Is it possible to patch a denture. Denture adhesive: an overview of the best. General information: what to consider before repair

A beautiful smile is a source of pride, it adds confidence and helps to win over others. In youth, this is a matter of course, but over time, all kinds of dental problems begin to arise, requiring more careful attention. One of these problems can be broken teeth and the need to glue or restore them.

When may a tooth bonding be required?

In order to understand this issue, you should consider a number of rather unpleasant situations in which you will have to resort to the restoration procedure. Absolutely everyone can touch this, so it will not be superfluous to understand them in more detail and try to avoid them as much as possible.

Cracking of tooth enamel

Causes leading to split teeth:

  1. bad fall;
  2. blow to the jaw or other mechanical impact;
  3. trying to bite into a hard object.

A split tooth does not look very aesthetically pleasing, the site of damage becomes vulnerable to infections that can lead to inflammation, further destruction and, as a result, tooth loss. It is important to prevent this and immediately seek help from a dental clinic.

The crown falls off

Crowns are attached in two ways:

  • permanent - on heavy-duty special glue;
  • temporary - on a solution of temporary dental cement.

It happens that permanent crowns are fixed using temporary cement, for example:
(we recommend reading: how is cement used to fix dental crowns?)

The use of temporary cement often results in loosening of crowns. To prevent this from happening, it is desirable, if possible, to use durable cement.

Factors affecting the loss of the crown:

  1. The main reason that the dental crown breaks off and falls out is viscous or too hard food.
  2. Sometimes the loosening of the crown may be due to the fact that the tooth under it is secondarily infected with caries and is gradually destroyed. The reason for re-infection is usually incorrect or incomplete treatment, as well as the installation of a prosthetic element on tooth tissues poorly cleaned of bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  3. Another reason for the crown to fall out may be the poor quality of the temporary dental adhesive used to install it, or the incompatibility of the materials.

Broken or damaged prosthesis

Dentures are forced to be worn by people who could not save one or more teeth from extraction or destruction. To prevent adjacent teeth from loosening and moving in the gum bed, it is necessary to install a prosthesis. However, these products are short-lived and can break or be damaged.

The most common causes of failure:

  • defect present in the product at the time of manufacture;
  • violation of the integrity of the product;
  • excessive load on individual sections of the structure;
  • improper use and care;
  • expiration date;
  • in the end, the prosthesis can simply be accidentally dropped, and the loss of one crown will lead to breakage of the entire prosthesis.

Can a broken tooth be glued on?

All of the above situations raise the question point-blank: is it possible to glue a fallen tooth and, if possible, how to do it? Don't panic! It is possible to glue a damaged tooth, a crown and a prosthesis. This can be done both by a specialist in a dental clinic, and by the owner of the prosthesis at home.

If the damage is minor, then it will not be difficult to restore the structure yourself. To do this, you can use special dental glue. If there is a possibility that the integrity of the product cannot be restored without the help of an expert, then you should contact a dental technician. A special cement is used to glue broken dentures.

Where to buy special glue?

A huge selection of dental glue will not be difficult to purchase it. A similar drug is bought in pharmacies or in online stores specializing in the sale of dental materials. Every self-respecting dental company produces preparations both for prosthetics itself and for the restoration of failed products.

Rules for gluing prostheses

If it is decided to carry out the restoration of a broken prosthesis on your own, then it is recommended to observe the following rules:

Possible complications when using glue or cement

Some people believe that it is not necessary to buy special dental glue in order to glue a spoiled product. They prefer to glue the loose parts with superglue. It is absolutely impossible to do this.

Superglue is an industrial mixture that can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also severe food poisoning. In addition, superglue is not able to fill all the cavities, and this can lead to the growth of bacteria and infections in them.

In turn, excessive use of glue can also lead to complications. On the one hand, cement is absolutely non-toxic, but it must be applied in small quantities, otherwise an overdose may occur due to the presence of zinc in the chemical element.

Signs of poisoning:

  • nausea and increased salivation;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • allergic reaction.

In case of manifestation of signs of toxic poisoning, you should immediately go to the hospital. To avoid the negative consequences of using glue or cement, you must strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician, and entrust the repair and restoration of damaged structures to specialists.

Many situations lead to the failure of dentures. Is it possible to glue them at home?

Can! This will require special tools, high-quality preparation of the structure, which includes thorough cleaning before gluing. Proper repair prostheses at home allows you to maintain their original quality.

Read also:

How to restore a denture: an overview of the ways

Should I contact specialists to buy a new prosthesis or repair an old one? It all depends on a personal decision. Cooperation with a specialist provides for the possibility of using clinical or laboratory restoration. Such techniques cope even with significant damage.

If only one tooth has fallen off the structure, all activities can be carried out at home. The choice of measure depends on the characteristics of the prosthesis malfunction.

For repair activities, a day is usually allotted, so it will not take much time to resolve the issue.

Causes of broken dentures

Modern dentures are strong and durable, but breakage occurs quite often.

Potential causes of malfunctions:

  • the appearance of various defects on the prosthesis;
  • incorrect or poor-quality manufacturing of the prosthesis;
  • non-compliance with the correct contact of the prosthesis and teeth;
  • loss of a supporting tooth;
  • crack or fracture of the denture, its constituent parts;
  • the quality of the material used to make the structure;
  • expiration of the period allotted for operation;
  • insufficient care.
  • In any case, the denture can be restored after it has broken.

    Ways to restore dentures at home

    In the 21st century, dentures can be restored in different ways. Each method deserves some attention.

    Pharmacy adhesive for dentures

    The quality of pharmacy glue will not be as high as that of professional cement.

    Despite this, temporary fixation of the crown is guaranteed. This option is ideal for those who cannot temporarily visit the dental center, as the crown will fall off in the near future anyway.

    It is mandatory to compliance with numerous rules.

    1. Before you can attach the crown in its place, the design should clean thoroughly to remove residues of the previous product used for fixing. Otherwise, reliable coupling will not be achieved.
    2. After cleaning, the crown is washed under running water, followed by drying. Moisture must be removed, since in a different outcome, the linkage will not be as well expressed as we would like.
    3. Glue is carefully applied to the crown. After that, the structure is installed in its place. It is advisable to apply glue point way.
    4. The crown is in place. Without fail, the location must be perfectly accurate.

    Strong adhesion of the adhesive is guaranteed if, after applying the adhesive, the person closes his jaw and stays in this state for about one minute.

    Compliance with all of the above rules guarantees the successful use of pharmacy glue.

    Manufacturers today offer quality adhesives for dentures. The natural composition guarantees a high level of safety of any chosen product.

    The best adhesives for dentures:

    • Korega;
    • Protefix;
    • Fittident;
    • The president;
    • Lacalute;
    • Forest balm;
    • Rox.

    Choosing a high-quality adhesive for the use of dentures, you can count on reliable adhesion, subject to the rules for carrying out an event to restore an integral structure.

    Super glue

    These days, many people successfully use superglue to bond dentures. However, doctors do not approve of this approach.

    Due to the poor condition of the teeth, many people are forced to go to dental offices for prosthetics. These structures are often fragile and fail. What to do if the prosthesis is broken, and can it be repaired on your own at home?

    Causes of damage to prostheses

    Such designs are a real salvation for many people in the world. They help you lead a normal life. After the installation of prostheses, the doctor gives recommendations and guarantees certain service life artificial teeth. In this matter, much depends on the material from which the dental structure is made.

    Very often, prostheses fail, and in most cases, such an incident occurs at the wrong time. There are several reasons for breakdowns:

    • the formation of voids during prosthetics;
    • violations of the composition of the material during the manufacturing process;
    • too long period of operation;
    • fall of the prosthesis on a hard surface;
    • end of service life.

    If a tooth breakage occurs, immediately there are a lot of problems, as well as defects formed on the structure. Chips and cracks appear on it, and the color of the teeth may also change. Often, a breakdown leads to a break in the base of the entire structure, and the fixing elements break.

    What to do in such a situation?

    It is best to immediately contact the dental clinic. Specialists will be able to quickly repair the product, after which they will glue it with a special compound. If the design is not old, then it is best to do so or order a new one. Acrylic breaks are the most common. Breakdowns happen in the first year of their operation.

    When a prosthesis breaks down, not everyone can immediately order a new one or wait until it is restored or repaired. Many people have a question, is it possible to glue the prosthesis with your own hands without the help of specialists and how to do it?

    It is not recommended to carry out such work on your own. Certain knowledge, skills, availability of the necessary materials and conditions are required. The main reason why it is better not to repair artificial teeth yourself is that manipulations can lead to deformation of the product. After that, it will be difficult to restore or impossible to repair the dental bridge.

    How does a restoration work?

    After examining a broken prosthesis, a dental technician determines the degree of damage. He will then be able to choose the most appropriate restoration method. For this, two methods are used:

    • laboratory;
    • clinical.

    Before repairing the product, it must be thoroughly cleaned. If this is not done, the adhesive composition will not be able to reliably glue the broken prosthesis. For bonding, a special adhesive is used for the repair and restoration of dentures. The dental technician must ensure that the structure is completely sealed after bonding.

    When there is too much damage, the specialists immediately offer to make new teeth. Restoration and repair are subject to products that have minor damage. It often happens that the breakdown consists in the loss of the supporting crown and it can be glued. If the construction burst, then its parts are glued together and then soldered. The entire structure must be assembled in one piece and be free of defects.

    A special glue is applied to the split points and after that the structure is poured with plaster. When it dries, the prosthesis is removed and divided along the gluing line. After that, the structure is polished without touching the surface adjacent to the mucosa. Next, acrylic plastic is used. It is applied to artificial teeth and, after hardening, they are ground and polished.

    Only a dental technician can perform high-quality work on the repair of a prosthesis. He has the necessary tools and materials for this. The specialist will not only be able to repair the prosthesis, he will also return the product to its original color. Due to the use of coloring products over time, the denture darkens. The master without damage will return him a beautiful view.

    Not all items can be repaired. It has to do with the material from which it was made. Not subject to repair:

    • stamped products;
    • structures that do not contain metal.


    At home, it is impossible to perform high-quality prosthesis repair. It will not be possible to fix the place of soldering correctly, since there is no special adhesive composition. He does not cause an allergic reaction. They are specially designed for dental work. Using glue for household purposes will lead to allergies and can even cause intoxication of the body.

    If, nevertheless, for some reason the repair needs to be done independently, then the result will be short-lived and of dubious quality. For home restoration of teeth, you can use wax and glue from a pharmacy:

    Protefix - is used for all types of crowns, it has no contraindications and side effects, is the most budget option and allows you to quickly glue artificial teeth;

    Korega - it can be called emergency help, but only temporary, in order to glue a cracked crown, tooth in case of emergency;

    R. O. C. S. – European-made glue for gluing dental structures. It was created for those who do not have the opportunity to quickly visit a dental technician or do not have money for the restoration of their teeth.

    If you need to do your own repairs follow a number of rules:

    This method using pharmacy glue will help solve the problem in a short time. It is better to visit a dental clinic in time, where they can restore the denture with high quality. Self-restoration of teeth leads to unpleasant consequences. After such a repair, there may be - discomfort during operation, the final breakdown of artificial teeth, and even worse - bite deformation.

    Teeth are normal Dental prosthetics Denture adhesive: an overview of the best

    Modern removable dentures allow you to qualitatively restore the chewing function, but for this it is very important to ensure their reliable fixation in the oral cavity. A special adhesive for dentures does an excellent job with this task.

    Why do you need denture adhesive?

    Expert opinion. Dentist Avdeev O.L.: “Those who use often complain about the unreliable fixation of the product in the oral cavity. This causes significant discomfort, as the product may fall out at the most inopportune moment. There is a large selection of special tools that help fix the structure in the oral cavity for a long period of time. Creams are used primarily for and designs. The gel is practically no different from the cream, it is more dense in structure.

    The agent creates a thin layer between the gingival mucosa and the structure, which ensures its secure fixation in the oral cavity. Such glue not only helps to fix the product, but also allows the patient to get used to it faster. The tool can be used not only for attaching removable dentures, but also for fixing and bridges.

    Apply glue along the lines indicated in the instructions.

    There are times when the dental cement under a crown or bridge has failed. And if it is not possible to visit a dentist in the near future, you can temporarily fix the product with such glue. The tool also performs a number functions:

    • provides protection of the mucosa from rubbing, it is an excellent prevention of the development of inflammatory processes,
    • protects the prosthesis from getting food debris and plaque into the gap between it and the mucosa.

    Where can I buy denture adhesive? Such products can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, as well as ordered via the Internet.

    To get the maximum benefit from glue, use some recommendations:

    • keep in mind that the adhesive for dentures should be selected by your dentist, taking into account both your individual characteristics and the type, material of construction,
    • the product can have a different consistency: from liquid to viscous. The amount of glue required for fixing also depends on this characteristic.
    • the remedy is valid from 12 to 24 hours,
    • a high-quality product does not cause irritation and other uncomfortable sensations.

    Instructions for use

    In order for the fixation to be reliable, and wearing the product as comfortable as possible, the glue must be used correctly:

    • before using the product, clean the prosthesis from plaque, food debris and previous application of the fixing substance. Use a special brush or cleansing,
    • dry design,
    • be sure to rinse your mouth and wipe your gums with a tissue,
    • apply glue to a dry prosthesis in a recess along the entire length,
    • apply the product strictly along the lines indicated in the instructions,
    • put on the prosthesis, close the jaw tightly for a few seconds,
    • you can not drink and eat for 20 minutes,
    • if by evening the prosthesis is still securely held, do not remove it at night. Just use less glue next time,
    • store the product in a well-closed container.

    What is the best adhesive cream for dentures? We offer you an overview of the best tools.


    Corega has a comfortable tip.

    Corega glue for dentures can be bought at any pharmacy chain. The glue contains paraffin, gum, zinc, petrolatum, all components are safe for health. The product is of two types:

    • strong fixation,
    • refreshing.

    The price of glue is about $ 2.5. It provides reliable fixation of the product in the oral cavity for 24 hours, prevents food residues from getting under the product, and reduces the risk of developing the oral mucosa.

    A convenient plastic tip makes it possible to accurately apply the product to the structure.


    Glue Protefix for dentures costs from 4 to 6 $. The tool provides reliable fixation of the structure for at least 10-12 hours. There are three types: hypoallergenic without dyes and fragrances, as well as with aloe and mint components.


    Fittident denture adhesive costs between $2.5 and $3.5. This is a quality product, but in people with hypersensitivity, it can cause a burning sensation and tingling in the gums. To avoid discomfort, it is necessary to let the glue dry a little on the prosthesis itself, and only then put it on.

    The president

    Fixing agent President costs about $2.7 - $3.5. After application, it forms a dense film that prevents food particles from getting under the base of the prosthesis. Contains fragrances and vaseline. Fixation may be loosened when hot food is taken.


    The Lacalut tool costs about $3.8 - $5.7. High quality product from a German manufacturer. Provides secure hold for 24 hours. Forms a thin layer between the mucosa and the prosthesis, which protects the tissues of the oral cavity from rubbing and the development of irritation and inflammation.

    forest balm

    Denture Adhesive Forest Balsam is suitable for full and partial removable restorations. Provides excellent fixation even during meals. As part of an anti-inflammatory complex of natural ingredients: rosehip oil and chamomile relieve inflammation and swelling.

    The tube has a narrow spout, with which you can conveniently dose the product. The price is about $2.


    Rocks is an adhesive for dentures co-produced by Russia and Switzerland. Price - from $ 3.7. Fixation - about 12 hours. The product can be used for fixation of removable constructions and crowns. This is an economical product, one package lasts for 2 months. Does not contain artificial colors, maintains fresh breath.

    A beautiful smile is an attribute of any modern person. It is she who attracts attention, fascinates and disarms. But no one is immune from such an incident as a crown falling out, as a result of which our smile loses its former attractiveness. Often such situations happen at the most inopportune moment, when it is not possible to immediately visit the dentist. In this case, we are wondering how to stick a crown on a tooth at home, and we are looking for various options and ways to solve the problem.

    Causes of a tooth crown falling out

    Before looking for ways to glue a temporary prosthesis, let's figure out why it fell out. There may be several reasons for this:

    • solid and viscous food (chewing sweets, nuts);
    • the end of the service life of the cement on which the crown was previously glued;
    • the habit of chewing hard objects (pens, pencils);
    • the formation of deposits on the edges of the crown;
    • low teeth that do not allow the crown to be well fixed. (Specialists eliminate this drawback by using special resins in their work).

    The crown fell out, what to do

    The first step is to call the dental clinic, describe the situation and ask for an appointment as soon as possible. It is advisable to visit the dentist within a week after the incident. In order not to be complex in front of others at this time because of a hole in the dentition, consider options for how to glue a dental crown at home. The easiest way is to use a special dental adhesive, which is sold in pharmacies. Before using it, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures, namely:

    • thoroughly clean the surface of the tooth and crown from food debris;
    • dry them with sterile gauze;

    Apply glue or cement to the inside of the temporary denture and fix it to the tooth.

    Attention! A fallen crown can only be glued with glue that is specifically designed for this. The use of moment glue or any other household glue for the same purpose is unsafe and can lead to unpleasant consequences, including poisoning. Therefore, be careful!

    Which glue to choose

    To temporarily fix the crown on the tooth, it is best to use an adhesive designed specifically for dentures. A layer of such glue forms a so-called layer between the tooth, crown, and gum, thereby tightly sticking the artificial part to the tooth. Thus, the prosthesis will be comfortably and securely fixed in the oral cavity, which will allow you to forget about the problem for a while and enjoy life.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    Pharmacy glue for dental crowns will not be able to completely replace professional dentures, but it will definitely save the situation. Such a home "treatment" is enough for about two weeks. Self-gluing the crown will not only prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, but also protect the tooth from destruction.

    How to choose and use crown glue correctly

    Specialists in the field of dentistry use a variety of adhesives. For removable dental structures, such as a bridge, an adhesive mass is used that remains elastic throughout the day. In addition to the fact that such a tool will help to securely fix even a broken bridge, it has an antibacterial and refreshing property. The action of the aforementioned mass for fixing the bridge lasts no more than a day. Therefore, gluing a tooth for a long time with its help will not work.

    To obtain a longer effect, it is necessary to resort to the use of cement compositions. They allow you to securely fix the dental crown and perform a fixing function for about two weeks.

    Cement for teeth can be of the most varied consistency. From thick to liquid.

    About the choice of glue:

    Advice. Liquid cement for fixing the crown should be used less than thick and semi-liquid.

    Dental cement purchased at a pharmacy can be of great help to you at a time when there is no way to get professional help. One has only to remember one rule - all actions for gluing the crown must be carried out according to the instructions for the preparation. Before applying the adhesive, make sure that both the tooth and the crown are clean and completely dry. Residual moisture will prevent good adhesion of materials, so all efforts aimed at restoring the integrity of the tooth will be in vain. If you are serious about solving the problem, you can get the expected result. In order to save it for some time, it is necessary to exclude the load on the "affected" tooth and carefully carry out oral hygiene.

    Consequences of using pharmacy cement

    Were you glad that you managed to glue the crown on your own with glue and think that now it will serve you for a long time? - You are deeply mistaken. Means purchased at a pharmacy will provide you with only a temporary effect. The threat of re-falling out of the prosthesis remains. In addition, you can swallow a dental crown at any time, which can be completely unsafe. Therefore, remember this and do all the steps to restore the integrity of the tooth carefully.

    The dental cement used to bond the prosthesis contains zinc. This chemical element in small quantities is not capable of harming your health. But if zinc enters the blood regularly (with frequent use of dental glue), then a pathology such as copper deficiency may develop as a result.

    Pharmaceutical cement (click to enlarge)

    This disorder is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

    • nausea;
    • increased fatigue;
    • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
    • pain in the abdomen;
    • graying of hair;
    • baldness.

    When observing the above phenomena, it is urgent to stop using dental cement and seek help from specialists.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that if the embarrassment with a fallen crown touched you, do not despair. It is also not necessary to rush to extremes and use the most ridiculous methods of attaching a crown (on chewing gum or super glue). Calm down and take a breath. There is nothing to worry about in this situation. Get ready and go to the pharmacy for dental cement. You will probably be offered not one, but even several options for glue for prostheses, different in composition and cost. So the choice is yours. Use the denture adhesive of your choice as described in the instructions, and your smile will still be beautiful and charming!