Dream interpretation to write a dictation with a red pen. I dreamed of writing from dictation in a dream. What is the dream of Dictation

The article on the topic: "dream book to write a dictation" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article, you can find out why you dream of Dictation from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

What is Dictation dreaming of: interpretation of sleep

Why dream of a dictation in the fall?

Why dream of a dictation in the summer?

Dictate - Seeing in a dream how someone dictates their conditions to you - in reality you never accept other people's conditions.

Why dream of a dictation in spring?

Dreaming Dictate - Seeing in a dream how you dictate a dictation to someone - you really want to dictate your conditions to everyone, but this is not very successful.

What is the dream of Dictation?

What is the dream of Dictation?

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream Dictation in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why dream Dictation from a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of Dictation from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream Dictation from the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of Dictation from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream Dictation in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream Dictation in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Mon August 25, 2014, 07:51:29 AM

Dictation in a dream book. Tell your dream:

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Why dream Dictation, dream book Dictation to see in a dream what does it mean?

Summer interpreter of dreams

What is the dream of Dictation?

Dictation - Write a dictation in a dream - dance to someone's tune.

Dictate - Dreaming in a dream about how someone dictates their conditions to you - in reality you never accept other people's conditions.

If you dream of Dictation, what is it for:

Dictation - Writing a dictation in a dream - writing a job application.

Dictate - In a dream, you are dictating a dictation to someone - you really want to dictate your conditions to everyone, but this is not very successful. Dictation - to loyalty and reliability.

Spring interpreter of dreams

What is the dream of Dictation?

Dictation - write a dictation in a dream - obey the will of another person.

To dictate - to dictate something in a dream - to a breakdown of the nervous system, a breakdown, a scandal. Writing a dictation - you have to obey someone else's will.

Interpretation of sleep, taking into account time, day, month

Do you dream of Dictation? Share your dream!

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Write a dictation - to check your work; to fidelity, reliability.

Why dream of a dictation in a dream book -

Writing a dictation in a dream means writing a job application.

Why dream of a dictation in a dream book -

Writing a dictation in a dream means dancing to someone's tune.

To dream about how someone dictates their conditions to you - in reality you never accept other people's conditions.

Why dream of a dictation in a dream book -

To write a dictation in a dream is to obey the will of another person.

To dream about how you dictate a dictation to someone - you really want to dictate your conditions to everyone, but this is not very successful.

Dictate something in a dream - to a breakdown of the nervous system, a breakdown, a scandal.

Dictation in the dream to see - someone will check your work.

Write a dictation on a dream book

Did you happen to write a dictation in a dream? In reality, you have to go through a difficult test, try to follow the rules. The dream book will give an extended description of the dream plot, which will allow you to understand exactly what it is dreaming of.

Repetition of the past…

Did you dream that you returned to school and were forced to write a dictation? You have not fulfilled or not learned a certain life lesson incorrectly. Now you have to go through it again.

Such an interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if in your dreams you corrected mistakes in a previously written dictation.

Did you happen to see that in a dream you took the same phrase from dictation? Remember it well, the dream book believes that this is an answer to some kind of reflection or situation.

Why dream of dream writing under dictation? A serious test of reliability, loyalty and fidelity awaits you.

Sometimes writing a dictation literally means that you have to remember some event or feeling for the rest of your life.

The dream interpretation is sure that this simple action in a dream helps to program the future. But remember, you can no longer influence or change anything.

Take action!

Did you dream that you were recording a text dictated by an unfamiliar voice? You are too fixated on the rules and morality imposed by society. Sometimes it is necessary to forget about accepted norms and act spontaneously, but decisively.

In a dream, a teacher from the past appeared and severely scolded for the mistakes made in the dictation? Your actions are useless and do not carry significant meaning. The dream book advises to think and immediately change tactics or behavior.

Miller's signal

Why dream of writing from dictation according to Miller's interpreter? You are warned that you risk making a fatal blunder.

Seeing another character have to write a dictation means that you are too carefree and it's time to take responsibility for your own inaction.

Under pressure!

Dreamed of a school dictation? According to the dream book, you will obey the will of another, stronger person. Sometimes in a dream, a vision hints that there is an opportunity to change jobs.

Did you happen to see that you personally force someone to write a dictation? This plot reflects the desire to dictate your own terms to someone, but along the way you will not succeed.

What did you feel?

In order to understand exactly what the indicated plot is dreaming of, one should recall the atmosphere of the dream lesson.

If writing was a burden, you constantly made mistakes and stained the paper, then in reality, not the most successful period is coming. Moreover, you should not wait for help, you will have to deal with difficulties all alone.

Did you dream that in a dream you were in a great mood and everything was easy to do? The dream interpretation thinks that you will find a reason for fun and joy, but others will not like it.

What did they write?

The dream interpretation also advises taking into account what exactly happened to write the dictation.

  • Pencil - a hopeless business.
  • Ink - deal with obstacles.
  • Ballpoint pen - prove your innocence.
  • A felt-tip pen, a marker - a disease.
  • Chalk - separation.

Why dream of a well-written text? In reality, you will be able to prove yourself and get praise. I dreamed that in a dream you managed to write in a notebook with your left hand? The upcoming meeting will bring a lot of experiences.

If you could not read your own scribbles, or received an unsatisfactory grade, then the dream book guarantees a lot of trouble and annoying mistakes.

dream interpretation

write dictation

Dream Interpretation Write a dictation dreamed of why in a dream I write a dictation? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of writing a dictation by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

What is the dream of dictation

Write a dictation - to check your work; to fidelity, reliability.

To write a dictation in a dream is to obey the will of another person.

To write a dictation in a dream is to dance to someone's tune.

Writing a dictation in a dream - writing a job application.

Realization and meaning of dreams

A dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening dream promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

A dream may contain terrible and frightening pictures. It is not worth interpreting them: they are empty.

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unfulfilled hopes. This is an empty dream that means nothing.

Dream interpretation to write a dictation

Dream Interpretation | dream interpretation

Choose the first letter:

Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Dictation, why dream Dictation to see in a dream

Dream Interpretation Dictation - Writing a dictation in a dream - writing a job application.

Dictation - Write a dictation in a dream - obey the will of another person. Dictate - Seeing in a dream how you dictate a dictation to someone - you really want to dictate your conditions to everyone, but this is not very successful.

Dictate - Dictate something in a dream - to a breakdown of the nervous system, breakdown, scandal.

Dream Interpretation Dictation - Writing a dictation in a dream - dancing to someone's tune.

Dream Interpretation Dictate - Seeing in a dream how someone dictates their conditions to you - in reality you never accept other people's conditions.

Sleep Dictation is fully described in Dictation dream book, you don’t have to go far, all the information about the dream in which you saw the Dictation is on this page. Seeing Dictation in a dream is an occasion to look into the dream book and find out the meaning and dream interpretation dictation. Visit us more often, add our site isonniki.ru to your favorites)

Interpretation of sleep Dictation, dream book Dictation, in a dream to see Dictation, why dream Dictation from a dream book


Dictation - Writing a dictation in a dream - writing a job application.

Why dream Dictation in a dream book:

Dictation - Write a dictation in a dream - dance to someone's tune.

Why dream Dictate - Seeing in a dream how someone dictates their conditions to you - in reality you never accept other people's conditions.

Why dream Dictation in a dream book:

Dictation - Write a dictation in a dream - obey the will of another person.

Dream Interpretation Dictate - Seeing in a dream how you dictate a dictation to someone - you really want to dictate your conditions to everyone, but it doesn’t work well.

Why dream Dictate - Dictate something in a dream - to a breakdown of the nervous system, breakdown, scandal.

Why dream Dictation in a dream book:

To see a dictation in a dream - someone will check your work.

Why dream Dictation in a dream book:

Dictation - to loyalty and reliability.

What is Dictation dreaming of - interpretation by day of the week

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I dreamed that they were writing - what could this mean?

What they wrote in a dream

In a general sense, writing in a dream suggests that a seemingly profitable investment of money is a mistake, it is better to wait a while. However write a letter to a friend or to a loved one - a dream predicts replenishment in the family. If you rewrote a certain text from a book, then quite unexpectedly you will have a rival, a competitor. They wrote down something under dictation, perhaps a school dictation - good news will not keep you waiting. Well-being brings a dream where you wrote a book of stories. Poems predict new relationships. Articles in the magazine personify a mistake that leads to serious problems at work. Lyrics for songs promise a romantic adventure. Those entries that you make in your diary speak of your desire to show yourself to the whole world, but timidity and shyness, in this case, are your enemies. Take notes, schedule your working day, plan events in your diary - you should be more careful, you are too self-confident and relaxed. Sign a postcard - your life is filled with love and harmony. Filling out an envelope, entering the address of the recipient - such a dream is a messenger of failure. You had to sign, leave your signature, autograph - which means you are capable of achieving great success. The handwriting is even, beautiful - you are waiting for the fulfillment of desires, but if the letters “jumped”, there were blots and grammatical errors, then this dream testifies to vain hopes. Paper notes are interpreted as an inability to start living in the present - you devote too much time to the past. A small profit comes from a dream in which you tried to make a note on the fabric.

If you didn't write...

You had a dream in which you saw yourself writing, as if from the outside - the troubles that you bring on yourself can recede if you can control your promises and not take on overwhelming things. A dream in which another person wrote warns of the uselessness of dubious connections - be careful with new acquaintances. To teach someone to write - to material profit. Seeing a school where children write something in notebooks is a nuisance. A dream where someone wrote big letters on a fence, a wall - symbolizes your desire to improve your social status.

What did they write in a dream

Trouble is predicted by a dream in which they wrote in black ink, blue symbolizes good luck, and red symbolizes feelings. If you wrote with a pencil, then you have to find out some intimate details from the life of close friends. Chalk characterizes the dreamer as a decent and open person for communication, but trying to make a record in the sand - your human qualities are in doubt - you are considered unrestrained, unfulfilling and frivolous. You are not taken seriously if you scratch the ground with a stick in a dream, writing letters. The regular, ballpoint pen you use to write predicts the situation in which you you will be forced to defend your honor. But the felt-tip pen predicts the illness of one of your loved ones. Sign posters, make inscriptions on paper or banners - beware of slander. Diseases associated with the respiratory tract predicts a dream in which you wrote with a pen. A quarrel is predicted by writing words on a mirror. If in reality you are right-handed, and in a dream you tried to write with your left hand and nothing worked out for you, then a period of bad luck sets in, and a dream, where even in this situation the handwriting was neat, symbolizes an unexpected find. To draw some letters on the glass with your finger - it's time to think about the future - life is very short if you wrote on dust with the same finger - a dream symbolizes the futility of trying to achieve more financially.

I dreamed that I was writing and I didn’t succeed, I folded the sheet and put it under the book so that no one would take it, then I was poisoned by one, tried to take the letter, but it didn’t work out, it came to a fight, I knew that he was stronger than me and I still managed to defend

Dream interpretation to write a dictation


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Did you happen to write a dictation in a dream? In reality, you have to go through a difficult test, try to follow the rules. The dream book will give an extended description of the dream plot, which will allow you to understand exactly what it is dreaming of.

Did you dream that you returned to school and were forced to write a dictation? You have not fulfilled or not learned a certain life lesson incorrectly. Now you have to go through it again.

Such an interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if in your dreams you corrected mistakes in a previously written dictation.

Did you happen to see that in a dream you took the same phrase from dictation? Remember it well, the dream book believes that this is an answer to some kind of reflection or situation.


Why dream of dream writing under dictation? A serious test of reliability, loyalty and fidelity awaits you.

Sometimes writing a dictation literally means that you have to remember some event or feeling for the rest of your life.

The dream interpretation is sure that this simple action in a dream helps to program the future. But remember, you can no longer influence or change anything.

Take action!

Did you dream that you were recording a text dictated by an unfamiliar voice? You are too fixated on the rules and morality imposed by society. Sometimes it is necessary to forget about accepted norms and act spontaneously, but decisively.

In a dream, a teacher from the past appeared and severely scolded for the mistakes made in the dictation? Your actions are useless and do not carry significant meaning. The dream book advises to think and immediately change tactics or behavior.

Miller's signal

Why dream of writing from dictation according to Miller's interpreter? You are warned that you risk making a fatal blunder.

Seeing another character have to write a dictation means that you are too carefree and it's time to take responsibility for your own inaction.

Under pressure!

Dreamed of a school dictation? According to the dream book, you will obey the will of another, stronger person. Sometimes in a dream, a vision hints that there is an opportunity to change jobs.

Did you happen to see that you personally force someone to write a dictation? This plot reflects the desire to dictate your own terms to someone, but along the way you will not succeed.

What did you feel?

In order to understand exactly what the indicated plot is dreaming of, one should recall the atmosphere of the dream lesson.

If writing was a burden, you constantly made mistakes and stained the paper, then in reality, not the most successful period is coming. Moreover, you should not wait for help, you will have to deal with difficulties all alone.

Did you dream that in a dream you were in a great mood and everything was easy to do? The dream interpretation thinks that you will find a reason for fun and joy, but others will not like it.

What did they write?

The dream interpretation also advises taking into account what exactly happened to write the dictation.

  • Pencil - a hopeless business.
  • Ink - deal with obstacles.
  • Ballpoint pen - prove your innocence.
  • A felt-tip pen, a marker - a disease.
  • Chalk - separation.


Why dream of a well-written text? In reality, you will be able to prove yourself and get praise. I dreamed that in a dream you managed to write in a notebook with your left hand? The upcoming meeting will bring a lot of experiences.

If you could not read your own scribbles, or received an unsatisfactory grade, then the dream book guarantees a lot of trouble and annoying mistakes.

Did you dream that you were writing? Dream Interpretations interpret this differently. Consider what it means to write in a dream.

Dream Interpretation N. Grishina

If you see a person writing, beware of a relationship that will soon burden you. If you write, guard yourself against thoughtless oaths.

Ink in a dream means worries. Other interpretations:

  • hold ink - you console yourself with the desired prospects;
  • dip your hand - a warning sign;
  • write in ink - to a winning game or purchase;
  • spilling - the mistake that you make will make you happy.

If you dreamed that you were photocopying or rewriting something, you will be shown someone as an example. I dreamed that you were writing from dictation, expect news.

Writing with chalk means that your inner self is fragile. A dream in which a person writes on sand or earth means that a reckless attitude to the lesson will harm you.

Family dream book

If you write, a fatal mistake awaits you. If another person is writing, at a crucial moment you will express carelessness. A dream in which you make out words written in illegible language means that you should not start new business deals. This will save you from enemies.

Why dream of writing in a dream according to Shuvalova's dream book

If in a dream you wrote something down on paper, it means that you are recording those events or feelings that were in your life earlier. You are too fixated on those moral principles that were imposed on you in childhood, get rid of them. If this dream is rarely repeated, you are prone to unnecessary actions.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that you were writing, you would soon be mistaken, and this would ruin you. If another person writes, you will be reproached for carelessness. Probably, the trial will not affect you in the best way. If you're trying to make out words you don't understand, the lack of new deals will save you from enemies.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

If you wrote well in a dream, you will be praised, badly - they will not respond to your request. If you looked at what was written, go abroad.

You write in a dream - Tsvetkova's dream book interprets such a dream as a lawsuit, Martyna Zadeka's dream book - profit. According to the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs, such a dream means that a person will be promoted at work. The French dream book says that such a dream will bring good news from distant relatives or friends. If you write to someone, a baby will soon appear in your family.

Anchor points:

What they wrote in a dream

In a general sense, writing in a dream suggests that a seemingly profitable investment of money is a mistake, it is better to wait a while. However write a letter to a friend or to a loved one - a dream predicts replenishment in the family. If you rewrote a certain text from a book, then quite unexpectedly you will have a rival, a competitor. They wrote down something under dictation, perhaps a school dictation - good news will not keep you waiting. Well-being brings a dream where you wrote a book of stories. Poems predict new relationships. Articles in the magazine personify a mistake that leads to serious problems at work. Lyrics for songs promise a romantic adventure. Those entries that you make in your diary speak of your desire to show yourself to the whole world, but timidity and shyness, in this case, are your enemies. Take notes, schedule your working day, plan events in your diary - you should be more careful, you are too self-confident and relaxed. Sign a postcard - your life is filled with love and harmony. Filling out an envelope, entering the address of the recipient - such a dream is a messenger of failure. You had to sign, leave your signature, autograph - which means you are capable of achieving great success. The handwriting is even, beautiful - you are waiting for the fulfillment of desires, but if the letters “jumped”, there were blots and grammatical errors, then this dream testifies to vain hopes. Paper notes are interpreted as an inability to start living in the present - you devote too much time to the past. A small profit comes from a dream in which you tried to make a note on the fabric.

If you didn't write...

You had a dream in which you saw yourself writing, as if from the outside - the troubles that you bring on yourself can recede if you can control your promises and not take on overwhelming things. A dream in which another person wrote warns of the uselessness of dubious connections - be careful with new acquaintances. To teach someone to write - to material profit. in which children write something in notebooks - to trouble. A dream where someone wrote big letters on a fence, a wall - symbolizes your desire to improve your social status.

What did they write in a dream

Trouble is predicted by a dream in which they wrote in black ink, blue symbolizes good luck, and red symbolizes feelings. If you wrote with a pencil, then you have to find out some intimate details from the life of close friends. Chalk characterizes the dreamer as a decent and open person for communication, but trying to make a record in the sand - your human qualities are in doubt - you are considered unrestrained, unfulfilling and frivolous. You are not taken seriously if you scratch the ground with a stick in a dream, writing letters. The regular, ballpoint pen you use to write predicts the situation in which you you will be forced to defend your honor. But the felt-tip pen predicts the illness of one of your loved ones. Sign posters, make inscriptions on paper or banners - beware of slander. Diseases associated with the respiratory tract predicts a dream in which you wrote with a pen. A quarrel is predicted by writing words on a mirror. If in reality you are right-handed, and in a dream you tried to write with your left hand and nothing worked out for you, then a period of bad luck sets in, and a dream, where even in this situation the handwriting was neat, symbolizes an unexpected find. To draw some letters on the glass with your finger - it's time to think about the future - life is very short if you wrote on dust with the same finger - a dream symbolizes the futility of trying to achieve more financially.

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    Recorded anything under dictation perhaps a school dictation - good news will not keep you waiting. Well-being brings dream, Where are you wrote story book.You had a dream dream in which you saw yourself writing, as if from the outside - the troubles that you yourself will bring on yourself can recede if you can control your promises and not take on overwhelming things. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Autumn dream book. For what dreaming Dictation by dream book: Dictation - Write in dream dictation - write application for a job. summer dream book. For what dreaming Dictation by dream book: Dictation - Write in dream dictation - to dance to someone's tune. For what dreaming Dictate- See in dream like someone you dictate your own conditions - in reality you never accept other people's conditions. Spring dream book.Read completely

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    Dream Dictation - why dreaming dictation. Dictation - in dream dictation symbolizes the dependence of a person in reality. dream interpretation dictation - if dreamed write under dictation Dictation means in life to fulfill the will of another person. For what dreaming dictation - if dreaming dictate text that you dictate dictation to someone - you will get a more advantageous position in life. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "orakul"

    writing under dictation. I writing under dictation deceased famous actor, he He speaks something and I I write down in a thick magazine, neatly, with a pen, it seems. All this happens in the winter dreaming, as if it is very frosty, but I do not freeze, snow is all around. Dream had a dream user:aaricia111.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream in dream under dictation Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages. Carry the cross of the black deceased See your severed head Write a message to a girl Kicked out grandma from the room Wring out someone else's wet underwear dreaming wedding Dream from November 8, The priest is calling to go down the stairs. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation- Corpses in the house. Good afternoon! Have you tried in your dream hide your true chilled feelings (hide the corpses in the underground) for your relatives: mother-in-law and niece, something is very tired of you in relations with them - they weigh you very much. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation in dream dream He speaks Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreamed In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your dream reflected the need to finally complete the next stage of your life, which prevents you from acquiring true Freedom (cemetery, flights). For this, you still lack wisdom and external guidance (6 grandmothers, you dreamed exactly 6, and evil eyes), you yourself In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Rejecting your masculinity (if the person holding you is a man or feminine, if it is a woman), you will again be captured by social conventions. In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation in dream in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your dream reflected the need to finally complete the next stage of your life, which prevents you from acquiring true Freedom (cemetery, flights). For this, you still lack wisdom and external guidance (6 grandmothers, you dreamed exactly 6, and evil eyes), you yourself In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your dream reflected the need to finally complete the next stage of your life, which prevents you from acquiring true Freedom (cemetery, flights). For this, you still lack wisdom and external guidance (6 grandmothers, you dreamed exactly 6, and evil eyes), you yourself In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming dreams change in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. reduce the benefits of these messages to nothing. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, so it's not time yet. Maybe this one dream He speaks about a hidden disease, so you are shaking, I advise you to go to the doctor.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation- Get an inheritance. Dream very convincingly tells the Dreamer that if you Sit, doing nothing and Waiting for something (someone) properly, then nothing worthwhile will happen (it won’t come to the threshold itself), because all causes and effects are only in ourselves. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation- Four of my corpses. physical sensations in dream apparently connected with pressure jumps, if you have vegetative-vascular dystonia, then it is most often accompanied by the fear of death of rebirth. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages. dream interpretation- Recurring dream. This is the bardo where a person goes after death, obviously you in dream brings it there. So, it's good that the other shore is moving away, which means it's not time yet.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Rejecting your masculinity (if the person holding you is a man or feminine, if it is a woman), you will again be captured by social conventions. In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your dream reflected the need to finally complete the next stage of your life, which prevents you from acquiring true Freedom (cemetery, flights). For this, you still lack wisdom and external guidance (6 grandmothers, you dreamed exactly 6, and evil eyes), you yourself In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages. See in dream. Fly over forests by rivers dreamed a calf born to see a big ass in the head with sores walks without a crutch leave the child in the hospital the wife asks for forgiveness I'm walking down the street.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your dream reflected the need to finally complete the next stage of your life, which prevents you from acquiring true Freedom (cemetery, flights). For this, you still lack wisdom and external guidance (6 grandmothers, you dreamed exactly 6, and evil eyes), you yourself In dream won, but in life? The choice is yours. Good luck. PS Figurative messages in dream our subconscious is most often deciphered under dictation all the same social conventions and stereotypes instilled from childhood i.e. nullify the benefits of these messages.