Installation and connection of the faucet in the kitchen - we study all the wisdom of installation. How to install a kitchen faucet Connecting a kitchen faucet

Periodically, the taps in the kitchen need to be changed. They are operated in a hard mode, detergents get on them in large quantities, because of which they become unusable or simply lose their appearance. Therefore, many come to the need to change the kitchen faucet. But calling a plumber for this is not necessary at all. Replacing a faucet in the kitchen is a simple job, you can do it yourself, and they will ask for a decent amount of money for it. We save money and do everything ourselves.

Replacing a faucet in the kitchen - you can handle it yourself

What is needed for work

Replacing a faucet in the kitchen consists of two stages - first remove the old one, then mount and connect the new one. In addition to the new faucet, you will need keys of the right size and some auxiliary materials. Most often, keys are needed for 10 and 11, for 22 and 24. In order to remove the mixer from the countertop or sink, you will need two adjustable wrenches.

One more moment. You will most likely need new hoses. Although most kitchen faucets are equipped with flexible hoses, their length is 30 cm. This is not always enough. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the length of the regular hoses is enough.

It depends on how far the cold and hot water pipes are from the mixer. The hoses should sag slightly, because when the tap is turned on / off, a sharp change in pressure occurs, from which the hoses twitch. If they are stretched, the connection will loosen very quickly and leak. So, if from the pipes to the inlet of the mixer 25 cm or less, regular hoses will suffice. If more, buy longer ones. And advice: get high-quality, not the cheapest. They quickly become unusable and can flood both you and the neighbors from below, if any. Therefore, take flexible hoses in a stainless braid or corrugated stainless pipe. They will serve for a long time and without complaints.

To buy hoses for a kitchen faucet, you will need the size of the "needle" - the tip that is screwed into the faucet, as well as the diameter of the pipe and the type of end (male-female) - to select the correct fittings.

To seal the connection, you will need linen tow with sealant paste or fum tape. You will need various gaskets and o-rings (should come with the kit, but just in case, find everything you have).

How to remove the old

Before starting work, turn off the water supply to the tap, drain the remnants that are in the pipes. Now you can start replacing the faucet in the kitchen. To remove the old faucet from the sink, unscrew the nut that is screwed onto its body from the bottom of the sink. If the sink is installed in a kitchen cabinet, it is very inconvenient to work. It's better to remove the washer. For this you will have to:

Now you can lift and turn the sink. Here you will see a nut that needs to be unscrewed. You will need two wrenches for this job. One is holding the body from the “front” side of the sink, the second is unscrewing the nut.

Sometimes it is very difficult to remove the old faucet in the kitchen: it “sticks”. For this case, kerosene or universal grease in cans of WD-40 is suitable. Both substances have a low density and are able to seep into microscopic cracks. The composition or kerosene is applied to the connection that needs to be disassembled, they wait 10-15 minutes, they try to unscrew it.

If all the tricks did not help, there is a simple method that is suitable if the old mixer is not going to be used anywhere else: you can cut the body along with the nut with a grinder. The method is tough, but after suffering for an hour in an attempt to remove the nut, they resort to it.

If the faucet is installed on the countertop, you will have to work “from the inside” - crawl into the closet with a flashlight, and unscrew the nut in this way.

Kitchen faucet installation

Replacing the faucet in the kitchen is nearing completion. Now we assemble the crane and install it in place. It is much more convenient if the work can be carried out on a removed sink. If this is not possible, all manipulations will have to be carried out reclining in the closet. Approximately as in the photo.


First, we fasten flexible hoses to the mixer. They are screwed in by hand, then tightened a little with a key - no more than 2 turns.

Now you need to pull a rubber gasket onto the body, which seals the junction of the mixer and the sink surface. This rubber ring of decent diameter is included in the kit. It is pulled through the installed supply hoses, placed on the body.

In modern kitchen faucets, there are two different forms of attachment to the sink. The first - with the help of a nut - you saw in the part where it was about dismantling the mixer. It's just an "older" system. The second provides for the presence of rods and spacers-clamps in the form of a horseshoe. The rod is usually one, but there may be two. If there are such rods, they are screwed into the appropriate socket. If a nut is screwed on it, it is removed.

Installation on the sink

Now the kitchen faucet can be installed on the sink. First, flexible hoses are inserted into the hole, then the body is placed in the center of the hole. Further actions depend on the type of fastener. If this is an ordinary nut, they simply tighten it, trying not to overtighten it.

If it is a model with rods, the appearance is different, although the meaning is the same. First, the gasket is put on (it is also in the shape of a horseshoe), then the pressure plate. Next, the nuts are screwed onto the rods. The nuts are slightly tightened with a wrench. TODE nothing complicated.

Turn the sink over and turn on the faucet. He must be dead. There shouldn't be any loopholes. If there is movement, tighten the mount.

Washing installation

Now the sink with the mixer installed on it is placed in the prepared place. First, silicone sealant (not acrylic - it quickly turns yellow) is applied from the back of the sink around the perimeter. Then the sink is installed in place, the fixing bolts are tightened.

Then everything is simple: put in place, align with the edges of the table, tighten the fasteners. It is made in the form of petals that attract the sink to the countertop when you tighten the nuts. The sink must stand firmly, without shifts.

Connecting hoses and siphon

With a siphon, everything is simple - they pulled the corrugated hose to the nozzle, tightened the nut by hand until it stops. All. Do not use the keys - everything is made of plastic.

With the connection of the water supply is not much more difficult. Just be sure not to confuse the place of connection of cold water. Its entrance is on the right. After making sure that there is a rubber gasket in the union nut of the flexible liner, we bring it to the pipe, tighten the nut as much as possible with our fingers. Then we take the key and tighten it one or two turns. Do not pull hard - you can cut through the gasket and then the connection will flow.

But what about tow, winding and paste? When using hoses of normal quality, they are not needed. Connection without them is reliable and tight. It will be possible to rewind a lot if, after a test run, drops of water appear from under the nuts. But this shouldn't be. There is no need to wind tow or fum-tape just like that. Extra time and extra pressure on the union nut.

After connecting to the hot pipeline, we can assume that the independent replacement of the faucet in the kitchen is over. It remains to turn on the water and check if everything is working properly and if the connections are leaking. To do this, the joints are wiped with a dry cloth, and then carried out several times by hand.

When the water supply in the kitchen happens for the first time, consider yourself very lucky. In this case, you can immediately do everything ergonomically and correctly - arrange comfortable access to the system and a “dry” way to replace equipment. When connected to a ready-made network, there are also chances to do not just install a mixer in the kitchen, but also mount pipelines under the above template. Today we will deal with the first and second options.

You will be able to perform all the manipulations on your own, without using the help of plumbers. It will turn out two in one - you will acquire new skills and save the family budget.

Take into account

Security questions:

  1. Risk zones arise when water is supplied to the system in various connections, where rubber or rubberized products act as gaskets.

Tip: plan the installation of pipelines in such a way as to minimize the number of connections in the area between.

  1. Installation of overhead cranes. Usually they are recommended to be mounted on the main pipeline, and then to it.

Tip: good manners - each water distribution point must be equipped with a shut-off ball valve.
Then you have the opportunity, if necessary, to block the desired area without affecting the entire system.

  1. Plumbing equipment. How many times has it been said that a low price is not your luck when buying, but usually quite the opposite. Inexpensive equipment and connecting hoses are very often of poor quality, so they rarely last the warranty period.

Tip: one way to choose the right faucet is to focus on the brand and customer reviews.
In both cases, the reliability of operation approaches 100%.


We suggest you familiarize yourself with useful little things that will help you in your future work. Ultimately, the final result will depend on them:

Mixer It should be added to the main criteria that the spout should be directed to the center of the sink. Pay attention to the completeness of the product, which includes a flexible eyeliner and gaskets (rubber, silicone or paronite). Check the warranty mark in the instruction manual.
nuts When buying, pay attention to the diameter of the docking nuts and couplings. The standard option is 1/2″, if it is larger or you decide to dock the equipment directly to the main pipe, use an adapter.
Mixer socket When the sink already has a hole for the tap, check that its diameter matches it. In its absence:
  • in a ceramic or stainless sink - you can drill a seat using special tools yourself or directly in the store (if there is such a service);
  • purchase a wall-mounted faucet.
Tool You will need a minimum set - a screwdriver, pliers, 2 adjustable wrenches. We recommend stocking up on WD-40 grease, which will greatly facilitate the dismantling of old equipment.

Beginning the process

The instructions below will be able to answer all questions related to the installation of a faucet on a kitchen sink. We recommend that you first cover the place of proposed work with packing cardboard or other material so that metal parts falling from a height do not damage the floor covering or cabinet. If possible, move the sink away from the wall.

Tip: if access to the mixer is possible only from one side, remove everything that will interfere with work.
Usually this is a wastewater disposal system.

In the photo - stopcocks will allow installation without turning off the entire water supply system


The step by step will look like this:

  1. Expose the entire structure in the prepared nest. You can clearly see this in the instruction leaflet, which is presented by the manufacturer.
    • install a rubber gasket on the hole;
    • place a metal base plate on top;
    • insert the mixer itself;
    • from below, put on another gasket on a metal threaded stud;
    • tighten everything with a fixing nut.

Tip: there are fasteners where there is no inner rubber ring. Fixing is done manually without any tool. This should be written in the hardware assembly manual.

  1. Plug in your hot and cold water supplies. The clue will be the logo on the faucet lever, which has a "red" and a "blue" half, respectively.

Tip: you can install the hoses before installing the faucet in the sink hole, this does not matter.

  1. Take a wrench and connect each hose to its own pipeline.

System startup and repair

Connection, as you can see, is not difficult, the main thing is accuracy in work. It remains to make the first launch of the system, which will answer many questions.

The kitchen faucet, when compared with other kitchen appliances and appliances, is most of all subjected to significant operational loads. Just picking up a quality product will not be enough, you also need to install it correctly. Therefore, we will consider in more detail what type of mixer to choose, how to install it and what you should pay attention to during the installation process.

Proper installation of a kitchen faucet - what to look for

There are several ways to install and connect the mixer. For example, directly into the sink body, on the countertop, on the wall. For each listed case, it is necessary to mark the location of the hot and cold water pipes. And also provide for the possibility of access to the place of their connection in case of repair or maintenance, including for installing a filter.

Since the operation of the mixer without washing is impossible, when choosing a product, consider:

  • Distance from wall to faucet hole.
  • Direct hole diameter.
  • Drain location.
  • Mixer spout length. Ideally, the end of the spout should be in the center of the sink.
  • Spout height. It is selected taking into account the height of pots and other cutlery.
  • Mixer rotation angle. For a single sink located against a wall, an angle of 90° is sufficient. For a sink with two bowls, it is better to choose swivel models with a large angle.

The choice of plumbing fixtures offered for installation in the kitchen is huge - classic, minimalist, hi-tech or loft, chrome, copper, one-color. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose a model of the appropriate design and characteristics. As for the question of which faucet is better, the quality of European-made plumbing is an order of magnitude higher.

The most popular and practical model is the single-lever design. Adjustment of intensity of a stream and temperature is carried out by one handle. Mixers with two valves fit well into a classic interior. Models equipped with a motion sensor are triggered when hands approach, but it is very difficult to regulate the temperature, intensity and time of water supply.

In addition to the type and appearance of the product, a very important indicator is the material of manufacture. The most affordable are silumin mixers, models from other cheap alloys, but they wear out quickly, begin to crumble, crack. The highest quality and durable - brass, plated with nickel, chrome, aluminum.

Necessary tools and sequence of work performed

Installing the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom is carried out in several stages. Before starting work, study the instructions for the mixer. We prepare the necessary tools. Most of the tools can be found at home, and the missing ones, along with consumables, can be purchased separately. We will need:

  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers;
  • wrench;
  • sandpaper;
  • flashlight;
  • flexible hoses;
  • fum tape, linen;
  • water container;
  • aerosol WD-40;
  • end keys.

Dismantling work begins with the removal of the old device. To do this, turn off the water supply to the house, apartment, and to relieve pressure in the system, open the mixer.

Before installing a new device, be sure to connect new connecting hoses to it. Reliable sealing of the system is provided by rubber gaskets that are supplied in the kit, but for greater confidence, fum-tape, flax can be wound on the threads of flexible hoses.

The kit also includes an annular decorative gasket that is installed on the mixer base. We pass it through the connecting hoses, trying to place the rings in the special grooves.

Now we put the mixer on the sink (sink). We start flexible hoses through the mounting hole, and lower the mixer to the stop. Assistance may be required at this stage to screw the device on and not be distracted by holding it in place.

A spacer (pressure plate) provides fixation and retention in place. We also pass it through the hoses and press it to the base of the sink. We screw the threaded pins into the base of the mixer through the spacer and bait the nuts. Now our assistant must set the mixer and hold it until the nuts are fully tightened with a socket wrench.

We check again the correct installation of the mixer, sealing gaskets and connect the hoses to the plumbing system. Each flexible hose connecting hot and cold water is connected to the corresponding pipes of the plumbing system. Since rubber (polymer) gaskets are used for sealing, the clamping force should not be excessive. If necessary, for example in the event of leakage, the nuts can be tightened with an adjustable wrench.

We attach a siphon to the sink and begin to check the performance of the entire plumbing and sewer system under maximum pressure. We eliminate the leaks and on this installation work can be considered completed.

Installation features depending on the type of mixer

Installing a faucet on a sink or sink does not cause any particular difficulties, since everything is provided in the technological plan. First of all, the presence of technological holes. It will be somewhat more difficult to install if the diameter of the cut-in hole is narrowed, or when it is necessary to place the mixer on the countertop.

In addition to the set of tools listed above, you will additionally need:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • drills of various sizes.

When choosing a place for a hole, you need to consider that the use of a switching valve (lever) should be convenient. The spout should be at an optimal distance, which will prevent water from entering the countertop.

First, along the contour of the base of the mixer with a pencil, we make markings. Then, using a drill, we drill a small hole for the mixer and a few more for installing the threaded pins. We insert a jigsaw saw into the hole and expand it to the same dimensions as in sinks. We clean the edges of the cut from sawdust and irregularities with sandpaper. And to protect it from moisture, we apply a layer of silicone sealant to it. The installation method and sequence of actions are similar to those described above.

The hole must not be made too large, otherwise the pressure ring will not be enough to cover its dimensions!

One of the modern and original solutions is to install the mixer into the wall. The crane thus occupies a minimum of working space and can be installed at any height. Since all the supply pipes are hidden in the wall, under the tiles, in special cutouts, everything looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

Hidden eyeliner is carried out by any type of pipes. If the mixer connectors coincide with the axes of the pipes, couplings, tees and corners are sufficient. In other cases, the connection is carried out with special fittings, they are also called water sockets.

The main difficulty in the installation is the correct plumbing, installation of adapters and fittings, reliable fastening of any type of mixer. For example, valve or cartridge, with a flexible or rigid spout. The flexible spout offers more freedom in choosing its position, the opposite option has a limited choice and turn of the switch. But in any case, wall models are distinguished by ease of use, modern design, and reliable construction.

The sequence of actions is as follows. First, we wind fum-tape or linen on the threads of the supply pipes and fasten the eccentrics. The axial distance between the pipes, like the axial distance on the mixer, is usually 150 mm. But in case of their inconsistency, we turn the eccentrics and achieve axial correspondence between the pipes and the mixer. We expose it relative to the plane.

We install a decorative screen. Since it should hide threaded connections and flaws on the wall from the eyes, the screen should fit snugly against the latter. If a gap has formed between the wall and the decorative overlay, disconnect the mixer and cut the eccentrics to the required length.

We install the sealing gaskets included in the mixer package into the housing nuts and tighten them. First, we bait the nuts by hand, and when resistance arises, we tighten them with an adjustable wrench, but without much effort so as not to damage the threads. If necessary, the connections can be tightened at any time. Wall faucet installed!

As you can see, it is quite possible to install and connect any type of sanitary faucet to the kitchen or bathroom on your own. The only difficulty can be caused by old worn out pipes, which require their replacement or modification of the plumbing system. But these tasks can be done on your own.

If the faucet in the kitchen began to make strange sounds or stopped completely blocking the flow of water, you need to fix it. Of course, this work can be entrusted to a professional plumber, but if you know how to use a screwdriver and a gas wrench, then you should try to cope with this task yourself. But how to disassemble the faucet in the kitchen so that the repair work does not drag on for several hours?

What cranes are

Before you start dismantling the faucet in the kitchen, it is worth determining what you will have to deal with:

  • single-lever mixer - has only one handle (lever), with which the intensity of the flow of both hot and cold water is controlled;
  • two-way mixer.

Let's start repairing

Before you start disassembling the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom, you need to turn off the water. In cases where, even with the valves closed (they are located on the hot and cold water pipes), the water from the tap continues to flow, you will have to call a plumber to turn off the water using a valve on the riser passing through all floors of the house.

After you turn off the water, be sure to open the faucet and drain the remaining water. Only after that you can start disassembling the mixer. For this you will need:

  • flat screwdriver,
  • special hex wrench
  • pliers,
  • gas key,
  • a small piece of fabric (through which you will unscrew the chrome parts of the crane),
  • rags to wipe the elements of the disassembled crane,
  • repair kit for this mixer model,
  • grease for seals.

You may also need some other replacement faucet parts.

single lever mixer

How to disassemble the faucet in the kitchen, if it is a single-lever mixer, depends on its “filling”, which is responsible for blocking the flow of water. There can be two options here: cartridge and ball.

In order not to torment yourself with guesses, what kind of faucet "settled" in your kitchen, you can immediately look into the instructions that came with it.

Let's start with how to disassemble a kitchen faucet that has a cartridge:

  1. Gently pry off with a screwdriver and remove the two-color plastic plug on the mixer, showing the direction for opening cold and hot water.
  2. Behind the plug is a locking screw, which is unscrewed with a special hex wrench or an ordinary screwdriver.
  3. Remove the mixer handle.
  4. Loosen the decorative nut by hand.
  5. Using a special or ordinary gas wrench, unscrew the union nut.
  6. We take out the cartridge.
  7. We wipe the inside of the tap with a rag, cleaning them.
  8. We install a new cartridge, while aligning the protrusions on its bottom and the recesses in the base of the mixer.
  9. We wrap the union nut first, and then the decorative one.
  10. Reinstall the mixer handle and tighten the locking screw.


Replacing the cartridge in the kitchen faucet:

If you don’t have a cartridge inside the mixer, but a ball element, then disassembling the faucet in the kitchen will look like this:

  1. We remove the mixer handle, after unscrewing the locking screw, hidden under the colored plug.
  2. Having rested the screwdriver in the recess, carefully (clockwise) unscrew the threaded ring connection (the mixer itself should not rotate).
  3. Now you need to remove the dome (using pliers) and the plastic part that is under it.
  4. We take out the ball - if its surface is damaged, it will have to be replaced with a new one.
  5. We replace all seals with new ones from the repair kit.
  6. We collect all the details of the mixer in the reverse order.

Faucet with two taps

Now about how to disassemble the faucet in the kitchen if it has two valves:

  1. We remove the valve of cold or hot water (we unscrew the screw under the colored plug).
  2. Using a wrench, unscrew the crane box.
  3. We replace the gasket.
  4. We install the crane box and the valve itself in place.

In the kitchen, the faucet is used much more actively than in the bathroom, so it fails much more often. In rare cases, the only solution to a problem is to buy a new appliance and invite a plumber, in the rest you can handle it yourself. Having decided to repair the faucet in the kitchen with your own hands, you will save on the services of a specialist and gain important experience. You just need to arm yourself with theory and tools.

  • Leakage from under the nut at the point where the water is poured out, from under the handle (lever) or mixer taps in working condition.
  • The correct movement of the lever or valves is disturbed (they stick, scroll, do not lock in the desired position, etc.).
  • With normal water pressure in the system, the jet is not powerful enough.
  • Water drips from a closed faucet.

Please note: the detected problem must be solved as quickly as possible! This will extend the life of the mixer and protect yourself and your neighbors from flooding, saving money, time and nerves.

The most common problem is a leaky faucet. And here you need to know the "enemy" not only in person, but also from the inside. It's about mixers.

Features of the device of the main types of kitchen faucets

Cool things like thermostatic and touchless faucets are good for bathrooms. In the kitchen, more practical models are fighting for a place in the sun - traditional two-valve and single-lever. Common elements for them are: body, spout (spout), aerator, sealing gaskets. Otherwise, they differ significantly.

The device of two-valve cranes

Familiar to the eye taps with two valves are arranged quite simply. Under the flywheel, which you turn during the operation of the structure, there is a crane box - its locking element. Below is a device of such a kitchen faucet in pictures.

Boxes in a two-valve mixer (in section)

In products where several turns of the flywheel are required to supply or shut off water, worm axle boxes are installed. Their work is based on rotational-translational movements. The more you unscrew the valve, the more the axle box gasket will move away from the so-called "saddle". The consequence of this is the flow of water into the internal cavity of the mixer, and then into its spout (spout).

Worm-driven faucet for mixer

In models where only half a turn is enough to supply water, axle boxes with ceramic plates are installed. When the faucet is opened, the holes in them coincide, and water flows into the spout.

Crane boxes with ceramic plates

The cost of faucets is low, they are always available in plumbing stores, and their replacement is extremely simple.

The device and types of single-lever mixers

More modern and practical are faucet models with one handle (lever) that regulates pressure and temperature. Mixing of water in them is carried out in a hollow ball with three holes or in a special cartridge.

The mixing element in ball models has three holes, two of which are inlet - designed to enter this miniature container of hot and cold water, and one outlet - to supply water of a given temperature to the sink.

Ball mixer device

The ball itself is located on two "saddles" of rubber. Its displacement relative to them, carried out when the lever moves, and allows you to adjust the pressure, the temperature of the poured water. From above, the ball is fixed with a sealing cuff and a lock nut.

Schematic arrangement of a spherical model of a kitchen faucet

The principle of operation of a mixer with a cartridge that replaces the ball is similar. At the same time, their internal structure is fundamentally different. All the same three functional holes are available, but inside the cartridge there is not a cavity, but special discs made of cermet. Due to their displacement relative to each other and the degree of overlap of the supply holes, when the lever is turned, the water supply is adjusted.

Replaceable ceramic cartridges

The faucet in the kitchen is leaking - how to fix it yourself

To repair a kitchen faucet you will need:

  • knife with a sharp end;
  • hex and adjustable wrench;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a new cartridge, a crane box, a rubber gasket, etc. - depends on which part you will be changing;
  • WD40 is a technical aerosol that will come in handy if the parts are “sticky” to each other. However, you can get by with the traditional tapping of a hammer on a screwdriver, but there is a high risk of damage to the mixer.

Regardless of which faucet you have installed, before starting repairs, you must turn off the water supply in the system and drain its remnants into a sink or a separate container. To do this, just open the tap. Then you can begin to repair it, taking into account the design features.

To repair a single-lever faucet, you will need a hex wrench

Single lever kitchen faucet repair

The main principles of repair are the sequence of actions and accuracy.

  1. Using a thin screwdriver or a knife, pry and remove the decorative cap on the faucet body.
  2. In the resulting hole, you will see a screw connecting the lever and the adjusting rod. Unscrew it with a hex wrench.
  3. Remove the lever from the body and unscrew the decorative cover. This can be done even by hand, if the parts are not stuck to each other.

Removing the decorative cover

  1. A locking (clamping) nut will be located under it. Carefully unscrew it with an adjustable wrench or by tapping a screwdriver with a hammer.
  2. If you disassemble the ball mixer, you will see a sealing cuff under the nut. Inspect it for dirt, deformations and breaks. Pull out the ball. Inspect its surface - it should be smooth and clean. It is necessary to remove the seals and supporting springs - their poor condition can cause the tap to leak.
  3. If you are disassembling a faucet with a cartridge, then remove it and subject it to a thorough inspection.
  4. Replace the failed part.
  5. Reassemble the faucet in reverse order.

It is important! Do not tighten the nuts too tight, as this can lead to deformation of the sealing rubber and disruption of the normal operation of the mixer.

Installing a new cartridge

To extend the life of the product and ensure smooth running of its rubbing parts, you can use a special silicone lubricant.

Removing the mixer flywheel

Repair of a two-valve mixer

What to do if you have a two-valve faucet dripping in your kitchen? Almost everything is the same.

  • On the valve flywheel, pry off and remove the decorative cap.
  • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screw that secures the flywheel.
  • Take off the flywheel. In front of you will be a crane box.
  • Unscrew it counterclockwise and inspect it.

Removing the crane box

  • If this is a worm-type axle box and the gasket is damaged, replace it separately - buy it in a store (it costs a penny) or cut it out of rubber of suitable thickness yourself. The axle box with ceramic discs is changed entirely.
  • Assemble the faucet in reverse order.

The general scheme of work on the repair of the mixer

Everything is as simple as possible and slightly resembles a designer. But a faucet leak is not the only problem you may encounter while using it in the kitchen.

Other faucet breakdowns and troubleshooting

The quality of water in many cities leaves much to be desired, so over time, the aerator in the tap can become dirty. From the inside, solid deposits “grow” on it. When there are too many of them, the pressure and quality of the water deteriorate significantly. The solution to the problem is to replace the aerator. Ideally, it can be easily unscrewed with an adjustable wrench, but for a stuck part, you will need WD40 or tapping with a hammer.

It is important! Perform all work carefully, otherwise the mixer will have to be changed completely.

The faucet is leaking, and during the inspection you found a crack in it? Then it's time to go for a new product. For a short time, silicone sealant can become an assistant.

You can extend the life of the faucet if you install a water filter and use the device carefully, without twisting the valves too much and without moving the lever sharply and all the way.

Video: repair of a single-lever faucet with a ceramic cartridge

Now you know what to do if the faucet drips in the kitchen. In most cases, the considered repair schemes are also suitable for eliminating breakdowns of faucets in bathrooms. This is a good savings for the family budget. But if you are not confident in your abilities or you simply do not have time, a competent plumber will do all the work in a matter of minutes.