Decoupage cutting board, surface aging. Decoupage master class: decorating kitchen boards Do-it-yourself kitchen board decoupage

Any creative process is always fascinating in itself. If you want to create a unique decorative item for your home with your own hands or make a gift for a loved one, then a beautiful decoupage of a wooden cutting board will be the most suitable option.

Materials for decoupage boards

Using decoupage technique, it is possible to create truly unique things that will be distinguished by their individuality and originality. When answering the question of how to make decoupage boards with your own hands, you should first mention all the necessary materials for this process.

Any novice master should purchase a set of tools in the form of:

  • the wooden board itself (by the way, you can use a used item that will become new after registration);
  • glue: both special decoupage glue and ordinary PVA are selected (minus PVA is the yellowness that appears over time);
  • acrylic water-based varnish - sold in stores building and finishing materials. If the board is decorative, any lacquer is suitable, if in the future it is used in everyday life, it is worth choosing a yacht or parquet type of lacquer that has improved performance properties;
  • acrylic snow-white paint;
  • acrylic paints for artistic painting of different colors;
  • napkins or any images you like (magazine clippings, printed pictures, etc.);
  • scissors, brushes, sponges, sandpaper.

Stages of creating a decoupage cutting board

Thanks to a detailed decoupage master class, the process of creating a unique beautiful board for the kitchen will not become something complicated. All work will take about 2-3 days. Working with wood is pleasant and convenient.

As a picture for a board, you can use themed drawings in the form of vegetables, fruits, dishes, or choose original unusual images: a world map, a chessboard, a newspaper page, etc.

Step-by-step decoupage for beginners includes several main steps:

  • Sanding the workpiece.
  • Ground surface grinding.
  • Pasting the image on the board.
  • Product varnishing.

Decoupage the board with napkins

Following the instructions for decoupage of a cutting board, you will be able to get a high-quality original piece of furniture. For decoupage, you can choose any multilayer napkins. Only the top thin layer should be transferred to the board.

So, the decoupage process begins with the preparation of the board. An even wooden product is covered with the first layer of acrylic paint with a brush along the fibers. If during the process the wood fibers begin to separate from moisture, then after drying they must be sanded.

After the first layer has dried, a second one is applied, but with a sponge, so that no streaks are visible. Again, everything dries well. To speed up the process, you can connect a hot air dryer.

When the product is completely dry (about 24 hours), you can proceed to the imposition of a fragment of a napkin with a pattern. Before this, the desired pattern should be carefully torn out of the napkin. You can transfer the napkin to the surface of the board in several ways (wet, dry), the main thing is that there are no wrinkles and air bubbles.

For beginners, the dry method is suitable: the prepared fragment is applied to the board and, using a brush dipped in an adhesive solution, begins to gently stick. In this case, you should not rush, so as not to tear the napkin.

If the folds are still formed, then you can smooth them out with an ordinary spoon or a rubberized roller. After removing all wrinkles and bubbles, you can leave the product to dry.

After the workpiece has dried, it is time to draw the contours of the image. Also, using colored acrylic paints and a sponge, you can create blurry edges. To do this, with wet movements, the paint is applied with a sponge to the right places.

The “splash” on the surface looks very impressive, as in the photo of the decoupage of the cutting board. To create such an effect, an ordinary toothbrush is dipped in the paint of the desired shade and, after running a finger over it, the droplets scatter over the surface.

As soon as the paint dries, the process of varnishing the product begins. The selected varnish is applied to the entire surface of the board in several layers, while each of them must dry well. Now the cutting board is completely ready for use as a full-fledged kitchen item.

Decoupage is considered a very budget type of creativity. It is possible to purchase all the necessary materials and tools in specialized departments of needlework, in ordinary hardware stores, and in online purchases. The main thing is to love your work and enjoy the creative process.

Photo of decoupage cutting board

Don't know where to start with a new hobby? Master class on decoupage using printout technique: cutting board for beginner craftswomen.

Printed decoupage crafts fascinate and inspire. At first glance, it seems that it is very difficult to make such beauty with your own hands, but in fact this technique is quite simple and does not require special talents and artistic abilities. We offer you a master class with a photo, in which the decoupage of a cutting board for beginners is described step by step and in an accessible way using printed images. With the finished work, you can decorate your own kitchen or give crafts to your mother, girlfriend, mother-in-law. We are sure that you will succeed!

Materials and tools for decoupage

  • board;
  • an image printed on a laser printer (for this decoupage master class with a printout, a watercolor by the artist Aleksandra Nea was taken, you can use any picture);
  • file for documents;
  • rubber roller;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • artistic acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • synthetic art brush (flat), soft bristle brush (pony), fine brush;
  • sponge or piece of foam sponge;
  • stencil;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper No. 100, 150;
  • emery foam blocks or sandpaper No. 240;
  • a bowl of water;
  • clean rag.

Surface preparation for decoration

Before starting work, be sure to sand the board with coarse sandpaper (No. 100, 150). So you even out the roughness, burrs and get rid of the dust that has eaten into the top layer of the surface.
Arrange the image harmoniously and with a pencil outline the borders that will be painted white. Cover the borders of the white background with masking tape and start painting.

With light movements, lightly driving the paint into the surface, evenly apply the first layer of white paint with a sponge (sponge) and let it dry well (1-2 hours). The paint should not be too thick, if necessary, add a little water and mix thoroughly.

If you are short on time, you can speed up the drying process with a hair dryer. The jet of air should not be too hot and do not bring the hair dryer too close - otherwise the paint may crack. But still, natural drying is preferable.

After the first coat has completely dried, apply a second and then a third coat of paint. Layers should be thin, for this do not collect too much paint on the sponge.

Remove the masking tape and sand the painted surface with fine sandpaper. When the surface is even and smooth, reattach strips of masking tape and apply 1-2 coats of acrylic lacquer with a flat synthetic brush. Let each layer dry well. Lightly polish the surface to get rid of possible small defects.

The process of implanting a printed image

Now that the preparatory steps have been completed, a very interesting process begins - the implantation of the image.

Carefully cut out the pattern, departing from the contour of 2-3 mm.

IMPORTANT! If there are inscriptions on the picture, the printout must be done in a mirror image.
Place the picture on the surface face down and in several places mark the location points with a pencil (you will need to stick the picture quickly and these guidelines will help you stick everything evenly and in the right place).

Lay the picture on the file facing you.

Apply the varnish over the entire surface with even and quick strokes so that the varnish covers the entire surface well. Remove the picture and attach it to a white background, following the guidelines previously outlined in pencil. Pressing the roller tightly, iron the entire surface so that there are no air bubbles under the picture and the motif sticks well. If excess varnish appears on the edges, gently wipe them with a soft cloth.

Now leave everything to dry for at least 5-6 hours (you can leave it overnight). When everything dries well, you can proceed to an equally important moment - removing the paper. This process is painstaking, it must be done carefully, without undue pressure.

So: pour water into a small container. Use your fingers to gently and evenly dampen the entire glued printout. Gradually roll up the paper, moistening your fingers with water again if necessary. Don't push too hard or the image layer may be damaged. When all unnecessary paper is rolled up, a bright and elegant picture will remain. On the surface, as a rule, small villi still remain, which cannot be removed without damaging the pattern, plus the convex border of the pattern is often visible.

To get rid of these defects, cover the painted surface with two layers of varnish. Gently sand the pattern, paying special attention to the edges. Repeat the procedure until the defects become almost invisible or completely disappear.

A little trick - if you slightly moisten the emery with water - the borders of the transition are aligned faster, but here it is also important not to overdo it.

When the quality of the image is satisfactory, apply two more coats of varnish and sand the entire white section well along with the pattern. In some places, you can expose the wood, make a couple of scratches with a sharp nail or scissors to give the work a slightly aged look.

If in some places the paper rolled up along with the pattern, carefully paint on the problem areas with a thin brush. Finally, apply another layer of varnish.

Now you can start decorating the top and bottom of the board. Immediately paint over the hole in the board with a dark green color, make a golden rim with a small brush.

Start painting the surface. To do this, you need the main colors that are in the picture - dark green, blue, yellow, brown, white. Tinting paint must be transparent, for this it must be well diluted with water.

With a soft watercolor brush, paint over the surface and end parts of the board, blot the excess with a soft cloth.

Apply the next color after the previous layer has dried. Try to create smooth transitions, gently shade the paint. With masking tape, mark the places for edging. With a hard brush or sponge, apply dark green paint, then a little gold. Paint the end parts with gold paint diluted with water. If desired, you can decorate the work with a fragment of a stencil.

Now that the main steps have been completed, carefully inspect the board. If paint has flowed onto the reverse side, carefully sand the surface (the work should be beautiful from all sides).

Start varnishing. Before applying each layer, do not forget to stir the varnish. After applying a layer of varnish, rinse the brush thoroughly with running water. Apply up to 10 coats of lacquer to the work with intermediate sanding after 2-3 coats.

Apply varnish in the direction of the fibers of the board, make sure that there are no streaks. When the surface is smooth and even, apply a final coat of varnish.

Prepared a step-by-step master class on decoupage of a cutting board with a photo Natalya Guseva, especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies". Find a hobby to your liking in the huge! If you want to master decoupage with napkins and cards, then make a plate.

Today, the use of decoupage technique has become a very fashionable trend. This is a rather original solution in order to decorate various things that have already lost their former beauty, or to bring a special flavor to the interior. This technique involves varnishing paper napkins, postcards and other things. Similar work can be done with furniture, all sorts of household appliances and even a cutting board. Do-it-yourself decoupage of the board with napkins is very simple and will not take much time if you first familiarize yourself with the basics of such creativity. We will tell you about them in this article.

What tools are needed for decoupage?

Before you start decorating the cutting board with your own hands, you should purchase all the necessary materials and tools:

  1. Chopping wooden board.
  2. Acrylic primer or white paint.
  3. Acrylic lacquer.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Paper napkin.
  6. Brushes.
  7. Foam sponge.
  8. Sandpaper (zero).

All of the listed materials must be bought in order to get a beautiful composition.

What does a beginner need to know before decoupage boards?

If you have just learned about such creativity and want to try yourself in this direction, you need to consider several important rules that are typical for decoupage techniques:

  • Initially, it is necessary to properly sand the surface of the plank.
  • Then you need to treat it with a primer.
  • Next, apply white acrylic paint.
  • Any desired pattern is applied.
  • The surface of the cutting board is varnished.
  • After varnishing, each layer is sanded.

What should be napkins?

In this technique, only the top layer of the napkin is used, on which the pattern is depicted. The use of one layer provides a high-quality and reliable fit to the decorated structure.

Consider the main types of napkins used for decoupage:

  1. Special paper napkins, size 33 * 33 cm. They can be purchased at a special store for needlework.
  2. Ordinary three-layer napkins with a pattern. They can be purchased at any store. By the way, they are pretty cheap.
  3. Paper handkerchiefs are denser, as they consist of four layers. Sold in a package.

Important! In order to make the line of the drawing clearer, the necessary parts are cut out of a paper handkerchief, and the background is tinted with a suitable shade of paint.

Methods for gluing napkins

You can stick a napkin in different ways and any of them will be correct, since each decoration process is individual:

  • With the help of an iron. To do this, you will need parchment, glue, a napkin and a do-it-yourself design for decoupage boards. We glue the paper handkerchief with glue to our base. Then cover with parchment on top and heat the surface with a hot iron. Thus, the element is quickly and evenly glued together.

Important! This method is only suitable for flat surfaces.

  • With the help of a file. Turn the napkin down on the file with a pattern. Glue and water are dripped onto the central part. Then smooth the surface of the paper pattern. Thus, the drawing lay down without irregularities and “wrinkles”.
  • With the help of a brush. A paper handkerchief is placed neatly on the surface. After that, a little water is poured into the center of the napkin and distributed over the entire area with a brush. The soft pile gently smooths out any flaws.

Important! This do-it-yourself method of decoupage boards is ideal for convex structures.

Cutting board decoration

In the decoupage technique, the use of any type of paper is allowed: newspapers, napkins, wrapping paper. But despite such wide opportunities, you need to follow the rules that will help you achieve a good result in the creative process:

  1. Printer paper is not recommended. Otherwise, the drawing depicted on it will be smeared very quickly.
  2. You should not use too thick paper, as as a result you will not get a smooth surface, and the product will not look neat.
  3. Small sharp scissors are used. Perfect for manicures.
  4. The brush should be no more than 2 centimeters wide.
  5. Any kind of varnish is applied. The main thing is that it should be acrylic based.
  6. It is best to use PVA glue diluted with water for gluing.

These little tricks will help you create wonderful, colorful work.

Original decoupage cutting boards

You can decorate the cutting board with your own hands using a wide variety of drawings. The most suitable would be images of fruits and vegetables.

Consider one of the simplest examples of decorating a wooden plank:

  1. Polish the board with sandpaper.
  2. Tape the edges of the board with duct tape to keep the paint from getting on them.
  3. Prime the surface. The movement should be as if you are pushing the primer into the fibers of the board.
  4. Paint the surface with white acrylic paint using a foam sponge.
  5. Cut out a piece of pattern from a paper handkerchief.
  6. Glue the piece to the board.
  7. Coat the surface of the board with varnish, let it dry.
  8. Paint over the background of the composition with paint that matches the color of the selected fragment.

By following a few simple steps, you can decorate a boring and inconspicuous cutting board.

Wood decoupage master class

Consider one of the most popular master classes on how to decorate a cutting board with your own hands.

You will need the following tools:

  • Board.
  • Acrylic paints - gray and white.
  • Two cysts - one large, the other - smaller.
  • Green napkin.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Candle.
  • PVA glue.
  • Sponge.
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles and a glass.

Let's start creating:

  1. We color the board with white paint using a sponge.
  2. Next, cut out the pattern pieces.
  3. We put pieces of our drawing on the dried surface, grease it with a mixture of water and glue on top.
  4. We process the edges of the board with a wax candle and apply gray paint.
  5. After that, it is necessary to apply white and gray paint to the brush, spatter with careful movements on the surface of the cutting board.
  6. We leave our work of art to dry for several hours.
  7. We cover the composition with acrylic paint.

Important! On such an amazingly beautiful board, it will be a pity to chop cabbage, so you can hang it as an interior design detail or give it to someone.

A cutting board is not such a status item, but with its help you can decorate your kitchen, give it originality. You can give this kitchen utensil to relatives or close friends, but it would be even better if you bring originality to the very look of the cutting board. In addition, a wooden plane is the best blank for decoupage, with which you can start getting acquainted with this amazing technique of implanting a picture into a surface.

For flat objects, you can use large fragments of the pattern, for example, the entire quarter of the selected napkin. And here the novice master will face a problem: it is not so easy to glue a fragment without creases, cracks, bubbles. Yes, and with finishing the background, problems may arise: for the first time, not everyone will be able to choose the right color. To avoid mistakes, you need to start with simple work.

Let's talk about decorating a cutting board using the file method (direct decoupage) without painting the background, with cutting out the background from the napkin itself.

Decoupage materials

To work, you will need the following materials and items:

  • Napkins with a large pattern (here, motifs with olive oil and a plain background for the picture are taken);
  • A wooden cutting board decorated in any technique will still be redone;
  • Sandpaper of two or three types from large to small;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue stick;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Soft brush;
  • A bowl of water;
  • cotton swab;
  • Acrylic varnish in a can.

Work order

Free the wooden cutting board from any decor. If a drawing is applied to it, like ours, then it can be sanded with sandpaper (this will take quite a long time) and then painted over (so that the drawing is not visible through white paint).

Acrylic paint paint the tree on the side where the decor will be. Try not to stain the work surface of kitchen utensils. When applying paint, it is better to use not a brush, but a sponge for washing dishes. “Stomp” with a sponge, clamped in a clothespin, along the plane of the board until there are fewer paint bubbles.

Apply 2 coats of paint in this way. After the surface has dried, it must be leveled with two types of sandpaper. For finishing grinding, you can adapt the reverse side of the sponge for washing dishes.

Now it's time to choose a napkin. Motifs depicting food, spices or drinks look best in the kitchen. Take a napkin with painted olive oil. This napkin is good because it has not only motives, but also a background.

Measure the napkin and the board, figure out where the main motive will be glued. At the same time, keep in mind that the paper stretches by 0.5 - 0.8 cm when wet, and the position of the motif will shift. Do not try to place the picture exactly in the middle, perfectionism here is not what you need. The motif itself is asymmetric, and the olive branches that extend beyond the frame will smooth out the picture not being in the middle.

Try on the central motif on the board.

The peculiarity of this craft, as already mentioned, is that the background will not be finished, but glued from fragments of the same napkin. To fill the lower part, we suggest taking the inscription "Oleum Olivarum" ("olive oil"). The challenge is: as few seams as possible. Therefore, we plan to glue the letters, aligning them along the right edge, and again not in the middle. At the same time, it is important to cut out the foliage, and gently tear the background so that it lies unnoticed on a napkin of the same color.

Attention! Glue the lower part only after the main motif has dried! The napkin that will lay down on the previous layer should have an uneven, “torn” edge for the best connection with the base. To dry the first layer, you can use a hair dryer, but not hot, but warm air (1-2 modes).

Lay the napkin, leaving only the paint layer.

Now you need to iron the napkin with an iron from the wrong side. Having got used to it, you can learn to sprinkle the paper with salt water so that the pimples that are visible on the napkin disappear when ironing.

Lay the drawing face down on the file. Drop water from the brush into its center. Pour water, smoothly leveling the napkin, expelling air bubbles from under it. Try not to touch the napkin with your hands, so as not to damage the paint layer.

As you can see in the next photo, the napkin sticks to the file. We can say that at first we did decoupage on the file in the reverse way, and then - from the file to the board - in the direct way. Drain excess water from the file on a towel.

Leave the file with the motive for a few minutes, smear the board with glue stick.

Gently place the napkin on its intended place, smooth and carefully remove the file so that the napkin does not reach for it.

In the same way - using a file - glue the bottom of the decor with the inscription.

Since there was a very small fragment at the bottom, find a suitable piece of background and glue it until the bottom part is dry. Smooth out carefully.

Pay attention to the edge: the extra napkin protrudes beyond the board. Tear off or cut it so that the edge is slightly bent to the side.

Glue the appropriate fragment on the board handle. Dry. After that, you can make a hole with a toothpick and a cotton swab.

Hello dear decoupage lovers.

It is rightly said that a wooden plank is the most practical and safest for health. So we decided at one of the creative meetings, let our boards, in addition to the above advantages, also become an adornment of our kitchen. Today in this photo master class you will see how you can make a decoupage of a cutting board with your own hands.

So, let's begin.

Materials and tools

  • blank (spruce or pine board);
  • burning tool or gas soldering iron;
  • acrylic art primer white;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • oil for processing kitchen utensils.

Let's start applying the image by implanting it into the surface.

Cover the board with a thin layer of acrylic varnish. So we prepare it for drawing the image. The surface must be smooth and non-absorbent, i.e. varnished. In this case, for implantation, we use Tikkurila Kiva Acrylic Glossy Furniture Lacquer. If not, try any other varnish that you have available.

The printout must be cut with a slight indent from the image so that a white background of approximately 5-8 mm remains.

We again cover the varnished surface with the same glossy varnish and, without waiting for drying, apply varnish to the image. We glue it with a pattern to the surface, gently smoothing it with our fingers to fix the paper on the board. We cover the printout with a file and a plastic card or a napkin, moving from the central part to the edge, we expel excess varnish.

We send the board to dry for 3-4 hours. By the way, the process can be accelerated with a hair dryer.

If everything is ready, you can proceed to the most interesting and long-awaited stage. We moisten the paper with a wet cloth or sponge and begin to roll the paper.

The process is very exciting and exciting. Our task is to roll up the entire paper layer. Do not be afraid of dirt, it can be washed off under running cool water or wiped with a damp cloth.

If everything is ready, we cover the image with acrylic matte varnish in about 3 thin layers with drying.

Voila, the board is ready. If desired, you can cover the reverse side for cutting with special oil for kitchen utensils, as we will do.

Make sure the wood surface is dry and clean before applying oil. Apply oil to the board with a brush and leave for about 20-30 minutes. If necessary, sand with 320-400 grit while wet. Then wipe off excess oil with a lint-free cloth. Upon completion of the work, polishing is recommended to improve the hardness of the coating. Maximum hardness is reached after 24 hours.

Thank you for visiting, leave comments and your ratings. Let this master class inspire you to new ideas and create such necessary accessories for the kitchen. See you again.