How to improve memory and attention in adults: getting rid of absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. How to improve memory. Folk remedies L Katz how to improve memory

A good memory is a gift from birth, and a phenomenal one is the result of training! Do you forget why you went to the refrigerator, have difficulty remembering phone numbers and are constantly late for meetings because you don’t remember them at all? Don’t worry, memory is not only possible, but also necessary to be developed! After all, the one who owns the information owns the world. And for this, your brain must work as productively as possible. In this article, you will learn simple techniques that will help “awaken” your memory. Of course, we don’t promise to remember complex digital combinations, but we can improve our memory!

Types of memory

There are several classifications and types of memory. Let's highlight three popular criteria.

By duration:

Short term. A small amount of information is quickly remembered and just as quickly disappeared. The data is stored for up to approximately 30 seconds and without repetition can disappear forever.

Long-term. Information can be stored for quite a long time: from several hours to several years. But banal cramming without quality study of the material does not help here. Long-term memory requires conscious detailed learning, mental interpretation, and association with existing knowledge.

Operational. Memory is stored for a certain period of time while processes or actions are performed. It differs from short-term in that it regulates certain activities and is used to maintain its intermediate results.

By purpose:

Involuntary. Lack of purpose for remembering. Information is absorbed even if it is not needed at all.

free. Memorizing material is a purposeful process.

By mental activity

Motor. Characterized by memorizing actions and movements. Distinctive features are physical dexterity and dexterity in work.

Emotional. Memory for experienced feelings, bright moments and other emotionally charged events.

Figurative. Memory for sounds, tastes, smells, landscapes and pictures from life. For example, a thin trail of perfume from a passerby on the street can take you back to childhood and remind you of your first love, of the state you were in at that moment.

10 exercises to train your memory

Create associations

Combine several visual images in your imagination at once. The brain quickly registers this relationship and after a while it will definitely give you one of them. And memory will then reproduce the rest.

Say words backwards

This is a great way to train visual memory and attention! Moreover, you can take phrases from your head. Write down a few words on paper and then read them backwards.

Develop your right hemisphere

It is believed that left-handers have better memory. If you are right-handed, try to involve your left hand in those areas of life that you previously trusted only right hand. Sign documents, wash dishes, use a computer mouse, comb your hair and brush your teeth with your left hand! You can also study foreign languages. This will allow you not only to freely express your thoughts while in a foreign country, but will also perfectly develop the right hemisphere of your brain.

Read more

The easiest way to boost your memory. When reading books, your brain tries to remember details and visualize pictures. This develops both imagination and attention.

Aivazovsky's method in action

Not everyone is blessed with a decent photographic memory. But you can fix everything! Look closely at the object you want to remember for five minutes, noticing its nuances and details. Then close your eyes and reproduce what you saw as accurately as possible. Regular training will lead you to success!

Enlighten yourself!

Why were you asked to learn long poems at school? So that your memory doesn’t falter in adulthood! Therefore, remember the past and start learning poems by classics or modern poets. Doesn't matter. The main thing is that you like them!

Repetition is the mother of learning

During the day, try to repeat and reread the material. There is no need to mindlessly cram, just refresh the information in your memory, and it will definitely be stored in the long-term “department”.

Change routes

When returning from school, work or a restaurant, people often make the same mistake for their brain: they follow the beaten path. Do you want to learn to remember even better? Walk different paths, discover new routes, study billboards and store signs... Visiting new places enhances brain activity!

Make up stories

So many things and events happen every day that you can’t remember them without writing them down in your diary? Write stories with a consistent and logical plot! Draw corresponding images in your head. This method of memorization is suitable for both children and adults.

Read aloud

New information spoken out loud is better remembered and assimilated. Do not believe? Check by reading this article to your friend.

Applications for memory development

Every day the brain receives a lot of necessary and unnecessary information from social networks, books and other sources. To cope with the flow of data and avoid brain failure, you need to train your memory. Smartphone apps to help you!

The complex of brain training includes memory exercises, quick word selection, interaction with geometric shapes, dexterity, working with numbers, etc.

The training is completely interactive. There are real characters and full-fledged mini-games here. You will have to remember the first and last names of your interlocutors, find the optimal path from one object to another, and also solve simple puzzles.

One of the most effective ways develop attentiveness, visual memory and become more focused. The table is a chaotic arrangement of numbers or letters on a square field that must be added in the desired order: ascending or descending.

Brain wars

If you want less time to make important decisions, and attentiveness becomes your strong point, download this app! 30 unique tasks are aimed at developing almost all brain abilities.


It’s not for nothing that the great Gauss once said that mathematics is the queen of sciences. After all, working with numbers and numbers is the best training for the brain! This application offers effective exercises for developing skills in the field of fast arithmetic calculations.


The complex simulator consists of all kinds of exercises for logic, attention and memory. Several difficulty levels, statistics calculation, the ability to compete with other players online, full analysis of the results - what's next for a personal trainer for your brain?

"Logic of Numbers"

The application is aimed at developing memory and mathematical abilities, concentration and analysis skills. Before starting, a short test will be offered to determine your level. By the way, all questions and tasks are in English!

To have excellent memory, as well as attention, it is simply necessary to improve and reinforce mental activity. After all, attention, as well as memory, depend on the state of health and activity of the brain.

This is necessary and useful not only for specialists, but also for students, students, and the elderly.

So memory, is it failing you?

Sometimes we forget times, dates, numbers, names, sayings. And we come up with the excuse “I forgot.”

To improve memory, you can train your memory and attention, eat properly and rationally, lead a correct and healthy lifestyle, but a number of different medications can also be useful.

There is a large selection of such drugs in pharmacies; let’s look at the most effective ones.


Release form: syrup, capsules.

Purpose: Brain activity stimulator. It is used for weakened memory, stressful situations, nervous tension and fatigue, impaired concentration, developmental delay in children, dizziness and tinnitus, depression.

Children from three years of age and adults can be admitted. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia when taken at night.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus type 2 and 1, exudative diathesis, hypersensitivity to components.


Release form: 20% solution, 5 ml in ampoules, capsules, granules for children, tablets.

Purpose: Improves blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes, increases the body's energy reserves. Improves memory, attention, improves memorization during the learning process. It is used for diseases of the central nervous system, atherosclerosis, after injuries, intoxication, and depression.

Taken after meals. Suitable for children over 1 year old and adults. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Side effects: insomnia, irritability, anxiety; in elderly patients, sometimes there is an exacerbation of heart failure and gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications: in the presence of allergic reactions from eating essences, fruit juices, acute renal failure in children with diabetes.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: The drug is similar to piracetam, and also has a psychostimulating effect. It is used after injuries that are accompanied by a decrease in intelligence, memory and attention. For learning disorders, depression, alcoholism, hypertension. For the treatment of memory and attention disorders, it helps to increase resistance to stress, preventing the development of fatigue.

Adults are welcome. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Taken after meals. Hours of taking the drug in the first half of the day.

Side effects: increased blood pressure, insomnia, hyperemia of the skin.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Release form: pills.
Purpose: With decreased attention, memory, deterioration of intellectual abilities, speech, vision. Cerebral circulation improves, which ensures a better supply of brain cells with oxygen and glucose, metabolism is controlled, and blood properties are improved.

Take after meals, preferably at certain hours.

Side effects: possible - skin rashes, mild nausea, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: acute cerebrovascular accident, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, acute coronary syndrome, hypotension, pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, sensitivity to components.


Release form: solution, tablets.

Purpose: Ginkgo biloba preparation. It is used for encephalopathy with decreased intelligence, attention and memory, for dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, and asthenic conditions.

Take after meals, preferably at a certain time. Admission from 18 years of age.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching, eczema, headache with dizziness.

Contraindications: pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute coronary syndrome, blood reactivity disorders, acute cerebrovascular accident, sensitivity to components.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: Has a calming effect without relaxing the muscles. It is used for conditions accompanied by irritability, anxiety, fear, tension, and sleep disturbances.

Take after meals. Admission from 18 years of age.

Side effects: possible - headache with dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, itching, eczema, redness, skin rash.

Contraindications: pregnancy and the entire period of lactation, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accidents, blood clotting disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: Helps normalize all processes in the brain, improves memory, enhances thinking, and has a psychostimulating effect. Helps restore speech after acute cerebrovascular accidents. Widely prescribed in pediatrics for children with mental retardation.

Side effects: possible – feeling of heat, vomiting, insomnia.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Release form: tablets, syrup.

Purpose: Used in children with mental retardation, mental retardation, speech delay, and epilepsy. For trigeminal neuralgia, subcortical hyperkinesis.

Take after meals. Can be taken from the age of three.

Side effects: possible - allergic reactions: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin rashes; sleep disturbances or drowsiness, tinnitus.

Contraindications: acute severe kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation, sensitivity to components.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: It is used for acute disorders of cerebral circulation, for vegetative-vascular crises, for anxiety with feelings of fear, irritability, and also to increase the body's resistance to mental and physical stress.

Use the drug at certain hours, regardless of meals.

Side effects: possible - nausea, irritability, agitation, anxiety, headache with dizziness, rash, itching.

Contraindications: for acute and chronic kidney diseases, with intolerance to the components of the drug.


Release form: pills.

Purpose: Improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. Increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. With memory deterioration, decreased attention and intellectual abilities, tinnitus, headaches with dizziness, unsteady gait.

Prescribed from the age of 12, regardless of food intake.

Side effects: possible - swelling of the skin, redness of the skin, skin rash, itching, headache with dizziness, hearing loss, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

Contraindications: acute myocardial infarction, decreased blood clotting, acute cerebrovascular accidents, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, sensitivity to components.

All the drugs listed above are approved in Russia, they can be purchased at any pharmacy, but to achieve results you must undergo a course of treatment.

Regular admission is not possible.

Memory enhancing drugs help both sick and healthy people. They are considered drugs of the 21st century. These are substances that improve brain function - not only in the sick, but also in the healthy. Many consider them drugs of the 21st century.


Release form:
Pills; oral solution in a bottle with a 2 ml pipette attached. 1 tablet contains: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg. 2 ml of solution contain: alphadihydroergocriptine – 2 mg, caffeine – 20 mg.

Indications for use:

Indications for use:
Cerebrovascular insufficiency (mismatch between the need of brain tissue for oxygen and its delivery), including due to cerebral (brain vessels) atherosclerosis; residual effects after cerebrovascular accident; decreased mental activity, memory impairment regarding recent events, decreased attention, orientation disorders; preventive treatment of migraine; cochleovestibular disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hypoacusia) of ischemic origin (developed due to insufficient blood supply to the cochlea of ​​the inner ear); retinopathy (damage to the walls of blood vessels in the retina), in particular diabetic (associated with high blood sugar) and Raynaud's disease (narrowing of the lumen of the vessels of the extremities); chronic venous insufficiency.

Mode of application:
Prescribe 1-2 tablets or 2-4 ml (1-2 pipettes) 2 times a day. The drug should be taken with meals, with a small amount of water.

Side effects:
In rare cases - nausea, pain in the epigastrium (the area of ​​the abdomen located directly below the convergence of the costal arches and the sternum). Skin itching, rash. Possible decrease in blood pressure. Vasobral does not have a long-term hypotensive (blood pressure-lowering) effect, therefore, when prescribing it to patients with arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), the need to use antihypertensive (blood pressure-lowering) drugs is not excluded. With the simultaneous administration of Vasobral and antihypertensive drugs, the development of arterial hypotension (a decrease in blood pressure below normal values) and fainting is possible.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Safety of use in pregnant women has not been proven. Prescribing vasobral to nursing mothers can lead to a decrease in lactation (milk production).


Biotredin is a combination drug that is designed to improve tissue nutrition and respiration, mental activity, and mood.

The active ingredients of this medicine are L-threonine and pyridoxine, which, when entering the body, are converted into glycine and acetic acid.

The resulting substances significantly affect brain function and, among other things, reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

As a result of the full cycle of transformations, the components of the drug decompose into water and carbon dioxide - therefore, human health cannot suffer even from the use of an excess dose.

Biotredin is produced in the form of sublingual tablets, which, according to the instructions for the drug, begin to act ten to fifteen minutes after administration. The dosage, regimen and duration of the course of use of this drug depend on the reasons for which it was prescribed.

To increase concentration and relieve fatigue syndrome in adults and children, maintenance therapy is carried out in small doses. For alcoholism, the dose and frequency of taking Biotredin may be significantly higher. To enhance the effect, manufacturers recommend combining the use of this medicine with Glycine.

Biotredin should not be taken while intoxicated or in combination with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and antidepressants. While using this product, you may experience dizziness and sweating.

Biotredin has an anti-alcohol effect, reduces the manifestation of symptoms that occur in patients with alcohol dependence upon cessation of alcohol use. There are reviews about Biotredin that say that its use increases mental performance and normalizes metabolism. Release form Biotredin is produced in tablets.

Indications for use According to the instructions, Biotredin is prescribed if the patient has a pathological craving for alcohol, which is accompanied by decreased mood, irritability, hunger, and internal discomfort. Biotredin is used for chronic alcoholism, in a state of withdrawal syndrome (a condition against the background of a sharp cessation of alcohol).

There are positive reviews about Biotredin, the effectiveness of its use by adults, adolescents, and children with reduced concentration and mental performance.

10 foods that improve memory:

  1. Whole grains - (wheat - used as the main raw material for making bread, muffins (products), vermicelli, khinkal and lavash; rye - used as the main raw material for making bread and crackers; oats; corn; brown or brown rice; spelt; millet ; triticale; amaranth; quinoa; buckwheat and others.)
  2. Nuts,
  3. Blueberry,
  4. Fatty fish,
  5. Tomatoes,
  6. Black currant,
  7. Breakfast cereals,
  8. Sage,
  9. Broccoli,
  10. Pumpkin seeds.

Do you remember?

Publication date: 2012-10-15
Last modified: 2020-03-16

Author of the post:

There are different types of memory. The ability to remember various information, emotions and impressions provides the so-called. nervous or neurological memory. Often a person begins to notice that it is difficult for him to remember a phone number or someone's date of birth. If the process progresses, then you can even forget about an important meeting.

Possible causes of memory impairment

A decrease in the ability to remember is more typical for elderly and senile people, when disruption of brain activity is caused by age-related changes. However, more and more often certain disorders are recorded in young people.

There are a number of ways to significantly improve memory and brain function in general. These include regular memory training (auto-training), taking pharmacological agents and diet correction, which involves the inclusion of certain foods in the diet. Before you start using any means to improve memory, it is important to understand the reasons that caused its impairment. There is no universal method. Treatment methods in each specific case are determined by a doctor - neurologist, psychiatrist or other specialist.

Significant “lapses” in memory, as well as amnesia, require serious long-term therapy, often requiring the patient to be hospitalized. With minor impairments, you can improve your memory at home.

Nowadays, the main causes of memory loss that are not associated with serious diseases are:

  • chronic (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • psycho-emotional overload ();
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition.

How to improve memory and attention in adults without taking pills?

If the problems are associated with chronic fatigue and stress, then you can often do without special pharmacological drugs that improve memory and the ability to concentrate. In such cases, the first thing that is important is proper rest and adherence to a daily routine. It is necessary to avoid regular lack of sleep and negative emotions. In your free time from work, it is recommended not to lie on the couch in front of the TV, but to train your brain by solving logical problems. note : Neuroscientists recommend starting to learn a new language to improve memory. You can use such simple methods of brain training as brushing your teeth with your left hand (for right-handed people), as well as blindly navigating in an apartment.

It is advisable to give preference to active recreation in nature; Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain, which often helps to cope with constant absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Memory can be impaired due to smoking and alcohol abuse. Bad habits must be abandoned. Nicotine is a psychostimulant that helps some people concentrate for a while. But it causes a pronounced spasm of cerebral vessels, which has a very negative effect on the ability to remember. Ethanol also has negative effects on the cardiovascular system, including cerebral blood vessels. Over time, drinking alcoholic beverages begins to cause real memory lapses, in which a person completely does not remember the events that happened the day before after the onset of intoxication.

It is extremely important to watch what you eat. Violation of basic brain functions is often associated with hypovitaminosis (for both vitamins PP and), iron deficiency and lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Avoid fast food: the products offered by fast food restaurant chains have everything to impair memory and cause a lot of serious diseases.

Foods that improve memory and brain function

If the question “how to improve memory in adults at home without the help of pills?” has become relevant to you, pay attention to your diet. It must contain regular apples. They will help compensate for the deficiency of such an important macronutrient as iron. The fruits contain compounds that protect brain cells from the negative effects of free radicals. With regular consumption of apples, the body stimulates the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are needed to improve memory. Eat more foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are present in large quantities in sea fish (including regular fish), sunflower seeds (preferably fresh), sprouted wheat grains, virgin vegetable oils, as well as in leafy vegetables (especially useful). Eat more fresh tomatoes and broccoli. Fresh berries will help you improve your memory in the shortest possible time. .

Important:Very useful for improving brain function, also known as “earthen pear”. This root vegetable contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as complex carbohydrates and substances with antioxidant activity.

note: To improve memory and attention, it is preferable to eat baked potatoes.

Pasta made from durum wheat is also useful. Among the popular seasonings used in cooking, sage and rosemary have a good effect on memory.

Important:it is necessary to observe the drinking regime, i.e. avoid dehydration (dehydration) of the body. The brain consists of more than 80% water, so a lack of fluid has a sharply negative effect on the ability to remember and concentrate. The consumption rate is from 1.5 liters per day (for an adult).
It is recommended to drink water not from ordinary tap water, but from artesian wells. Mineral waters (still) are also useful. As for drinks, it is recommended to give preference to tea (both regular black and green), but it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

Drugs that improve brain function and memory

We recommend reading:

Of the vitamins that improve memory, folic acid (B9) and other compounds from group B, as well as nicotinic acid (PP), are especially important. It is recommended to start taking vitamin complexes only after prior consultation with your doctor. In some cases, memory enhancing pills may be required.

The most effective and common drugs include:

Glycine is produced in the form of sublingual tablets. The active components of the drug help normalize sleep, improve metabolism and reduce nervous tension. Aminalon stimulates brain activity, improving memory, attention and cognitive abilities.

Phenibut tablets have sedative properties. It allows you to relieve nervous tension and provide the nervous system with complete rest.

Pantogam in the form of syrup and tablets is indicated for stimulating brain activity. The drug is prescribed for epilepsy and mental disorders. Piracetam is sold in capsules and also as an injection solution. The product significantly improves blood supply to the brain, stimulates metabolism and promotes the accumulation of energy in the body. Phenotropil is available in tablets. The therapeutic effect is the same as that of Piracetam, but Phenotropil additionally has a psychostimulating effect. Vitrum memory, which is sold in tablet form, improves oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of cerebral cortex cells by increasing cerebral blood flow.

How to improve a child's memory?

Memory loss in children is often caused by overwork. At primary school age, it is associated with an increase in workload during the development of the compulsory school curriculum. Overload of the nervous system these days is often caused by prolonged viewing of television programs and computer games. Make sure that your child does not get tired and does not rest in front of the TV, but in the fresh air with peers.

For children with memory impairment and even developmental delays, in particular, the drug Intellan, which is available in the form of syrup and tablets, is indicated. This drug can be prescribed to stimulate brain activity from 3 years of age. Aminalon (in tablets) and Pantogam (in syrup form) are also widely used in pediatric practice. To relieve fatigue and improve attention, children can be prescribed the combined drug Biotredin, the active components of which are pyridoxine and L-threonine. In the body, these components are transformed into glycine, which improves metabolism in brain tissue.

Plisov Vladimir

Which is worth worrying about. Memory is a collection of unusual factors that are useful to know about.

Maintain a straight posture

“No one loves hunchbacks or marries them,” mothers, grandmothers and first teachers intimidate, forcing us to watch our posture. In general, they are right, but the argument is chosen incorrectly. Research from the University of San Francisco seems much more convincing, according to which straight posture increases the flow of oxygen to the brain by 40%. Of course, no excess of oxygen occurs, but memory function improves. And it doesn’t matter whether you are sitting or standing - your back should be straight!

Here I would like to talk about the research of German scientists from the University of Witten/Herdecke. They found that a straight, “happy” gait helps to recall positive memories, but a hunched gait helps to recall depressive ones. Spread your wings and walk with confidence!

close your eyes

Remember how you or your classmates, standing at the blackboard, tried to “give birth” to a poorly learned poem. Often, the “martyr” would squeeze his eyelids tightly, trying to remember at least a couple of lines. This instinctive behavior actually works, as evidenced by a two-stage study conducted at the University of Surrey in England.


In the first case, 178 subjects were shown a crime video about a kleptomaniac plumber who did his job properly, but did not forget to take a trophy with him. Study participants were randomly divided into two groups, one of which was asked to answer questions about the details of what they saw with their eyes closed, and the other with their eyes open. As a result, subjects who closed their eyes during questioning gave 23% more correct answers.

At the second stage, participants were asked to remember the sounds. As expected, closed eyes gave the best effect here too.

It is important to mention another finding of scientists: friendly relations between the interviewer and the one to whom the questions were asked also increased the number of correct answers.

Avoid doorways

Hmm, it sounds strange, but it's true. Scientists from the University of Notre Dame stated that when leaving or entering a room, a person experiences the so-called doorway effect. Researchers claim that short-term memories are cleared from memory when walking through a doorway. That is, doors catalyze getting rid of thoughts that arose in a certain environment.

However, you should not go to extremes and shy away from any doors, because the psychological effect also has the opposite effect:

If you can't remember what idea you had in the bathroom last night, just go back there to immerse your brain in the atmosphere that triggered the thought.

Use unusual fonts

It’s no secret that different fonts are perceived differently by people: some are read quickly and easily, while others, after a few paragraphs, start to make your eyes bleed. That is why in typography and the web environment a fairly modest but well-tested set of fonts is used. This is convenient for all of us: readers of books and scrollers of online publications.

However, psychologists from Princeton University and Indiana University advise reading some texts in unusual font designs in order to remember them better. The researchers divided ordinary students into two groups, one of which was offered educational material written in the familiar Arial, and the other in Monotype Corsiva.

Verification testing allowed us to draw the following conclusion: the unusual font was remembered better, which resulted in higher grades. Scientists explain this effect by saying that hard-to-read fonts prevent the eye from skimming across the lines. A person involuntarily begins to read more thoughtfully and carefully, and therefore the meaning is better fixed in memory.

It's simple: laughing for half an hour improves memory. Scientists from Loma Linda University came to this conclusion after conducting a simple experiment on two groups of elderly people. The first twenty volunteers watched a 30-minute humorous video, while the other group did nothing. After which the subjects took a memory test. As expected, people with high spirits showed much better results. And all because:

Laughter reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone that can damage nerve cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for turning information into new memories.

In addition, laughter releases endorphins, chemical compounds that elevate mood and improve memory.

Chew gum

Chewing gum helps a person focus on tasks that require constant attention over a long period of time.

Kate Morgan

The words of the Cardiff University employee are based on a study in which 38 people took part, divided into two groups. In their experiment, scientists asked volunteers to complete a half-hour audio task aimed at human short-term memory. Participants listened to a list of numbers and had to identify some sequence of even and odd digits. The findings were interesting and ambiguous: subjects without chewing gum performed slightly better at the beginning of the task, but lost to those who chewed gum by the end. Therefore, Kate advises taking chewing gum with you to long meetings or seminars.

Write notes by hand

Modern classrooms are increasingly replete with laptops and tablets, on which students record their lectures. For some, this is a reason to show off your skills, for others, it’s a way to prepare cheat sheets ahead of time, and for others, it’s a desire to write down as much as possible. Indeed, well-executed touch typing allows you to record large amounts of information. However, electronic notes are less memorable than good old handwritten text.

De Visu/

Researchers from Princeton University came to these conclusions. They compared the test results of students who used computers to take lecture notes with those who wrote them by hand. Listeners with pen in hand were more attentive to information, were better able to identify important information, and better organize material in their heads. The authors of the experiment make a cautious statement that machine “shorthandography” does not have the best effect on memorization, and, accordingly, on academic performance.

The human brain stores memories and information like a library. Located in different parts of the brain different types memory. Sometimes it happens that the brain, like a bad librarian, cannot find what is so important and necessary for us at the moment.

Memory is the mental process of reproducing information experienced or learned by a person. This could be data about loved ones or friends, work or material learned for an exam, etc. There are three types of memory:

  • short-term,
  • long-term,
  • operational.

First of all, the work involves short term memory. Its peculiarity is that the information received is very quickly forgotten. This happens due to the small amount of short-term memory. Well, for example, you can easily repeat a phrase just spoken by your interlocutor, but after 20 - 25 minutes it will be lost in memory, not to mention the exact reproduction of specific words. Short-term memory is a temporary store of information and also a filter for passing information into long-term memory.

Concerning long-term memory, the information contained in it is stored for a long time, sometimes throughout life, especially when periodically recalling its contents. It is believed that only the most important information that we may somehow need in the future should enter long-term memory.

Occupies an intermediate position between short-term and long-term memory RAM, in which information can be stored only until a certain point in time (for example, “until Tuesday”, “until vacation”, “until a certificate is submitted”, etc.), after which it is either completely erased from memory or remains in it already for a long time.

The expression "bad memory" should be considered as poor ability to remember. Recollection is only possible when the information is stored in memory. If we have not learned something, we will no longer be able to remember it. It is interesting that under stress, for example, remembering certain facts is sometimes quite problematic. Therefore, for improvement weak memory in this situation, it is necessary to eliminate its root cause.

Regardless of the type of memory and the degree of its weakness, a few tips to improve it will not hurt at all.

Everything has its place

What we have developed a habit for is always retained in memory. For example, you know that the landline phone is in your apartment on the cabinet in the hallway, and you always put it there. If you put it on the windowsill or on a shelf in the room, then, most likely, you will forget about it and, first of all, will follow it into the corridor. Therefore, clutter prevents our memory from being in “shape”.

Down with routine

On the other hand, to train your memory, you can break your usual order of actions. For example, if you always carry money in your jacket pocket, try moving it to your jeans pocket. It is also useful in this regard to change your routes: think of a longer route when returning home. More fresh air, movement and benefits for your memory.

Memorizing poems by your favorite poets

A combination of business and pleasure

Read books, watch films that interest you, and then write down a short plot and the names of the characters on a piece of paper. Periodically open your notes and recall what you read or watched.

Use of rhymes

Application various types Rhyming is a fairly popular way to improve memory, since a person has a natural predisposition to memorize rhymes and rhythms.

Rebuses and puzzles not only for children

A variety of rebuses and puzzles serve as worthy training for our brain. Their solution helps improve not only memory, but also spatial thinking of a person.

A little about fine motor skills

Fine motor skills stimulate the brain and improve memory, so cross-stitching or putting together puzzles, for example, is an incredibly useful activity for adults and children of all ages.

Name game

Focus your attention on the face and name of the person you are meeting. After you hear the name, repeat it out loud, using, for example, the phrase: “Nice to meet you, Svyatoslav.” The likelihood that this name will be remembered by you when repeated increases by 30%. This technique not only perfectly trains intellectual abilities, but also promotes further communication in a friendly manner. In addition, to remember a person’s name when meeting him, try to mentally associate him with a famous figure or even your own acquaintances who have the same name, while being sure to note something else of your own, for example: “Masha. My sister’s name is also Maria and she also has green eyes.” Believe me, your new friend, and even with such a wonderful name, will be remembered for a long time.

Stories based on associations

If you find it difficult to remember newly received information, you can try to associate it with something, for example, with objects around you (table, sofa, computer, etc.) After this
you need to determine the sequence of events that you will subsequently perform in your mind. This technique helps you remember facts that are important to you for a long time. Don’t be afraid to come up with funny and absurd stories, because this way they will be easier to remember. For example, you need to remember the PIN code for a bank card consisting of 4 numbers: 9428. Compare each number with someone or something, for example, the number “9” is a cat, “4” is a dog , “2” is a road and “8” is a tree. Write a short story. In this situation, the following happened: the cat saw the dog, got scared and ran along the road, and when it saw a tree, it quickly climbed up it.

Associations associated with places

This method of memorization comes from Ancient Greece. Try to imagine any place that is familiar to you, for example, a building, and place inside it in various places the objects from the list that you want to remember. It will be quite easy for you to remember important information while mentally traveling through such a building.

Visual reminder

One more useful recommendation can become: placing something in an environment and creating a visual reminder. An object located out of place can serve as such a reminder. For example, if you need to remember to make an appointment with the doctor, you can imagine it before your eyes in the form of a large wristwatch around this doctor.

Help notes

In our high-tech times, almost everyone can use a phone or tablet as a notepad. But you can’t fool your brain: it will only assimilate and remember the information that was recorded with a pen (leave such notes in a visible place, for example, on the table in front of your eyes or on the refrigerator, if these are sticky notes). The thing is that during the writing process you pronounce the text to yourself. Thus, 2 signals are received from the brain: visual and internal vocal, which stimulates better memorization.

Breaking a memorization object into pieces

This method for storing information in memory has existed for a very long time. Its essence is that the information that needs to be remembered should be divided into small, easily memorized groups or fragments. This can be useful when remembering long numbers (such as series and passport numbers) or words that are difficult to write down. Chunks, broken into even smaller fragments, are memorized mechanically. For example, in order to remember the spelling of the English word “together”, you can break it into 3 parts: to-get-her. This technique has been proven to make learning faster and easier. But, it should be borne in mind that a person’s short-term memory absorbs 5–9 objects, therefore, the number of fragments should not go beyond this framework.

Relationship between objects

This method is used when it is necessary to remember pairs of words or material that can be reduced to pairs of words. Well, for example, if you want to remember the English word “puddle,” imagine a child stomping through a puddle. This image will connect these 2 words. By the way, psychologists have proven that learning foreign languages ​​prevents the development of senile insanity.

Memory distraction

Sometimes we passionately try to remember what we know for sure and are sure of it, but that was not the case. In such cases, you just need to stop trying to remember and find another hobby. Often, the necessary information itself emerges in memory after a short amount of time.

A good memory is not a friend to the lazy

A person who is lazy in his thoughts and actions is unlikely to be able to boast of a good memory. And as an addition to this phrase: if you forgot something (for example, the meaning of a word, your parents’ home phone number, or a friend’s birthday), before immediately opening a dictionary, phone book or the Internet, try to remember the information you forgot yourself for a few minutes .

The main thing is to concentrate

In order to remember something important, you just need to concentrate all your attention on the memorization process. Try to listen more, think about it, and draw parallels with your own life or with previously acquired knowledge. The more your own feelings and thoughts are superimposed on the information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.

Beneficial effects of using essential oils

On the eve of an important and responsible event (for example, giving a report at a conference), use an aroma lamp filled with essential oils of mint, lemon or rosemary. These oils have a beneficial effect on our memory.

For bedtime

When your brain prepares for sleep, information is efficiently organized the moment you fall asleep. According to psychologists, thinking a little about a problem before going to bed increases the likelihood that a person will find ways to solve it the next day. However, this method of brain training is not suitable for those who have problems falling asleep and staying asleep.

Healthy sleep and rest have not been canceled

Our brain is able to work at full strength only when we are well rested and slept well. Learn to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and pay great attention to sleep. If a person sleeps less than 7 to 8 hours a day, most of the information accumulated in the brain during the day is erased. However, this method of brain training is not suitable for those who have problems falling asleep and staying asleep.

The undeniable benefits of physical activity

The brain is constantly dependent on oxygen and nutrients supplied to it from the blood. If their intake decreases, brain performance will deteriorate significantly. Exercise increases your heart rate and blood flow to the brain increases significantly. So move more, practice, for example, dancing, no matter whether you do it professionally or not. The main thing you must remember is that any movement stimulates the mental processes responsible for the perception, processing and reproduction of information. And one more thing: try to come up with something new while jogging or fast walking. You'll see: this will have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

Antioxidant foods are the key to success

Eat foods that contain substances with antioxidant properties (cereals, citrus fruits, seafood, berries, herbs, vegetables, chocolate, etc.). They promote rapid recovery of brain cells, improving our memory.