only on the season, but if you are interested in saving money, then you should listen. For a profitable purchase of housing, pay attention to areas that are not too prestigious - and here's how. Study the plans for the development of this area, try to imagine what it will be like in 10-15 years. You can call it a profitable investment. Here is one example from history. Remember how in the late 80s, St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) newspapers were literally full of exchange announcements with a categorical note: “Do not offer Rzhevka-Powder!” Since then, a quarter of a century has passed, and the cost of housing in this area has increased significantly. Just imagine how rich those people who still took the risk at the dawn of Russian "capitalism" to buy an apartment there. And the reasons for the rise in prices are simple: proximity to the center was reinforced by good transport links in the area, a metro should appear there pretty soon, there is a place in the area where to take a walk, breathe fresh (by the standards of residents of central regions) air, etc. Therefore, take a closer look at your real estate market - perhaps right now you can make a profitable investment for the future, or at least just buy an apartment at a profit.