Sketches of lion tattoos for men. The meaning of the lion tattoo. Lion with clock

Lion shoulder tattoo

A lion. Tattoos have long ceased to be perceived as something near criminal. In society, there is an interest in symbolism, various national styles, trends in art that are used in tattoos.

Modern trends do not have specific vectors, but animalism remains a constant classic (wolves, foxes, birds).

The meaning of the lion tattoo

If in the past drawings with panthers were popular from cats, now the popularity is for the “lion tattoo”. Like a drawing, animals have their own inner meaning, and the meaning depends entirely on the drawing.

Much depends on the posture of the animal, the style of performance, location. The king of animals personifies power, strength, the animal symbolizes power, protection, nobility, justice.

The most common sketches and their meaning:

  • a calm animal in a sitting pose or only a head means real strength, confidence inside the owner;
  • a growling beast is a calm person who, in an extreme situation, can protect himself and others;
  • the animal in the attack symbolizes aggressiveness, the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • the king of beasts in battle is the willingness to fight for what is dear and close;
  • a calm animal, along with other weaker animals, means the desire for peace with inner strength;
  • lioness tattoo is a symbol of motherhood and at the same time success, independence.

Separately, there are religious, esoteric, tattoos of the zodiac sign Leo. So an animal with wings means the union of the elements of air and earth.

Women's tattoos with a lion

Although it is classically believed that a tattoo with this animal is a prerogative. However, even in women, with the correct semantic content and stylization, the drawing does not cause dissonance. As a rule, girls choose sketches that are less aggressive, with a hint of motherhood or completely cartoonish. The most popular options are:

  • lioness - as mentioned above, symbolizes maternal instincts with strength and independence;
  • lion cubs most often personify the children of a woman or the desire to have them;
  • the head of an animal with Indian-style feathers looks more majestic;
  • in combination with flowers, rather a visual relief of the power of the beast;
  • a lion couple is most often a symbol of a strong and strong family.

Women often choose sketches that are less brutal and noticeable. Most of the models are the head of the king of animals in various styles, lion cubs or cartoon characters like Simba.

Lion tattoos for men

For the stronger sex, the drawing with the king of beasts is a symbol:

  • courage
  • nobility
  • fair strength.

There are many varieties, both in size and style.

The most popular is the head, which is performed in profile, front or three-quarters. The most common is the direct gaze of the king of beasts, which means strength controlled by calmness, reason. But the drawing with a grin speaks of a constant readiness to rush into battle.

lion tattoo on chest

It makes no sense to list all the options for sketches, since their number tends to infinity. Full-back paintings with prairies, nature or black and white minimalism on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin are possible. It is better to contact the master and, together with your idea, develop an individual work.

Popular plots and styles of lion tattoo

Most of those who want a tattoo with the king of beasts stop at the style of realism.

Tattoos with high-quality work of the master will look like alive. In addition, the beast can be placed in the scene if there is enough skin surface. The latest trend is geometric style tattoos, where the king of beasts is formed from various elements, creating a mesmerizing picture.

The second most popular sketch is a lion with a crown. Previously, such a tattoo was considered criminal. In fact, the meaning of a tattoo with a crown (no matter who) is the strengthening of the symbol (this is nobility, authority, greatness).

Tattoos with characters from the cartoon "The Lion King" (Simba, Mufasa, Kiara) have become popular. They carry the same meaning as works in the style of realism, but on a woman they look much prettier.

cartoon characters tattoo

The network has a huge number of sketches of tattoos with a lion. Choose any style, direction, location, size. But it is important to understand that an example is just an example.

Together with the wizard, create your own drawing by combining several options (for example, stylize sketches with a crown in geometry or tribal). And it’s better to draw a tattoo from scratch, telling your ideas.

Places of application, photo of a lion tattoo

After the decision to inflict the king of beasts on himself, the question remains - with which part of the body the master will work. In the case of men, there are no problems - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe male body allows you to apply work of almost any size. The lion's head often becomes an element of the sleeve.

The king of beasts is the personification of strength and power, so many people choose him for their tattoos. The image of a predatory animal not only looks attractive on the hand and other parts of the body, but is also associated with the enormous power and energy that is transmitted by its wearer. For men and girls, lion tattoos have different meanings, which also differ depending on the characteristics of the pattern and its location.

The meaning of a lion tattoo for men

Choosing a tattoo for guys is a difficult task, as the design must emphasize their courage and have an original design. The lion is a symbol of perseverance, strong character, wisdom and nobility. The image of the guys should be chosen based on the following features:

  • an old animal is able to emphasize a high position in society;
  • masculine strength and stamina is displayed by a well-drawn beast;
  • an animal that is distinguished by calmness, wisdom, will and the ability to defend its position, therefore, one should not depict the grin of a lion;
  • the king of beasts with a crown and other similar attributes using a red, golden or charcoal hue is depicted on the shoulder or on the chest, which indicates dominance and strength of mind;
  • a growling emotional beast becomes an ornament for strong personalities and it is customary to depict it on the forearm and wrist.

Choosing the right tattoo placement for guys is also important. Most of them prefer to place the pattern on the shoulder blade, on the back, on the forearm or on the leg. A large image is capable of conveying the whole meaning to the maximum, however, a miniature one will look very original. You can place it on your finger or wrist.

Important! The meaning of a tattoo for men is different in prison, so check it out so that you don’t make a mistake in choosing an image.

The meaning of a lion tattoo for girls

A lion tattoo for women has similar meanings. This animal is distinguished not only by a strong character, but also by grace. For girls, it is very important to acquire this quality along with the image. The symbol also has the following meaning:

  • the drawing located in the neck area symbolizes tenderness and vulnerability;
  • the image of the beast next to the ear testifies to the playfulness of the personality;
  • the grin of a lion for girls means a desire to demonstrate power and strong character;
  • the combination of several animals at the same time emphasizes the desire for peace and harmony.

Most women prefer to place the pattern on the shoulder blade or on the shoulder so that the master can fully demonstrate it to others. Ideal areas also become the wrist and neck area. If you want to place a symbol on the back, you should think carefully, as the animal should look aesthetically pleasing. This place is suitable for fragile girls to give them self-confidence. Unlike men, women do not place this design on their chests, but often choose under the breasts as an alternative. You can make a miniature drawing on a finger or on a leg, but for a master it will be a very difficult and painstaking work.

Note! For girls, a lion tattoo also means wisdom, regardless of location.

The meaning of the lion tattoo on the zone

The lion tattoo on the zone is considered differently and its meaning is quite controversial. According to "experienced" people, those who are embittered at the police inflict such an image in prison on their bodies. A person with such a tattoo in prison must deny authority and law, as well as refrain from work and perform other actions that emphasize his relationship with higher authorities.

In addition, the symbol may indicate the presence of failures since childhood. In general, such convicts are treated extremely negatively in the zone. This means that it is not recommended to apply such drawings for men to your body if there is a possibility of imprisonment.

Meaning of lion with other elements

When deciphering the meaning of the symbol, it is important to consider not only the type of animal, but also other features. Check out the meaning of the tattoo with other elements.

Lion with a crown

An animal with a crown becomes a symbol of power, strength of character and perseverance. Men and women, seeking to emphasize these qualities in themselves, often depict the king of beasts with a crown on his head. This can be done on the shoulder, on the chest and on the forearm. In these places, a lion with a crown will look as attractive and appropriate as possible. Please note that it is also important for women to choose a pattern with a crown if they want to emphasize their strength and authority.

lion grin

The grin of a lion becomes another option for applying a tattoo. An aggressive animal emphasizes the assertiveness of its owner, his desire to choose a better society. Choosing the grin of a lion is recommended for cautious and self-confident individuals. It is preferable to place the lion's grin on the shoulder or shoulder blade.

lion head

In most cases, it is the head of a lion that is chosen for tattoos. Thus, the masters can convey the maximum of the emotions of the animal. The head of a lion can be depicted using an extensive range of colors, have a different size and location. Those who think that the head of a lion is not suitable can depict the animal in full.

Lion with open mouth

An open-mouthed beast is often applied to the body to emphasize the power and dominance of its owner. An animal with an open mouth testifies and challenge others. Posting a drawing of a lion with an open mouth is preferred by strong personalities with leadership qualities.

roaring lion

Roaring Beast King becomes the best choice for those who strive for victory and do not stop in the face of difficulties. The owner of such a tattoo demonstrates his desire for battle and steadfastness. The growling predator will look perfect on the back, shoulder and forearm.

Lion and lioness

If the image is a lion and a lioness, this indicates unity and care for loved ones. The meaning of the tattoo may also differ depending on the emotions that the master conveys. The lioness alone is often placed by women, as it means family wisdom, feminine strength and maternal feelings. If the lion and the lioness are turned away from each other, this indicates the independence of the person.

Lion with wings

The lion with wings is a symbol of the desire for freedom. In addition, animals with wings combine the elements of earth and air. The image of a lion with wings can be placed on the back and other parts of the body.

Lion in a triangle

The lion in the triangle symbolizes the unity of the physical body, soul and mind. By enclosing the lion in a triangle, a person manages to make the meaning of the symbol infinite. The image of a lion in a triangle is mysterious and interesting. You can place it on the leg, on the finger, lower back and neck.

Lion with flowers

The image of a lion with flowers has a deep meaning. To create a picture, you can choose an animal with a rose, which will mean eternal life and joy. In general, the animal with flowers will become a symbol of life, rebirth and glory. When choosing a tattoo with flowers, it is worth considering that it will suit some with a rose, while others will not. The original solution would be to create a tattoo with a black rose.

constellation lion

Many people also choose the Leo constellation for tattoos. Depicting this constellation, people want to emphasize strength and generosity. The constellation Leo also symbolizes arrogance. Having become acquainted with the meanings of a lion tattoo, everyone can decorate their body with images that perfectly emphasize their character.

Other lion tattoos

If you make a tattoo meaningfully, then it should have a special meaning for you, so before applying the drawing, you need to explain it in detail. What will the lion mean?

A bit of history

In general, images of a lion on the body are very popular, because this animal was found in almost all cultures, countries and civilizations, for example, in Buddhism, paganism, Chinese legends and so on.

And since ancient times, such an animal has been considered incredibly strong, the king of all animals, so almost always it symbolized power, strength, courage. For example, in the Middle Ages, many people used the lion as a symbol of a clan, family, or knightly order. And today the meaning has not changed much, but has acquired some new extended interpretations.

Is this tattoo suitable for everyone?

Who would like a lion tattoo? In general, it is ideal for a man, because the lion is a symbol of courage, masculinity, strength. But if a girl really wants to make such a tattoo, then it is advisable for her to choose the image of a lioness, it carries a softer, but at the same time very strong energy.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

In principle, you can choose any place to apply such a drawing, but if you put a special meaning into a tattoo and want it to change you and your life, then you should approach the choice of a body part responsibly.

Most often, such tattoos are made on the arm, and on the left, as it is located closer to the heart and, therefore, closer to the soul. You can apply a pattern on the forearm or shoulder.

Another suitable area is the chest, preferably the left one, then you will literally make a symbolic imprint on your heart. If you want the image to remain almost invisible and not conspicuous, then place it on the back, namely on the shoulder blade.

Some get a lion tattoo in other places, for example, on a finger, and this is also allowed. But it is not recommended to choose intimate places for drawing, since it is not worth hiding the symbol and impersonating it with something forbidden.

The legs are not very suitable either, because, firstly, there is no truth in them (remember the famous saying), and secondly, they have long been considered not the most important or even dirty part of the body.

What does such a tattoo mean?

The meaning of the tattoo will depend on what is specifically depicted.

Some interpretations:

  • The lion in a broad sense symbolizes strength, power, power, courage, power, courage, justice, nobility, and also the law.
  • If the lion in the image is calm, that is, for example, sits or lies and is in a peaceful state, then this means that the bearer of such a tattoo is absolutely confident in himself and knows for sure that he can stand up for himself and his loved ones. He won't prove power, that's not his style.
  • If a lion fights with someone or takes a fighting stance, then the owner of such an image is always ready to fight and fight to the end for what he believes in and for the one he loves and appreciates.
  • If the lion opened its mouth and roars, then this may symbolize the desire to make its power and power known, to tell everyone about them. This is a kind of cry thrown to others and society.
  • If a lion is depicted with a weaker animal, then this may mean that the owner of the tattoo strives for peace and does not intend to offend the weak.
  • A beautiful lion tattoo can mean that a person wants to earn respect and prove his status in society.
  • In Buddhism, such an animal is considered a symbol of good luck, enlightenment, wisdom, progress and justice.
  • In Islam, the lion has long been known as a protector from evil.
  • If a lion is depicted with wings, then this may be a symbol of the desire for freedom, the union of two elements: air and earth.
  • If two lions are depicted, turned away from each other, then this may be the personification of the separation and differentiation of the future and the past, their independence.
  • In African cultures, this animal is considered both a creator and a destroyer, that is, it symbolizes all-encompassing power, special powers.
  • The red lion is a strong masculine principle, probably a symbol of aggression.
  • If the lion is the zodiac sign of the owner of the tattoo, then such an image will help enhance all the best qualities, achieve complete harmony.
  • In ancient Egypt, such an animal was a symbol of not only power, but also balance, so this drawing can help achieve perfection, become better, develop.
  • If a girl chose a tattoo depicting a lioness, then this means that she is the guardian of the hearth, a good mother and protector of her children. This is the personification of female strength and energy, maternal feelings and instincts, devotion to her man, family wisdom.
  • If a lion cub is depicted, then this may mean that the owner of the tattoo is in a state of constant development and self-improvement, he is accumulating strength.
  • The lion is often depicted with a crown. He in itself is a symbol of royalty and greatness, and the crown only emphasizes his power and power, strengthens them.
  • Such a tattoo can become a kind of amulet or talisman, a protector from evil forces and the intrigues of enemies.
  • The lion can be associated with the desire to win, willpower, so professional athletes often choose such images.
  • In some cultures, such a beast is personified with rebirth, steadfastness.

Image selection

How to choose the right tattoo? You can see examples presented in the catalogs of tattoo artists. Photos of finished tattoos will also help you find something worthwhile. But still, you should not completely copy the drawings, because, firstly, they already flaunt on other bodies.

Secondly, a special meaning should be invested in the wearable pattern, so it is better to create it yourself. Of course, not everyone knows how to draw, so it is better to seek help from a professional artist or at least a talented amateur.

The lion can be depicted in any position, but remember that the meaning will depend on it. If you want to fully reveal all the qualities of the animal in yourself and make a truly beautiful tattoo, then let the animal be depicted in its entirety.

But then the tattoo will be extensive, otherwise the details will go unnoticed. If you just like the lion and want a small tattoo, then you can only depict the head. With a lush mane, she will look especially chic.

Carefully study all the interpretations of a lion tattoo, understand what you want and choose the right image. Only then will it acquire a special meaning for you and will serve you all your life.

The lion is the personification of royalty and power. It is no coincidence that a lion in any mythology is a king among animals, such character traits coexist in him: courage and uncompromisingness, rapacity and justice, wisdom and confidence.

What does a lion tattoo mean

Often a lion is stuffed by those who lack masculinity and strength. In this case, the tattoo becomes a symbol of courage and courage.

Dominance in the pride, leadership, supreme power, uncompromising authority - all these are the meanings of a lion tattoo.

In most peoples of the world, the lion is associated with nobility. The king of animals causes respect and shudder not only in the animal world, but also among people. As a totem, the lion symbolized strength and power. All cultures, peoples and religions recognize the greatness of the lion, and therefore the tattoo with this magnificent animal has no negative meanings.

Lion tattoo with crown

Such a tattoo is an application for a regal position. The crown, a symbol of real power, along with the royal animal, enhances its meaning. Such a tattoo is always a symbol of leadership, strength, power and might. Also, such a sketch symbolizes respect for the father, his reverence and favor in front of the father's figure.

Regardless of where such a tattoo is located, a lion with a crown is always a symbol of power, real or desired, depends on the owner.

Lion tattoo with grin

A grinning lion does not mean aggression, as one might think. A lion with a grin, on the contrary, symbolizes the calm and quiet disposition of a person until the moment he is pissed off. Then the whole animal essence can break free.

The grin of a lion also means the struggle for justice, the protection of the weak and the lack of obedience to fate and people.

The person who gets such a tattoo knows that everyone has a dark side, but shows it only in extraordinary circumstances.

Lion tattoo on the arm, on the shoulder

Most often, a lion tattoo is applied to the shoulder or arm. This is symbolic, because hands have always been associated with strength, and this is the main quality of the king of beasts.

The lion tattoo on the shoulder looks organic and stylish. It always demonstrates the strength and confidence of its owner, leadership qualities, authority and conservatism.

A lion on a hand is a desire to possess all the qualities of a lion. Usually, such a tattoo is applied to the arm by those who lack courage and leadership qualities.

No matter where the lion tattoo is located, it is always a demonstration of personal strength, freedom of spirit and faith in oneself.

Lion tattoo on the zone

In prison symbolism, the lion means unconditional power. Zone authorities stuff a tattoo with the king of beasts on their chest. Authority, leadership, respect and reverence - the meaning of such a tattoo in the prison world.

If the sketch is accompanied by books, then this is a symbol of the fact that a person is distinguished by wisdom, personifies strength and power.