Tai-bo fitness - what is it? Description of tai bo training and video tutorials for beginners Training tai bo for girls

The author of tai-bo aerobics is the famous Hollywood trainer, seven-time world martial arts champion Billy Blanks. This kind of aerobics combines Western and Eastern approaches to the health of the body, being a synthesis of martial arts and aerobics. The tai-bo program contains movements and techniques from such sports areas as taekwondo, boxing, karate, alternating with basic aerobic steps and “seasoned” with classic strength exercises.

Tai-bo combines:
focus and reaction inherent in boxing;
self-control characteristic of martial arts;
dance rhythms.

Boxing and martial arts have a positive effect on the development of strength, reaction, speed and balance. Dance movements help to become more resilient, improve coordination and have a positive effect on the state of the heart and blood vessels.

The popularity of this fitness system is only increasing day by day. Today, quite a few women prefer tai-bo. There are two good reasons for this: first, training helps burn a lot of calories in a short time; the second - tai-bo is a modern way of self-defense.

Tai-bo successfully combines intensive muscle training and cardio. This direction will be especially useful for those who want to remove subcutaneous fat deposits to the maximum. If you choose the right exercises, you can burn fat well without restricting yourself in food and without taking additional medications. Tai-bo training helps to improve muscle relief, since the work is done with legs and arms, and all techniques are power.

Internal reserves are formed for activity and good spirits. An equally important component, along with physical activity, is the psychological mood, which is developed by performing breathing exercises based on tai chi and wushu. The importance of meditation is also great. Daily training of combat techniques emotionally hardens the body. Gradually raising the degree of load, a person improves, the content of adrenaline increases in the blood. Each movement performed is designed to make the body more elastic and flexible.

The opinion that only strong women can practice tai-bo is erroneous. If you are shy and modest by nature, tai-bo will help you build confidence and give you cheerfulness.

How to prepare for training

Those who have firmly decided to engage in tai-bo, first you need to prepare your body. Preliminary preparation can be as follows: for one or two months you attend dance or step aerobics classes, and when your muscles become more resilient, proceed directly to tai-bo.

The room in which tai-bo is planned to be held should ideally be equipped with punching bags and full-length mirrors to observe the correct execution of movements. If you are exercising at home, choose a room that is at least 12 m2 large, with flat floors and non-slip surfaces.

Classes can be held at any time, the main condition is regularity, so try not to neglect training. Only under these conditions can a noticeable positive result be achieved.

At the beginning of the workout, there is a warm-up, which includes step-dance movements and running. After that - a set of endurance exercises, and in conclusion - stretching.

Having completed the preparatory exercises, we proceed to perform the basic movements, namely: kicks and punches on the punching bag, jumps and arbitrary movements.

At the final stage, in order to restore breathing, the training changes the pace to the so-called “fighting dance”.

When you make "kicks" with your leg or arm, do not straighten them all the way. The leg should be slightly bent at the knee, and the arm at the elbow. This will greatly facilitate the process of performing "strike" and reduce the possibility of injury.

The form of sportswear is loose, ideally it should be made from natural fabrics, as they absorb moisture better and the body remains dry. Locks and massive buttons on clothes will interfere, so they should not be. The best option for a suit is spacious shorts and a T-shirt. Choose shoes that are stable, with good cushioning, firmly fixing the arch of the foot. As an option - aerobic sneakers, the sole of which is protected from slipping during movements.

Tai-bo is characterized by an intense pace of training, after which there is a pleasant feeling of fatigue and a good mood. Classes twice a week will not break the usual rhythm of life, but you will get the figure you dream of, good posture, strong immunity and a healthy complexion.

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The new direction of the tai-bo fitness industry is recognized as one of the best means for quick weight loss. Due to its high efficiency, tai-bo has been the most popular type of aerobics in the world for more than 20 years, and now the fashion for it has reached our country. Consider what tai-bo is, what are its advantages, and how to master the program at home.

The widespread passion for aerobics, which captured the world in the 1980s, first brought its classic look to the peak of popularity, then step aerobics picked up the baton. And with the advent of tai-bo combat aerobics, the palm finally and irrevocably passed to her. After all, this type of fitness has many advantages over competing areas.

What is tai-bo?

Tai-bo is a type of aerobics that includes elements of kickboxing and taekwondo. It was the initial syllables of the names of these disciplines (taekwondo and boxing) that formed the word tae-bo. Tai-bo training takes place continuously to rhythmic music and includes dance moves from conventional aerobics combined with elements of martial arts.

Compared to classical and step aerobics, tai-bo has many advantages:

  • Like any type of aerobic exercise, tai-bo aerobics develops endurance, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes, improves the functioning of all body systems.
  • Due to the elements of boxing, the muscles of the arms, back, chest, and shoulder girdle receive additional development.
  • Due to the elements of taekwondo, when doing tai-bo, the legs and buttocks become stronger and more beautiful, the press is tightened.
  • Thanks to the components of martial arts, reaction speed develops, excellent coordination of movements appears. Together with the development of martial arts and increasing strength, this contributes to the development of self-defense skills, which helps to overcome fears and build self-confidence.
  • Elements of martial arts make the training program more intense and energy-intensive. When doing tai-bo, kilocalories are burned in larger volumes than with other aerobic exercises. For one workout, an average of 800 kcal is consumed. Accordingly, the weight loss is going on at a faster pace. For a month of regular exercise, subject to dietary restrictions, you can lose up to 8 kg of excess weight. Tai-bo is recognized as one of the most effective types of aerobic exercise for weight loss.

Like many useful things, tai-bo combat aerobics owes its appearance to chance. American actor and martial arts champion Billy Blanks once turned on rhythmic music during training and began to dance, supplementing the dance with movements from martial arts. Within 10 minutes the champion felt exhausted. This gave him the idea of ​​creating a new intensive fitness program based on the combination of aerobics with elements of martial arts.

In 1989, Blanks opened his own training center in California, from where taibo fitness quickly spread throughout the United States, and soon throughout the world.

Features of training for beginners

Tai-bo training is characterized by high intensity and a variety of martial arts movements. Only trained, hardy people can withstand the pace of exercises performed non-stop to rhythmic music. In addition, in order to get the maximum benefit from classes, you need not just to imitate the elements of martial arts, but to perform them correctly, with the observance of technique.

Therefore, for beginners to successfully enter the training process, it is necessary to pay attention to:

  • development of endurance;
  • mastering the elements of martial arts.

Without working through these key points, tai-bo for beginners can do harm instead of good.

Development of endurance

Tai-bo training requires a high level of physical endurance. After all, even the creator of this technique, seven-time karate champion Billy Blanks, in his best years, almost collapsed from fatigue, having worked only 10 minutes at a pace set by energetic music. What can we say about beginners, many of whom cannot run 200 meters without shortness of breath.

A person who comes to group tai-bo classes without proper training is likely to be disappointed due to the fact that such an intense load was beyond his strength. And if at the same time you give all your best, you can get the effect of overtraining or even more dangerous health consequences. High-intensity tai-bo training is especially dangerous for children with weak physical development. Entry into the rhythm of such training should be gradual.

If your level of physical endurance leaves much to be desired, then about 2 months before the start of taibo classes, start regular cardio training. For this, brisk walking with the transition to running is perfect, when part of the distance is overcome with a quick step, and part - by running at a slow or medium pace. This type of load is universal, it is easy to dose it, focusing on your own feelings.

Technique for performing various elements of martial arts

In order for tai-bo training to bring maximum benefit, it is important not just to swing your arms and legs, imitating the movements of athletes, but to perform elements of martial arts consciously, strictly adhering to the correct technique. To do this, beginners need to learn the basics of boxing and taekwondo.

Source Rack

Become straight, steady, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. Move the left leg (for right-handers, for left-handers - we do everything in a mirror image) forward a little, turn the feet of both legs 45 ° to the right, transfer the body weight to the right foot. Slightly turn the body forward with the left shoulder. Bend your arms, clenching your fists. Hold the right fist at the chin, the other in front of the shoulder.

Straight punch with left hand

We step forward with the left foot a little forward, putting it on the toe and transferring the center of gravity to it. At the same time, we forcefully throw the left fist forward. The elbow should rise to the level of the shoulder joint, the position of the body does not change, the knees and elbows do not fully straighten.

Pushing off with the toe of the front foot, we return to the starting stance.

Having worked out the technique, we perform a strike at an average pace continuously for 2 minutes.

Straight punch with the right hand

From the starting stance, we strike forward with the right fist, transferring the center of gravity to the left leg. A punch is not just bringing the fist forward, you need to put strength into it, helping yourself with your elbow. In this case, the right heel should come off the floor, and the foot should twist, the body turns forward after the hand, the elbow reaches shoulder level. The knees and elbows remain slightly bent.

We return to the original stance, with a twisting movement, putting the heel of the back leg in place and transferring the center of gravity to it.

Having mastered the technique, we strike at an average pace continuously for 2 minutes.

Side kick with left hand

From the initial stance, we make a blow with the left hand to the right, turning the body and transferring the weight of the body to the right leg. The elbow should go up to the level of the shoulder joint.

We return to the rack.

We repeat the movement for 2 minutes.

Side kick with right hand

From the original stance we make a blow to the left right hand, following the hand, turning the body and transferring the weight of the body to the left leg. Strictly make sure that the elbow rises to shoulder level.

We return to the starting position.

We perform the exercise without stopping for 2 minutes.

When practicing punches, it is advisable to use a punching bag. In its absence, to increase the impact force in tai-bo for women, you can pick up kilogram dumbbells.

Slopes to the left

From the main stance, we transfer the center of gravity to the front leg, at the same time turning the body, trying to bring the right shoulder closer to the left hip and bending down a little, as if moving away from the attack. In this case, the heel of the hind leg comes off the floor, the foot is twisted, the knees are bent. The fists are close to the chin.

We return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise continuously for 2 minutes.

Slopes to the right

To perform this exercise, you need to change the original stance by pushing the right leg forward (for left-handers - the left).

We turn the body to the right, bringing the left shoulder closer to the right hip and slightly bending the back, as if dodging an attack from the left. At the same time, we bend the left leg, turning it with the knee inward and lifting the heel off the floor. Fists raised to the chin.

We return to the right stance.

We do slopes at an average pace non-stop for 2 minutes.

Right knee strike

Performed from the main stance (left leg in front). We transfer the center of gravity to the front leg and, having made a swing, we beat with the right knee, pushing it forward and up as high as possible.

We repeat for 2 minutes.

Left knee strike

It is performed from the right stance (right leg in front). Transferring the weight of the body to the front leg, we swing the left leg and kick with the left knee with maximum amplitude forward and upward.

We return to the starting position.

Repeat non-stop for 2 minutes.

Simple bundles of elements

Having mastered these elementary tai bo movements, you can learn and perform the simplest connections that are accessible to beginners, and at the same time very effective. Consider a bunch of blows-evasions.

  • From the main stance, we make a blow with the right hand, while stepping forward with the left foot.
  • We strike with the left hand, while stepping with the right foot.
  • We dodge to the right, while stepping back with the left foot.
  • We dodge to the left, while stepping back with the right foot.
  • We repeat the connection from the first movement.

Similarly, you can make combinations of slips and kicks to the sides, slips and knee attacks.


The next stage in mastering the elements of tai-bo is learning kicks. In the first lessons, it is recommended to perform these exercises, holding on to the support with your hands.


Bend one leg so that the foot is at knee level. Take the bent leg back, and then sharply straighten it, pointing the heel up. Without stopping at the extreme point, bend the knee and return to the starting position.

Perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.


Feet shoulder width apart, the press is tense. We bend the leg and immediately unbend it, with force throwing the foot forward with the heel. Then we bend again and, straightening, lower it into place. We repeat the same steps for the other leg.

We do 20 repetitions for each leg.

To the side

Bend your leg so that your foot is at knee height. Raise the hip to the side and straighten the leg, throwing the foot with force as high as possible. Then bend the leg again and return the foot to the level of the knee without lowering it to the floor.

Perform 15-20 times on each side.


  • having problems with the cardiovascular system, with arrhythmias, low and high pressure;
  • suffering from diseases of the joints and spine;
  • suffering from endocrine and oncological diseases;
  • having a low level of physical endurance;
  • pregnant.


Having developed endurance and mastered the technique of performing combat elements, you can join full-fledged tai-bo training, which will help you achieve excellent physical shape, improve your health, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

What is tai bo fitness, the benefits of tai bo, tai bo contraindications, tai bo training, tai bo video.

tai bo- also called combat fitness, this is a kind of fitness training with elements of boxing, karate, taekwondo and other martial arts. This will allow not only to train muscles, but also to master the technique, movements, coordination of the whole body.

Benefits of Tai Bo

1) Decreased total body weight

2) Proper execution of striking technique

3) Improve the condition of the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements

4) Flexibility of the entire musculoskeletal system of the body

5) Getting muscle relief

6) Reduce high blood cholesterol levels

7) Learning the techniques of some types of martial arts

8) Elementary skills in self-defense

Tai bo contraindications

Despite all the advantages of this type of fitness, unfortunately not everyone can do it, this list will include people with the following list of problems:

1) The presence of osteoporosis and scoliosis will greatly overstrain the spine and skeletal system of the body

2) Problems with the thyroid gland

3) The presence of diseases in the work of the cardiovascular system

Tai bo training

First of all, you need enough space for training, if it is a warm season, then it should be well ventilated. Sportswear does not differ in anything special, the main thing is convenience and the absence of metal elements on it.

No flip flops or other uncomfortable shoes, sneakers that fit snugly on the foot are perfect, but pay attention to the sole, it should not slip, as the training involves a lot of movement, for this you should not “float on the floor like a cow on ice” which will protect against muscle strains and other unpleasant injuries.

To begin with, a jog is performed and to put your body on alert before hard physical work. Next, it is advisable to perform several exercises in a power style - and then perform fitness in the style of tai bo. It is necessary to train in front of a mirror with rhythmic music in unison with the workout.

The main elements of Tai bo are jumps and strikes, they can be performed both against sports equipment and with an invisible opponent, air combat in front of a mirror. All lunges and strikes must be fast, but at the same time controlled, so as not to damage the cartilage and tendons.

It is also important to monitor your breathing, during blows and when exerting effort, you need to exhale sharply, after inhaling, if you breathe randomly and chaotically, your breathing will go astray and you will become trite to suffocate.

Train for health, all excellent training and good mood!

Taibo (tai-bo) - new sports direction, with which you can effectively lose weight, tighten your figure, and relieve negative emotions. Through taibo, women learn self-defense skills that are undoubtedly useful in today's world.

Taibo features

Tai-bo is a combat fitness, the technique of which was developed by Billy Blanks, a martial arts champion (USA). Engaged in coaching practice, Billy Blanks combined movements from gymnastics and aerobics, supplemented them with techniques from Thai boxing, taekwondo and karate. This is how tai-bo appeared, an unusual fitness system that helps women improve and develop every day:

Taibo classes are suitable for women of different characters: strong and determined, timid and shy. During training, the balance between the spiritual and physical state is regulated. Insecure girls, doing taibo, gain strength of character; self-sufficient individuals thanks to fitness can throw out their emotions, get rid of stress.

After practicing taibo, strength and confidence appear in the body, at the same time, harmony and peace of mind come in the emotional state, which are inherent in the philosophy of martial arts.

Taibo for weight loss

The effectiveness of tai bo for weight loss has been proven: many women testify that they managed to lose weight in a short time without using other additional methods. The loads that the body experiences during training have a powerful effect; after a few sessions, those extra pounds begin to melt before our eyes.

For a month of training, you can lose up to 5 kg, if you make the right nutrition plan, weight loss will be much greater. This intensity of weight loss is explained by the load on the body that occurs during taibo classes: about 800 kcal is burned per hour.

Experts advise: before you start practicing tai-bo, it is advisable to find and watch a video of the lesson on the Internet. This will help you understand the principles of taibo, decide for yourself how effective this type of fitness will be and whether you have enough strength to do it.

You can start doing taibo at home: for this you need to take a set of exercises on the Internet and try to perform it. If you try, you can find online taibo workouts - after such classes it is easy to make a choice and decide whether to continue practicing.

If the decision is made to continue classes, you need to find a taibo group in your city; in a big city, for example, in Moscow, this is not difficult to do. After talking with the trainer and signing up for the first workout, you can start looking for suitable clothes.

Clothing for training should be natural, without impurities of synthetics. Also, the requirement for clothing is its ability to stretch, not to hinder movement. Shoes are chosen exactly according to the size of the foot, pay attention to the quality of the lacing, so that during intensive movements the shoes fix the foot well. In addition, the sole on the shoe must have anti-slip properties.

Before you start exercising, you need tell the coach about the state of his health, so that he knows what kind of load to give to the beginner. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system cannot engage in this sport.

How is the workout

The taibo lesson consists of several stages, which differ in the intensity of the loads:

Beginners begin to perform exercises in slow motion in order to master the rules for their implementation. With each lesson, the load increases, the pace and intensity of the exercises increase. If you follow the advice and recommendations of the trainer, with the help of tai-bo you will quickly get back to normal, improve your appearance, dropping a few kilograms.

As a last resort, do exercises at home. Years passed, demand gave rise to supply. Video cassettes with recordings of aerobics lessons began to appear, sports gyms began to open.

Of course, a lot has changed in recent years. A great many currents and directions have appeared that allow you to keep in good shape not only the body, but also the soul. Along with classical sports schools, a large selection of newly created sports is presented.

The main difficulty for ordinary sports fans is the correct choice of the right type of fitness. After all, someone needs to quickly lose weight, someone puts muscle mass at the forefront, for some it is enough to develop flexibility. How to figure out in all this diversity what will benefit and what is just a commercial project that at least does no harm?

Not to do without special boxing gloves.

For your own peace of mind, purchase a special device that will show how your heart reacts to physical activity.

You can go in for sports not only in the gym, but also at home. It would be nice to install a large mirror, with its help it will be more convenient to practice blows.

Now you all know about tai-bo, what kind of sport it is, what results it gives, and in general, whether it is worth doing it. Get inspired, train and be always in shape! After all, tai-bo reviews receive the most enthusiastic.