Factor analysis of output

An analysis of the influence of individual factors on labor productivity can also be carried out using a different method, i.e. calculate the impact of technical and economic factors on the average annual output of one worker (increasing the technical level of production, improving management, organizing production and labor, changing the volume and structure of products, industry and other factors).

In fact, the effect of the action of one or another technical and economic factor on the growth of labor productivity is determined by calculating the relative savings in the number of employees.

Analytical calculations are carried out in the following sequence:

1. The actual relative release of the number of industrial and production personnel is determined in comparison with the previous reporting period under the influence of all factors affecting labor productivity, as follows:

where - the average number of production personnel according to the report; - the volume of production according to the report; - average annual output per worker in the previous reporting period, rub.; - the estimated number of industrial and production personnel, determined as a ratio to or as the product of the average number of personnel for the previous reporting period and the growth rate of the volume of production according to the report compared to the previous reporting period.

To eliminate the impact of changes in contract prices, it is advisable to make calculations based on output and labor productivity in physical terms.

Printing house = 784.8 mln. kr.-ott., \u003d 897.5 million accounts. kr.-ott., - 962 people, = 0.816 million uch.kr.-ott. Hence, the estimated number of employees will be 1100 people. (897.5 / 0.816), and the relative savings - 138 people. (962-1100 or 962 - (897.5 / 0.816)).

2. The influence of technical and economic factors on the growth of labor productivity is calculated by determining the relative release of labor. At the same time, the calculations must be performed in a certain sequence in order to eliminate the double account of savings in the number of personnel. Materials of the reporting period preceding the analyzed one are used as basic data.

First of all, the relative savings in the number of employees are determined in connection with an increase in the technical level of production based on the mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of advanced technology, the modernization of existing equipment, the introduction of new, more efficient types of materials, the improvement of product quality, etc.

The relative release of workers due to a decrease in the labor intensity of products as a result of measures to improve the technical level of production can be determined by the formula

where, - labor costs per unit of output, respectively, before and after the implementation of the measure, standard-hour, person-hour; - the actual volume of output in physical terms; - duration of this measure in the reporting year, months; - the budget of working time of one worker in the previous (base) period, h; - coefficient of fulfillment of production norms in the previous (base) period.

The relative release of labor force can also be determined by another formula:

where is a decrease in the labor intensity of products as a result of measures to improve the technical level of production (%), determined by the formula, is the percentage of growth in labor productivity; - coefficient taking into account the period of action of this measure in the reporting period, defined as the ratio of the number of months of the action of this measure to 12; - distribution coefficient of this measure, which characterizes the proportion of workers employed in a given area (equipment), where the measure is implemented, in the total number of employees P, i.e. .

The savings of workers due to the increase in the productivity of equipment (new or modernized in comparison with the existing one) can be determined by the formula

where W is the total number of pieces of equipment; - the number of units of equipment that is not subject to technical improvement (modernization) or replacement; - the number of units of newly introduced or modernized equipment; - average productivity growth of new and modernized equipment in comparison with the existing one, %; - duration of the activity.

For example, as a result of improving the technology of manufacturing photoforms, the labor intensity of one form has decreased by 2 standard hours. During the reporting period, 7436 of them were manufactured. The measure was implemented in March, i.e. the action coefficient is 0.75 (9/12), the time budget of one worker is 1738 hours. Hence, the relative release of workers will be 6.4 people. ((2x7436x0.75)/1738)

The relative savings in the number of industrial and production personnel due to the growth in production volume is due to the fact that the number of auxiliary workers and employees, i.e. of all categories of workers, except for the main production workers, increases to a lesser extent than the volume of production. The savings in numbers under the influence of this factor is calculated by the formula

where - the number of industrial and production personnel, except for the main production workers, in the base period; - increase in the volume of production in the reporting period,%; - the percentage increase in the number of industrial and production personnel, except for the main production workers, due to the growth in production volume.

In the printing house, the number of auxiliary workers and other categories of employees in the previous reporting period was 542 people. With an increase in the volume of production in physical terms by 103.5% according to the report compared to the previous year, the number of personnel, except for the main production workers, decreased by 10.5%.

Thus, due to the growth in production volume and the decrease in other categories of personnel, except for the main workers, the relative savings amounted to 75.8 people.

A significant impact on the level of productivity of one worker is exerted by changes in the structure of output. This is due to the different complexity of individual types of products. Therefore, an increase in the share of products with a higher labor intensity in its total volume requires additional labor costs, and a decrease provides additional savings. The savings of workers due to the influence of this factor is determined by comparing the average labor intensity of products of the reporting and previous periods in the same units of specific labor intensity (the number of standard hours or the average number of workers per unit of output in value terms).

This uses the formula

where - the share of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel in the previous reporting period; - average labor costs (number of workers) per 1000 rubles. products according to the report; - the same as in the previous reporting period.

In the previous period, for 1000 kr.-ott. accounted for 0.19 people, and in the reporting year - 0.2 people. Hence, due to the increase in the production of more labor-intensive products (books and magazines, art publications), the printing house needed 43.6 people working. more than in the previous period:

4. After the influence of the factors included in the groups "Improving the technical level of production" and "Changing the volume and structure of production" is established, the savings in the number of employees in connection with the improvement of management, organization of production and labor are determined. This includes measures to enlarge workshops, improve the structure and management scheme, increase production standards and service standards, reduce losses in working time, reduce the number of workers who do not meet production standards, reduce losses from marriage, etc.

The headcount savings as a result of improving production management is calculated by comparing the headcount of the management apparatus in the previous reporting year and the reporting period, taking into account the timing of the implementation of measures according to the formula

In connection with the improvement of production management in the printing house, 6 people were released. The deadline for the implementation of the event is June, i.e. = 6/12 = 0.5. From here \u003d 6x0.5 \u003d 3 people.

To calculate the savings in headcount due to an increase in production standards and service standards, the formula

where - the number of pieces of equipment according to the report, on which the service standards were increased; , - the rate of service in the previous and reporting periods, respectively.

It is important to determine the savings in the number of personnel in connection with the introduction of technically sound norms instead of experimental statistical ones, as well as in connection with the revision of outdated production norms (time) on the basis of carrying out measures for NOT.

The release of the number of employees under the influence of this factor can be determined by the formula given on p. 272, if there is evidence of a reduction in labor intensity, or according to the formula

where - savings in numbers as a result of increasing production rates, people; - increase in production rates as a result of the implementation of measures for the implementation of NOT,%; - the share of piecework workers in the number of industrial and production personnel in the base period; - estimated number, i.e. number per actual volume of production based on the output of one worker in the base period; - change in the number under the influence of all groups of factors, minus the savings in the number of employees.

An increase in the useful fund of working time per worker is an important factor in the growth of labor productivity. This is facilitated by the improvement of working conditions and medical care, the improvement of material and technical supply, the strengthening of labor discipline and other measures. The release of the number of employees by reducing the loss of working time is calculated by the formula

where - the number of days (hours) worked by one worker according to the report on average; - the same, in the base period; - the share of workers in the base period in the total number of industrial and production personnel.

In the reporting year, each worker of the printing house worked an average of 216.2 days, excluding work on weekends and holidays, and in the previous year - 207.1 days. In the total number of production personnel, the share of workers amounted to 0.7925 (see Table 10.2). Hence, the relative decrease in the number of personnel due to the increase in the useful fund of the worker is 33.7 people:

\u003d (207.1 - 216.2 / 216.2)x0.7925x (1100 - 6.4 - 75.8 + 43.6 - 3) \u003d -0.04x0.7925x1058.4 \u003d -33.6 people.

To determine the savings in headcount due to the reduction of intra-shift downtime, the formula is used

where - intra-shift downtime in the previous reporting period,%; - the same in the reporting period.

It is necessary to determine the savings in the number of employees in connection with the reduction of irrational costs of working time caused by the presence of marriage, deviations from normal conditions, etc. To do this, use the formula

where - losses from marriage as a percentage of the production cost of marketable products according to the report for the previous period; - the same, in the reporting period; - the average number of workers in the previous period.

Similarly, the effect of a change in time losses due to the presence of deviations from normal conditions is calculated.

At the end of the calculation of the influence of individual technical and economic factors on the number of industrial and production personnel, a summary table is compiled (Table 10.6), which also reflects the change in labor productivity due to each technical and economic factor, calculated by the formulas:

where is the change in labor productivity due to the technical and economic factor i; - the same, due to all factors, i.e. i=1,2,…, n; - change in the number due to the i-th technical and economic factor; - the estimated number of industrial and production personnel.

Table 10.6

Influence of technical and economic factors on labor productivity

Technical and economic factors

Relative economy, pers.

Increase (+), decrease (-) in labor productivity growth

1. Increasing the technical level of production
improvement of photoform manufacturing technology
other events

2. Change in the volume and structure of products
production volume
product structures


3. Improving the organization of management, organization of production and labor
improvement of the management structure
improved use of working time
other events

In table. 10.6 shows data only for those activities for which calculations were made. It is important that the release (increase) of workers is determined by the maximum number of activities that affect labor productivity.