Download character animation mod 1.6 4

Do you like the default character animation?
Are you excited about standard character animation?
Would you like the default character animation to stay like this forever?!

This was a small test, now calculate the number of points you have scored to decide if this mod is for you or not for you: if you answered yes to all the first three questions, then this mod is definitely not for you! If you quietly nodded, thinking that the animation in Minecraft, like the hunchbacked one, will be corrected by the grave, that this is "love" for life, that they, that is, such animation and Minecraft - found each other, then you were wrong! - and now you can rejoice, because this mod will make the animation very cool! Yes, yes, professor HippoMaster worked on this mod for long, exhausting hours - who is now happy to present his unique animated creation to the world minecraft community! He added some joints and says that the mod can work on servers, although it would be better not to install it there...

Video review:


Do you love animation, which is so poorly represented in the game Minecraft (Minecraft)? Do you like how the character looks and how he moves? Would you like it to always stay that way? If your answer is yes, then the Animated Player mod is not for you!

It completely replaces and upgrades the player model with better animations. By the way, the Animated Player Mod is installed on the Minecraft client, which means it will work successfully while playing on any server. Just don't install it on the server! On our site you can download Animated Player for Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2 and 1.5.1.


At the moment Minecraft mod Animated Player replaces the animation when the player walks, runs, swims, jumps, sneaks, rides mobs, aims with a bow, builds, climbs, eats and drinks.

Facial expression

The player can now have their own unique facial expression. The eyes move depending on where he is looking. Open mouth when the player is out of breath. Eyebrow movement if the player is angry, hungry, sad, or aggressive.


Headers are now rendered pixel by pixel, which makes them look better! The function is configured in the config.

Own textures

Your textures will also work with the Animated Player mod. Draw in the dedicated areas and upload the texture to the official site, if you have a license of course. If you want to change the player's offline texture, see the contents of the .minecraft/config/AnimatedPlayer.cfg file.


Paint on Eye Overlay 1 to change the look of the skin in Eye Replacement 1. Eye Overlay 2 changes the look of Eye Replacement 2 and so on. By the way, this way you can make 2 or 3 pairs of eyes. The rest of the face is the same. See picture.



Video review

How to install the Animated Player mod

Finding the .minecraft folder
To do this, click the Windows icon on the panel and type in the search %appdata%
Finding the Roaming folder
And there is already a .minecraft folder in it
Next, you need to download Animated Player for Minecraft of your version
Transfer the mod jar / zip file to the .minecraft / mods folder (do not extract from the archive!)
Let's play!

Good day, dear visitors of my site who are looking for . Today I offer you a very famous and popular minecraft mod that will add realism to your game. With him, the game itself will be more fun and cool. So I suggest everyone interested to continue to get acquainted with the mod below.

Animated Player is the one that will change animation of your player making it like a real person in real life. That is, after installing the mod, Steve will have a breath, his mouth will open, his eyes and eyebrows will move. And also, most importantly, his joints will bend at the knees, elbows and other parts of the body, making the player truly alive and real!

In more detail what the mod adds to Steve's animation:
- Eye movements depending on where the player is looking;
- Opening the mouth, which simulates breathing animation;
- Eyebrows that become sad when the player is hungry and self-confident. And when the energy is replenished, he looks angry!


I'm just sure that you will love this modification and will enjoy playing with it. On the screenshots, you probably saw how your character will look and move in the game. Personally, I really liked the new animation and I think that you will like it as much as I do.
